king of power

Chapter 906 Value

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Nikola Malinkov cares about the Sukhuoy Design Bureau, Mi Gaoyan Design Bureau, Miasshev Design Bureau, and the Attitude of the Jacobrev Design Bureau? He immediately said: "The four design bureaids we are responsible for coordination.

Summary, Nichola Malinkov followed: "But Mr. Fernandes, given this new partner, the previously agreed cooperation model needs to make a large adjustment, and many places also need to re-negotiate. , I suggest you come to Moscow at the time of the time, what? "

"of course,"

After the new there have been so many variables, the previously agreed cooperation model is indeed, and Chen's hurts have promised: "I look at my time schedule ... How is it after a week?"

One week? Nikola Malinkov, hurriedly nod: "No problem, of course no problem, no matter when you come, it is our most welcome.

"You are too polite,"

When I said that Chen Geng was slight, then said: "Oh, yes, there is something, I want you to help."

"You say.

"This is the case, after evaluating the information about the AI-25TL engine, our experts tell me that AI-25TL is a very good engine, but considering our future development needs, we still need a Maximum thrust is 22.

The engine between 5 knee is 30 k., so it is possible to ask the Evchen Design Board to make a large part of the AI-25TL engine. In the case of ensuring most parts and technology interoperability. Change the engine? "

After saying, Chen Mong added: "If the Soviet Union agrees, I hope this time I go to Moscow, I can communicate with the Ivesco Design Board for specific technical indicators.

Based on Ai-25TL, the depth improved a maximum thrust in 22.

How is the engine between 5 knee to 30 kW? Nikola Malinkov does not think this is what is wrong: Since the full set of technology of the Soviet Union has sold a few days, then the AI-25TL is based on the Ai-25TL, and the depth improvement is made, then natural is not What is the problem - anyway they are going to give money.

He is a happy expression: "No problem, of course no problem, I will inform the Ivesco Design Bureau to let them come to Moscow.

"Thank you very much.

Chen Geng said: "Well, I have prepared a small gift for you, I hope you can like it.

"Haha ... haha ​​..."

I heard Chen Geng said that he arranged a "small gift" for himself.

Nikola Malinkov, I smiled when I was smiling: "You are really ... Wonderful.

Although I don't know what Chen Min is given to my gift, I understand in the heart of Nikola Marinkov. It is definitely not a cheap thing.

"We are friends,"

Chen Wiring Xiao said: "You don't have to be so polite between friends.

Now Chen people have money, in the final of the Soviet Union, can be solved by the official form in the official form, and it is not a problem in Chen Mong.

Nikola Malinkov laughed: "Of course, of course ... You can have your friends, is my honor ..."

....................... Although it has already determined a big fortune from Chen Geng in this shack of interest, he has been going to Chen Pai to leave Huaxia to Moscow, there is no economy or more The people in the top-level department come to Chen Pai, which is actually very understanding, knowing that Chen Li's talents in the financial talents are a matter, but how to cooperate, in what way to cooperate with Chen Wing, this still needs a discussion. The process (and this process will not be too short), after all, the purpose of Chen Tong cooperation is to improve the safety of the financial field while opening the outside world, and naturally should be cautious.

But even in this way, Chen Li has already enjoyed the benefits of hidden hidden. For example, after knowing that Chen Tong wants to go to Moscow, the comrades of the relevant departments will tell Chen Li, because his relevant information has been filled, In the future, he went to the Soviet Union from Huaxia, as long as the business visa channel, you can complete all the procedures for all procedures, no longer need to be troublesome like.

Chen Geng's speed is fast, but the speed of Hondu Factory and Xiaoba can't get up. This is no way. In Hua Su, there is no formal reply to the ambassador-level diplomatic relationship, the representative of Hongdu factory wants to go Moscow and the person in charge of the relevant departments of the Soviet Union are not only to take the procedures, walking the process, and the Soviet process, and the process.

Chen Geng's private aircraft landed in Moscow airport, in order to express my gratitude to Chen Geng, Nikola Malinkov even gave Chen Geng in the airport. When I saw Chen Geng, Nikola Malinkov gave Chen Li. A Slavic Holding: "Mr. Fernande, my friend, I am very happy."

Nikola Mallov is really much like Chen Geng to send the gift. This gift is not a number of cash sent, nor a luxury, beautiful wine, but sugar!

That's right, it is sugar.

In the future, in Chen Geng, all the products delivered to the Soviet Union, Nikola Malinkov can get 10% of the sugar supplies.

Like European, the sugar is also one of the favorite materials of the Soviet Union. In the Soviet, the sugar is as indispensable as white wine, this is actually understanding, the Soviet Union is too cold, and sugar The play is not only sweet, but it can make people feel happy, and can also provide energy, so in the Soviet, sugar, and various sweets, the extent to which they are popular, but now in this material supply tight era, sugar Even the same as the vodka, faintly became hard, so I would like to know how ecstasy is after Nikola Malinkov gets the dispensing of sugar from Chen Zi Hand: This is given Not money, but it is more important than money.

Chen Geng is very clear, why did Nicholas Marlinkov see you are so happy, this guy is not so happy when you see yourself, he takes hard to shoot Nikola Mallov's shoulders: "Comrade Marinekov, I am very happy to see you ... "

Said, Chen Geng took a small box from Kelly Hicks to Nikola Mallov: "Well, a little gift, Cuba's cigar, I hope you like it.

Cumber from Cuba? Nikola Malinkov laughs, the more happy, a boss of a mouth: Cuban cigar, this is a good thing.

"Dear friends, you are too meant, um, I have helped you arrange the place where you live."

Nikola Malinkov thumb, at the same time, the eye is eye-catching, a pair, "Let's understand"

The expression, said to Chen Ge: "I believe you will like it ..."

Soon, Chen Li will know why Nikola Malinkov says this - change it is you, look at these skin beautiful, big long legs are fierce, there is no more than 18 The Russian golden girl is looking at you, you can also instantly understand what Nikola Mallov has just crushed what it means: this is clearly preparing to use the sugar-coated cannon to use it!

It's just that Kelly Hicks after Chen Geng, there is no change in expression, calmly, to help Tony Stark, have been used to pick up the "daily necessities" used last night.

Private female housekee Pelipots like.

I know that Chen Tong, who is eager to move in my heart, confirmed to Nikola Mallov: "Nikola, my friend, you arrange ... okay?"

"Nothing, what can be,"

Nikola Malinkov does not have a hand: "They are all voluntary, you think who is eligible to stand in front of you? Well, give them a little dollar.


Although I don't know if there is a famous "swallow" this.

, But looked at the Slavic American girl in front of him, Chen Geng Xin really excited: as "friends"

Nikola Malinkov is indeed very meaningful.

But now it is not excited, I took a breath, Chen Ming said to Nikola Mallov: "Let's talk about the right thing, the comrades of the Ivesco Design Bureau in Moscow? If they are, and convenient, I want to see you first.


Nikola Malinkov blinked, and the beautiful Slavia girl in front of him can be personally carefully selected. He is unbearable, and the general man can't hold this stage, but Fernandes Chen ... good Let's take yourself, I'm worthy of Fernandes Chen's wealth, what kind of woman has never seen? Maybe he is already secretly laughing in his heart, he has never seen the world.

"No problem at all,"

Nikola Malinkov, which quickly adjusted his mood, nodded immediately: "They are always convenient.

........................ Don't have to come over with Chen Geng, and the Yvchengco Design Bureau will come soon.

When I saw the representative of the Ivesco Design Bureau, Chen Geng suddenly smiled: old acquaintance.


Chen Geng stood up and hugged with Yuri Kraviao. "I didn't expect to see you here.

Seeing Chen Geng, Yuri Kraviao is also very excited. He also hugged Chen Tong in the same way: "Mr. Fernandez, received a message you wish to cooperate with our Yvcin Design Bureau, everyone I feel that I am more familiar with you, arrange me.

"I like to deal with acquaintances,"

Chen Geng's thumb and a pick, for the Yuri Kravico, and also for Nichola Malinkov: "and acquaintances, and friends are always happy.

"of course.


Yuri Kravico and Nikola Malinkov simultaneously nod.

After a simple cold, Chen Geng asked Yuri Kraf, "Yuci, I have known that I have a roughly demanding for this engine, right?"


Yuri Kravico immediately said: "You need a thrust in 22.

Between 5 to 30 kWh, you can simultaneously meet the aerospace engine of our ongoing jet advanced coaches and aerobics of jet business.

"Yes, that's it,"

Chen Geng's head: "But in the road to Moscow, I re-lethar my idea, I think we need a engine, but a series of engines.

A series of engines? Chen Geng is exported, Euclivico and Nikola Mallov at the same time, only Kelly Hicks, or a change in expression.

"Yes, a series, divided into military and civilian different versions,"

Chen Gei nodded again, explained: "I and my experts have carefully discussed, think that I want an engine to meet military and civil needs, such as military engines, sensitive response, moment The vastness characteristics and good response characteristics in different heights, and civil engine needs to have good fuel economy, although military engine and civil engine have also a high degree of response, fuel economics require, but military The side focus of the engine and civil engine is different.

If you want an engine to meet military and civil needs, this engine machine does not completely meet the needs of military demand, and it is not good enough in civil use.

Yuri Kraf Qincuo felt that he had a little understanding of Chen Geng. He sinking slowly: "Things you want this based on Ai-25TL to deeply improve the engine, in fact, it is a focus on life, Reliability and economical civil models, and a military model that focuses on military needs? "

Nikola Mallov also looked at Chen Tong, his views and Yuri Kravico is almost, thinking that Chen Tong is to want two series of engines.

But is this a problem? Not all, a series is done, two series is also doing, more series can earn more money.

"Almost this meant,"

Chen Mongxiao said: "However, in addition to the power, divided into two versions of military and civilian, it also has digital full control capabilities, and also considering market demand, each version is preferably three to four thrust grades. In addition, the military models are best with a versions that are brought.

Oh, yes, considering letting me master as soon as possible, I ask for it from the beginning, my people will participate in this improvement work.


I heard here, even if Nichola Malinkov is a fool and I can listen to the taste: This is to let the Evchen Design Bureau help him make a depth improvement model with ai-25tl engine, this is clear ... ... He immediately understood why Chen Li is willing to give a very strong sugar product agency to give his own agent. Now he knows that this money is not so good.

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