king of power

Chapter 903 We want,

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More than 10 billion US dollars, Ding Navy is really difficult to believe.

In the face of a serious Ding Navy, Chen Wong has shrugged: "Why do I have to show you?"


Ding Navy snorted to react: Yeah, Chen Gill has no requirement, the opposite, is that we ask him, so he wants to show yourself? Although he has a good private accommodation, in this kind of thing, private payment is not easy.

Although it is very disappointed, the Ding Navy still took a sigh of relief, quickly adjusted his mood, nod to say: "Well, it is my ingredient ... Well, don't you mind me to report this matter to the superior leader? "

Chen Geng Xin said that if I said, do you mind, will you report it? While turning, Chen Gei nodded: "Of course, you can also try your own channels.

The Ding Navy was relieved, and it was at this time. He realized that Chen Li was able to disclose this matter to himself, it has explained his attitude.

Understand this, Ding Navy immediately said to Chen Geng: "The representative of Ba Fang is in the capital, look back, I will arrange it as soon as possible, promote your triple to sit together.

"it is good.

Chen Geng nod, he also wants to understand what the small bar thinks.

...................... How do I report Chen Geng in this shares in this shares in this shared navy, and how to determine the authenticity of this matter. Hondu factory wants "mixing"

In this case, the high-rise did show great efficiency. It took only three days, Chen Li was liaison with the Pakistan Factory Factory Fair Luk Legali, L8 Coach Machine (this period's K8 also called L8, ie: Coach 8) The model always commands Zhang Wei together.

"Mr. Legari,"

After a short cold, Chen Pi first asked in Faruk Legali: "I confirm first, you determine that you know the specific cooperation of our Shangfei Group and Soviet joint research and development new generation advanced jet machine trainer ? "

"Yes, we know,"

Firuck Legali nodded, in order to express his own little homework, Faruk Legali even narrow the entire situation, "The Soviet government is developing a new, more excellent jet Senior coaching machine to replace the L-39 coach machine they are now using, participate in this project bidding unit has the Soviet Yakov Lev Design Bureau, Suhui Design Bureau, MiG Design Bureau, and Miashev Design The border process of the entire project is divided into two wheels. The first primary election screens two models, and then the final selection will select a single model as the final winning bid model.

The cooperation model of your Shangfei Group and the Soviet government is that the selection is based on the original election, but the finally false design bureau is based on the coach machine that enters the first election but eventually failed to win. With the Obey accelerated jet trainer for the international market, it is based on this jet trainer, and builds a lightweight combat / attack machine, Mr. Fernandes, what I said? "


I heard this narrative of Faruk Legali. Chen Pigang knows that people's small bar is really homework, otherwise it will not know so detailed.

I nodded, Chen Ge said to Faruk Legali: "Mr. Legari, thank you and the Ba Fangfang's understanding of our project, which makes our communication there are many obstacles, but Mr. Legali, there are two points I need. You can answer me clearly.

Firuck Legali immediately said: "You said.

"First, according to the progress above the Soviet Union, they determine the mainly selected coaching machine model, the fastest to the next year, that is, in the summer of 1989, and according to the situation I learned here, by the summer of 1989 The L-8 of Hongdu's factory has even already made prototypes, but in accordance with this progress, it is possible to successfully serve in 1994 or 1995, but we trade This project cooperated with the Soviet Union, even if everything goes well, I am afraid that I have to go to 1995, 1996, if it is not smooth ... "

Chen Yang shrugged: "Tian knows to wait until the time, maybe it is impact than the plan, so do you determine that your country can accept it?"

Zhang Wei, who didn't speak, looked up at Chen Geng, said that someone else gave himself a good time in order to pull the investment, saying that the progress of the project is smooth, but Chen Li is good, one is not good. Don't he don't be afraid of the giving of the Pakistan? Firuck Legali is also a bit surprised, but he is surprised, he is smile: "Mr. Fernandes, thank you for your honesty, like you said, if you say everything, the Soviet coach can Join the empty service of my country's Air Force and the L-8 is not smooth ... "

Speaking here, Fok Legali turned to Zhang Wei: "Who dares to ensure that the L-8 project is going well?"

Zhang Wei Zhang Zhang, I want to say something, such as our L-8 trainer will definitely be smooth, but if they go to the mouth, Zhang Wei finds that he can't say this.

Faruk Legali said yes, who dares to ensure that the L-8 trainer project is going well, fully in accordance with the nodes of the previous ideas? As a highly complex aircraft, this model always dares to do such a guarantee, the general designer old stone does not dare to do this, who dares to make such a guarantee, will be laughed off.

Chen Geng is laughing: "L-8 is based on the L-29 coach, and L-29 is a highly mature model, plus Hongdu plant is rich in aircraft development. Experience, so I believe that the L-8 trainer is very likely to go in front of us.

The development of K8 is very smooth and smooth, and it is difficult to believe that this point of Chen Pigong is known. In this case, he will not mind that the Fan Factory said a few words.

Futk Legali and Zhang Wei were surprised to look at Chen Tong, whether Farro Kaigi is still Zhang Wei, I did not expect Chen Pigang, will say good words for the L-8 project of Hongdu factory: said good Desperate competitors? Can Chen Giranda is a good thing to say good words, the more firm, the more firm, the more firm, the Ba Fang must buy this coach, so that the reason is very simple, the L-8 trainer is in the Chinese The L-29 trainer is developed. It belongs to the first generation jet senior trainer that is about China. The subsequent jet senior coach is the L-39, and the Sublimation of the Soviet Union is now developed. The trainer, belongs to the third generation of jet trainer, whether it is a flight line or a pilot's training ability, is not the first two generations of L-29 and L-39 energy than.

Most importantly, according to the situation in the Palestin, the coach developed by the Soviet Union can be perfectly simulated typical third-generation advanced fighters such as MiG-29, which is L-29 and L-29 (nature The L-8 is not available, for Pakistan, which has been equipped with the third-generation fighter, if there is a trainer that can perfectly simulate the third-generation fighter flight performance, can not only train A large number of third-generation fighters, the most important thing is to save valuable F-16's body and engine life, which can be .

But when Zhang Wei, Faruk Legali knew that these words did not say, after all, Hongdu Factory is the only friend who is willing to reach a helper to them.

"Mr. Fernandes, you all understand,"

Firuck Legali said: "But the trainer that is developed with the Soviet Union is the best third-generation fighter, so we are willing to wait.

People are willing to wait, is willing to withstand the project progression, what can Chen Li still say? He only nodded: "That is the second question: Although there is no specific price, according to our initial estimation, the price of this trainer should be more expensive than the L-8 coaches of Hongdu Factory. I personally feel that conservative estimates are also worth 200 to $ 3 million.

In addition to purchasing prices, there is a lot of expensive, because this is a 'heavy type' coach machine with a maximum load capacity of about 2 tons. It is estimated to be more than L-. 8 high, these two points, can you accept it? "

According to the requirements of the previous Soviet Union Military Industrial Equipment Committee, this new generation of advanced jets is costly to reach 4.

5 tons to 4.

7 tons, the maximum takeoff weight is at least 8.

2 tons, the voyage will reach at least 2,000 kilometers, which is almost the performance data of MiG-21, which is less than 4 compared to the maximum takeoff weight.

7 tons, the maximum weapon is only 720 kg of L-8, and the requirements are indeed high, and this part of it is also a higher cost: higher daily cost and higher procurement. cost.

"no problem,"

In the face of Chen Geong, Firuck Legali is still nod to nod: "Better things have better performance, and there is also a better price, this is very clear, psychological Prepare, can also be accepted.

Donned, Faruk Legali emphasized: "And Mr. Fernandes, you can rest assured that our total order will not change.

In the face of this "of Farro Legari" We are watching your things, no matter how expensive we must "

Attitude, Chen Li can still say anything, he nodded himself to have no problem there, and then he had to look at Zhang Wei: "Zhang Tong, this kind, you are Hondu factory ..."

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