king of power

Chapter 904 Adjustment

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There will be such a question, because the L-8 trainer project in the front of the Pakistan and Hondu factory is the overall cooperation framework is "Baofang's investment, accounting for 25% of the project, and responsible for the production of the former fuselage, overall The design and production of production, the integration of the system is completed by Hongdu factory, and the production plant is established in the Pakistani.

However, if the Pakistan gave up L-8, it turned into the cooperation between the entire project group and the Soviet Union, and a real question is: What should Hondu Plant do? Or, how did the Hondu factory considerate? Of course, in Faruk Legali, I have found this moment, I have explained the attitude in this matter in China: If the Pakistan insists to cancel cooperation with Hondu factory, choose Shangfei Group, China Also agreed.

From the high-level, there is no problem, but the question of Hondu Factory for the days is very bad, first of all, one question is in the previous L-8 project, Hongdu is in cooperation to occupy an absolute advantage , Now the small bar is such a "anti-regret"

The overall cooperation model needs to be re-explored. Hondu Factory is impossible to occupy an absolute advantage. In this case, Can Hondu factory accept this drop? There are also most important points, that is: money!

Like the most military enterprises in China, Hondu Factory is also in the extent to which the basic wages can't have a full number, bonuses? welfare? It is even more important to think that this time this time is working with Xiao Puba, letting Hondu Factory will only have a good day to eat a stomach for a few days, now Pakistan wants to "conversion doors"

What should I do with Hondu? Zhang Wei heard, slowly said: "Mr. Chen, our Hondu factory resolutely obey the national instructions, but can I ask some questions?"

Chen Geng nod: "You said.

"If this project is integrated into this cooperation project of your Shangfei Group and the Soviet Union, then our Hondu plant automatically has some shares of this project?"

Zhang Wei asked: "If this is the case, how many shares are we in this project? In the entire research and development process, how can we account for how much proportion? What is the proportion of key positions?"

It turns out that Hondu Factory is not stupid.

Not only is not stupid, they still "old rape"


They don't want to give up such a chance to learn a lot from the Soviet Union. I don't want to go back to the times. I don't have enough. It is also, the child will do the choice, the adult is of course choosing "Laozi "

But Chen Li is laughing: Hondu Factory is able to take a light weight.

"The new generation of advanced jet trainer projects in our commercial flying group and the Soviet government were jointly conducted, but I truthfully said that no matter whether we are still in the Soviet Union, there will be this situation,"

Since Zhang Wei said, Chen Li also truthfully said that he did not conceal: "So, even if Hondu plant agrees to incorporate the L-8 project, we need to be with the Soviet Union. Communication, coordination, and strive, may not be able to make people feel more, in some cases, even if I say, Zhang always command you? "

How can Zhang Wei not understand? This is the world's most advanced third-generation jet trainer. The Shangfei Group can be blended inside, because people have come out of the real gold and silver, you have to participate in the Hondu factory. One stock, always let everyone see your share? Chen Lineng said that, it means that Shangfei Group is actually willing to let Hong have come back from the factory, which is already the best result of Hondu factory.

Zhang Wei nodded: "I understand ... Well, you have identified the specific time of communication with the Soviet Union, please inform us.

.................... When Chen Geng informed the Soviet government through the negotiations of the China Soviet Government, and Waiting for the Soviet reply, Huaxia has earned a lot of Many of the shares in this stock. The investigation of money is also close to the end.

Such a big thing, I don't know, but since I know, Ding Navy must report to report, and the person who knows this thing must investigate a clear understanding.

Don't say any investigation, can't come out, although you can't complete the overall operation of Chen Geng, but through some information disclosed by Chen Geng, coupled with the relevant financial institutions provided by China. Information, the experts of Huaxia's financial system still launched the practice of Chen Geng in this sweeping globe.

Because of this, several old leaders are full of horror in their eyes ... "You are said that every time, Chen Li, almost all the cards are in the abutment point, realize it. Profit maximized operation? "

"Yes, leaders, you see here ... here ... there is also here ... Chen Geng is here to build a position here, it is here ... The whole process is simply like he has pre-known that there is an abutment here."

Speaking of this, the expert of the headband is not hidden: "I really don't understand how he did it, but this intellectual operation method can only say that Mr. Chen is not only a genius in the industry. In the financial field, he is also a peerless genius.

"Peerless genius"

This statement is obviously exaggerated, but as long as you look at this report, you can rose a kind of "Chen Genga guys in the financial field is really a peerless genius"

the opinion of.

Several leaders nodded silently: This guy is indeed a genius.

"How much is he earned in this shared stock?"

I have a long time, and I asked again.

"This ... we are not sure ..."


The leaders have some doubts and looked at the report in front of them, and then look at these experts in front of them: "If they are uncertain, the report ..."

"This report is that we have learned after analyzing the buying and selling information that has already been mastered, but these sales discs and buying information, how many of them belong to Chen Pai, we have no way to determine,"

The senior expert said: "But although we can't determine accurate numbers, according to our analysis, Chen Geng should earn 120 to 280 million in this shared stock.

When the leader is moving, it will be asked for a while, he just asked: "Are you dollars?"

"Is all dollars.


After a while, the leaders finally opened: "It's great, it is really not.

Several experts didn't speak, in fact, their ideas and leaders: Chen Gerai is almost a technique of skill, it is really great.

How much is it? Chen Geng earned more than a month, more military expenses in China last year.

It's not so much.

One of the great people who are so amazing, um ... leadership calls to see several other leaders: "You said ..."

Several other leaders nodded with the same point: "Can be considered.

............................ Chen Geng, I don't know if I have been "stared"

It is still not only one dial.

The news received from the negotiation team feedback, Nikola Mall Cofov is excited, he personally gives the head of the negotiation team Andre, Nikolaiye, please call: "Comrade Nikolaiv, I just Seeing the report, Xiaoba will bring some funds and orders for 75 coaches, I hope to participate in this project, is it true? "

"Dear comrades, this is true,"

Andre Nicholas' affairs answered: "This matter, I personally confirmed to the Chinese comrades and Mr. Fernandes, and even the comrades of the Ministry of Defense date for the Ministry of Defense, there is indeed this. .

"Okay, thank you very much for comrades of Nikolaiv.

"You're welcome,"

Andre Nicholas, said: "What can be helped, you will open it.

"Yes, I will.

Hanging up the phone, Nikola Malinkov smeared, after a while, he picked up the phone: "Help me pick Alexander Nikolaivich Yefimov comrades.

Take a little, the phone is connected, Nikola Mallov Road: "Comrade Ye Feov, about this new generation of jet senior coaches, I have the latest situation here, I think you need to know.

Your own ideas, need to be supported by the Minister of Defense and the Air Force, Alexander Nikolayvich, Yefeimov, this, Nikola Mallov is still very clear.

"You said.

"This is, the Huaxia's Hondu Aircraft Manufacturing Factory has a cooperative project of research and development of jets. After knowing the plan to develop a new generation of jet coaches," they also hope to participate in the company. "

Speaking here, Nikola Mallov explained to Alexandria Nikolavich, Yefimov: "Ba Fang brought $ 30 million in funds and orders for 75 tractors.

Alexander Nikolayvich Yefimov is moving.

The Soviet Union is very unauthenticated, and it has been affected by the army. From May, the warrios can only send 70%, and the standard of daily life and dining is also a drop. Down, in this case, the Soviet center has actually begun to acquire the difficulties in the major military regions to solve the difficulties in the eyes - the bottom limit is that the military must ensure that the central command can listen to the central command.

Why did the Soviet Union agree that Shangfei Group participated in the development of the third-generation advanced jet trainer in the Soviet Union? In addition to the trainer, it is not the main battle equipment, sensitive than MiG-29, Su-27 and other Soviet Union's latest fighters can't compare, there is a very important reason is that the Soviet economy is too difficult.

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