king of power

Chapter 921 is broken

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Chen Geng looked at Nikola Malinkov: "You can't help you?"

Nikola Malinkov seriously said: "The Soviet Union also attaches great importance to South Asian market.

I believe you!

Chen Gengxin smiled: Nikola Malinkov says this is really enough, and it is directly that this big customer is good, what is "very important to South Asian market"

? I don't know the little thought of Nikola Marlinkov, Chen Mongrug shrugs: "There is no way, the economic situation in Xiaoba is really poor, or if there are several Middle Eastern, there is a way to work from time to time. A little, the little bar is really a pants ... they will buy two batches of F-16 again. "

"What? You said that the Pub will also buy two batches of F-16?"

Nikola Mallov's eyes suddenly squatted: This is a message you don't know.

There is a F-16 fighter in the small bar. This Soviet Union, and Nikola Malinkov, of course, as early as December 1981, the small bar officially signed the purchase of 40 Block 15 standard F-16 in the Government of the Rena. The fighter's procurement agreement, of which 28 are single-seat, and the other 12 is the double-seat B type, which is also a famous "Peaceful Gate Plan".

As a military equipment that can play a significant impact on the regional security situation, especially the sword refers to the equipment of the three brothers. As a good friend of the three brothers, the Soviet Union is very concerned about the F-16 fighter for the small bus, from 1982 In October, the United States began to deliver the first batch of F-16 to the PM, which has always been an impact on this equipment to balance the regional balance of South Asia.

And the fact is that all 40 F-16 after this year, even if the Soviet Union has been brought, it has to recognize that the small Bad has a major influence on the security situation in South Asia, these 40 F-16 The fighter has also become a fidelity trunk in the hand of the small bar.

Nowadays, small powers actually have to purchase the second batch, the third batch of F-16? Do they satisfy the performance of the F-16 fighter? "Don't you know?"

Chen Geng was a bit surprised, but soon, he seems to realize that he said that he should not say it, and smiled. "Hey ... this ... this ... maybe I have a mistake ..."

That is not wrong, it is definitely like this!

Original Nikola, Malinkov is not very sure for this matter, can look at the expression on Chen Po Kong, and then think of AM General, AM General, AMC Automobile, is also a new generation of Jeep HMMWV suppliers, Chen Many senior officials in cultivating and the Pentagon have a good relationship with a variety of senior high schools, and even the members of the Congress of the Congress, even Chen Ming himself and the US President Li Gen are also good relationship, Nikola Malinkov Due : Pub is preparing for the second batch and the third batch of F-16 fighters, it is definitely true, Fernandes Chen must know this news from the US high-level or military high-level.

In this way, Xiaoba suddenly decided to quit the Soviet reasons for this senior coach machine project, which would be a glimpse: they have to raise funds and purchase F-16!

Yes, it must be like this!

For your own judgment, Nikola Malinkov firmly believes.

The facts and Nikola Malinkov is really similar, and 40 F-16 has greatly improved the air combustion capabilities of the small bar. After the preliminary use, the PM is very satisfied with the performance of F-16.

Why is the PM to develop the L-8 trainer with Huaxia partners? Even this senior coach project for participating in the Soviet Union? It is because F-16 fighters are very good, that is, it is too much money, the fighter itself, the construction of the training base, the procurement of weapon ammunition, and the procurement of subsequent support accessories, etc. There are no few big sons, trained through the coach, keep the F-16 fighter pilot's flight skills, keep "hand touch"

In the cost of cost savings (flying the same time, the same action, the flying cost of the senior coach is only a quarter of the F-16 light fighter, F-15 this type of heavy fighter is one-fifth or sixth One), can also save the cost of valuable F-16 body and engine.

The reason why the small bar wants to save all the ways to save money, the root cause is to start the "Peace Gate Plan 2" given the serious national defense threats they face.

And "Peace Gate Plan 3"

It is also the second batch and third batch of F-16.

Nikola Malinkov blinked: "Remember to be wrong? This ..."

"Well, I'm not wrong ..."

The expression on Chen Pill face is more embarrassing.

I am a ghost!

While Nichola Malinkov, I was in my heart, and my heart was secretly decided: the top priority is no longer retaining the small bar, let the small bar stay in the Soviet senior coach project, but must be clear Board is ready to purchase how many F-16s again, then the American's business is stirred, and finally, the Soviet sales of the plane give the PM!

As for the Soviet South Asian children, India will protest ... in front of money, India is willing to protest against protest, unless they can ** small bars more fighters.

.............................. Nikola, Nikola, who is gangtuan, has not thoughtred and continued to chat, and the cold, Nikola, Malinkov immediately filed a speech.

On the occasion, Nikola Mallov specially pays attention to Fernandes Chen's reaction, he still seems to be absent-minded, it seems that it is still in the unintentional to miss the small bar to buy F-16 this matter. Annoyed, this is to let Nichola Malinkov more firmly firmly determine his judgment: It seems that this thing is eight or nine is true, Xiao Bi is quite preparing to start the second batch and the third batch of F-16 fighters Purchase plan.

After the departure from Chen Geng, Nikola Mallov did not return to his office, but directly drive the deputy minister of the Ministry of Defense and the Air Force General Order Alexander Nikolaiyevich Yefimov.

Alexander Nikolayevich Yefimov's heart is also very curious about Nikola Mallov, can listen to Nikola Malinkov said the small bar is preparing to purchase the second batch from the United States. After the third batch of F-16 fighters, the face suddenly changed: "Comrade Marinkov, you determine the authenticity of this message?"

"I don't dare to determine 100%, but at least 70% of credibility,"

Nikola Malinkov didn't dare to say, cautiously said to Alexander Nikolaiye, Yefimov General: "But this news is I just hear from Fernandes Chen.

"Fernandes Chen said?"

Alexander Nikolayvich Yefimov is a bit surprised, he can't help but frown: "This is ... will there be any problem?"

In the end, it is the boss of the Soviet Air Force, Alexander Nikolaiyevich Yefimov will suddenly realize the west: this kind of thing, how can Fernandes Chen tell you? "It is Fernandez Chen inadvertently says that he leaks his mouth."

Nikola Mallov briefly introduced the situation at the time, then urgently said: "After aware that he led his mouth, Fernanders Chen is very Annoy, I think this is very credible, at least, worth investigating, if this is true ... Well, although it is not good to say that the second batch of Puba and the third batch of F-16 fighters How much is the number of purchases, but add together, can not be less than 40 of the 'Peace Gate Plan? This is a very good opportunity for the Soviet Union. If we can sell 40 MG-29 or Other models of fighters ... "


Nikola Malinkov just said here, Alexander Nikolaiyevich Yefeimov gods suddenly shock: Nikola Malinkov comrades say this, go to investigate, see It is true that if it is true, how is the aircraft that Xiaoba prepared for purchase is less than 40? If the Soviet Union wants to grab this order from the Americans, 40 fighters plus corresponding training, ground support equipment, weapon ammunition, subsequent parts, and approximately ten-year performance upgrades ... how many money? "Comrade Marinkov, you are right, we must pay great attention to this matter,"

Alexander Nikolayevich, Yefimov immediately nodded: "In view of this matter too much, the benefits of the entire project may not be less than $ 500 million, I think we should report comrades to Gobajov immediately. Please give the KGB ordered to KGB directly, and immediately determine the authenticity of this message at the fastest speed, and agreed with the countermeasures as soon as possible.

Orders of 40 or more aircraft, how can Alexander Nicholasiyvich? Ye Fomov may not be red.

.................... Just in Nikola Marinkov and Alexandria Nikolaievich Yefimov discharging how to bustle from Americans, "Peace Gate Plan 2"

And "Peace Gate Plan 3"

At the same time, the orders of the F-16 fighter are grabbed, Chen Tong is knew ... Inadvertently speaking a leak? How can it be!

When did Chen Mong don't have the door? The so-called "not intended to say a leakage"

However, it is the way Chen Li intends to convey this news to the old hair.

Why do you ask? Of course, in order to let the Soviet Union continue to fight.

In the past two years, in the field of diplomats, Gobachev's low trend is getting more and more obvious, such as this trip to Gobacchov, Chen Geng representative White House, I put it a little pressure, Gobbacchov It's low to get it down now.

This is not, this is not the result of Chen Geng wants, the old hair is like a bear, with the American hard-to-the-year, more opportunities to earn a few years, and in hard anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti Live a few years!

For the sake of the bear, Chen Li is really broken.

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