king of power

Chapter 943, stupid mistake

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Face-pale Anthony Folk, this is aware of a question that you have ignored before: The Netherlands is different!

Huaxia is a country that is poverty but has great potential, with the most population of the world, but in one of the five permanent members of the United Nations, the most important thing is that they have a total scale, but they can effectively implement nuclear counterattacks. Nuclear armed forces.

And what about the Netherlands? Although there is a series of royal shell, Philips, Folk aircraft, the Netherlands is only a European small country, but the Netherlands is really unable to hold in the Netherlands.

Looking at the victims of the fascinating Anthony Folk, Chen Li did not say more, leaving a sentence "I am waiting for your news, but don't let me wait too long."

Then I took the lead in going out.

...................... Anthony Folk is indeed still not letting Chen Li wait for too long, the next afternoon, the two eyes are red, and there is no restented Anthony Focus. The final decision of aviation technology company: "Mr. Fernands, you promised, but we have a condition.


For this decision of the Fox plane, Chen Mong is not surprising, he nodded: "What conditions?"

"We have to sign a supplementary agreement,"

Anthony Folk said: "In order to ensure that this project will not have a bad impact on the reputation of the Fuk plane, the Folk Group should participate.

What is "in order to ensure that it doesn't have a bad impact on the reputation of the Fuk plane"

In fact, it is true that the Fuk Group is aware that he has no way to block the Commercial Flying Group, after entering the F100 into the special purpose field, they immediately chose the most advantageous way to himself: come in a piece of a piece.


Chen Geng did not hesitate, and promised to follow: "As for the specific way of cooperation, you send people to talk.


Seeing that Chen Geng is so hurt, Anthony Fall is a sigh of relief, followed by the second request: "And Mr. Fernandes, can you give us a $ 20 million loan?"



Anthony Falk said: "We mortgage with the company's shares.


Since you are willing to make a mortgage, it will do it. He nodded quickly: "I will arrange someone to go to your company, everything is subject to the results of the exam, no problem?"

"no problem.

Anthony Folk wants to say something problem, but now this situation, he said that there is a problem, useful? ------------ And Anthony Folk's talks, Chen Geng's entire journey is very strong, but the talks of Patrick Sel Tsis, vice president of Boeing Marketing, is not so happy. .

"Mr. Fernandez, we learned that under your support, Shangfei Group's development is very fast, your company's Y-12 model, but also has got a FAA's certificate, congratulations.

"You're welcome.

Chen Geng Microphent.

"No, Mr. Fernandes, I want to say ..."

Patrick Sai Tsis explored the detection of the son and looked at Chen Geng. He said: "Boeing heard that you are going to introduce the map -204 passenger plane from the Soviet Po Lev Design Bureau.


Chen Geng wrinkled the eyebrows, some are not happy.

"So, we recommend that you carefully consider this matter,"

Patrick Sel Tsis, a woman, a pair, "we are all for you"

Nausea mode: "Mr. Fernandes, Figure -204 is a 200-level narrow-body trunk plane, similar to our Boeing 757, but as long as you have a slight survey, it will find that Boeing 757 sales is not very ideal. From the first factory to now, Boeing 757 only sold hundreds, and it is not a successful model. The market is not very recognized to this 200-level trunk plane, they are more recognized by 737, McDe MD-80 models.

"is it?"

Chen Tong's words on Patrick Sai Tsis are not available.

From now on, 200 level narrow-body trunk passengers are indeed a little overwhelmed, and the Boeing is facing, Boeing 757 is good, but the problem is that the upper rate does not meet the best profit line, the seat is vacant The rate is relatively high, which makes the airline a headache.

But knowing that the era is developing, in 1991, 130 to 150 is the mainstream of narrow-body trunk aircraft, and with the takeoff of Huaxia economy, the original Boeing 737 that is 130 to 150 is already The bigger the Boeing 737max has been 200 levels. This is actually the main market area of ​​the original Boeing 757. Therefore, Patrick Sai Tsis wants Chen Gerau to abandon this marketplace? What he thinks is too much.

"That is no need,"

Chen Geng Zhao: "Thank you very grateful to the reminder of Boeing, but our product strategy is based on our consideration, this will not worry.

"Since you say this, ..."

Patrick Sai Tsis took a breath: since I ""

Remind you, you don't listen, then I will go straight: "Mr. Fernandes, I will do it, Boeing wants you to carefully consider the introduction of Figure -204.

Chen Geng's eyes went up: "If I don't say it?"

At the same time, Chen Geng thinks this is a little absurd: Boeing ... Is this head to be kicked by? I actually sent such a two hundred and five to talk to myself? Nor, since Patrick Sai Tsis can become the vice president of Boeing Marketing, how can it be a two hundred and five? So ... Boeing is deliberate? Want to see if you can use this way to fly yourself? It seems that there is only such an explanation. In the mouth of Patrick Sai Tsis, it has been like this aggressive Chen Ming, and it is quite a little crying: Who is this negotiation strategy? Laozi looks like a person who is eating this set? "Boeing is a law-abiding company. If you don't say, we will certainly respect your decision,"

Patrick Sai Tsi finally revealed his own claws: "I am just afraid that Shangfei Group wants to get FAA's model certification is more difficult.

That's right, I am going to warn you today, how can you? Looking at Patrick Sai Tsis, Chen Mine suddenly laughed: "Are you threatening me?"

"No, this is not a threat, this is reminder,"

Patrick Sai Tsis "I am warning you"

Expression: "After all, your Shangfei Group is not only this plane, your other planes, should you consider selling in the US market? And as long as you sell in the United States, you must pass FAA certification.

Of course, Boeing is very respectful, if you are willing to give up Figure -204, we are willing to compensate you in other ways, such as the production of a part of the 737 part of the fuselage, and guarantee that the annual production is not less than 5 Billion dollars, how? "

Patrick Sai Tsis looked proudly from Chen Tong, which seems to be able to promise.

Also, Patrick Sai Tsis did have such confident reasons.

Although Chen Pang's wealth far exceeds Boeing, the Boeing is standing behind, that is the first Caranian consortunity in the top ten consortium, the world's largest civilian technology manufacturer Boeing is the industry, the world's largest Civil Aviation Enterprises: US United Airlines is the first Caraqi consortunity, or even the most important nuclear counterattack measures in the United States: Luky's "militia 3"

Intercontinental ballistic missiles are also from the company of the first Citi.

We are so powerful, in the political, media circles, industry, business, and military communities have countless interest spokespers for us to talk and run, you Fernandes is just a long boy who has just risen for a few years. What is good cow x of? Now, if you know, you will stop introducing Figure -204, I have received our bones to you, if you dare not obey ... Chen Tong is really thinking that it is a good guy's face. On, but I thought about it, he felt that this seems to be some lost, or forget it.

But although there is no slap in the face of Patrick Sai Tsis, it can not mean that Chen Mine has no response to the threat of Patrick Sai Tsis, or the face is going to put it. "Mr. Sel Tsis,"

Chen Geng interrupted Patrick Sai Tsis: "You don't seem to know, I, Fernandes Chen, is not the Netherlands.


Patrick Sai Tsis blinked, did not understand at a time.

"It is more money than me? How many market values ​​are you Boeing?"

Since I am not going to leave the opposite side, Chen Tong is no longer polite: "Even if you stand behind, what is the first Caraqi consortium? Are you not ready to acquire McDonald Douglas? Very good, I am now It is telling you that your idiot is not happy. When Mr. Xiaomi Tanga, I didn't make determined whether to help him, but now ... "

Couton, look at Patrick Sai Tsis: "I don't know how much can I take out how much money to take out your Boeing to put pressure?"

Patrick Sai Tes: "..."

He is a bit : Macarvana helps Fernandes Chen? But before Fernandez Chen did not promise him? Reconscious this, the face of Patrick Sai Tsis became awkward: the stupid goods of the strategic group, big mistakes!

Yes, Patrick Sai Tsis came to talk to Chen Geng's negotiations, including the previous series, all the Boeing Negotiation Strategy Groups, based on the information they collected by themselves, plus their analytical analysis of Chengeng's personality For the tailor-made negotiation strategy for Patrick Sai Tsis, based on the past, the past is unfavorable, Patrick Sai Tsi is a little impromptu, but considering the development of this strategy is Strategy group, children's Boeing standing behind the first Caranian consortium, Patrick Sai Tsis also throwing a piece of hardship in the heart: Compared to ourselves, the strategy group understands Fernandes Chen's understanding It is the deepest.

But now, Patrick Sai Tsis just wants to go back to put the group of babies in the strategy group: See what pure strategy you have developed? !

Just when Patrick Sai Tsis face, Chen Geng was then said: "I know that in order to acquire McDonal Douglas, you have used it for decades to lay out, plan, McDonald acquisition Douglas's move, there is your Boeing to drive behind? "


Patrick Sai Tsis did not speak, his head was once again set off: How did he know this? In that, McDonald's acquisition of Douglas is a sensational world, but Patrick Sai Tsis knows that there is not so simple behind the scene, he also knows that there is a Boeing figure behind this matter, but he knows This news, or after the Vice President of Boeing Marketing, it is clear that this matter is one of the biggest secrets of Boeing. So, since this is one of the biggest secrets of Boeing, he Fernandes How did Chen know? Could it be ... Fernandez Chen placed people in Boeing? It must be like this!

Maybe this person is still not low!

So the problem is coming, Fernandes Chen buys people in Boeing, just to explore the secret of Boeing? Those techniques that are black technology, he doesn't feel moving? You know, he Fairandez Chen's hand has a plane manufacturing company, but also ambitiously wants to enter the trunk airplane market ... Can't think, more, Patrick Sai Tsis feels horrible, Fernandes Chen is afraid I have already started layout a few years ago, planning the Boeing.

Chen Geng did not know that his letter of tricks did not attach the soul of Patrick Sai Tsis. He went to say: "Well, this matter gives me inspiration, since MacDanner is merged with Douglas So, since the two companies can merge, since the two companies can be merged, now I can split ... Anyway, McDao said is a company, in fact, there is nothing difference between the two companies ... Yes! Yes!

That's it!

Chen Geng Yue said, the more I feel very good, and he said to Patrick Sel Tsis: "Mr. Sel Tsis, you said, if I go to tell Mr. Kaxuna, will now Divided into two separate subsidiaries, you said that he will consider my advice? I think it should still be feasible.

"Do not!

Patrick Sai Tsis also guarded his own image, screaming: "Mr. Fernandes, you can't do this!

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