king of power

Chapter 897 chasing the roots (4000 words)

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Chen Geng's hair is now, after this, everyone sees that their eyes changed, and before the 22nd, they made a decision, and although Qi Shengcheng will not "strive to force"

However, occasionally posted some own views, but after the devotion between Iran and Iraq 22 (Iran and Iraqi soldiers did not have a short cross fire), Qi Shengcheng is anywhere The instructions are almost all brain-free, not only the quarter, but those who have come to the trays of the high prices are also the same.

Know why they will have such a reaction, and Chen Wi-mind is quite crying.

Going back to the stock market and futures market, Iran and Iraq were transiently intertwined on the 22nd, became the last straw that crushed the stock market confidence, starting at 11:40 at noon 22 (Washington time) on the 22nd (Washington time) Investors on the big stock market began to sell the dollar, turn the funds to the futures market, snapped up gold, silver, oil, rubber or even white sugar.

Because of the large amount of investors from the world, the dollar depreciation, the dollar depreciation is as high as 22% in just two days, and the depreciation of the US dollar is the most, this time, even if it is The United States is the desperate tray headed by the United States, but also can't stop the entire market with avalanche, the only celebration is Friday, and after the past 23, the governments and central banks have two days. Route, discuss the countermeasures.

Ji Shengcheng is humbowed to Chen Geng asked: "Boss, you said, can you have a strong save measures?"


Chen Geng shook his head and shook his words: "Our old ancestors are called 'the situation is', there is still a sentence called ' ' It is to see how this crisis is formed. Only if you find the root of the problem, you can know where the root is, or you can medicate medicines, not now, this is a headache, the foot pain.

When Chen Li was exported, but he did not think about it, but several traces of the hand did eared.

This week, everyone listened to bad news, listening to the endless rescue measures of governments, and listened to the urgent public announcement of various companies, shaped the same "saving heart pills"

The financial report and development plan, but only did not listen to the cause of this time, then the problem is coming, this time the big stock disaster, how is it formed? "What is the BOSS, how did this stock thereof?"

Kelly Hicks asked.

"Mainly three reasons,"

Chen Geng did not sell Guan Chi, and the question must be a good teacher: "First, it is also the most important reason, it is the West, and the world's largest economy: the huge financial deficit and trade deficit in the United States,"

To put it here, Chen Li looked at everyone asked: "Who knows how much is the US fiscal deficit and trade deficit that have just passed in the past 1986?"


No one speaks, everyone is a confused: Who cares about this kind of thing.

I will know this!

Chen Geng sighed and said: "I told you, in 1986, the US fiscal deficit is $ 221 billion in 1986, and the trade deficit is $ 156.2 billion, has created the highest record of the deficit - all, you are economical And the master of the financial field, you tell me what means what mean when there is such a serious financial deficit and trade deficit? What do you need? "

"Means domestic capital insufficient.

There is a trader.

"Need to absorb foreign funds to supplement the shortcomings of domestic funds.

Followed, another trader also shouted.

"It's right, fiscal deficit and trade deficit double high, meant domestic capital insufficient, and want to solve the problem of lack of domestic funds, the method is also very simple, as long as it can absorb in adequate funds from the outside, I will solve the problem. "

Chen Geng nod: "But when you do this, there is another problem: just that you say that you have to attract external funds, the external funds come in, then the problem is coming, how can we attract external funds? "

As senior management in the bank, this issue is not a problem in Ji Shengcheng, he immediately said: "Keep a higher interest rate level.

"Yes, by maintaining a high level of interest, you can successfully attract enough external funds, and the United States has the relatively good investment environment and political environment in today's world, so the external funds are poured into the United States. It will be understood that these related data published by the Federal Bureau of Statistics have proven that I will not start, "

Chen Geng's head: "But everything is favorable, maintaining a higher interest rate is a double-edged sword, as a master of financial and economic sectors, you should understand a shortcomings of this, or the latent-section The shortcomings, that is: Higher interest rates will have a direct impact on the stock market price, so here, for today's big stock, I don't know when I will explode. Bomb.

Everyone thought about Chen Mining, they found: It seems that it is true.

"This is the first bomb,"

Chen Geng said: "Since there is a first bomb, it will naturally have a second. This second bomb is self-entered the 1980s, and the economy headed by the United States is in a low-speed growth period. However, the demand for production is insufficient, so this directly leads to a problem: those capital attracted by the United States, except for investment, there is a lot of remaining.

After this part, there is no industry to invest in investment, or the direct one is hot, definitely unwilling to remove it, right? After all, come in again, this requires costs, and the US government is definitely not willing to put these money running, after all, in the eyes of our Americans, as long as these money comes in the United States, it is our.

Everyone laughed: Yes, what virtue is the capital, they are clear.

"In order to retain these hot money 'for me, the Li Gen government relaxed the financial market regulation, and also relaxed tax investment, which is good, not only these hot money from the United States is not willing to go out. Those who haven't come in have come in together. Well, give everyone a crazy example of these hot money: Just nine months this year, from Dongzhao, buy new investment in US stocks About 15 billion US dollars, here, we thank the Square agreement that allows the yen to appreciate.

Length, let us return to this economic crisis, we all know that these dead hot money is the favorite thing in the financial market is the shares ... They have to make money ... these no investment direction, not willing to go out The remaining capital is also dried, and it is turned a circle in the United States. The US financial industry seems to be very fun, so ... "

Speaking of this, Chen Ming shrugged: "A large number of remaining capital flooded into the securities market, so much capital, not only match the US entity economy, but also directly leading to investment in the financial sector, flood, debt is more Uppeal expansion.

So we saw that before this stock disaster, the US financial market was prosperous, but we must understand that this prosperous is a false prosperity, a prosperous prosperity full of bubbles, and such a false, full of bubble prosperity It is inevitably formed to form a difficult time, the day of being poked in the morning and evening, and this day, the day is the stock market, futures, and exchanges, we all understand that this is actually the market that is abnormal, 'detoxification 'And' error correction '.


No one speaks, everyone is thinking about Chen Li.

The more thinking, the more you find it, the situation seems to be really the case of Fernandes, is also the case, the awe of Chen Gongbue, the people have awe, the mysterious Oriental wizard ... Is it horrible? Can you observe such a deep level? It is a quarter to win, and then I will open my mouth again after a Pens: "BOSS, since there is the first, second reason, should there be a third?"

"Yes, there is a third,"

Chen Geng's nodded: "This third reason is a relatively deep reason, that is, the decline of US hegemony status.

what? !

Chen Geng's voice fell, the big meeting room, all the people stayed: This third reason is actually the decline in the US hegemony? !

The first reaction of everyone is unacceptable: The United States is so powerful, the whole Western world only American horse is looking forward, the United States is not only the world's allies, but also in the military confrontation of the Soviet Union in the military confrontation of the Soviet Union. Under the half-mouth, in this case, do you say that the US hegemony is declined? What joke is open? !

Chen Geng's point of view, even Ji Sheng Chengdu can't accept: "Mr. Fernandes, I am unable to accept this point of view, this is impossible, the United States is the most powerful country in the world, our Meijian's GDP accounts for global GDP 30% ... "

When I said here, Ji Sheng Cheng suddenly gang, he can't say it, then, the face slowly presents an unacceptable look.

"You also found a problem?"

Looking at the season of Sheng Cheng, Chen Li knows that he found the problem: "When is our US most powerful time? There is no doubt that is the time of the mid-1950s to the end of the 1960s, that period , Our US GDP has a proportion of GDP in global GDP up to 40%!

Now, our beauty of GDP is only 30% of the proportion of GDP in GDP.

Of course, you may say that even 30%, the United States is the most powerful country on this planet!

So, of course, it's right, but I remind you to pay attention to a keyword: "

Speaking of this, Chen Pigang, then said: "This keyword is: Bretton Forest System!

Now, the Bretton Forest System has been disintegrated.

Bretton Forest System? Everyone in the scene, fierce!

What is the Bretton Forest System? In July 1944, the Second World War has not yet ended that the representative of the Western major countries has established the system of the United Nations International Monetary Finance Conference, and the entire Western world and even in addition to the Chinese countries. The core cornerstone of the world economic order and political order!

Under the Bretton Forest System: One is the dollar and gold hook, while the currency in other countries is hooks with the dollar, and the US dollar is the statement of dollar, and is also based on the Bretton Forest system, because at this time, 35 dollars It is fixed equal to one ounce of gold; the second core is to establish two international financial institutions of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Yes, you have not seen the wrong, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank two international financial institutions, in the beginning, it is actually in the Bretton Forest system, and the United States is the core of the Bretton forest system. core!

Use "one look"

, "Small people"

And "German non-matching"

It is very suitable for the United States, which is very suitable. After establishing it is the core of the world, the United States began to provoke around the world, the biggest two things are the Peninsula War and Vietnam War.

These two wars directly lead to a serious deterioration in the US, in 1971, the US GDP accounts for the proportion of the world GDP not only from 1960 40.

21% drops to 35.

81%, created the most significant (low) after World War II, and that year, the US gold reserves are only 102.

100 million US dollars, and relative, the US foreign mobility is as high as US $ 67.8 billion.

Brothers, this is 67.8 billion US dollars in 1971. This also means that the United States has completely lost its ability to exchange gold, so that the US President Nixon has been announced on August 15, 1971 to suspend dollars. Exchange gold obligation.

This action in the United States not only means the dollar and golden dish, which is more declared that this golden position failed. It is not exaggerated that the Bretton Forest system in the United States controlled the world is not exaggerated.

But this is still not finished, although I broke a leg, there is still a leg. In 1973, many countries around the world (in fact, the US own little movements) will sell dollars and buy gold, in this In the case of March 16, 1971, Europe's 9 countries held a meeting in Paris and reached an agreement, the federal Germany, France and other countries were jointly floating to the US dollar, and the fixed exchange rate was implemented, and the United Kingdom, Italy, Ireland implemented separate Floating, other major Western currencies have also implemented the floating exchange rate of the US dollar, the fixed exchange rate system whose Bretton forest system is scared.

The end of the gold bits and fixed exchange rates announced the final disintegration of the Bretton forest system.

From the Bretton Forest System, the world is controlled by the Bretton Forest system. Although the United States is still the most powerful country on this planet, it is undeniable that the United States's world hegemony is compared to the Ting Sheng period. It is indeed declined.

------------ ps: The brothers are embarrassed, only 2,000 words last night, this chapter 4000 words give you home.

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