king of power

Chapter 890 falls

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Visiting the blood of Bunmun Hilton, visiting Chen Geng's operation.

Looking at the red light, Barron Hilton, Chen Mong Xiao said: "How? Mr. Hilton, do you intend to play financial?"

Slightly, it is a very considerable profit (although it is only a carrying amount), Barron Hilton has retained calm, he shakes his head: "Forget it, I know my own pound. .

Chen Geng is a bit surprised. He takes a bit of surprising to Baren Hilton: In the face of such a lightweight wealth, can this guy still keep this cool and reason? Welcoming the eyes of Chen Geng and said: "I am very clear about where my name is, although the financial is really making money, my heaven is not here; I am also very clear that the guys in Wall Street is a group The role of the like, if I dare to enter this market, I will definitely be caught by the slag of the bones of the bones in Wall Street.

Chen Geng thumbs up one pick: amazing!

It is unfortunately in this case, it is no wonder that the Hilton Hotel Group is booming on his lead.

During the speech, Karen Hicks took Chen Geng's mobile phone.

Chen Geng did not move the sound and tedied calls: "Hello?"

Howard Baker has an urgent sound in the phone, he puts down the sound: "I just got the news.

The latest on Sunday morning, the finance minister will threaten the federal Germany.


Chen Tongyi.

"Yes, it is threat,"

Howard Baker whispered: "The federal government asks the federal Germany to reduce interest rates, if the federal Germany does not reduce interest rates, the federal government will consider letting the US dollar continue to fall.

The federal government is publicly threatened by the federal Germany to reduce interest rates? Chen Geng couldn't help but pick the eyebrows: "understand!

It is also, the pig is so fat, there is a reason for the New Year? What existence is the federal Germany? Look at how many US military bases that are stationed on the federal land can understand that this is a semicolonized country pretending to be normal.

"OK, that's this, hang."

Determine Chen Geng's meaning, Howard Beck, I didn't say the phone.

Just hanging up the phone, Chen Geng saw that Baren Hilton shocked himself, shrugged, Chen Geng: "What did I do?"

"Mr. Fernande,"

A shocked Baron Hilton stunned: "Just that is ... is ..."


The reason why Chen Warad Baker is because Chen Geng feels that it has already reached this copy. It has no need to take the Baren Hilton. He nodded his own admitted: "It is a long Howard of Mr. Ligen. Mr. Beck.

Barron Hilton was shocked again: "No wonder it ... no wonder ..."

It is no wonder that Fernandez Chen can grasp every moment of the market fluctuations, and the most trusted people around the president help him notify the news, he is not successful!

As for Howard Beck, I have to get much better in this, Barron Hilton is very smart, he is very clear, Chen Geng can leak so importantly to himself, it is already a great trust, said It's hard to listen, don't see the face is Mr. Howard Beck, but after this, there is no other big person? Chen Geng's is this effect, and said to everyone: "I need to think something.

After that, he was Shiran: He really didn't know "Black Monday" on October 19th.

The night before, the US government also turned around the Federal Germany. In this way, it is necessary to make some fine tuning. For example, although it is open on Monday, but because of the time difference, Hong Kong stocks must be preceded for each share Opening, is it going to do it? .................... Howard Baker is still very reliable, October 18, Sunday, in the morning, everyone just went to work, US Finance Minister James Eidi Baker announced in the US TV show: "US government hopes The federal government lowered interest rates to stimulate the current sluggish international financial market. If the federal Germany is refused to (lower interest rates), then in order to ensure the US interests, the US government will consider letting the US dollar continue to fall. "

James Aid Die Baker, suddenly let the whole world is awkward!

Because at this moment, James Eidid Baker is the words that represent the US government, that is, his words represent the will of the United States, so the influence of this passage is also global, and this The influence is first reflected in the Hong Kong stock market.

On October 19th, Monday, because of the time difference, Hong Kong stocks first opened the US stocks.

This day, because Hong Kong Island Telephone Company originally planned to announce the super good news of Hong Kong Island Telecommunications Company, originally have countless shareholders and investment institutions, and the stock of Hong Kong Island Telecommunications Company is purchased in the market. However, when James Eddie Baker's identity of US Finance, the federal Germany must reduce interest rates, this super good news did not play any help and pull effect on Hong Kong stocks. At 8 o'clock in the morning, Hong Kong stocks just opened. The city, the market is throwing ~ ~ throw ~ throw ~~ and it is complete; the kind of stopped, all blue chip stocks are all low, the other second or third level shares are also sold at a low price, the market seems to have only sellers No buyer, at 10:15, fifteen minutes in just two hours, the famous Hang Seng Index has fallen by 120 points, and when it arrived at 12 noon, the Hang Seng Index fell again more than At 100, it was finally reported to 3524.

64 points.

Ji Sheng Cheng has already seen, he asked Chen Geng asked Chen Ge: "BOSS, this ... only half-day kung fu, the Hang Seng Index has dropped 4%?"

Just staying, Ji Shengcheng excited blush: Sure enough!

Once again, the BOSS is given!

Really ... BOSS is really god!

If everything is like BOSS, ... this time you can get a big wool from Hong Kong stocks.

"This is the beginning,"

Chen Geng Shen said: "You look at it, will continue to fall in the afternoon.

Ji Shengcheng did not suspect that Hong Kong stocks will continue to fall after opening, he is only a little curious, how much can I fall in the afternoon? "Ok……"

Chen Geng thought, said: "Probably can fall from 3360 to the 3370 points.

Between 3360 and 3370? Qi Shengcheng's heart silently counted, then shocking: "What you mean, only one day, Hong Kong stocks will fall 11%?!

Although Chen Li's meaning is 11% of the Hang Seng Index, the Hong Kong stock has fallen by 11%, but the status of Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong stocks is similar - maybe worse.

After the opening of the afternoon, the development trend of Hong Kong stocks is indeed like the Chen Geng said, "falling without"

Those who heard the stock market plummeted at the afternoon had chosen to sell stocks, and the investment institution has also started a lot of shipments. It is only one hour after the opening of the market, and the Hang Seng Index once again fell 185 points. More powerful than the morning.

More decent, compared to the morning, the buyers on the market are less, that is, those who hang out will not pick up, in which case the trend of the stock market cannot be To contain, when the closing, the Hang Seng Index fell 420 times all day and fell to 3362 points.

When I closed the same day, I included a hammer in Ji Shengcheng, I used to watch Chen Geng: Mr. Fernandes said that the Hang Seng Index fell to 3,360 points to 3370 points, and there was a drop of 3362 points. ...... Share!

Absolute stock God!

"BOSS, how do you think Hong Kong stocks will go next? What measures will the Hong Kong Island Government take to boost market confidence?"

Chen Li did not immediately answer, but asked Ji Shengcheng: "Do you think?"

"I think?"

Ji Sheng thought, said: "I don't know, but I think the Hong Kong Island government will do something, after all, Hong Kong Island stock market is the world-class stock market in Asia.

The financial market in the entire Asian region only looks at the two stocks in the Tokyo stock market and the Hong Kong Island stock market, and the Tokyo stock market and the Hong Kong Island stock market have also become a barometer and wind spikes that respond to the economy of Asia.

Ji Shengcheng is very clear to the status of Harbor stocks in Asia and even the British Federation, so he is confident, and the HK Island Government will do something to boost market confidence.

"What you said is right, what will be done by the Hong Kong Island Government,"

Chen Geng's head: "But my opinion is the opposite of you.

"in contrast?"

Ji Sheng Cheng is a bit confused: "What do you mean?"

"The ability of the integrated Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange this leader and leadership style,"

Chen Geng said: "I judge that the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange will get out of a step, and the stink is extremely

Ji Shengcheng did not believe: "No?"

"You look good,"

Chen Geng made a yawn: "American stocks are open, I will let me first ..."

After finishing, he took the blanket that Kelly Hick handed over, directly lying on the mattress.

Ji Sheng Cheng has no dilemma, he really does not understand that in the Hang Seng Index falls 11% in the case, what kind of deuntel can I go out? But soon, he didn't have a hard work to ponder what measures would be taken to save the market. Because he felt that he felt that it was a madness to wake up ... "Mr., Mr,"

The assistant is excited to face red, excitement is very popular: "Fall!


Ji Sheng became fascinated, there is no reaction, "fell? What fell?"

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