king of power

Chapter 922, Chapter, Action

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The big hair, the efficiency is still very high, let alone Xiaoba have never thought of "Peaceful Gate Plan 2"

And "Peace Gate Plan 3"

Keep confidentiality, very fast, and the big hair information sector sent the latest news they got to the corresponding person's case: "Peace Gate Plan 2"

In the middle, the small bar is prepared to purchase 11 F-16, respectively, and the A-type Type A and 5 double-seat B types, compared to "Peace Gate Plan 1".

The 40 BLOCK 15 standard F-16A / B, this 11 F-16 standards are raised from the Block 15 to the Block 15oCu level (Operational Capability Upgrade, namely: operation upgrade).

A large number of upgrades and improvements in Block 15, Block 15oCu standard F-16, first, the biggest improvement is to replace more reliable F100-PW-220 engines; second, the body structure has also been reinforced It is similar; again, although the radar system does not change, the software of the radar system has been upgraded, which makes this batch of Ok 15oCu standard F-16A / B fighters to launch "no matter after launch"

Ability AIM-120 AMRAAM ranges from empty missiles.

In addition, compared to Block 15, Block 15ouc has increased radar height, enhanced computer speed, capacity, wide field hud, an / APX-101 enemy identifier, ALE-40 foil / tracer transmission device And you can choose an AN / ALQ-131 electronic warcap, and overall combat performance is further enhanced.

"Peace Gate Plan 3"

In the discussion, compared to "Peace Gate Plan 2"

, "Peace Gate Plan 3"

More popular: PM is preparing for 60 to, 72 Block 15oCu standard F-16A / B, although the specific quantity is still discussed, but will not be less than 60.

This intelligence came out, the big hair was immediately crazy: According to the US quote, a Block 15oCu standard F-16A / B fighter offer is about $ 23 million, this "Peace Gate Plan 2"

And "Peace Gate Plan 3"

The total purchase volume is 11 + 60 or 11 + 72, i.e., the total contract is 16.

$ 3.3 billion to 19.

Between $ 0.9 billion, if it is counted, the other affiliated contracts, the resell, the spare parts, ground simulation training equipment, etc., and the contract amount has exceeded $ 2 billion, and even the best may reach $ 2.2 billion.

"This ... more than 2 billion US dollars?"

Alexander Nikolayvich Yefimov's generals are shaking.

He can't be shocked. Now the Soviet and Huaxia are talking about the introduction of the Su-27 fighter, although the two sides have not reached an agreement, but as the deputy director of the Soviet Ministry of Defense and the general commander of the Air Force, Alexander Nikolaiyevich Ye Feimov generally knows that the Soviet Union has been agglomerated on this issue. You can sell.

So what is the unit price of Su -27 sold to Huaxia? Between $ 33 million to $ 40 million (what kind of price can you get, you can see the book of the price of the Chinese people), and the total purchase volume cannot be less than 24, that is, the Soviet Union sells 24 The most precious thing, even if you are all equipped, and all the models of all the models of their own use, the total selling price is not in 7.

9.2 billion US dollars to 9.

Between 600 million US dollars, if there is a supporting missile, special maintenance tools, ground power vehicles and air source vehicles, etc., then plus more than 100 million.

In other words, the total value of this contract is US $ 1 billion, top day!

Moreover, the Soviet high-level heart is very clear, Huaxia cannot pay all the dollar to pay, the proportion of the US dollar can reach 40%, even if it is a face.

On this contract with a total value of $ 1 billion, the Soviet high-level high level has attached great importance to the high concern, and Gobbachev is highly concerned. The Qingcheng is more expensive to fight, I want to help Huaxia to win this. The pen order so they have a production task.

But now, the order of the small bar is twice that of the Chinese people!

And all of them use cash!


Nikola Mallov's voice is also : "Estimated ... The estimated minimum is not less than 20 billion.

"You must grab this business from the Americans!

Alexander Nicholasivich Yefimov's eyes are red: "This is 20 billion dollars!"

How many things can you do with such a big money? "

Nikola Mall Coff nod, biting his teeth: "Yes, you must grab it.

"Let this order!

Not only is Alexander Nicholasivich, Yefimov, and Nikola Mallov ready to grab this order from the American hand, the whole Soviet high-level, including the Minister of Soviet Minister of this report This point of view rapidly became a consensus of the entire Soviet high-level.

With this consensus, this idea became the collective will of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet army made a decision very quickly: inviting in the Soviet Union, in the near future, Faruk Legali, who was prepared to return to China, personally experienced the most advanced Soviet Union. Three generation fighters: MiG-29 - a hundred smells, you can try it yourself, I know how good our planes are.

...................... The invitation of the Soviet military, Folk Legali is all , he doesn't understand, and there is no intersection of the Soviet Air Force, why suddenly invites yourself to experience MiG -29.

Zuo Si, right thinking, I don't want to understand, Faruk Laiga, very natural, to cast a confusing eyes on Chen Pang's body - just, Farro Legali lives from Chen Poing not far away, He simply came over.

Seeing Faruk Legali, Chen Li is a bit surprised: "Mr. Legali, how come you?"

"Mr. Fernandes, you are a big figure, I know that you have a lot of friends in the Soviet high-rise."

Fok Legali modest: "So, can I ask you a question?"

"You said,"

Chen Li was very happy: "But I don't dare to guarantee you to answer you.

"You will definitely answer,"

Firuck Legali, said: "This is the case, the Soviet Air Force suddenly invited me to experience their MiG-29, you said what is the situation? I didn't give them an experience of MiG-29.

"This ah ... huh, ..."

Chen Mong Xiaoyeded two times, and the heart suddenly: ourselves role to the Soviet heart.

He did not answer the issue of Fark Legali, but asked him: "Mr. Legali, what is the meaning of this movement in the Soviet Union first, I ask you a question: Interest to Mi-29 Do you want to experience this plane? "

"of course,"

Firuck Legali heard the words, said: "MiG-29 can be the most advanced third-generation fighter, which is said to be forth than the US F-16, if there is a chance, I certainly want to experience it.

"Then what else do you have to hesitate?"

Chen Ge said: "I know that you have a batch of F-16 in your country. Maybe you have experienced, now you just experience the MiG-29 of the Soviet Union now, look at the F-16, MiG-29 What are the advantages, which disadvantages ... MiG-29, India, bring you a lot of trouble? "

Listening to Chen Geng said India's MiG-29 fighter, Farro Legarry, when he bite his teeth.

In 1985, India officially obtained the MiG-29 fighter, which is also MiG-29 fighters first started exports, compared to the MiG-29 of the Soviet Union, India's number of manufacturers numbered 9.

The 12B type Mi-29 canceled the data chain system. For the Soviet Air Force who emphasized the data chain, this belongs to the cut "downs"

Operation, but for "vegetable chicken"

In the state of India and small powers, even the MiG-29 of the data chain system is canceled, it is also the existence of their headaches.

Why is the PM to get a F-16 fighter from the United States? It is said that the MiG-29 in the hand in India has played a considerable key role: in addition to the F-16, other aircraft in the small bar is simply just MiG-29 in India.

"Mr. Fernandez, thank you for your reminder,"

Really realized that this is a thousand-fold-chance to understand the opportunity of MiG-29 performance, suddenly excited: "You said it is good, no matter what, this is really a chance, just ... just ......"

Futuk Legali seems to have some difficult to teeth.

Looking at Faruk Legali to say again, Chen Geng diarrhea asked: "Do you want to ask, the purpose of the Soviewer?"


Firuck Legali hosted: "Soviet and India are almost allies, the Soviet Union puts their most advanced MiG-25 interceptors, MiG-29 fighters are sold to India, but this time the Soviet Union suddenly let We experience MiG-29, this ... "

Firuck Legali is in the United States, I don't understand why the Soviet Union did.

"This, it's more complicated, you can say simple, actually very simple, return to the end or interest,"

Say it, Chen Geng looked at Faruk Legali, asked: "I heard that after a period of use, the military military is very satisfied with the performance and performance of the US F-16 fighters, ready to purchase one Batch F-16 to fight against India, MiG-29? "


Firuck Legali hesitated, do not know if it should be recognized.

Yes, in addition to being expensive, his country is unsatisfactory for F-16's technical scrap performance, it is precisely because of this, after another weighing, the high-level decision will add a batch of F-16. The fighter, this is the secret of his own country, how does Fernandes Chen know? Looking at Faruk Legali, Chen Mingxiao: "Take a look at the number of advanced fighters, MiG-25 and MiG-29, etc., and then look at the number of advanced fighters of your country. I know that 40 F-16 cannot meet your national defense needs, and then buy a group of F-16 or similar performance fighters is also inevitable. This is a little bit of common sense can guess it? As for the Soviet Union invited you to experience MiG-29's purpose, since the Soviet Union already knows you to buy a fighter, you said why they want you to experience MiG-29? "

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