king of power

Chapter 892 An emergency invitation from a white house

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In the 1987, the big stock of the world has been rated as the most stupid practice in this shares. Li Fu Zhao has also been named in the world, did not expect to be in the old In the case of a chance, Li Fuzhao made a stupid fault.

When I thought this, Chen Li couldn't help but shook his head.

"Boss, your phone,"

Just when Chen Geng was a stupidity of Li Fuzhao, Kelly Hicks took the phone again and whispered: "Mr. Baker.

Baker? Chen Geng is a bit surprised: What do Howard Baker do it in this call? Surprised, surprised, Chen Tong still passed the phone in the first time: "Mr. Baker.

"Mr. Fernandes, Mr. President hopes that you can come to the White House,"

In the phone, Howard Becketon has said, "The sooner the better.

"Go to the White House?"

Chen Geng smashed, just in the past few seconds, he thought that Howard Baker called himself, but only did not expect that the president hopes to see himself.

He can't help but hear: "Mr. President ... Why do he see me?"

"Today's stock market, you also know,"

Howard Baker sighed and said: "It's a disaster day ..."

Chen Geng attached and said: "Yes, disastrous day.

Howard Baker said: "Mr. President is urgently recalled by Mr. Baker, Mr. Baker, who is visiting West Germany and Mr. Green Shan, who is in the field. In addition to the entire cabinet team and some senators, Mr. President John · Mr. Ferran, the head of the five major banks, the President of Coca Coca, General Electric Group President, President of IBM Group, and the person in charge of the enterprise, science and technology, and financial sector have issued instructions, hope Everyone is strictly concerned about the development of the situation and discuss the countermeasures.


When the stock market did not fluctuate properly before, Li Gen's classmates had a provocation to the stock market: "Is the trick collapsed?"

The stock market said: "The collapse is a collapse, and Laozi burst you.

Then today's mad, the stock market will completely cry.

Chen Geng has some hesitation: "This ..."

"Mr. Fernande,"

Howard Baker suddenly lowered the sound: "I suggest that you still have to come.

Ok? Chen Ming is a one, but the next moment, he immediately responded: Yes, it is best to go.

Although it is not much earned today, some extent, it is also robbed on the head of these guys. In this case, a pair of "Laozi is also in the mildew"

The appearance to participate in the discussion of Li Gang classmates, itself is a disguise for himself - and then says it back, Li Gen's invitation to his own, it does not explain that he has not been able to have the influence of its own political world and economic circles. Did you neglect? He immediately nodded: "OK, I will contact the airport immediately."

...................... Faced with this "black Monday" that is almost impossible in 1929

The top of the US government is also really anxious: When Chen Mi's aircraft landed in Washington International Airport, a blackboan helicopter belonging to the Central Bureau has launched where the engine is waiting. Chen Li's plane is immediately The Emotional Bureau sent the White House and docked completely.

The plane on the helicopter on the White House South Zhutut, Chen Geng saw that Huo Hawa Baker's big manager is waiting for himself, he is surprised, "Mr. Beck, how do you ..."

"I'll pick you up,"

Howard Baker rushed to the front of himself to Chen Li, and the voice was very urgent: "How?"

"very good,"

Know what Howard Baker is asked, Chen Li also did not sell Guan Si: "I am very satisfied, I believe you will satisfy you.

"Hey ..."

Chen Waud Bakecon has been angry. He suddenly relieved: "My heart has been mentioned this day ... How much do I earn?"

In the last sentence, Howard Baker is actually do not ask, but he can't help but.

"About 400,000 US dollars,"

Chen Geng pressure low sound: "Conservative estimates, after this time you can get at least $ 5 million.


Howard Baker did not dare to perform too obvious, he tied his fist with force.

The loss of the country is the loss of the country. Its profit is its own profit. It is just two yards. It can't be mixed. Of course, he will worry for the country in this big loss, but in the face of this large stock. Wealth, Howard Baker is also very happy, now he is more harmonious, how is it to cooperate with Chen Pai.

"Go back, I will give you a detailed list,"

It is really sensitive here, Chen Li does not want to say, turn to Howard Beck: "How big is lost?"

Howard Baker also wanted to continue to talk about this topic, heard, immediately said: "Very large, the loss book wealth is $ 503 billion today.

"I ... rub, so much?"

Chen Geng was surprised to grow his mouth.

"There is so much, otherwise you think that the President is so urgent?"

Howard Baker nodded: "Just because the United States has a loss of the day today, it is equivalent to the national product of the French throughout the year.

Chen Li did not talk, just a thumb and one pick: Ok, in theory, a French wealth is gone.

Howard Baker then said: "The information just sent by the Federal Bureau of Statistics, only 52 stocks rose in the New York stock exchange, the rest of the rest, 1192 stocks fell to the least 52 weeks Level, even the most representative blue chip stocks are also enema, those big companies, big groups are even more miserable, and the decline has reached and more than 30%.


Chen Yuan heard the straight tongue: "Is this miserable?"

"It's so miserable,"

Howard Baker nod: "General Electric Company fell 33.

1%, Coca-Cola company fell 36.

5%, the transportation company fell 38.

8%, the western house is the worst, and directly falls immediately 45.

8%, almost equal to half a company is gone.

The minimum fell is the US telegraph telephone company and Boeing, respectively.

5% and 29.

9%, Boeing fell 29.



Although I know that the United States has lost weights on this day, Chen Tong is also shocked by this huge loss, so that in addition to a "lying channel!

In addition, he can't find a suitable adjective.

"Although I know that this is not good, but ..."

Howard Baker took a sigh of relief, and a face ended: "It's a trough!

"What about my old friends?"

Chen Geng asked Howard Baker, even Boeing, West China, Express, Coca-Cola, General Electric, and Delivery Telephone Company fell so miserable, then "old friends"

Are you not more miserable? The fact did not let Chen Geng disappointed ... "Your old friend, I know, Walton's wealth has evaporated 21 billion today. As for Mr. Wang An, his loss is relatively light, only 50 million US dollars ... "

Howard Baker's face does not know that it is fortunate or a fun, Walton, Howard Baker, Walton, "Wealth" magazine, who has just selected the US Rich, Wal-Mart Group, Mr. Sam Walmarta In just a short day, Sam Walton's wealth has evaporated 21 billion, thinking about it.

However, Chen Ge will never be fortunate for Mr. Wang An, Wang An, and the reason why he is "only"

Loss the district 50 million US dollars, not because Wang An computer's stock performance excellent in the stock market, but the current Wang An computer does not work, the stock price is very low, the direct point, belongs to "falling"


"As for Mr. Fernandes,"

Howard Beck continued: "You are more miserable, integrated AMC car, data research firm, and your other industries, your value is over $ 5 billion, ..."

Although the book wealth is not directly equal to the actual wealth, 50 billion US dollars is lost, but it is still very scary.

"$ 5 billion?"

Chen Yang shrugged: "It seems that it seems not bad ... Mr. Walton is coming?"

"of course,"

Howard Baker Total: "Mr. President issued an invitation to Mr. Walton.


Chen Geng's head: "If I can meet Mr. Walton, I can laugh at him well, I hope Mr. Walton can be strong, don't go to the rooftop.

Howard Baker helpless: How? Do you think you lose $ 5 billion worth, it is still very happy? Don't talk about the top sky, from the morning to now, Howard Baker knows because the stock price plummeted, the debt, the spirit is completely collapsed, and the number of people on the top, the at least dozens, the whole of the United States The person who stepped into the rooftop in this disaster, and the at least few hundred? On the side, Chen Geng asked Howard Baker whispered: "Mr. Beck, Mr. President, and what about the Fed?"

"What can I do? Increase the liquidity,"

Howard Beck, "Do your behalf, knowing the sky"

The tone: "Do you know what happened today?"

Chen Geng said: "Are you talking about the Fed, New York City Bank and the Chicago Exchange?"

After the crisis, the bank is the safety of ensuring its own funds, which generally limits the loans to securities company, which may lead to some of the companies default and increase the crisis. At that time, the Chicago Exchange added four settlement banks to append a margin.

Due to the unexpected huge guarantee, the settlement bank is not willing to recognize the payment of the member company to the settlement, and they ask for the reality of the bank from New York - when this is critical, you can think of the bank's practices will give financial How much danger is brought in the market.

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