king of power

Chapter 920 borrowing people

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"It's also, your hungry factory ... is really not optimistic,"

Chen Geng nodded, suddenly asked Zhang Wei: "Zhang, can our Shangfei Group I can take someone from your Hondu factory?"


Zhang Wei did not expect Chen Pigong to make such a request, and suddenly stunned: "Borrowing people?"

"Yes, borrow people,"

Chen Wirong Xiao said: "According to I understand that the design work of the L-8 trainer is close to complete, there should be so many people, Hondu factory borrows this part of the unsecurity group to our Shangfei Group This part of the people's salary and bonus spending our Shangfei Group, and each other can give the rent fee of 1,000 yuan in Hongdu factory per month, how? "

Huh? Can you play with this? The doubts are confused, but I can't help but start in my heart: Is it feasible? Such as Chen Geng said that if the Pakista official regreshes the L-8 coach project, the next L-8 trainer project is to blow the hole, as a second-year-old machine based on the L-29 coach From this point of view, the development of the L-8 trainer has been completed, in which case some people do hand from the project group do not affect the smooth progress of the L-8 coach project.

If a part of the human hand - assumption is 50 people - according to Chen Ge said, 1000 yuan per month

Standard, these 50 people can create 50,000 yuan of income to Hongdu factory every month, one year is 600,000, and then considering the salary of these 50 people, the bonus or even welfare will be burden by Shangfei Group. Hondu factory saves a lot of money, this anti-one, Hongdu factory earned 700,000 a year, is stable.

This is still 50 people. If the number of people borrowed to Shangfei Group is 80 people, 100 people? This anti-one is, it is a million income every year!

The most important thing is that this price is only the price of Chen Geng, and Hondu Factory has not yet returned.

For Hondu Factory, which is extremely difficult to have an extremely difficult income, each year, 1 million or millions of income, absolutely unable to ignore, realize this income, refused, Zhang Wei can't say it, he is a difficult way: "Who said that the development of the L-8 coach has not needed so many people? Next, L-8 is called blowing holes. After blowing the wind tunnel, it is necessary to make a detailed design according to the information of the wind tunnel. To make the original machine ... The amount of engineering is big, it takes a lot of people ... and our Hongdu plant can be directly directed by the Aviation Industry, in addition to the L-8 coach project, there is a large number of national defense research projects. , Such as the follow-up improvement of strong 5 playing machine ... "

Although a strong emphasizes that Hongdu is now busy now, how short it is, but Zhang Wei's words have never showed a whit!

the meaning of.

I heard here, Chen Tong didn't understand, Hongdu factory is not not borrowing, but it is too low for yourself, I want to let myself lift the price ... but how is this possible? You say that the price is raised, my money is not a wind blow.

"That is, you have to know that after these people arrive at the Commercial Flying Group, it is necessary to participate in the design of this trainer."

Chen Geng is unfair to: "The Soviet" senior coach machine designed, but the world's first world is fully based on the standard, development and design of the third-generation fighter, than the British 'eagle' The high-end coach has to advance you with more, let alone develop the carrier model and the shipping version of the carrier.

This opportunity is even more unique to Huaxia. You can't grab it. After these people returned to your Hondu factory, they rose this with the development experience of the world's most advanced fighters and coaches. Zhang always believes that I can't believe it, I shouted a scorpion, flew, Shen Fei, Xi Fei and Shaanxi leaders immediately stepped on my threshold? You can fell, actually here to bargain with me ... can be a bit too much.

Chen Ge said that there is no reason? Have.

This point does not deny this.

But it is not denying that it is one thing, this is not awkward, it is said to be in a few words from Chen Geng three words: this involves millions of money every year ... "Chen, you said this is not right. "

Zhang Wei said: "What is our people learn? Can you go to your unit to help, is it to help you do things, this is always true?"


"One price, each month 2000 ..."

A bit bite, Zhang Wei directly reported a high price: "2500!


Chen Geng was shocked by Zhang Wei's good appetite: "Why don't you grab?!

A person dare to ask if he wants to pay 2500 yuan, Hondu factory is this poor crazy? "excuse me,"

Chen Geng two words did not say, turn his head and walk: "Just when I just didn't say anything.

What is joke, rushing to the current economic situation of the Soviet Union, can the old man still toss? Three years? Four years? Even because of your own appearance, the old man will continue to live for two years, the top day is it? With the good relationship with the Soviet Union's Aviation Design Bureau, after most than five years, a lot of Maozi aviation experts waited for Laozi to collect, and Laozi was pit being pitted by you? If you say that it is too far after five years, then now it is good, the days of the major military enterprises in China are not good. If this condition I have opened, it is not difficult to borrow 100 people from Shen Fei? In 2500, Hondu Factory is really crazy.

"Hey ... Chen Mong, don't go,"

Looking at Chen Wanting, I went to turn, I was anxious when I was anxious, and the opportunity of such a good money, how can he miss it? I am busy: "2500 Do you think too expensive, how is the 2300? 2300 you are too expensive? That ... 2000!

2000 can not be low again ... "

Chen Geraia was attacked by Zhang Wei, this hallow-free bar, he simply stopped, saying to Zhang Hao: "Zhang Zong, you have to understand one thing, not our business flying group is not asking for your Hondu factory, but If this cooperation can be achieved, this will be a cooperation that is beneficial to us, mutual benefit and win-win, this cooperation is the same for your Hondu Factory, and it is true for other domestic aviation companies.

I am looking for you Hongdu factory. It is a little embarrassing this time, thinking with this way to compensate you, if ... then count.

If you, Chen Tong didn't say, just shake his head and continue to go out.


Chen Geng's look is completely like a bargain, realized this, Zhang Wei immediately understood that it was impossible to make Chen Li's re-increase price, that is, each person is 1,000 yuan per month, there is no money, this The words ... Zhang Ji rushed forward, took a long way to hold Chen Geng, full of laughing: "Hey, Chen, my good Chen, how is your sex?"


Chen Li did not speak, just turned his head and looked at Zhang Wei.

When the official, who is still a self-discovery? Don't say that Chen Geng pressure roots did not vomit Zhang Wei.

It seems that people who have just been prizing are not themselves, Zhang Wei smiles: "Mr. Chen, you listen to me, I certainly want to promote cooperation with our two units, but you also understand that this is not me a project. The person in charge said, this way, I immediately made this situation to the factory leader, listening to the meaning of the leaders, do you see it? "

Since Zhang Wei has already bowed, Chen Pi naturally does not have a very much, staring at Zhang Wei, and Chen Li finally nodded: "Well, then I will wait for your good news.

.................................. Small bar decided not to participate in the development of this senior coach, which makes the old man disappointment.

The exit of the Hantou Factory, which tightly followed the Pakista, also started to start a small time to start a small set of Soviet, finally realized a little: Many times, the development of things is not transferred in their will, not them How can you want to do what you want.

In the case of small bar and Hondu Factory, they have to play, and the Soviet National Military Industrial Equipment Committee suddenly increased the contact of Chen Geng - if Chen Li also said that Xiao Pubei and Hondou Factory did not play. This senior coaches for the Soviet Union must pay their own money. This situation is absolutely not allowed for the Soviet Union of the money in Chen Antoun as a senior coach project development.

In order to draw Chen Geng, the Soviet National Military Industrial Equipment Committee actually broke the sky, it actually broke the sky, and did not experience the final form of MiG -AT, Jacques -UTK, Miashev M- 200 and the prototype of these four competitive advanced coaches of Sukhuo S-54.

This experience, Chen Mong's heritage and even more steps on the aviation industry, although Chen Li has not fid out any military aircraft in addition to the L-39 trainer, as for MiG-29 and Su-27 These two Soviet advanced fighters don't want to think, but when they flew a circle in the back seat of these four trainer machines, Chen Geng finally confirmed a little: Old Maozi's foundation in the aviation industry is the body and pneumatic skills, that is really powerful!

Wherever is it, Chen Tong is not a fighter pilot, but also can't say it, but he is a kind of "This plane is just like the body of the test flying staff in the front seat, flexible simply, like how to fly How can I fly? "

, One sentence: If the arms are made.

When Chen Geng jumped from Jacquare -UTK, Nikola Malinkov had waited at the end of the runway, reached out, helping Chen Mingyi, Nikola Mallov, look forward to: "Fernandes Mr., how do you feel? "


Chen Wanto did not hesitate: "I love this guy. If there is a chance, I will add it to my private gallery.

"You like it,"

Nichola Malinkov smiles, and uncomfortable opens to Chen Geng asked: "Mr. Fernandez, Xiaoba ... Are they really intended to quit?"

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