king of power

Chapter 919 can't afford, small bar

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"To stop the blocking?"

Firuck Legali frowned, although he didn't know how much it was, how much it took to block the block, but such a set of blocking the system would never be cheap, this is what he understands.

"No way, must be,"

Chen Yang shrugged: "The Soviet Union's performance requires you to know about the performance of this senior coach machine in research and development, want to make the plane stopped on the aircraft carrier, the best way is to block the block, but Jacques -UTK, The landing distance of Migg -at is not very far, plus the aircraft itself is a light aircraft, and the requirements for blocking the system are not high.

It is not high, which means that the cost will be low.

Firuck Legali made a breath and asked: "What is the price? How much is it?"

"This is no longer possible,"

Chen Ge said: "The specific price, you need to wait for you to determine the power system power, radar models, weapon system models, etc. can only give a relatively accurate offer, you can't always have an empty shell boat? However, the Nirvana Design Bureau said, if it is a light aircraft carrier with a full load of about 20,000 tons, the overall cost is expected to be between $ 300 million to $ 400 million, um, this is not a carrier price.

"As long as 3 to 400 million US dollars?"

Firuck Legali has grown up his eyes. This price is really unexpected in Farro Legali.

The $ 34 million is of course not cheap, but you have to know that this price will buy two "Perry"

Level frigate, or without helicopters, now buy a drainage of 20,000 tons now, isn't this not cheap enough? Chen Geng nodded: "However, it is limited to the current price, with the rise of inflation and cost, the price is also possible to increase.

"I understand, I understand,"

Firuck Legali nodded, the United States's Peil-level frigate is a $ 45 million in the beginning of the construction, how much is the price of a gerbera frigate? He asked anxious: "Mr. Fernandes, is there a sketch? Even if it is a schematic picture.

Also don't say, there is a sketch.

Chen Mong took a sketch from the bag ... It's really a sketch, or is a diagram, A. B Mulinnic painted directly on a piece of paper ... handed to Faruk Legali.

Firuck Legali hurriedly came.

In view of this just a schematic, A. B Mulini is very scribbled, very simple, such as the most important ship island is just a few words, but roughly means that it is clear, not like The Soviet Union is being separated from the Kuznezov aircraft carrier in the sea, the landing area and the landing area are separated. The model of this aircraft carrier looks very similar to the invincible light aircraft carrier in the UK, and a deck has been through the tail. There is a sliding deck, just with the immunized grade, ashame, the prince of Astria, painted three lines on the tail deck of this aircraft carrier, seeing these three lines, Faruk Lai The Gary immediately understood that this is the blocking of the tail.

Chen Geng introduced to Faruk Legali: "Mr. Malindi said that the aircraft carrier can carry up to 24 yard ships compared to the UK's invincible aircraft carrier, including 16 ship light fighters and 8 The helicopters of different functions such as transportation, anti-submarine, and warning, in terms of overall combat, the theoretical stronger than India's Victor-based tribute to Vila.

This sentence of Chen Mi is the most sensitive place in the heart of Faruk Legali: stronger than the fighting power of Vilate and Wickland. Also!

According to the new requirements of this trainer, the highest flight speed is 1.

4 Mach, as a typical third-generation light fighter, this plane also does not win the old "Haishu"

? If the Pakist is equipped with such a aviation carrier, it is too good.

I think that the aircraft carrier needs to be almost $ 500 million. Faruk Legali can't help but frown: this price ... "Mr. Fernande, thank you very much for doing everything,"

Garmet, Farro Legali said to Chen Geng: "Can I take this picture away?"

"No problem at all.

Chen Li was very happy: This picture is to let Faruk Legali to take away, but what is Indian soon know that the small bus is in secret to seek a aircraft carrier from the Soviet Union, it is not Yes.

------------ On December 16th, Gobachev, who went to the United States to conduct state visits, said when the airport was interviewed, he was very expected to sign a world with President Li Gen. Peace and advantageous "Nuclear Disarmament" treaty.

When the news, the whole Western boiling!

Countless Western people have embarked on the streets, celebrating this historic moment, and for every moment, they are waiting for a long time, they are waiting for too long, although Gobyv The words do not mean that the two countries must fully cancel the nuclear army military competition, but the signing of this agreement, at least a little, that is, the possibility of fighting, the possibility of cheering war is getting smaller and smaller, inexplicably lost The possibility of life is getting smaller and smaller.

For a time, the demon is still the evil avatar, and it has become the saints in the Western media port. In this case, Pakistan decided to quit the Decision of the Soviet senior coaching machine project, which is not enough.

"You decided to quit?"

Chen Geng asked in Faruk Legali.

This decision of the small bar, some unexpected expectations, but also in Chen Pi's expectations.

In Chen Geng's expectations, it is because the Soviet exchange of the Soviet trainer is too high, counting the R & D and investment of the shipping version and the shipboard introduction, the price of the stand-alone may exceed 6 million US dollars, so high The price, the small bar is not possible for a large number of equipment, and as a trainer, if you can't make a lot of equipment? From this point, Xiaoba exits this project is unexpected.

And the reason why it is more interested is because the little bar is simply: Faruk Legali came to Moscow for more than half a month, Xiao Puba has just learned the situation, almost Firuck Legali just Feedback here back to the domestic, the leaders of Xiaoba immediately made the decision of cooperation negotiations, this courage is rare.


Firuck Legali nodded: "After comprehensive measurement, we still decided to continue to carry out the L-8 trainer project with Hondu Factory. After all ... L-8 trainer is cheap, our finance can afford it. .


Chen Geng's head: "The Soviet's plane is really very good, but it is not only too high, and the performance is too surplus for the needs of your country ... Well, then you have passed with Mr. Zhang Wei? What is the factory? "

Futuk Legali sent a sigh of reluctant, grateful: "Thank you for your understanding.

Donned, Farro Legali went to Chen Geng explained: "I have passed Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Zhang said that there is no problem, and continue to go down according to the previous cooperation agreement, but you will not Will bring you some unnecessary trouble? "

Firuck Legali is really worried that Chen Mong will not be annoyed, after all, participate in this project is coming, now, now, I have given an exit. Before and after, I will toss Mr. Fernandez. For more than a month, if Fernandes Chen is unhappy, Faruk Legali is actually fully understood, but Fernandes Chen Ya is not angry, but also asking them to fight with Hondu Factory. There is no impact on cooperation, which makes Faruk Legali touched.

"how come?"

Chen Mongxiao: "You want to participate in this project is true, but now it is only the previous communication and understanding. After understanding this project, it is found that it is not suitable for you, so do not participate in it, what is the problem? Don't worry, it's okay, there is something wrong.

It is said that Chen Li is really not so happy, and Faruk Legali is happy.

When Firuck Legali, Chen Geng took a silent point on the Wilder's Wrist to the silent in the wrist. After a while, he stood up and told Stanson: "Go to Zhang.

After a group of people in Hongdu factory, after a few words, Zhang Wei did not follow Chen Geng, directly asked: "Mr. Chen, you are trying to launch this senior coach project for the minor coach project. ? "

"Yes, Mr. Legali said and I said, they believe that the cost is too high, don't want to participate in it,"

Chen Geng nodded: "Zhang, I want to know what the Hondu factory is now in what it means, will you continue to participate in this project?"

"We want to participate in it, this is a good learning opportunity?"

Looking at Chen Geng, Zhang Wei smiled and said that he said to Chen Geng: "You also know that you will also know that this capital is in the moment of this capital, and the small bar is now Not preparing to participate in this Higher Education Machine Project in the Soviet Union, is actually a good thing for our Hondu factory, at least in the next few years, the belly is not hungry.

As for whether the Hondu factory continues to participate in the Soviet Union project ... "

When I said, Zhang Yu Don, there is a bitterness on my face: "On the money, you and your Shangfei Group do not lack the money; the technology, the technical strength of your Shangfei Group may not be better than our Hongdu factory How much is it ... "

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