king of power

Chapter 888 Coloring

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Chen Li, of course, understand what this means.

This means that the federal government's financial funds are not enough, and you must find ways to increase income, and consider this is a tax adjustment measures for enterprise mergers and acquisition behavior. Many of the tax avoidance measures available, then the intention of Rosenki is not allowed: Cancel the tax concessions of these enterprises, at least the cancellation.

Taking into account the repetition and mergers of the company are simply a convenience of the United States. Even some companies are in order to avoid taxes, they are not enough, then if this is the measures to reorganize and M & A, it is already possible. I would like to know: There is no more bad news than this worse.

"I understand,"

Chen Geng Mini, whispered: "How long is it about?"

"Will not exceed half a month,"

Howard Baker said: "His President is very urgent.

in a hurry? Also, I didn't see the report of the Federal Bureau of Statistics, although I know that the US economic situation is not very good, I can have a kind of luck in my heart: Maybe it is not so bad? After the statistics of the Federal Bureau of Statistics, the last luck also cigarettes: there is no worse, only worse.

Although Li Gang classmates have only one year more than a year, it seems that it can be dragged down, but it is actually not, in his position, as long as Li Gen is still sitting on the seat of the US president, he Just try to solve this trouble, want to use "drag"

The word is dragged to the retirement, let the next handle? Do dream!

The US political system determines if you want to be lazy on this matter, there are countless people who will take whip to smoke your business.

"Half a month?"

Chen Geng Micro-slice: "I know ... What else?"

"There is no time, there is a new situation, I will keep you anymore,"

Howard Baker whispered: "Oh, there is another thing, I may not use it for a long time.

For this news revealed by Howard Baker, Chen Ming did not feel unexpectedly, "Iranian incident"

Not only let Li Genz President Wolf, is the heart of Howard Baker, who is a relatives around Li Gen, is not much smaller than Li Gen, no way, who makes him a white house? For the Director of the White House Office of the White House, the director of the White House Office, who is still in the house, does not have a pressure and resignation is really normal.

For the front Senator, the survey of the water gates have been investigated, and the famous American politicians who have served as a few leaders and majority leaders. Chen Geng not only hearts, but nowhere, there is nowhere, and knowing this guy. Lack of money, but he is still polite: "Okay, are you thinking about it?"

"I haven't considered it for the time being,"

Howard Baker said: "But I want to take a while ... Maybe go back to the university to go to the teaching is a good choice.

And "the old friend of the people of Huaxia"

Like Dr. Kissinger, Howard Baker is also a professor of university, do not want to play politics, people return to the university to teach, beautiful.


Chen Geng is polite: "If there is any need to help, open it as soon as possible ... Well, I need a national policy consultant, part-time nature, I can give you an annual salary of $ 300,000, I don't know if you Interested? "

What is a part-time national policy adviser? To put it bluntly, it is Chen Geng's look at Howard Baker in the American political altar, and how to be a sophisticated in the US politics: 1967-1985, Howard Baker has been Senate is a senator; in 1973, Howard Baker participated in the investigation of President of the Senate Committee of the Senate Council, which has been focused on the nation's image during this period, and some extent, Nixon can The water door incident is getting out, Howard Baker does not have no; after 1977, because of the outstanding political influence, it became a leader of the in-seniants of the Senate; after the 1980s general election, he became most leaders of the Senate. And even some people think that if Howard Baker does not accept the invitation of Li Gen's invitation to serve as the White House Office, he will be very likely to become a republican party whip.

What is the party whip? If the whole party is more than the flock, then the party whirrise is a shepherd who takes the whip to drive the flock to the same direction.

In the party activities, due to the main responsibility of the selection of the voters, the voting results may not necessarily be consistent with the party's opinions, the role of the party whip is to convince the adoption or obstruct it to ensure that the party members of this party are consistent. .

As for the status of the party whip in the US polit, this, in most people, the party whip is the second hand of the party, the party whip, the rights and influence of the party whisper, so if any Member I don't accept the choice within the party, the party whip even requires that the party will no longer provide support to the parliament.

Therefore, although the party whip is mainly engaged in behind the scenes, it has played an irreplaceable role. In the famous American drama "Plant House", Francis who served as a party whip is a unique advantage that he is a party whip. After the election, he turned from the party whip to the vice president. The last jumped to board the President's throne - from this point, you can imagine the influence of Howard Baker in the US politics, he is very chance to become a republican party whip People.

Once Howard Baker became Chen Geng's political consultant, he means that Howard Baker's political energy and political emphasia relationship can be used by Chen Geng. In the case of Howard Baker is the school leader of Li Gen, Chen Tong naturally Excavation, but now ... At this time, don't you take more time? A part-time national policy adviser? $ 300,000 an annual salary? Chen Geng's pricing allows Howard Baker surprised.

Of course, he knows what Chen Li looks at himself, and why give yourself so high "consultant fee"

However, this is 300,000 US dollars, whether in 1987 today, or 30 years later, 300,000 US dollars are not a small number.

"I need to consider it.

After a long silence, Howard Beck said to Chen Geng: Chen Geng's wealth, let Howard Beck have to pay special attention to the olive branches of Chen Geng.

"of course.

Chen Li smiled nodded.


Kelly Hicks had a mouthful of mouth, and the heart has already set off a wave: BOSS actually invited Mr. Howard Baker as his consultant, and Mr. Howard Beck actually refused? That is Mr. Howard Beck, is it that BOSS is so big? Although I have been staying behind Chen Geng, I know that my boss is very powerful, but the boss has been so much? .................................. "Mr. Fernandes, can work with you, is the honor of the Hilton family,"

Barron Hilton is slightly owed, with a bit of humility to Chen Geng: "Please rest assured, in Hilton Hotel, any request can be satisfied.

Yes, after a few days of thinking, Barron Hilton finally made a bold decision: he decided to participate.

Supporting him make this decision, is a more and more brilliant smile on Chen Pang face and the waiters who have robbed the traders and tray of people to Chen.

According to the convention, the hotel management, including Baren Hilton, can not travel to the two-story hotel under Chencong Pack, but it doesn't matter. As long as the Baren Hilton wants to know if Chen Mong makes money, he has a way, for example, Through the waiters who have served as Chen Geng's team to understand their trading situation.

Although he can't understand how much Chen Ming has earned it, you can give me a deal for Fairnand's trading team or provide any service, each time you can earn minimal not less than $ 200, and White Every two or three days are required to organize a number of models to open "Party" for traders and trayers.

The behavior also proved from the side: they make money, and earn a lot.


Do you ask why now the stock market can make money? My brother, now the stock market has not fallen, and it is crazy to go, but although you can't do it, you can do more, do you make more money, now do more, a big drop If you have this money, then you will get a short, how perfect!

Based on the news from the waiter and the hotel management, Barron Hilton finally made decisions: he wanted to fish.

To this end, Baren Hilton raised a foot 1 through a variety of ways such as bank loans, asset mortgage and personal credit mortgage.

$ 200 million in funds.

"You can get your recognition for Mr. Barron, and it is also my pleasure,"

Chen Geng passed a sentence: "But Mr. Hilton, some words I have to say in front.

"You say.

Barron Hilton nodded without hesitation: Just let me have money to earn, everything is good.

Chen Ge said: "You can participate, you can also see our specific operation, but you don't have any commands for our operational techniques and patterns, including your own money, which absolutely can't disclose.

"Of course, there is no problem at all, I accept it."

Baren Hilton immediately nodded, for this, he had a psychological prepared, and he is very clear about what you can resist: let yourself operate hotel, you are not afraid of anyone, but play financial, play capital? I really can't do it, I'm too far from Fernandes.

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