king of power

Chapter 898 Hand Island

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"But ... we are still the most powerful ..."

After a while, Ji Sheng Cheng said that the sound is somewhat dry.

"Of course, we are still the most powerful,"

Chen Pipedently nod: "Although the Bretton Forest System is gone, the main body of the Gangshang, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the main body of the Bretton Forest system, and don't forget, some degree In fact, it can be considered that we abandoned the Bretton Forest System. On the one hand, this system established in 1944 is actually not very much in line with our interests. On the other hand, we found better alternatives than gold, then Just ... "


Ji Shengcheng took the words.


In Ji Shengcheng, let the traders in the scene suddenly react, then, the face is happy: there is no Bretton Forest system, but we have better, we control oil!

Compared to gold, it is "hard-selling"

All qualities, whether developed or developing countries, oil is an indispensable energy and basic chemical resources for any country's modern economic development, so after the Bretton Forest System, I am not willing to give up the dollar as the world's general currency, more I have to pay "Corporate Tax" to the world.

The United States, immediately realized that oil this kind of "hard goods"

The importance and immediately put the country's monetary policy from gold to the petroleum.

In 1974, the United States has signed an agreement with Saudi, announced to Saudi-Saudi-Saudi, and committed to protecting its land and royal family, as a return, Saudi must accept the only pricing and settlement currency of the US dollar as oil export.

Immediately in December of the same year, the US and OPEC other member countries also reached an agreement, and when these agreements were completed one by one, it means that the "oil-US dollar" of the Bretton Forest System will

The hegemonic system was officially born.

In "Oil - Dollar"

Under the hegemonic system, in order to obtain oil, oil imports must exchange the US dollar, hold the US dollar reserve, so the United States will consolidate the US dollar in the international monetary system in the United States, continue to enjoy the US dollar as the world's general currency The benefits, continue to collect "Corporate Tax" from the world

If the Bretton Forest System and "Oil-Dollar"

The system is a comparison, then in the Bretton Forest System, it is the American eating meat. The European younger brother follows the bones with meat. The other countries in the world drink a soup with a broken meat; then "oil-US dollar"

Under the hegemonic system, it turned into the United States to eat meat. The United States squats, the European younger brother of the United States will be licking over again, but how much is a little pork, then drink soup, from the soup It is the meat, as for the other countries in the world, can only drink some soup that is covered with water after the rest of Europe and the United States.

It can be said that in "Oil - Dollar"

Under the hegemonic system, Americans play more alone, but obviously, Americans like it, eat alone.

As for Chen Li, watching the pure American celebrated in front of him, he shrugged: As for this danger, why did I tell you? Speaking, the buddies are still the beneficiaries of this system.

........................ Because Li Fuzhao made "four days"

The decision, the pressure of the Hong Kong Island Union Exchange has been very large, in order to relieve stress, but also to market release confidence, Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange passes the Hong Kong Island TV and many newspapers to the media on the 24th. They announced that it will convene a press conference on Sunday on Sunday on Sunday to announce the rescue measures developed by Hong Kong Island Financial Secretary and Hong Kong Island Financial Secretary.

Under the current trend of this global integration, Hong Kong Island has been concerned by investors around the world and major stock markets around the world, and in order to understand the first hand of the press conference of Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange. The large-scale TV station such as BBC, CNN is even rare, although the price of live broadcast is expensive, but for Chen Ming, this little money does not care, it is important to understand the first hand.

Hong Kong Island time, October 25, Sunday, 10am in the morning.

Washington time, October 24th, Saturday, 10:00 pm.

The eyes of the world are focused on the small land of Hong Kong Island, focusing on the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange, focusing on the President of the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange.

I have never had such a high level of attention, I feel that my stress on my shoulders: I am concerned about the world, the land of Hong Kong Island, when is it? Listening to the secretary whisper told himself outside the media, Li Fuzhao shook his head: It seems that this is not good today ... it is not good, the press conference just started, the reporter of the CNN in Asia was given up. Li Fu Zhao is a Mawei, and the reporter Smith is arrogant with the Americans. When I am aggressive, I asked Li Fu Zhao: "Mr. Li, do you not think that it is too long for four days? And, do you think it is so simple and rude? Financial intervention means damaged Hong Kong 'Free Economic Port'? "

"No, I don't think so,"

In the face of CNN aggressive reporters, Li Fuzhao shook his head, and replied in English: "First, as the management agency of the Hong Kong Island Joint Exchange, we have a responsibility to protect investor's property safety, protect the financial security of Port island, In the case of the 19th, if the Hong Kong Island Union exchange is not suspended in time, the Hong Kong Island stock market will definitely encounter the most powerful fell since its establishment, and the investor's wealth will also fall into the territory, and for my point of view. Jazz, Hong Kong Island Finance, Pierce, also agreed, Jacobs sir believes that the Hanging Market decided by the Hong Kong Island United exchanged to maximize the financial security of Hong Kong Island.

CNN's reporter's question makes everyone dissatisfied: In the case of the four days of suspension period, Who cares about why your Hong Kong Island is suspended, and Laozi is concerned about how you plan to save the city!

Li Fuzhao's voice, the BBC reporter immediately raised his hand: "Mr. Ronald, according to our news, in the four days of suspension, Hong Kong Island Government and Joint Exchange, Futures Exchange A series of conferences that respond to the crisis have been held, and how to avoid market collapses during the market on Monday, there have been financial experts have made pessimistic prediction unless they find an effective solution to the crisis on this weekend. Otherwise, the credit of Hong Kong as an international financial center will collapse, then ask, how do you prepare to save the city? "

Well, Ronald Lee is the English name of Li Fuzhao.

This issue of BBC's reporter came out, Li Fu Zhao felt that the atmosphere of the scene was solidified, and it was also concerned with himself.

I took a deep breath, and Li Fuzhao said smiling: "If the BBC reporter said, after our futures exchange, stock exchange and Hong Kong Island Government, Hong Kong Island Financial Secretary, Hong Kong Island Bank Trade Union, HSBC Bank And the consultations of the Slag Chasing Bank, etc., in order to protect the interests of investors, in the end, we have taken out a package of rescue programs. The core of this program is to arrange to provide $ 2 billion to the futures exchange. Loan rescue, half of this funds from the government's direct funding, Hong Kong Futures Exchange's shareholders and stock brokerage companies will support the other half of the financial support.

Speaking of this, Li Fuzhao said, "" For this program, the Hong Kong Island Bank Trade Union, Slag Bank and HSBC's multi-financial analysis experts believe that this assistance policy is timely and effective, The effect is optimistic.

Also ... "

If I haven't finished, I haven't finished it, I just arrived at the local media said that the "Datong News" reporter shouted: "Mr. Ronald, please explain why the stock market broke out the crisis, but the Hong Kong Island government The rescue loan gives the futures market? "

The voice of the reporter of the "Dafu Pao", immediately attracted the attachment of the Hong Kong Island media reporter, but compared to BBC, CNN's reporters, Hong Kong Island's local media is undoubtedly spicy ... ... "Yes, Li Sheng, please explain why it is obviously a crisis in the stock market, but the rescue object is the market?"

"As the chairman of the Hong Kong Island Stock Exchange, Li Sheng, you are done, it is eating outside!

............ Li Fuzhao can not care too much about CNN, BBC's words, but Hong Kong Island's local media attitude can't care, look at everyone does not support the practice, he hurriedly explained: "Everyone listened to me Listen to me, the practice of the city is the stock market, the market, the government, the Financial Secretary and the bank, and the reason why the reason is to save the city, the reason is very simple, because the stock market has caused commodity futures prices The full fall, especially the decline in stock index futures, the investors lose weight, everyone may know that on Monday, the futures exchange is a lot loss, many customers 'walks', the number of margins that cannot be recovered is very Large, according to the market value, need the funds of the replenishment 'to 3.

800 million Hong Kong coins, and the futures exchange itself is only 15 million capital amount and 7.5 million yuan accumulated reserves!

Li Fu Zhao said that it was quiet when he was toned: On Monday, the futures exchange needs to make up the funds of up to 3.

800 billion Hong Kong coins, and the futures exchange itself is only 15 million capital amount and 7.5 million yuan accumulated reserves? Old days!

People who have a little financial and futures tries know that this capital reserve is obviously insufficient to cope with a large-scale financial tide.

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