king of power

Chapter 912, the small plum

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Encourse the mouth of the water, Wailajing Steliyevich asked Nikola Mallov: "A broken mother, can you sell so much money?"

Although Watan Stelievich knows that he asked a very stupid problem, he really can't help but serve for more than 30 years, it has been on the verge of scrapped, actually Sell ​​to £ 50 million? Is there any reason? !

Also quirky Taki Steliyevich saw that hundreds of thousands of pounds are not in the eyes, it is now the current Soviet Union, the financial situation has been embarrassed to the extreme, everyone's days are not good.

As for Wailajing Steliyevic why not know this, as a beloved letter in Gobyov, he is doing something to deal with every day, this kind of little thing happens in foreign countries, there is no Reported to his chance to follow.


Nikola Malinkov ended up: "This is a public thing, because of this aircraft carrier, India has become the first country with a double aircraft carrier formation in Asia, now is proud.

"Double Aircraft Master Army, Haha ... haha ​​..."

Watan Steliyevich was like a big joke, laughing: "The ship built in the two World War II?"

But very quickly, Watan Steliyevic can't laugh: a ship built in an 1940s can sell 50 million pounds, and it is also the kind of to buy my ship. ... "Yes, Mrink Comrade, Mr. Fernandes said that Argentina and Thailand may buy aircraft carrier, how is it?"

Suddenly I remembered that Argentina and Thailand, Nikola Mallov, were also able to purchase aircraft carrier, and Wailajing Steliyevic quickly asked.

"Oh, it's this ..."

Simplely introduced the "February 25" "February 25"

The aircraft carrier and the Thai king earned money. If you want to add a big toy to show the neighbors of the neighbors, Nikola Mallov said: "It is roughly such a thing, in general, can only say Argentina and Thailand is a potential customer, there is potential will, but if you really need to do a lot of work, you may take a few years, especially Argentina, there are south of South America, American attitude we You can't think of it.

Wailajing Steliyevich took a head, sell small aircraft carriers and carrier gaming machines to Argentina, this really needed carefully, for the United States for South America, this move will not be killed by the damn American Is it a provocative? However, the Argentine does not work ... Watan Stelievich suddenly asked: "The aircraft carrier in India also needs to add almost 30 yards, right?"


Nikola Malinkov hurvespered.

"Based on this trainer, develop a carrier version of senior coach / fighter, this idea is good,"

Wailajing Steliyevich made a decision very quickly: "I will report this matter as soon as I respect the comrades of Gobboh, you will notify the four design bureaus first, let them temporarily carry the carrier The development of the coach machine is in the first place, and it takes out a shipping carrier machine that can be used to show the flight as soon as possible.


Nikola Malinkov should hurriedly, his heart is bright: Soviet stars the order of this 30 ship fighters in India.

As for this "shipborne light fighter" that is now not styled

When can you serve, can help India's aircraft carrier form a combat power as soon as possible ... Well, this thing is no need to worry, anyway, I am so forth, don't lie to them? For the three ... Oh, no, it is the Soviet Union with the rich military and trade in India, they are intended to deal with the three brothers, named a rich experience, did not see the Nikola Mallov Don't you feel unexpected? "and also……"

Wailajing Stallievich is slightly sinking, once again, "You told Mr. Fernandez, um ... Mr. Gobif will meet him in recent days ..."


Although Wailajing Stelievich didn't say why Gobyh suddenly had to meet Chen Po, Nikola Mallov's heart is mirror: in the case of this Soviet financial stretch, suddenly has a This will make money, and you can see the entrepreneur of the Soviet Union, shouldn't you take a look at it? At the same time, while the Nikola Malinkov has begun to quietly pondering: Is it necessary to adjust the attitude of Fernandes Chen? ................................ Chen Geng, I don't know that Watan Steliyevich has begun to help his master, and someone looked at the road to stop his way. Self-proclaimed guys in the United States of America, a bit ... "You are the United States of America in the Soviet Union Liaison Office?"

Stanson blocked in front of Chen Geng, looking at the two: "Document?"

"it's here,"

The leader of the head is very cooperated with a certificate from the inner pocket to deliver a certificate to Stanson, and the manner is very polite: "Mr. Stanson, please believe that we are not malicious, the reason why Fernandes, Mr. Fernandes, is a command.

What orders above, this guy who has just claimed to be called Louis Fleist did not say.

This can also be understood. If this two people are really a person in the US Affairs Office, then they come to Chen Geng, it is not ordinary, an unusual thing, how can I discuss in the street? ? Carefully check the documents of Louis Fleist, Stanson whispered Chen Geng said: "BOSS is true.

Chen Geng nodded: "What is going on, talk to my car.


Louis Fleis is nodded, and it is very matched with Chen Li's car. It is close to the door, and the sound insulation glass between the main officer has risen, Louis Falist will say: "Mr. Fernandez It is this, and Mr. President hopes to talk to you. If you are convenient, it is best today.

"Mr. President hopes to talk to me?"

Chen Dynasty frowned: "This ..."


I know what the cause of Chen Geng frowned, Louis Fleiste is explained: "With a satellite phone, you can use satellite phone and president.

When I said this, Louis Fleist's expression was very calm.

The expression is calm and does not mean that he is really calm. In fact, how to play the phone person in Howard Baker personally, ask the Liaison Office to contact Chen Geng as soon as possible, and Mr. President asked to provide satellite phone for Chen Gei to confidentiality At the time, Louis Fleist has been shocked.

There is no doubt that the President's practice is a violation of the procedure, Fernande Chen is not a government, and it is not qualified to use the satellite phone call, which can face this excess request from the White House Office, Louis Fu Leicester is not dare, and Lest can't refuse - similar slight violations, the whole of the United States has gone, who will be a matter? In the United States, money is privilege.

Can be used by Li Gen's classmates to inform the United States in the Soviet Union, let the people who are in the Liaison Office come to find themselves. How do you think about it? ? "

Chen Geng also did not deliberately, selling Guanzi, that is not improving the price, that is stupid.

Although Chen Gill is not likely to refuse, as Chen Geng is so happy, Louis Fleister is still relieved, hurriedly should be said: "Yes, our contact office is in Moscow.

It is good to do in Moscow, and Chen Geng nodded: "I let me go with you to contact you and agree to the time of calling.

And the White House is not easy. On the one hand, Moscow has a few hours of time difference with Washington, but this is not the most important, the most important thing is the second point: the ghost knows Washington, this side or Moscow Come over, is it easy to pick up? Therefore, although there is a convenient satellite phone, it is still a time to keep a call.

Louis Fleistendden is relieved.

Although I know that Chen Tong is unlikely, I know that this requirement is that Mr. Howard Baker represents Mr. President, can this matter? Mr. Fernandes can be the most money super rich in the United States ... At least one ... If he sets the idea that the idea is not the bird's president, what can I have? Fortunately, ok, this situation has not happened.

........................ Li Gen students want to call the mood of the call to Chen Li's imagination.

I don't know if I have a change in the United States. This is the satellite route of the military side. How did Chen Li think it is convenient for tomorrow or after tomorrow? Sistann, who went to the liaison office with Louis Fleist quickly called back, and said that Mr. President hoped after 2 hours and Chen Geng.

Simple conversion of Moscow and Washington time difference, Chen Geng's brow suddenly tightened: What is it? How do I worry about Li Gen? I rushed to the liaison office, and Stanson who came up with Chen Tao, she looked at Chen Geng, while she was with Chen Wen, and I checked it. The line is a military encrypted line. The room is also a special dark room. Don't worry tapping.


Chen Mongcong had a breath.

Although it is still not bad, it is still not bad, but Chen Gengxin understands that his call with Li Gen is indeed not suitable to be eavesdropped by the Soviet Union, and you will be able to stay with old Mao. You are not enough, you must stay for 78 minds - - As for the Soviet, it will not be eavesdress, but if there is a chance, they can't let go, when is the old man gentle? After a break, the phone quickly turned on, Li Gen's classmates listened to abnormal tiredness.

Chen Wi-fungry asked: "Is Mr. President, is there anything I need to help?"

The tall of the phone did not say directly to Chen Geng, said directly: "Yes, Fernandes, now I really need your help.

"It's my honor.

"Fernandes, recent time, because of Iranian Gate and this stock disaster, Mr. President faces unprecedented public opinion pressure, Mr. President must do something,"

Howard Baker, director of the White House Office, cleared, clearly, the satellite phone at the phone is hands-free, and the room can not be kept, and the two people are still Li Gen and Howard Baker: "I said, you can Understand?"

Chen Geng is a little surprised: "I can understand, but I don't understand ... There is such a big stock, how can I have a president?"

Howard Baker whispers said: "It is a political correctness of the principal of the president.

"I understand, you continue.

Chen Geng suddenly realized that the President of the United States is similar to the national football team, it belongs to the kind of, it is a kind of problem, no matter what the country has made, the president is right, and these problems, All are because of the president waste, incompetence, accounting for the pit, the president of the US president is also poor, almost become a "garbage bucket" that throws negative emotions throughout the society.

However, the president is not a risk point, but others can't do it, don't look at these guys, I have the news, you can try the police on the street. Let you know what is "the iron boxing of capitalism"

Howard Baker then said: "The president faces a very large pressure. After discussion, we believe that under the current situation, if you want to change this, the only way is to seek breakthrough outside ..."

Although Howard Baker has not said what they discuss, but "nuclear disarmament"

The three words were suddenly ranked in Chen Wi-minded.

"... this breakthrough point is that the" nuclear disarmament "is a breakthrough, and the Soviet leader Gobbof will come to the United States to conduct state affairs."

I don't know how my plan has been worn by Chen Gerand, and then said that I am very sincere: "Mr. Fernande, Mr. I and President know that you have a good private friendship with the Soviet leader Gobbof. , Mei Su can go to the current situation, you can't work, but Mr. President needs your help now ... "

Howard Baker's words, Chen Geng understood that this thing he himself is helped, and it doesn't help but help. Of course, the benefits of helping it will never be less.

He took a deep breath and said: "I understand, let's talk, how can I cooperate here?"

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