king of power

Chapter 905 is the money

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Careful, Alexander Nikolayvich Yefimov confirmed to Nikola Marinkov: "Comrade Marinkov, is there a message?"

Nikola Malinkov affirmed: "I have checked the comrades of Andre Nicholas, and Comrade Nikolaiv said that he asked friends from the Ministry of Defense to contact the Ministry of National Defense. It is.

Do you have anything? Alexander Nikolayvich Yefimov is moving: no matter whether it is $ 30 million or 75 aircraft orders, it is too tempting.

He wants to ask Nikola Mallov to ask if there is a direct Pakiner from Fernandez Chen's hand, directly bypass the possibility of cooperation between Huaxia and Pakistan, but hesitated, Alexander Nicholasiyevich Ye Feimov still gave up this tempting idea.

Not Alexander Nikolaiyevich, Yefimov, I feel that I can't afford my friends, but he clearly understands that Chen Geng is transporting to the Soviet Union every month. What is important for the current Soviet Union? And precious, if it is sinned by this, it is absolutely not worth it.

Since I can't take the customer from Chen Zi's hand, Alexander Nikolaivich Yefimov is not very interested: "Comrade Marinkov, you gave me this call, you want to say what?"

Nikola Malinkov has not noticed that Alexander Nicholasivich, Yefimov is a bit impatient. He rushed: "This is the case, the original our plan, let that entered the first election But in the final selection, the model is working with Fernandes, right? "

"Yes, how is it?"

"But this also brought a new problem,"

Nikola Mallov said to Alexander Nikolaiyevich, Yefimov: "This model is a model ... we call it B ... Because there is sufficient funds and technical security, it is very likely Grab in the previously selected model A is put into use, and the models we choose B is because there is no sufficient funding guarantee, maybe our Soviet Air Force soldiers can use the latest trainer than others in late seventh year. , This ... isn't it ridiculous? "

? Alexander Nikolayvich Yefimov also stunned: it seems to be this truth.

The falling B model grabbed the selected A model in front of the multinational Air Force to start service, and the selected model A was the lack of funding, leading to the promotion of the great Red Army Warrior Air Force tactics to improve and multiplier, this It is indeed a bit of a bit, and I can't even live in Huaxia. When I start using the latest third-generation jet senior coach, the great Soviet Union is still using backward L-39? "What do you mean by Comrade Marinekov?"

Alexander Nicholas, asked Yefimov.

"Let the great Red Army warrior have to be backward than the equipment used by our friends, this is not acceptable, if this is there, that is the shame of all our people,"

Nikola Malinkov first tried to have a tonard, and then said: "But with this, the great Soviet is still in the temporary difficulties, so I think, since our MiG- 29, Su-27 These state-of-the-art, Soviet just started to be equipped with weapons to sell our friends, then we can't use our most advanced coaches with our friends? "

Alexander Nikolayvich, Yefimov, Ming Nikola Malinkov, meaning: Don't divide what A model B model, the final Soviet Union and Huaxia Shangfei Group cooperate only one, The model that is finally selected.

The benefits of doing this are naturally real, it is obvious, the Soviet Union has never been lacking technology, the lack is only funds, and the funds provided by Shangfa Group and Xiao Puba, this advanced jet trainer must be able to press time, The quality and quantity enters the Soviet Air Force and the Land Air Defense Army Service.

As for China and Pakistan, I got the technical problem of the Soviet Union's most advanced third-generation advanced jet trainer. This is not a big problem, just like Nikola Mallov comrades, since we even The most advanced, you have not equipped with several MiG-29, Su-27 can be sold to our friends, let alone a trainer? This is not a problem!

As for if there is any so, it is more smile, a trainer, the Soviet Union will definitely not take his most advanced technology, can you vent? And even if it is leaked, is a trainer discharge, or MiG-29, Su-27 This Soviet advanced fighter is discussed? And don't forget the agreement according to the previous and Fairnand, the Soviet Union is also to come up with the B model to cooperate with him. Since the B model can pass the primary election, then the gap between B models and A models It should be not large, and the Jacobrev Design Bureau, Mi Gao Yang Design Bureau, the Sohuo Design Bureau, the technical standards of the Miasell Design Bureau, and the programs they submit are ultimately in the event, I am afraid it is not because of their programs. The overall technology level does not meet the requirements of the previous military, but in some details, such as the average hour cost, etc., the B models that are difficult to cooperate will not be discussed, and the A model will discret Is the Soviet vented? Less likely.

In this case, take the final selection A model to cooperate with Huaxia Commercial Flying Group, Parm, isn't it better? In addition to the Soviet Union, you don't have to have a penny research and development funding, at least one, you can guarantee that this trainer enters the Air Force and the Land Air Defense Military Service on time.

However, the old fox is an old fox. Although Alexander Nicholasiye Yefimov has agreed to Nikola Mallov, but he still said: "I have no opinion in principle, but I want to see After the final finalized cooperation program, such as the critical interests of the property rights of this aircraft, production task planning, and interest division, etc., can it be supported or opposed.

Just think about the benefits, the old fox who is not willing to get out!

Nikola Malinkov has a dark, but it is said that there is a connection between the mouth: "Thank you very much for your understanding of the comrades of Ye Philov, you will be relieved, I will communicate with Mr. Fernandes immediately, as soon as possible Take a specific cooperative program to ask you.

But before Chen Geng Communication, he also needs to ask and ratify to the Kremlin. What do you think of this is not appropriate? At this point, Nikola Malinkov must thank the comrades of Gobyv attach great importance to the improvement of the relationship between China, and I will prepare for the military industrial equipment committee to cooperate with Huaxia Shangfei Group. After taking fine-tuning, he immediately called Nikola Mallov, why did Nicholas Marlinkov introduce this to do this, and do you have any benefits to the Soviet Union, after what is lost, Gobayov big hands Well: Your proposal is very constructive, just do it!

So the highest authorization was finally licensed, and the Nikola Marinkov, which was relieved, said through the Soviet Union negotiation team, hoping to call Chen Wantong.

.................... Although Chen Li can also contact the director of Gobs, Director Boris Pan Jin, the current diplomatic relationship between Huaxia and the Soviet Union, the economic and trade situation, his body in Huaxia, It is quite difficult to contact the Soviet Union, which is quite difficult, so when the Navy tells him that the Soviet Military Industrial Equipment Committee is responsible for the deputy director of the Aviation Industry Development, Nikola Mallkov hopes to contact him, and hope that both parties When the cooperation of cooperation, the new generation of jet trainer is re-communicating, Chen Mong is not surprising, there is a new partner to join!

However, when Nikola Malinkov told Chen Geng in the phone, when they wanted to adjust the goal of cooperation, when they cooperated with the final selection of the design bureau, Chen Li was a bit, and I didn't understand it for a moment: "Marlinko Comrade, I don't quite understand what you mean, why have you changed your idea? "

Nikola Malinkov certainly admits that we do this is because we are poor, there is no way to make sufficient funds for this project, in order not to have a simultaneous project, It has been served for several years, and there is still no delivery of the army.

Joke, we decided to do this, he said to Chen Ge said: "The reason why the reason is that Soviet is emphasis on the relationship between China. Second, after careful measurement, we found it ... we are determined to pass The two airplanes in the primary election should be between the technical level. It should be said between Jiefang. In this way, it is equal to each of us to spend a double money to make a same thing, from the perspective of cost. Say, this is very uneconomical ... "

Who is not economical!

Nikola Mallov's words, Chen Geng's heart has been bright, instantly reacting: The root cause is the lack of money, they want to open the white wolf in the next time, I don't have to spend a penny If you can get a third-generation jet senior coach that is in the world's advanced level, even make this plane to make money to the Soviet Union.

But even if Chen Li, Chen Li did not feel just a bad thing. He immediately nodded: "But this kind, Malinkov comrades, Suhui Design Bureau, Mi Gaoyang Design Bureau, Mia Sherv Design Bureau, and Yakkhfrev Design What is the attitude over there? "

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