king of power

Chapter 930 Century Gambling

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Is this child? Chen Geng's voice fell, and everyone's eyes were brushing on Edward Fulong.

It must be acknowledged that Edward Fallion is a rare beautiful teenager. Otherwise, there will be no media after the "Terminator 2", he is "the beautiful appearance"

I haven't worried that I haven't worried about everyone, but now Edward Fulong is so grand, and the public reporters are in detail, and they are surprised to be a shame Edward Fulong. Will there be such a handsome teenager? "Fulong is James excavation,"

Chen Geng said: "James told me that this is a very good young man, his future is not limited.

For the fall of Edward Fulong, Chen Pigang is actually quite a pity. If Edward Fulun is going smoothly, it will not be much better than the small plums who like to play the water gun, even if it is long, but the face is also Not afraid of Ninu Rivis, is also a big handsome guy. This world, Chen Geng wants to change this child - may allow this kid and the little plum holding a water gun? I think that Edward Fulun and the little plum are holding a water gun to the scene, Chen Tong feels particularly painful.

The reporters don't know how to be careful, they are shocked by Chen Geng's introduction: Is Mr. Camelong has such a high evaluation? Even Edward Fulun is also a special shock, is it astonished by Mr. Fernandes? Chen Geng said: "I know that everyone has some doubts about these words, it doesn't matter, please wait and see, wait for the" Terminator 2 "to release, everyone look at the performance of Fulong in the movie, know what I said is Not really.

He is full of confidence.

Chen Geng Xinxin is full of appearance, but it is a bit not allowed in the reporters in the field: Could this look very handsome kid really a genius? But no matter what Edward Fulong is a genius, after Chen Ge said this, everyone does not have a film: anyway, this is a consumable product, how do you take a few more? And everyone also admits that this kid called Edward Fulong is indeed handsome.

Of course, it is certainly impossible to be on a little guy. After the end of the end of Edward Fulong, Chen Geng side refers to Arno: "This is, I believe everyone knows, Hollywood real tough guy, super action superstar, Arno, Come, say hello to everyone.

"Miss, Miss, everyone, I am from your old friend Arnold,"

A strengthening the muscles, at this moment, I can't see the arrogance of the Hollywood action superstar. He smiles and comes with the reporters in the field, and a mouth is his iconic, moral English: "i 'm back.

Compared to Edward Fulong, the applause and screams of Arno can be too much, this guy is now the most popular action superstar in Hollywood, although the media is for Arno, Stallon and the old Personal Who is the NO of the Hollywood action film.

1 has been quite arguing, but there is no doubt that Arno is absolutely one of the top two super action superstars. The T-800 can set off in the screen, which has always been expected, reporters ask questions The content is also rushing to this. "Mr. Schwarzene, can I disclose some of this movie?"

"Mr. Schwarze, once again cooperated with Mr. Kamelong, what do you think?"

"How much can this box office that you think this" Terminator 2 "can be reached?"

"Mr. Schwarzene, you think ..."

............ For experienced Cameron, this scene can only be considered a pediatrics. In the face of one by the reporters or polite or drill, Arno's face is constant, and smiles, while nodding: " I am full of confidence in this movie. I want to say is that this is a wonderful, absolutely able to get the movie of this year's box office champion ... "

what? !

Arno's words have not been finished. The following reporters are shocked by Arno: Although we all believe that there is a good reputation of "Terminator 1", "Terminator 2" box office is not bad But you actually say "Terminator 2" can get the championship of this year's annual box office? Anji reporter said that he did not accept: "Mr. Schwarzene, in the big piece of this year," Silent Lamb "," Grand Legal Robin Han "and" Beauty and Beast "have a high voice, what do you think" Terminator 2 "You can get the first year's annual box office first?"

"With my confidence in the script of the script written by Mr. Fernandes and James, I have a heart, effort and sweat of this movie,"

Schwarzeneg is immediately said: "I saw it in the film, more than I saw it in the editor, gentleman, believe in me, this is a wonderful movie, whether it is the whole story or special effects The smoothness of the clip is the best ... of course, "silent lamb", "beauty and beast" and "Grand Legal Robin Han" are also very good, I believe they are all very good movies, but for them Unfortunately, I met "Terminator 2", so ... "

Speaking here, Arno shrugged: "I am sorry, we have booked a champion of the 1991 annual box office list, they can only compete for the second place.

The following reporters suddenly suddenly appeared: "Terminator 2" actually said that he has booked the champion of this year's box office? But the next moment, the reporters suddenly excited: this is right!

This is enough, and Mr. Arnold is really enough for our sales.

Not waiting for excited reporters to speak again, Chen Wirong smiled and took the words: "I have to correct it ..."

Ok? When Chen Ming, let the reporters present suddenly flashed countless thoughts in their hearts: Is Fernandez, whose words are too full, to play Arnold Schwarzene's face? Melon is coming!

This is a super mear!

All said that Arnold is one of Fernandess Chen's most admired movement star. Many of his investment is a designated Arnold as a male protagonist. Now it seems ... Only Arnold, it seems to interrupt himself about Chen Ming. I don't care, my face is still with a signic smile, smiling, looking at everyone.

Just in the public reporters, when I wanted to see a good play, Chen Geng said: "Arno said" Terminator 2 "will get North America this year's annual box office championship I don't have doubts at all, but what I want to say is that Arnold is too conservative for the premise of the box office of "Terminator 2". I am more optimistic than Arnold. I think "Terminator 2" is not But the first, global box office in North America this year, but also the first, in the next four years, the first, in the next four years, without any movie box office can exceed "Terminator 2".

what? !

Chen Geng is exported, not only "Terminator 2" crew, including director James Cameron and the heroine Linda Hamilton, etc. immediately turned to Chen Li, the reporters below, but also turned Heads to Chen Geng: Mr. Fernandes actually believes that "Terminator 2" will be the championship of the box office in the next four years? He is crazy!

He is too arrogant? What think he thinks? I don't want to think so, I want to know that in the late 1980s, I can say the most prosperous period of the American film industry. Many people's movies are released in this period, like last year's "small ghosts", "Dance with Wolf", "Hunting Red October", "Tiger Dragon Dragon 2", etc. "" Beautiful and beasts "," Grand Legal Robin Han "and" Silent Lamb "," Hu Ke Shi "," White Person Dynamics 2 ", etc. is also a movie that everyone is extremely expected.

Although this year will not be released, but have already set it, it will be released next year. The movie that is already expected will be "Master", "Batman 3: Reproduces the Rivers and Lakes", "instinct" and "deadly weapons 3 "These are all movies that I hope to get the championship of the box office. Although the investment in Fernandez Chen has never missed records, although Arnold Schwarn's box office is really top, although James Card Mellon is indeed the best commercial movie director (at least one), but you dare to book the box office champion in the next four years? are you crazy? !

"I know this statement is crazy, I know everyone can't believe it,"

Chen Affitched against the reporters did not surprise, he smiled: "This is good, I will gamble and everyone ... I have a number of reporters, um, there is almost 200 ..."


No one speaks, in fact, this will let everyone are looking forward to, I look forward to how big the world's richest Fernandes Chen this time.

Chen Geng said: "Just a reporter friend in the field ... look back to the registration office to write his name ... I have gambling, if" Terminator 2 "can get in 1991, 1994, North America And the double penal champion of the global box office, I know that everyone has no money, so everyone will lose 100 pieces of 100 pieces ... "

"If we win?"

When the reporter suddenly called.

"If you win?"

Chen Geng smiled slightly, said: "If you win, I will lose to you $ 1 million.

what? !

The reporters and all members of the "Terminator 2" crew were blown out in an instant: If Fernandes Chen lost, he lost $ 1 million? And it is $ 1 million for everyone!

The reporters suddenly excited!

At this time, where is the reporters to interview James Cameron, Arnold and Linda Hamilton? There is no important thing that the big thing is likely to win $ 1 million.

Anji reporter immediately asked: "Mr. Fernandes, are you serious?"

"of course it's true,"

Chen Geng looked at the camera and camera in front of himself, said: "I know what you want to say, nothing is worried, I don't pay, right, right?"

No one speaks, but their expressions and reactions have not proved this: right!

We think so, we are worried that you lose if you lose.

Chen Geng said: "I don't understand what you have, you not only have so many people, there are so many cameras, the camera is working here, how, you are afraid that I am afraid I repent?"


Huh? The reporters present were suddenly reacted: it seems ... It is also the truth.

Just when they were ready to open, Chen Geng said: "The camera is open? Is it open? That's good, write down this paragraph to say ..."

When it comes to, Chen Geng's expression is serious: "I played a bet in my reporters, gambling" Terminator 2 "can get the championship of North America and Global Movie Box Office in 1991 to 1994. If I lose I lost 1 million US dollars to each reporter in the scene ... I will remember it ... if I won, the reporter present is lost to me 100 dollars, yes, if you haven't heard it, if they If you lose, you only need to lose $ 100.

This paragraph has legal effect.

I heard Chen Geng said that "this paradise legal effect" is said to the camera.

If the reporter in the scene is not a face, there is a heart that is not very good, and even the beginning of the pill.

Everyone aware of the point: Fernandes Chen ... actually played with it!

Aware of this, the reporters suddenly excited!

Why is the reporters so excited? The reason is very simple. In the past few years, there are too many big pieces, so if Chen Geng said "Terminator 2" can get the championship of this year's annual box office, everyone thinks this is a bit mad, but considering propaganda needs. It can also be understood, but if you say "Terminator 2" can get the four years of 1991 to 1994, the four-year annual North American box office champion and annual global box office champion - your Fernandes Chen Dang other movies, other Director, other Hollywood movie companies are dead? So, the opportunity to earn this $ 1 million is too big!

At least, much more than the chance of China's $ 1 million lottery tickets.

And the reporters on the spot also have more than 200 people, with the value of Mr. Fernandes Chen, will he lose money? He is certainly lost.

Since the compensation, Mr. Fernandes also admitted that there was a legal effect ... But the photographers at the scene did not do it: such a good thing, there is no us? "Mr. Fernandez, what about us?"

There is a photographer who is wearing Fox TV vest can't help but ask: "Is our photographer not calculated?"

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