king of power

Chapter 942 is to be robbed, what happened?

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Mai Tao wants to borrow money from Chen Li here, not so good.

At the same time, for Chen Hui wants to introduce the move from the Soviet Po Lev Design Bureau, Boeing is not really indifferent, without any reaction, this is not, Chen Geng's aircraft has not entered the United States, Kelly · Hicks came over to Chen Wantonghui, saying that Vice President of Boeing Marketing Patrick Sai Tsis wanted to visit himself.

"Patrick Sai Tsis wants to visit me? Does Boeing say that Sai Tsis wants to talk to me?"

Chen Geng's expression with a bit flavor: it is a bit mean.

"Boeing said that Boeing pays attention to the rapid development of Shangfei Group, Mr. Sel Tsis hopes to know some of the business flight groups through this visit, see if both parties have a chance to cooperate ..."

Speaking of this, Kelly Hicks face is quite proud: "BOSS, Boeing wants to cooperate with us.

"Boeing wants to cooperate with us?"

Chen Mong smiled and shook his head: "When is the Boeing so good?"


Kelly Hicks stunned, did not react over a time.

Chen Geng also did not explain the meaning.

Although she is immersed in Boeing to find Chen Geng to seek cooperation, she can see Chen Monga's meaningless expression, and I am aware that I want it. Things are not as thinking as I think, then what is going on? It is also a high school student from Ali Yitan Alliance. In addition, when he stayed in Chen Li for so many years, after the initial short-term mistake, Kelly Hicks suddenly realized that he had to go out of the arm: "Ah ... I understand Mr. Boss, Mr. Sai Tes is really not bad.

"How to say?"

Chen Geng asked.

Is the Vice President of Patrick Sai Tsis really to seek cooperation with Shangfei Group? Do not!

It's not such a thing at all!

For the current Boeing that is being fully dealing with McDe, their first goal is that McDe, now it is really not good to go to deal with the field of the trunk airplane manufacturing, and the high emperor is far from saying. The Shangfei Group of the huge political person, but this does not mean that Boeing is preparing to introduce the Puri Flying Group to the Soviet Po Lev Design Bureau. The move is indifferent, and it doesn't care. One similar to Boeing 757, 200 level mediterous dry line passenger aircraft? For the Fuk plane, which dares to produce 100-level altitude, the Boeing, which is desperately suppressed with his own political influence, they can sit on the development of the merchant group, and the 200-level trunk plane is indifferent? Don't pull!

That's impossible!

It is said that it is not allowed to say that the name of Shangfei Group has been remembered in his own account.

For Boeing, the biggest problem now is that they are trying to deal with Mai Tao, and it is really not to deal with the high emperor, and it is still not bullied.

The way is also very simple. Since it is not good to bully, then change it. The footsteps of the aircraft market ... anyway, there is no loss, right? After listening to Kelly Hicks, Chen Li smiled nodded: "Yes, it should be like this,"

Donned, Chen Geng said: "However, Boeing's face is still to give, um, return to Sel Tsis's office, I have time after a week.

For the visit of Patrick Sai Tsis, Chen Pigang is not too serious.

Now Boeing, I want to say that the Bull X is really a cow x, which is a well-deserved NO in the world civil aviation field.

1. In the two major areas of civil aviation and military aviation, in the military, the political circles has been cultivated for decades, and they have a deep person; but they have to discuss absolute wealth, the market value has just exceeded 100 billion US dollars in Boeing only with Chen Amc car in one of the industries is quite, and the other two companies under Chen Dynasties: Data research companies focusing on software business with data research companies and computer research companies specializing in hardware manufacturing, added market value The market value 508 has been exceeded.

US $ 7.3 billion IBM has reached an amazing 522.

$ 7.5 billion, if 522.

The total market value of $ 7.5 billion is here. Data research companies have entered the Standard · Poor's 500 market values ​​10, let alone Chen Geng has many other industries in the hands in addition to AMC and Data Research companies.

So, with it said that Chen Tong put Boeing as a thing, it is better to say that he is more taboo of the existence behind the Boeing: The first flower consortunity of one of the top ten consortiums in the United States.

"Okay, I will arrange,"

Kelly Hicks nodded: "Then you will meet with Mr. Anthony Folk ..."

"Normal arrangement,"

Chen Ge said: "It is estimated that this guy is now anxious.

.................... Anthony Folk is really anxious, after a few words, Anthony Folk said directly to Chen Geng: "Mr. Fernande, after we carefully considered and again. After the cost is calculated, we are willing to cut 20% on the basis of the previous quotation, help you design F150, as for other terms, in accordance with our intention agreement in the early days of the F100 project, how do you see? "

It's not straightforward, Anthony Focus is really no way, and now the days of the fuke plane are really not good.

Listening to Anthony Folk, Chen Gengxin smiled: Your Fox plane is so knowing, how much is there so much? Can I bow now? late!

Do you know what to call this time? Under the eyes of Anthony Facc, Chen Geng slowly shaking his head: "Mr. Folk, I think there is no need ..."

"How can I not need?"

Anthony Folk is in a hurry, but he will reverse the hope of the Fuk Airplane Difficulties in this cooperation. Now Fernandez Chen Dang said that there is no cooperation? How can this accept it? Anthony Folk immediately: "Mr. Fernandez, for this eating, our Focus is really very sincere, we ..."

"Mr. Folk, please listen to me,"

Chen looked up, indicating that Anthony Folk didn't worry, first listened to himself: "You may already know, after the negotiations in the past few times, our Shangfei Group has launched the F150 'two The first part of the step 'program: Length is extended by shorting the short and the back body short.

5 meters, the whole body is less than 3 meters, and then add 20 seats, which is the F120 project.

Now F120 is steadily advanced, all aspects go smoothly, and our Shangfei Group has learned a lot of things in the implementation of the F120 project, accumulating a lot of experience, through the F120 project, I think I found F120, then do a F150 It is completely within our own capabilities. In this case, we will not bother the Fox plane.


Anthony Folk has been on the ground, his face is white, and the lips are shaking, but it can't say a word.

On the basis of F100, the rear body is respectively extended by the front and rear body.

A F120 is made in 5 meters, and then the F120 is based on the F120, and the front and rear body is less than 2 meters, and it will come out of F150.

Of course, although the entire avionics system of F150 F120 can be shared with F100, even wing, tail, and vertical components can also be shared with F100, but it still requires greater thrust engine (really can be done, such as Boeing 737 Series, starting from 700 of the high-density layout of the whole economy class, the 737 MAX10 of the full economy class high-density layout is the same wings, the end and the right, just replacing more thrust engines) It can be thought of that Shangfei Group will not only successfully produce 6500 kilograms of thrust "TAY"

MK650-8c, now even more than 8500 kilograms of thrust has entered the gantry test stage, etc. From which the F150 has been successfully developed, the new engine of 8,500 kilograms of thrust has long settled.

When I think this layer, the courage of Anthony Fox even said.

At this time, Chen Geng opened: "Of course, we don't have a chance to cooperate.


Originally, I have already begun to consider going back, I want to resign to the chairman of the chairman's position, I heard Chen Geng, and raised his head and looked at Chen Power: "Mr. Fernandes, what do you mean?"

"Shangfei Group has the ability to develop this kind of entry-level trunk plane, but also thank the Fuk Airplane and Mr. Folk you provide us for help,"

Chen Ge said: "Although we have some unhappy, in cooperation, these unpleasant are normal, go to the end, or the Fox plane reaches us when we need help, from this perspective, blessings Kairo and Mr. Folk, you are our friends. Since we are friends, we must provide some help to friends when we have a friend.


Anthony Focker said that he was touched again, he was embarrassed, and he was embarrassed. He was a good heart to the F150 project in the F150 project: Mr. Fernandes is ready Is it borrowing money to the Fox plane? If so, it is too good.

But at the same time, how much is Anthony Fuk's heart, I feel a bit wrong: if it is really what you said, why did you not say it before? Tell these now, what are you for? Anthony Focker feels that Chen Pigong doesn't seem to be well - it is true that Anthony Folk's feelings are correct, Chen Li is indeed unhappy.

"I think that F100 and F120, F150's potential is not completely developed, in addition to a place in the civil aviation field, they should have a place in some special uses,"

Chen Wirong Xiao said: "For example, in many fields in electronic investigation, sea and safety, etc., Mr. Folk, what do you think?"

I knew it!

I know that the damn Fernandes Chen Shi is not well inherent!

Anthony Folk's mouth is ignorant, he finally knows what Chen Geng wants to do: develop F100 and subsequently derived models of military versions!

According to the original agreement, the F100 aircraft produced by Shangfei Group is limited to the civil aviation field, that is, can be used to carry passengers and transport goods, can't develop military use, and now Chen Geng, Fuk plane personnel This limiting terms.

Anthony Folk's mouth trembled, trembling: "I ... we can't do this ..."

"Don't you do this?"

Chen Wirong smiled, did not worry about Anthony Fox disagreed.

"No ..."

"That's okay, it is very regrettable,"

I said that I regretted Chen Multirower, I didn't have a regret. "Fortunately, we originally defined all F100 instead of F120, F150. It was originally thinking that if we can get the help of the Fox, we may be Faster ... but it doesn't matter, we will come slowly, just don't know if the Fox plane can support our special versions of F150 on the day, Mr. Folk, do you say this? "


What can Anthony Focus say? The threat inside Chen Gend has so red @ @: Don't help me? If you don't help me, your Fox plane will die!

Anthony Folk is really don't want to do this, not only because of the contract of contract, in the end, or the European's psychology is in practice: Your Huaxia, the old man is doing a second-class country.

In this case, Anthony Folk finally took out his own card: "... Boeing, will not look at you and indifferent.

"Boeing? Ha ... haha ​​..."

When I heard this, Chen Mi haha ​​laughed.

Anthony Folk was very uncomfortable by Chen Ming, and some annoyed: "Is there a funny?"

"Oh, there is nothing, just want to tell you, your Fox plane is different from me, accurately saying that you can't compare with me,"

I don't know when, Chen Geng stands in front of Anthony Facu, and he is got up with Anthony Folk sitting in his face: "Maybe you don't know, Boeing sent their marketing vice president Patrick Sai I want to talk to me ... What do you guess Boe Yoe wants to talk to me? "

"What ... What?"

Listening to this information revealed by Chen Geng, Anthony Folk's heart is constantly sinking, and his heart is constantly praying: Don't be the one ... "Don't ..." Boeing wants to seek cooperation with Shangfei Group, "

Chen Geng did not sell Guan Chi, just look at Anthony Falk: "I know, this is the Boeing's slow metal, now I am full of Boeing of Mai, I want to use this way to stabilize me, but Fu Fu Mr. Ke, do you see what Boeing does it use to deal with you? "


Looking at Chen Geng, Anthony Focus Face is pale, and it can't say a word.

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