king of power

Chapter 896 The mysterious and powerful oriental wizards have been successful.

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If you don't mention Greenspan, you will bring how much great benefits to AMC cars, data research firm's share price. When you want to open it, no one cares about this, everyone is concerned about how today's stock market.

Follow the Fed and the federal government, major commercial banks have held press conferences to reduce interest rates, general electricity, general automotive, Ford Auto, Kodak and other large groups, and also convened a press conference to release new financial report and business data. At the same time, it also announced repurchase stocks ... Everyone exhibits the fists, and the only purpose is to prepare for stable stock prices and market confidence.

After all of the measures of these save the city and the stable market, the effect is really immediate, and the Tao Jones Industrial index rose than 102 in 19.

At 27, 21, the Dao Jones Industrial Index rose from 186 compared with the 20th.

At 94, I re-rushed the 2000 mark, although I closed at the 22nd to fall by 77 more than 21 days.

42 points, but whether it is the public or the media is very optimistic, it is only a normal volatility and adjustment of the market.

As the support of this optimistic view, the stock market in Tokyo, London and Paris presents the trend of rebound. It seems that the analyst and small and medium-sized investors seem to have, this economic crisis has passed, this is just once The market spontaneously "crushed foam"

The behavior, everyone feels that it is just a blind.

Looking back to the Tao Jones index of the 2000 point, even the Ji Sheng Chengdu has been shaken ... He didn't dare to say a comprehensive cleaning, but the euphemistic said: "BOSS, our strategy ... should be some adjustment ? "


Looking at the appearance of Ji Sheng, Chen Wongju smiled: "Do you think this crisis has passed?"


Ji Shengchengnee, the heart is somewhat not as if it is: Nasdaq, Standard & Poor 500, Dao Jones, London Financial Times Index, France CAC40 Index, and Germany Frankfurt Report Index These world most important index stocks have rebounded. Do you still explain that the stock market has rebounded? This view is not only an opinion of Chen Pai, but also the views of the following traces, in everyone's opinion, this disaster has passed, when the US and European seven countries start to save the saving, what is Don't you go? "Wait, then,"

Chen Geng knows what is thinking in the heart of Ji Shengcheng, but he did not explain, just said: "You know tomorrow.

I will know tomorrow? What did I know tomorrow? Ji Shengcheng stunned, and then suddenly became eye-catching: BOSS meaning, is it ... tomorrow stock market, big fell? He looked up at the bottom of the consciousness, showing the projection screen of the trading data, and it did not see any signs of the stock market to have a big drop; if he didn't look at the information of a hand, he did not see any signs.

This is strange, how does BOSS know that tomorrow's stock market has fallen.

..................... October 22, on Thursday, everything is very calm, one opening in the morning, major companies released the new financial annual report to release the financial annual report, announce the announcement of buying stocks to repurchase stocks, one is thriving The appearance of post-disaster reconstruction is not seen that the stock market is about to fall.

In this case, Ji Sheng became the two eyes of Chen Geng from time to time, and even two traders, and the trapping hand also sneaked to Chen Geng's eyes. Everyone thought almost: You Fernandes looked at this time? When I went to 10:40 am, the Dao Jones Industrial Index just more than 2100 points, the Jones Industrial Index was slightly, and then suddenly ambling onion, a short half hour time, Tao · The Jones index fell directly to 55 points!

Not only the Tao Jones Industrial Index, Nasdaq, Standard & Poor 500 All, and everyone has a total of 180 degrees turned down.

Looking at a shares of the onion, like a lost rocket, the straight stock index trend, Ji Shengcheng is crazy, he makes the hair and the hair of the hair: "What happened?"

Not only the Ji Sheng Cheng wants to know what happened, the trader in the scene is also desperate, no one understands what happened: Why is there no signs, the three major stock indexes of US stocks? !

Only in Ji Sheng Cheng, he looked up to Chen Geng: BOSS yesterday said that today's stock market will fall, now it has fallen ... more than Ji Sheng Cheng, others will also react, one is frightened with a fear Looking at Chen Li, they also remembered what Chen Ge said yesterday.


Suddenly someone pointed to Chen Li, I didn't know that it was a horror, I was very excited: "Mr. Fernandes is a wizard!

He is a wizard!

A word awakened people!

Everyone knows that Mr. Fernandes is a famous "Oriental Wizard".

Yesterday, Mr. Fernandes said that today's stock market will fall, now I want to come, I am sure that Fernandes will use the mana dremy ​​to use the mana drethrough today. The more I think, everyone will feel this idea, if Mr. Fernande is not a wizard, how can he pass "black Monday"

The previous ** rose and this week's plummeters have earned so much money? Why is his operation almost card in the turning point of the stock market? Even some guys think more, they think that Chen Tong does not use the dresses to know the trend of today's stock market, but he directly uses his powerful manager to twisted the trend of today's stock market.

Thinking of this possibility, they look at Chen Geng's gaze, but also the awe: Mr. Fernandes, really has a powerful manian wizard.

Hear "Oriental Wizard"

This is called, there is no expression on Chen Pill's face, a pair of calmness, but the heart is crying: the gods, oriental wizards ... "Boss, BOSS, the latest news, Tehran time 20 points, Washington time 11:30 Iran launched an attack to Iraq, they played again, the Gulf War has a danger of re-igniting war again, "

Kelly Hicks raised the phone and fell into the phone, and then, looked at the people to watch Chen Piga and awe, but also a horrible look, I don't know what happened, Kelly Hicksbuch I don't consciously, I have a little bit, "" You are ... What happened? What happened ... "

But no one cares about the smaller sounds of Qild Hicks, everyone is shocked by the information inside Kelly Hicks: What? !

Just 10 minutes before the three major stock indexes of the United States fell, the two war days that have just been suspended have to be played again, and the danger of reorganizing the war in the Gulf area? This is perfect explanation why the US three major stock indexes will fall together.

Although on July 20, the United Nations, the UN Security Council has just passed the resolution 598 of the request Iran and Iraq, and Iraq welcomed the United Nations resolution on July 21, and public announcement will suspend the Iran. The attack of the sea target is in good faith, but the problem is that the other of the war has not had a statement of resolution 598, Iran and Iraq are still completely normal.

It's just that this stock market is still in the wind. It doesn't have an era of wind blowing. There is a risk of heavy ignition in the Gulf area: For stock markets and international futures trade, there is no more bad news than this.

If this news can't make the stock market fall, how can you fall? Just in this way, everyone will not be more frightened to Chen Geng's eyes, and Ji Shengcheng is a good battle to Chen Ge: "BOSS, you know that Iran and Iraq have to be played?"

More than Ji Shengcheng, the other people in the room looked at Chen Li with the same gaze, only the Kelly Hicks who had just came in: What happened? Can anyone tell me what happened? Chen Multi did not recognize that I did know that I did a big surprise to the Americans and even the world in 1987, Iran and Iraq gave Americans and even the world: "How can I know this kind of thing?"

But no one letter!

Whether it is Ji Shengheng or other tray, it is a pair. "Do you think we will believe?"

The expression, even if I just figured out what I happened, it was also a "BOSS. We know that you are a really manic wizard, but don't have to hide this?"

The look.

In "Oriental Wizard"

After the title of the title, this is the original number of Chen Geng self-edited. It seems that it seems to be his symbol. Everyone is more and more believe that Chen Li is indeed a one from the East. , Master the mysterious oriental magic wizard.

Ji Shengcheng is even more radius: "BOSS, you said how to do it, how to do it, no longer dare to have half points for you."

His words also represent the voice of the trader in the room, and even if there is a traveler's trader, in his heart, we must warn himself, after the money, must have a tightness, absolutely can't take this thing Say it, otherwise, in 10. Mr. Fernandes, he didn't know how to die. If it is a painful dead, it will be, if you disclose your news, you will have a very business, Decided to let yourself die in a way that is incomparably painful, is thrilling? So, do you live well? Why do you want to be stupid, a strong sin, you can bring yourself a powerful wizard ... No, is a mage? I even thought that the fans of this level had made decisive: Waiting for it, I will tell my companions, I will don't make mistakes, but if I have an idiot, I can't think of this layer of idiots. It can be troublesome, who dares to ensure that the powerful Fernandes will not be crime? For your own little life, you must stop individual idiot!

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