king of power

Chapter 913 I can represent the government?

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Howard Baker is not hesitant, and now every minute is very valuable. Tap this thing as soon as possible, your BOSS can be less stressed, he first determines one thing to Chen Geng: "Mr. Fernande, you have recently Can you see Mr. Gobio Ve? "

"no problem,"

Chen Geng immediately said: "Gobajov will soon see me.

"That is good,"

Howard Baker is also a breather: "When you see Mr. Gobbof, you will ask Mr. Gobiv, represents Mr. Gabapek: The agreement we reach is to visit the United States before the end of the year before the end of the year. In November, what is the meaning of Mr. Gobajov? Have he uniform sincerity? "


It seems that Xiao Li is also really eye-catching, and actually directly in the tone of this questionnaire.

But the focus of Chen Mong did not care about this, his mouth is slightly, shocked to Handard Baker: "I represent the US government?"

I didn't make a mistake, I was just a businessman, and I was not government officials. Do you let me represent the US government? "Yes, I authorize you on behalf of the White House, represent my own,"

Li Gen's classmates came in, and I took a few minutes of coking: "The fax piece of the related documents will be transferred to the Liaison Office tomorrow, official documents will be sent to the Liaison Office.


Chen Yang shrugged, Li Gen said so, what can I do? He nodded: "Mr. Beck, you will say.

Howard Baker then said: "If Mr. Gobyov and agrees to fulfill his promise, it is determined to visit the United States in December, and Mr. President is willing to help Mr. Gobel.

"Oh? What is busy?"

Chen Geng asked.

"If Mr. Gobboh is determined in December, then the president will follow the speech, mainly two points: revoke all of the US land base and sea-based tactical nuclear weapons, and is unilateral,"

Howard Beck said: "This will have a very helpful help to relieve the current situation of Gobacchov.

Chen Mong Shen took a breath, and the heart was shocked: unilaterally revoked the Nuclear weapon and land-based war nuclear weapon? Is the time in advance? The proposal to unilaterally revoked the marine nuclear weapon and the land-based nuclear weapon is that it is the "five sides of the five points" to the Soviet in the way in September 1991.

In the two, I didn't expect that Li Gen students took this time. It seems that this economic crisis and the Iranian events have a big thing to Ligen classmates.

The so-called "The United States will unilaterally revoked all Haiji and land-based war nuclear weapons"

It is because the nuclear disarmament in the past two countries in the past, "you cut the XX Middle Timers, I cut the XX Middle Tim missile, you cut XX XX 10,000 tons to XX 10,000 tons , I will see XX XX Ten thousand tons to XX 10,000 tons of ethical nuclear bomb head "

In short, don't want to earn inexpensiveness, but now, it will become "I hope that you will cut, but no matter what you are disappear, I will" "

If Li Gen is really doing this, he means that he takes great political risks, because in terms of Americans' cognition, this may have the majestic majesty of Li Gen: This is not the death of the death of the evil Soviet Union. ? "... Mr. President said to be so dry?"

After a silence, Chen Geng Shen said: "This risk is too big.

"Yes, Mr. President undertakes considerable risks,"

Howard Baker has a bit cough, then said: "So, in Fernand, Mr. Fernand, to ensure that Gobshev must come to the United States to visit, when you go to the Kremlin, except for attitude, you need to cooperate with it. .


Chen Li has some doubts: "How to cooperate?"

"You told Gobborn, if he refused to visit the United States in December, you will be affected in the Soviet business ..."

What is the business from Chen Geng in the Soviet Union? Simply put, it is the "Mei Su Foulet" in the US official.

Chen Geng purchases all kinds of agricultural products and light industrial products in the United States, selling these products to a seemingly import and export trader in Asia, and then the seemingly related to the Asian seems to be indispensable. Import and export traders will export these items to the Soviet Union.

Chen Geng sells more than 200,000 tons of agricultural products and light industrial products sold to the Soviet Union every month. In addition to the purchasing in Asia, there is also a considerable part of its part from Europe and the United States.

Why do you ask the Government of the United States and Europe not take action on Chen Pi practices? Do they all eat white rice? Of course, the government departments and intelligence agencies in Europe and the United States are certainly not eating idle, and they will not be able to take Chen Geng. "It seems that Fernandes Chen is only normal economic and trade commentary."

What is going on, who doesn't understand anything, is the business of Fernandes Chen.

But the Soviet Union is now gradually weak, it is Europe and America to see, but at the same time, everyone hopes to over-stimulate the Soviet Union, so that this Arctic bears are angry, so the Countermeasures for the Soviet Union during this period are: blunt The knife cuts the blood, and in order to avoid this polar bears, it is not given to the blood - similar to the dead pool administrator, a pipe puts the water, and the water is in water, the purpose is to put the pool It is completely clean, but in order not to stimulate this polar bear, let it think that his own life is dangerous, and the water pipe is occasionally going to put in a little water ... Although this business can do, but carefully analyze I will know that other people can't do it outside Fernandes Chen, I want to find a private person who can easily and the United States, European countries and the Soviet Union. In addition to Fernandes Chen, it is really another I can't find it.

Chen Geng also clear this, so Howard Baker's words have not been finished, Chen Li is blown: "What ?!

Mr. Beck, what do you mean? I have paid such a big effort to the construction and mutual understanding of the diplomatic relations between the United States, but now you tell me, I am normal, legal business can't get legal protection? "

What is it? Do you make me threaten Gobboh? Or is it a threat to it? "Cough ... Mr. Fernande, you don't want to misunderstand,"

Howard Baker rushed to explain: "Don't really affect your business, but you also know that your trade with the Soviet trade accounts for nearly 10% of the total imports of light industrial products related to residential life. Once this time is here, Gobbov him can't afford it, so you are not more obvious than saying, as long as you mean, I believe that Mr. Gobboh will make a wise choice.

Howard Baker is full of confidence!

Also, today, the food of the Soviet Society and the supplies of various light industrial products with residents' live industrial products are more nervous. Once there is such a big change in this time, Gobyv's buttocks are sitting a stuffed bomb. There is no difference between the stove.


Chen Geng frowned: Although Howard Baker said his business is not affected, but ... "Since it comes to this,"

After a moment, Chen Geng said: "Mr. Beck, there is a president, Mr. Gobyv meets me, I will transfer the White House to him, and try to convince him with the President, but my foreign trade business , Are we still talking? "

Howard Baker Shen Sheng: "Okay, you said.

For Chen Wenhui, he raised this matter at this time, Hophand Baker and the other people in this room did not feel the accident. I called the US Affairs Office in Soviet Union, asked them to contact Chen Ming, they thought What kind of "carrot" wants to give Chen Ge

Chen Geng's scorpion will work well - first is Iranian gate, now it is a global stock disaster. In recent time, Li Guan classmates and his little friends are really a bit awkward.

Chen Geng Shen Sheng said: "In the future, I am in the United States, as long as the legal procedures are fulfilled, and the procedures are no problem, they do not involve sensitive equipment stipulated by the US law, the US government waist supports all business activities.

What is "the legitimate, legal procedures, and the program is no problem"

, This is not nonsense, who is doing a business? However, Howard Baker and Li Gen understand that Chen Li is really meaningful to say: in the future, I can't add restrictions on my US Sui Trade!

Earlier, Chen Tong although Chen Ming is the "Mei Su,"

However, the scale is limited, and the Root government allows Chen Li to purchase from the United States every month. The total amount of materials used for US Soviet trade is about 100,000 tons, more than 100,000 tons, Chen Geng's US Soviet trade I will encounter some inexplicable trouble.

100,000 tons of course is a very horrible number, but carefully think, in fact, it is full of 100,000 tons of ocean freighters. For the United States, for the Soviet Union, this trade volume is even nine bull. Not, Chen Pigang is obviously unwilling to 100,000 tons per month.

He asked to add code.

Howard Baker is not taking care, saying: "200,000 tons per month.

"800,000 tons.

"800,000 tons? What is joking?!

Howard Baker was scared, even Li Gen was scared, although "200,000 tons" opened

The plus code is given to Fernandes Chen out of the bargaining space, but 800,000 tons? Is this guy? !

"800,000 tons are just four ships of 200,000 tons,"

Chen Dynasty's face does not matter: "And the President is, the long-lasting, you don't forget, now the US economy is not too popular, there is 200,000 tons of supplies each month, how many people can not lose business? From This perspective, I am helping you.


Li Gen and Howard Baker also crying: How? When I got this, I was helping us? Yes, yes, under this shock of the global shares, the various factories in the United States have closed hundreds of thousands. The number of unemployed people has a few million, and the economy and social life of the entire US have been affected. Very large influence, according to the analysis of experts, at least 2 years can be recovered, if Chen Li can provide 200,000 tons of foreign trade orders to the American society every month, plus the driving of the upper and downstream related industries The role, at least to ensure that hundreds of thousands of people are not unemployed, but ... you are Fernandes Chen's appetite is also a big big!

Also, although the president does not have to consider the ballot's problem, it is not a bad thing to provide some employment positions ... "250,000 tons, no more.

"700,000 tons, I am driving the revitalization of the US economy.

"300,000 tons ..."

............ Ultimately, both parties reached an agreement, Chen Geng can purchase 400,000 tons from the United States from the United States without the products of military sensitive technology, which is used for US Soviet trade - premise is that Chen Li is able to persuade Gobyv In the next month, I have access to the next month, and the "unilateral destruction of all land-based war programs and sea-based tactic nuclear weapons" will be made by Ligen.

The practice gives a clear, peer response.

When the agreement is reached, Chen Li also finally loosen.

................................ When Chen Mingzong has a breath, after listening to Nikola Mallov's supplementary requirements complement on the new generation of advanced coaches, Sukhoi The design bureau, Mi Gaoyang Design Bureau, the Yakkhov Design Bureau, and the headaches of the Mia Sheriff Design Bureau, but the headache is bombed: from their own senior coach has created prototypes, as long as After the military industrial equipment committee and the Double review of the Ministry of Defense, they can enter the technical freezing stage. Now you tell me that the design requirements given in the previous are not enough, to develop at least 1.

4 Mach, you can fly over the ship version of the ship-loaded high-end coach / light fighter? Male!

The Akkhi Jaminko of the Yakkhov Design Bureau made a blink of face, a helpless and tangled, said to Nikola Mallov: "Dear Comrade Marinkov, Soviet in Senior Coach Project When the project was established, the proposed request was that the speed limit of the body is 1.

2 Mach, now I suddenly increased to at least 1 airplane speed to at least 1.

4 Mach, the speed of the body to withstand the limit to reach at least 1.

6 Mach, this ... work is too big.

"Yes, I know this hard, I don't say this,"

Nikola Malinkov nodded: "But I want to tell the comrades, this is not the hardest, the most difficult thing is that everyone must make a sliding take-off within 4 months." Falling trial model, even if it can only fly, the other can do anything.

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