king of power

Chapter 891 Super Omelet

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"Dao Jones, Standard & Poor 500 and Nasdaq have fallen!

The assistant is excited like a KE medicine: "Just opened, the Jones Industrial Index fell 67 points, no bought, all sold!

Boss, we have to make a fortune!

We have to make a fortune!

For them, the US stocks definitely can't rise, and they can lose their pants, even more serious than those who have lost their trousers, and once the US stocks have fallen, that is, they will drop banknotes, and now, it is obviously going to pay in the sky. Rhythm of rain.


Ji Sheng Cheng also finally reacted, one side of the private assistant to the private assistant: "Give me a cup of coffee, I have to refresh,"

Asked to the assistant: "Tell me about it ..."

"Give me a cup of coffee.

The sound of Chen Geng has sounded after the year.

Yes, after a few hours, Chen Geng also got up: How can he sleep so much? !

"BOSS ..."

Ji Sheng Cheng hurriedly greeted Chen Geng.

Chen Geng took a nodded to Ji Shengcheng, nor to talk, his eyes fell straight on the front of the big screen, then he wrinkled, muttered: "No, it ..."

Ji Shengcheng also found that it is not right: a large number of sellings can be seen in the market, and the decline in the Jones Industrial Index is slightly mismatched with the speed.

This situation makes the season winning a bit: What is going on? Since Chang and Ji Sheng Cheng have noticed this abnormal situation, the following experienced trader, of course, I have already noticed this situation, some of whom hit a "call" on the other.

After a while, some people shouted: "OK, because the sold computer instructions are too many, the stock market's computer system is noted, and the data displayed now is more than 20 minutes compared to the actual transaction.

There are too many instructions sold, but computer processing, so that the system is delayed until the current displayed is 20 minutes before? !

This news, let Chen Geng Season are shocked.

However, even if it has been delayed for 20 minutes, some people have already begun to go to the rooftop ... After the opening of 67 points, after a short time, the Dao Jones Industrial Index fell directly 104 points. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Jones Industrial Index has fallen by 250 (really a super unlucky number), but it is such a fierce falling momentum, and there is no power before the closing: before closing The last two hours, the Tao Jones Industrial Index fell to 258 points directly, from 2246.

74 mad fell to 1738.

74 points, falling 508 points and 22 all day.

6% of the world is proud of the world.

However, compared to the Standard of the three major industries in the United States, the three major indices of the United States.

- On the standard of CME, the Poor's 500 index futures market, the throwing is more serious, and the contract plunged in December.

75 points, with 201.

5 points closed, falling up to 28.


On October 19, 1987, on Monday, the stock market opened, the US stock market headed by the three major stock indexes of the United States fell down!

On the same day, when I closed, I looked at 1738.

74 points Tao Jones Industrial Index and 201.

5 Standard Poole 500 index, Ji Shengmun muttered: "Crazy ... crazy ..."

Although this round of madness makes it full of money, you can scare it in this crazy down: Single Lady, Jones Industrial Index is 22.

6% of the decline, with the Trise Industrial index, this day, the market value of the US stock market evaporates is also $ 500 billion or more ... "Why don't you support the group of bastards in Wall Street ?!

I don't know who is, murmured.

Chen Gengzuarded a strong mouth: this group of people.

He knocked around, picking up a can from the table, taking a can, after seeing, he said: "Mr., see everyone doesn't seem to be very happy, then I need to remind everyone, according to us Signed contracts, today, you have earned your collective $ 6 million, so ... "

what? !

I have just been a group of tragenes who have been hurt in the spring of the spring of today's stocks. When I heard Chen Geng, the first reaction is not believed, it is the problem that although the mathematics of the European and American ordinary people and the horizontal level is true slag. In the eyes of these guys who graduated from the United States, they were really good, they were really good, they heard Chen Geng's words, they first stunned first, and then hurriedly, this is not tight, the next moment ... "Long live!

"Boss, I love you!"

I love you!

"God, it is really $ 6 million, we earn $ 6 million a day!

"Let the storm rain is more violent!

.......... What is the injury spring, what is the silence of the United States, go special, Tianwang Laozi is not an important thing to make money!

There is a guy excited to rush to Chen Geng: "Boss, I know we can't drink, but in any case, we should open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Someone immediately followed: "Yes, BOSS, William said correct, we should open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

"BOSS, for the wealth, open a bottle of champagne ..."

.......... It seems that the net earning of $ 6 million will irritate these guys is not light, also, 6 million US dollars, one day!

Although this money needs everyone to score, don't forget it, this is the first day.

Even the Ji Sheng Chengdu is a little inseparable, obviously, it has been clearly a few days in just a day, and it has also been able to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Anyway, it has been closed, Chen Li also won't sweep everyone, he nodded: "OK, want to celebrate, go to the restaurant, everyone can drink up to one cup.

On the 3rd Restaurant, Barron Hilton designated a dedicated restaurant for Chen Geng's team, which only serves Chen Geng's team in this time.

I heard that I can go to the third restaurant to drink a cup, everyone suddenly cheers ... "Long live!

Long live BOSS!



............ I am also ready to drink a cup of Ji Sheng, and suddenly I found Chen Li.

He is a bit surprised, I can't help but ask: "Boss, you don't go?"

Chen Geng shook his head: "I will not go."

Ji Shengcheng was a bit surprised, more somewhat: "You are worried about these ..."

"Do not,"

Chen Geng said that you think more: "I am just in the news on the island.

"News of Hong Kong Island?"

Ji Shengcheng looked at the one-on-wall hanging on the wall. Every timepiece corresponds to a stock market. For example, the time of Tokyo, representing the time of Tokyo stock market, the time written in Hong Kong Island, representing the time of Hong Kong Island .

He is confused: "Isn't there another time to open?"

Chen Geng's meaning is deep and said: "Some news, there is an opening.

Lenovo's previous Chen Ge said that he believes that the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange Management will take a step in super odd chess, Ji Shengcheng blinks, said: "Then I will not go.

HK Island United exchange will take a steps? Ji Shengcheng thought, and I can't think of the management of the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange will go out to something of the smelly chess to save the city.


Chen Geng looked at Ji Sheng into a look, it doesn't matter some nodded.

Didn't let Ji Sheng Cheng wait for a long time, Chen Geng's call rang, just after the phone is connected, with the noisy background sound, a voice passed into Chenmang and Ji Sheng Cheng's ears: "Boss, now Hong Kong Island This is 8:25 on October 20, and the Hong Kong stocks is not opened. It is just that there is news, and some people have received the news, and the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange will hold an emergency meeting. At that time, the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange President Li Fang and the entire joint transaction All committees of the office will attend, saying that there is a major saving city to announce ... "

Ji Sheng Cheng hurriedly asked: "Do you know what measures?"

"I don't know, I have no one knows that the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange should take the rescue measures ... Slightly, the management of the joint exchange is coming ..."

Li Fuzhao, Chairman of the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange, is serious!

No way is not serious, yesterday, you could fell 11% of the city's market, as the chairman of the Hong Kong Island United Stock Exchange, and you said that he said that Li Fuzhao's pressure is great? Big!

It's just that it's too big.

Not only the pressure on Li Fuzhao is huge, but the pressure on the entire committee is also huge, from yesterday to now, he Li Fuzhao and all committees of the committee have no sleep, everyone is discussing a problem: facing the pressure brought by the US stock market How do Hong Kong stocks do to prevent plunge? Before a few hours ago, it was exactly that in the morning, he called the Financial Secretary, requiring its own rescue policy, but although the Financial Secretary has approved the rescue policy of the people who discuss it, can this measures? Useful, Li Fuzhao is not there ... "Mr., ladies, everyone, I am the Chairman of the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange Committee, Li Fu Zhao," "

In countless double eyes and I don't know how much flash, Li Fu Bo Zhao opened: "I announced the identity of the Chairman of the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange, because the US stock market has fallen, Hong Kong is inevitably Impact, therefore, the committee hopes to avoid the wave of the global stock market, and after a tight discussion. In the end, the Committee determines the provision of the authority to be given in accordance with the provisions of the "Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange Rules", so that 'Clearing backlog transaction'……"

"What ?!

Stop market for four days? Is the head of these guys to be kicked? "

Listening to the live broadcast in the phone, Ji Shengcheng is stupid, he is unable to understand the management agency of Hong Kong Island stocks actually make such a stupid decision: "Do you don't know how big this decision will bring this decision? Impact?"

Only Chen Ming, he shrugged: Oh ... Sure enough!

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