king of power

Chapter 931 Everyone come together

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If the photographer of the Fox TV is exported, the other photographers suddenly looked at Chen Li - this is a chance to earn $ 1 million, this opportunity, who is not excited? Who doesn't care? Temptation of $ 1 million, no one can stop.

Chen Mong Xiaoyed said: "If you guarantee the handsome you take, it is also one.

Can you participate in this gambling as long as the handsome shot? The photographer was shocked: Don't take a very handsome person, don't say that for an experienced camera, it is not a matter of a newcomer photographer. This camera teacher in the Fox TV is loud: "Mr., you can rest assured, I assure the most handsome of you.

Chen Multi nodded: "Okay, even if you."

The photographers of other media are all looking at: this is it? Is this almost a million dollars? At the same time, the photographers at the scene is ready to move: You can take a look at Mr. Fernandes, is we can't? "Mr. Fernands, I took the photo of Pully, can I not count me?"

"Mr. Fernande, I took a prize on the Hasu International Photography Award, I promised that no one in the scene was better than I took better.

I heard my peers began to have a dazzling prize, and those who didn't have the international top photography awards such as Pulitice, Hasu, and Eisa. Even the photographers who won them began to have an eye: no, this is 1 million!

Some people are in a hurry, shouted: "Mr. Fernandes, my photography teacher is the 1989 Pli Guestbook winner Arad ..."

You have a lot of prizes, I have not glad, then I show my teacher's head office? This Hyun teacher's photographer is helping other not take a prize, but other photographers who have scratched the more than 1 million dollars, other photographers opened a door: Yes!

I didn't have the international award, I didn't get surrounded by the big prize, but my teacher is amazing, my teacher is so powerful, is my level? Where can I go? Hyun his own teacher's voice than a high.


Holding the feeling of caraging, Chen Genglian, I said loudly: "The media friends present, including the photographer and assistant, there is a counted one, everyone can participate in this century gambling, gambling is" end 2 "Can you get a double total champion of the world's four years in 1991 in 1994 and North American box office - as long as you register your name and unit on the register.

Chen Li, this is exported, and the reporters suddenly boiled ... Some people shouted: "Mr. Fernande, I love you!"

More beautiful female reporters shouted: "Mr. Fernandes, I want to give you a child.

.......... In a noise, only Kameron is so browned, his heart has roughly guess why Chen Li is doing this, but the effect will really be expected to be so good? Also ... Mr. Fernandes really confident "Terminator 2"? ...................... The ventilation will end, Cameron has never waited to return to the lounge behind him, and asked Chen Geng asked to Chen Geng, while returning to Chen Ge: "Mr. Fernande, your gambling ... Are you serious? "

"What do you say?"

Chen Minghui asked: "In this case, do you think I can really really?"

Cameron: "..."

It is also, I have arrived at this copy. No matter how Chen Gill is really important, it must be true. Today, the media has more than 100, so many media reporters can get the $ 1 million, after returning Don't fight for the promotion of this Century Gambling, so that this matter is made into a pair of guides in the power of the media. "Then you really ... really ... is so confident to our new movie?"

"Of course,"

Chen Geng was watching Kamelon, and it seems that he would like to ask if he asked a childish question: "James, you have to know," Terminator 2 "script, but we have grinded together, and even a lot of divisions are also Let's draw together, for this movie, I have sufficient confidence, when you shoot, you tell me that you have the same confidence ... how, you are in this time, is you confidence? "

"Of course, there is confidence in" Terminator 2 ", but ..."

Cameron helpless: "Mr., you said, but the North America and the global box office championship for four consecutive years ..."

Even if I have confidence in "Terminator 2", even confident "Terminator 2" can win the 1991 Northern American Box Office, but I can't sure Haikou, "Terminator 2" can win 1991 to 1994 The general champion of North America and the global box office, this is no confident, this is arrogant, arrogant is almost no longer.

"It seems that your confidence in" Terminator 2 "is more than me,"

Chen Mongxiao got up, looking at Kameron, he suddenly smiled: "James, where are you and my gap?"


Cameron did not speak, but his eyes have expressed what he wants to say: Where is our gap? "Our gap is that I can see all the value of something, and you can only see some ..."

When I said, Chen Geng suddenly turned, looking at Cameron said: "James, otherwise we have gambling, gambling" Terminator 2 "can get 1991 to 1994 North America and global The champion of the box office? "

"How to bet?"

Cameron really didn't exclude this, he didn't refuse, but Shen Yichang, said: "You know, I don't have you have money, but my money is enough, so ..."

"Of course I can't take $ 1 million to bet with you."

Chen Ge said: "This way, if I won, we will sign the shooting contract of the three movies, how?"

Re-sign the shooting contract for three movies? Cameron suddenly was vigilant.

To put it, you can bet with Mr. Fernandez, and the result of betting is that you have not won. It is now more and more, and now you need to help Fairnand, Mr. 10 movies. Always clear the gambling debt.

Although Fernandez gives himself a low expense, there is even the box office is divided into it, and it is not very cool to lose. Now, Chen Geng also gave birth to this to bet. It has been called the body-skinned Cameron that Chen Geng to the pit. The heart is boarded in the heart: Is it really underestimated the "Terminator 2" box office capacity? Looking at the heart of Kameron, Chen Geng is a bit annoyed: ... it seems to be a bit of powerful.

Although it is a bit annoyed, this is not a big problem, Chen Ming shrugs: "How? Do you want to bet?"

Looking at Chen Geng has a sighful look, Cameron is getting suspicious, is it so powerful? From 1991 to 1994, the whole world, so many excellent directions of Hollywood, did not play? Can't it? Although Carmelon is very arrogant, he has never doubtful for his own director, but it is to say that he is the Hollywood director world.

1. He also said that he can't say it: there is a big director Spielberg.

To say that your talents are stable, Spilberg, even if Cameron is arrogant, he can't say this, but ... Fernandes, Zhang, "I know you don't dare to fight this bet"

The face is really awful.

"I ... why not dare? But the three movies are too much, up to one.

Numerous times by Chen Gengkeng, Cameron is also intelligent.

But Chen Li is not happy: "Just a movie? Are you joking with me? Forget it ... Look at your look, you know that you have no confidence in this movie, don't gamble with you ..."

"Who said that I didn't gamble, a movie, gambling, no gambling.



Two parts are two!

Looking at Chen Geng and Cameron Dragon in the mouth, Fulong's eyes are straight: Mr. Fernandes and Mr. Cameron, actually bet here for a movie? "Miss Hamilton,"

He carefully wandered to his "mother"

Soon asked: "Mr. Fernandez and director ... is this like this?"

"Roughly the same,"

Linda Hamilton nodded, and the same clearly saw Chen Geng's Mermelton, Linda Hamilton, and I feel that this two men's move is a bit funny: "I often see them like this, but this question you can ask. Novo, he knows them earlier.

At this point, Edward Fulong really knows that Schwarzeneg has started working with Mr. Cameron in 1983, Mr. Fernandez, Mr. Schwarsen is just a hollywood. The little actor, Mr. Cameron is also, it is said that Mr. Camelon in the first two years is just a truck driver.

From this perspective, Fernande is really Mr. Schwarcinger and Mr. Cameron.

"They have been like this very early,"

Arnold took the breath of snoring, as the earliest man in the population, the people who were dealing with Chen Geng and Camelon, his face and honor: "In fact, this is the unique way of communication between them, whether it is Cameron Mr. Fernandez, who believes that the other party is the best partner, and firmly believe that the other party will not let himself lose, and they will never treat themselves. They are all very noble people. It is a real gentleman.

Is that so? Edward Fulong has some doubts. He always feels Schwarzenegger to Chen Geng and Cameron is too ""


Other people in the side, doing a nod: Yes, it is like this.

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