king of power

Chapter 944 is really

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You can't do this, can you do this? Which green onion is you Patrick Sai Tsis? !

Laozi is going to do this!

I haven't thought about Chen Li, who can do this, immediately arranged the media "blocking"

I lived in myself ... "Mr. Fernandez, we all know that Mr. Xiaomi Tanga, president and McDona, is a friend, what do you think about the predicament you encountered now? Do you have any solution?"

"Yes, if you said, my Mr. I and Mr. Kaxuna are a good friend. He once given me a lot of help, I respect him very much,"

Chen Geng stopped, very "give face"

I accepted this media interview: "As for the dilemma encountered by the McDao plane, I think that the root is still in the end, after MacDanner has formed two profit fair in the group, these two major interests The rivers are caused by mutual struggle.

The reporter immediately excitedly, he hurriedly asked: "What you mean, is it in the moment of Mai Mai's aircraft, all because of the internal consumption of the McDonal system and the original Du Rus of?"

Chen Geng nod: "I can say this.

"Then what do you think of buying a plane now can solve it?"

Chen Geng did not sell Guan Zi, and the words were blind: "I know where is the problem, then this problem is good for this problem. The employee and executives of the Yuan Daogelas system are not the new merged McDonald Douglas has never belongs. Do you think that you are pit by Mike Donner? Simple!

Split Mai Dong!

Put the current McDenes into two companies, both sides under sharing procurement channels, marketing channels, the two independent product research and development work, if the development is good, if necessary, unless necessary, universal marketing channels It is not considered.

"Okay ..."

The reporter excitedly told the head: "Mr. Fernandes, I have a problem ..."


If this reporter finishes the words, Chen Geng Zhu: "I still have something, just come here.

.................... Chen Geng's interview did not cause much sensation in the media, which can be in Boeing and the two groups of the McDe, this report has caused a small vibration.

Steve Herberg, President, President: "How did he dare? How did he dare?!

Previously, Patrick Sai Tsi reported to him that Fernandez Chen urged Xiaomi Tangja to recommend the news of McDonne, Steve Herberg is not too serious, thinking that Chen Geng Duzheng is likely to Great - Now the world knows that Boeing has already regarded Mai Tao as his prey, who dares to take this world? His Fernandes Chen is really very powerful, but what is it? Does he dare to be enemy for the first Congqi consortium behind Boeing? The existence of the first Caranian consortium is also the air of the Policy's strategy group to develop the strategy of Patrick Sai Tsis and Chenmong negotiations.

Also, that is, the first Caraqi consortium in the top ten consortium, but also the kind of strength, not the Boston's national land, the country's land, your Fernandes is very powerful, but you Dare our first Caranian consortium to dry? Not dead, you!

It can be found in all people, Chen Tong is really with Boeing, and the first Citi consortium behind Boeing is dry, and it doesn't leave any room, as the face of the face.

Followed by Patrick Sai Tsis, after being smashed by Chen Geng, this will be a bit returned, in the face of angry Steve Herberg, he shrugged: "No matter why he dares Doing this, the problem now is that he has done it.


Steve Herbergger suddenly dumb: Yes, you are shouting here, "How do he dare?!

Is there a yarn? The problem now is not "How did he dare?"

But he did this.

This shows what? Note Fernandez Chen is not too afraid of the first Caranian consortium.

This is more troublesome.

For a long time, by the big relying on the first citizen consortium, Boeing is unfavorable in many things. No one dares to sell the first Congqi consortium face, but now it is different, it is really coming out. A guy who does not belong to the top ten consortium and will not give the first citizen.

So the problem is coming: What should I do? Steve Herberg's first reaction is to use the Boeing's influence of government agencies to clean up Fairnades Chen, guys who don't know, and don't understand.

But I haven't waited for him, Patrick Sai Tsis seems to have seen this in his heart, saying: "This guy is not good, he is in the White House now, and now the home of the cabinet, the five-corner building has a good Relationship, and even a number of members who have also related to the crowds of the people ... "

In a word, I want to combat Fernandez Chen and don't do it from the government level.

What should I do? Start with financial aspect? Steve Herberg couldn't help but think that any company could not leave the bank's financial support. If you can find a way to get off the way Fairnand Chen from the bank, it seems good ... "In addition,"

Just in Steve Herberg, I can't think of a way from banking channels. When I am Chen Pai, I seem to have become the squid in Steve Herberg's stomach. Patrick Sai Tsis : "Fernandez Chen has several banks, the largest joint credit banks have become one of the largest 20th banks in the United States, ranking in the 12th place, and he still holds more than ten medium-sized bank shares. ...... "

So, I want to go from the point of view to Fernandes Chen, and I am not possible.


Steve Herberg is speechless, this Fernandes Chen, is it difficult as a turtle? How to be a shell, can't make people can't blame? .................... Just in Steve Herberg, Chen Mingyi, I want to warn that he could not find the opportunity, the headquarters of the Mai Mai, the face of Xiaomi It is also placed in the newspaper published by Chen Ming.

This newspaper is also placed in front of this newspaper in front of McDonald, but also this newspaper is also placed in front of this ten individuals in the conference.

"Mr., everyone has finished reading? What do you think about Mr. Fernandes?"

The voice of Wakcat Donald is a bit hoarse.

The current small McC Donner is not the small wheat Donner before this year. In order to make the Douglas system success in the success of the Douglas, Macarona has spent too much effort, plus this time to Mai Tao. The performance has declined, and his pressure is huge. At this moment, his whole person seems to be exhausted and stressed, not only exhausted, but also old.

The conference room is quiet, and the executives are low, and the rest of the eyes look at the response from yourself: How do I say? What can I say? It is small wheat, and this atmosphere is not strange for this atmosphere in the conference room. I don't know when I started. The McDo Group's executive meeting is like this. Everyone is perfunctory, only for the high salary. See no one, he directly to the defense, aviation and executive vice president Portland Mark Allen: "Allen, talk about your opinion.

The voice of Wakherd Diener fell, and the eyes of the senior high-managed brush fell on the body of Portland Mark Allen - It is well known that Portland Mark Allen is Mai Mai The representative character of the inner Douglas system in the plane is also the most determined opponents of the syndrome of Douglas and McDonald, and Mr. Xiaomi Diena first asked Portland Mark Allen. Is it ... The heart is turning up while floating.

Not only the people's heart is floating, in fact, Portland Mark Allen is also a powerfulness, but he did not immediately speak, but in a moment of flying, he slowly said: "McDe There is indeed some problems inside the aircraft. This we all know, so don't say those tons in the foreign publicity, just say that I personally real opinion: I think that Mr. Fernandes is worth considering.

what? !

Even everyone knows that the biggest dream of the original Doglas is to let the opposite Douglas go out independently, but Portland Mark Allen's voice falls, the executives of the McDonalt is still shocked. Looking at Portland Mark Allen: He actually agreed? !

Next, everyone's eyes fell on the body of the Chairman and CEO of the Group.

There is no expression on the face of Small Mac, but the heart is full of sorrow: Since the beginning of his father, the McDee is coming over, in order to make the people of Glas smooth into McDonald, these years have not rarely For the Dao Glas's bastards, even if they don't have less compressed Mike Tangner's voice. Now it seems that all efforts to do in these years are all useless. The guys of Douglas is how they are all taken. The hot white-eyed wolf, um, use Fernandes Chen's words, Douglas's guys is "snake in winter, you will be hot with your own body temperature, it doesn't thank you, but will immediately Just bite you "

Farmer and snake!

Farmer and snake.

You are not the good farmers, while Douglas's bastards are a cold blood, never know the grateful poisonous snake.


Since it is a grateful, if you can bite your poisonous snake, what else is hesitant? Split!

Split, returning to the beginning, McDonald is McDonald, Douglas is Douglas, is not so tired, the most important thing is that Boeing's bulls, don't want to be anneated - for yourself Old opponent: Boeing's wolf ambition, how can Mac Donal? However, Xiaomer Tangja is a small McDonal, although he has made a decision, but his face is always one, there is no change, others think about what is seen from his face.


Small McKona nodded slightly, then the vice president of space and intelligence system, Huo Hawaw, Chambs: "Chambers, talk about you, how do you see?"

With Portland Mark Allen, Howard Chambers is the old man of McDonal, from the old McDonalt or the McDark Group, I have been working in the McDark Group, now listen to the "Leo Lord".

Asked himself, he first stared in Portland Mark Allen, and then said: "I agree with Mr. Allen, it is indeed consideration.

Just with Portland Mark Allen is that Howard Chambs will agree with Portland Mark Allen's suggestion, it is complete because of the heart being hurt, wow cool: no matter Who is it for more than 20 years, and this heart will be hot. The boss of the Douglas is not biased!

More than 20 years, the born hearts of Douglas have never been hot!

In this case, why is it possible to use your own hot face? Fortunate!

Earlier, levely Douglas's bastards behind Tiener's hind legs, this way, McDonald can concentrate on the death of the dead, not, like this, to go to the front, the front should be against the Boeing, Along the back of Douglas's bastards.

However, Xiaomi Donner is obviously not thinking. He looked around, the reaction of everyone, especially Douglas, in the eyes, and we wrote it after the heart, said: "Since there is In this way, everyone will give a hand to show your attitude, agree with the company to split into McDonald and Douglas, please raise your hands ... Well, this vote does not have any legal effect and decision making, just to clarify Everyone's tendency to.

The result of the vote is a little unexpected, 15 people in the conference room, and raised 12, not only the executives of Douglas, but even McDonald. The executives have also agreed that those seniors in McDonalm have been adequately adequately.

Looking at this voting, there are some sorrows in the heart of Wakherd Tangner: Even the old people in McDonald have been so causing to split. Is it so awesome? But the more this, the more you can't easily override Douglas!

The heads of the small wheat Tangner have sent themselves: In the past years, how much energy is spent to make you spend a smooth integration, Laozi and Laozi spent how much energy? Now do you want to pat your butt? Come beautiful!

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