king of power

Chapter 945 You are a devil

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"Miss Warth, how is the situation below?"

Macon served as Miss Weiza, secretary.

Time has been in the past few days, and Wheat Tangner wants to know what ideas and attitudes below for the idea of ​​splitting McDendo.

Although this vote does not have any effectiveness, although he will keep this matter in the end of the meeting, it will be clear about this matter. Even if the people in McDonalt can keep the mouth, such as a bottle, those guys who are not a heart is not a heart, not to say that in order to know that in the group's interior for McDonal and Douglas's "divorce"

What attitude, I am also in the acquisition and even intended to communicate with this news.

So the small wheat is an estimated, maybe it will wait for the next morning to work, this news can spread throughout the McDark Group.

The fact is true.

For this this, Miss said: "Sir, according to the situation I have learned, whether it is a middle management person or a first-line staff, everyone is talking about this.


"Everyone agrees to split the company.

Miss Wats said.

"The situation ... Is it? Is this extent?"

The hearts of small Mc Tona have some bitterness: Is there a decision of the father as a ""

Douglas's decision is really wrong? Wakhercond is really very sad. Even if he is in his heart, it has already been re-divided into two companies, and the small wheat is always in the heart, from 1967 to today's 1991, a whole 24 years Ah, the old people of the original Dagras have gone again, and now the Douglas system still has much effect? But now, Miss Wei Tat feeds to this news, let Macon Diener are sad, it is sad: Is it really father and myself? In the past years, the guys in Douglas have been their father, with their own bed dreams? If this is really like this, it is too terrible, and the father and yourself are too failed!


Weit looked up at the wheat Tangner, whispered: "Boss, this kind of thing ... You don't be too sad.

Weit also knows that this news will definitely not be small for their own boss, but the fact is the case, what is the way? Not to mention that in fact, you will not be able to resolve, McDonald, Douglas's return Glas.

"I have something sad,"

Although it is really sad, after the matter is really coming, Xiaomer Tangner discovers, the sadness is definite, but he is far from being imagined so sad, he swayed to Weiz: "Help me about it Mr. Fernandes, I hope to see him as soon as possible.


............................ Everyone has been an old friend, although Wats did not say that McKona wanted to talk to him, but the McDonnever's autumn, Xiaomi Tangja Do you have any difficulties in seeing your own purpose? Just, I looked at the tiredness and deep fatigue of Wakwheat Donald. The little tired Donner came to see her own purpose. It was already awkward. Chen Li was also surprised to: "The old brother, you are ... how to get This ghost looks? "

Little Macarona also knows where the image is at the moment, and did not appear in the front of Chen Pillians. He smiled and said to Chen Geong: "Inflexible suffering.

A "worry-free"

The image is illustrated at this moment, the situation of the wheat airplane and his wheat Tangha: already accounts for the edge of the cliff.

Chen Geng sighed and said: "I said last time, I will help you as much as possible, let's talk, how do I help? Well, how much does it take?"

"Money is not anxious first,"

Small Wheat Tangner poses: "Fernandes, do you really think that McDonnerie is a good idea?"

"I understand that you are not willing, but our Chinese people have an old saying, called the strong twist melon, so do you think it?"


After the Wakah Donner was silent, it was slowly nod: "Yes, the melon of the melon is not sweet, I am even smiled, I didn't even understand this ... Fernandes, your wisdom of the ancient Chinese people is really a fascinating.

Chen Mong smile, did not pick this words, but the topic turned, said: "The old brother, you understand that the idea of ​​split is a matter, but the two companies have been integrated for more than 20 years, in fact, there are many The place is long, I have me, I have you, I want to split, it is difficult, and the interests are a destined issue.

"Yes, it is difficult.

Toddy, Tangner, nodded, and he agreed with this statement of Chen Po.

Split, simple, how to split, the most important thing is the asset and how intellectual property rights are divided, this is a very tricky problem, such as DC-10 and the MD-11-developed MD-11-developed MD-11 three The military and civilian two-purpose aircraft are also developed after the merger of McDonald and Douglas, if they share, how do these two aircraft's after-sales interests? Want McDonal or Dao Glas to give up this piece? Give me a break!

Although DC-10 has been discontinued in 1989, there are more than 400 DC-10 and 60 military KC-10a air fuel vehicles in the sky. Does these aircraft do not maintain? You know, for the plane, the profit from sales is actually a small head. The real profit is from the maintenance and maintenance of the aircraft after decades, such a large profit, whether it is Douglas or Mc. Nash, who is willing to give up? "So I suggest that you will be reissued inside the inside, and you must split, but this time the split is like a divorce, everyone can sit down and discuss, now the problem is Your McDonald and Douglas have a husband and wife that is about to be divorced, and it is also facing external threats: someone is playing your house, your property attention.

Wakah Tangja is in the heart: "So, what you mean ..."

"Let's put down the differences, conceive and work together, concentrate on dealing with the threat outside, etc., waiting for the Boeing to hurt, turn back, then you don't dare to hit your mind, you will discuss how to share it ... IMO, old brother You really think that you have been in the military market in recent years, because your skill is not as good as people? "

I listened to Chen Geng, said a series of setbacks in McDao planes in the military market in these years, Xiaomi Downardon faces the face!

Of course, he knows that McDe is targeted by a forces. To know, in the 1980s, the McDe is in the civil aviation market except DC-10 in the civil aviation market, and DC-9 is still the top beam column of the wheat, new launch. The MD-80 series also counts the rules of the medium, which is not falling in the competition in Boeing.

In the field of military aircraft, Mai Tao can be said that it is not possible to call the wind. For example, when by 1974, McDonnene has accepted the F-4 "Ghost" of them.

The total amount of 4,974 fighters, there are 3,976 orders from the United States Pentagon, and there are 998 foreign orders, with a total total contract with a total contract of more than $ 15 billion.

This is 15 billion US dollars in the 1960s!

It is also because of the massive F-4 "ghost"

The order of the fighter, McGonna has a sufficient capital to buy Douglas.

After that, the F-15 "Eagle" designed by Mai Mai

It is a heavy fighter to be more madness. Even the Americans are too high to be too much. For a time, Mai Tao can be described as a scenery.

However, after entering the 1990s, Mai Tao is a drink of cool water.

First, the cancellation of the A-12 invasive attacking machine plan of huge amount of money, the cooked duck is flying, but not only makes the wheat Tao, but also makes the blood of the McDending a few billion US dollars; Mai Tao, who was launched to the fourth-generation invisible fighter by Nosrop, which was originally thought that it can be easily defeated by the YF-23 that broke through the surname of the sky. "Lockheed Martin + General Power + Boeing "

The combination, knowing that before this, the main contractor of YF-22 Lockheed Martin has no manufacturing fighter, in McDe, in McDe, in McDe, ourselves The combination of the door is not easy to crush the three slag? The fact is that such free and bizarre, performance and various indicators are more advanced than YF-22 advanced YF-23. It is white to YF-22, but the cause of YF-23 is even more porpled, McDe Holding Waterloo, once again, there is a hundred million US dollars; but even if it is at this time, Mai Mai's mold is still not finished. If the YF-23 is lost, it is implicated by the pigs of Roslop Green. If the US military joint attack fighter JSF plan, Mai Tao is even more miserable!

I feel that in A-12, YF-23 project has been continuously failing twice, and the Pentagon is even if it is to find balance, it should take care of his own wheat, this, the JSF project is alone, and it is a boat, not only pulls last. Suffering brothers, Nosrop Glen, also pulled British aerospace (because the US Navy's Dui JSF plans to provide vertical and landing requirements, and British aerospace "is" "

Vertical / short-distance lifting fighter development unit), think about this time, should I win? But now, this time, McDonia is losing!

After this strike, Mai Dao fell directly from the American airplane manufacturing industry to the old two.

The boss as a Mai Mai plane, and the small wheat Donner also knows some deeper things. The reason why Mai Mai is connected three times, and is in the end, or the Rockefeller consort in the McDee is between the first Citi. The wind has accounted for the wind.

And since I can't win, then the winner will take some "color head".

And the wheat, the "color head" to be taken away.

"It seems that you are understanding,"

Looking at the face of the face changed and changed, Chen Geng smiled noddate: "So, old brother, now you have to understand one thing: Don't watch Mats, now the family, but those behind you It seems that you can be a group of chess things you can go out at any time ... Of course, you may be a little precious. The Lockefeller consortium will not take you right. That is also a chess, so ... "

Explored the probe forward, Chen Geng suddenly lowered the sound to the small wheat Tangja: "I don't want to get rid of this kind of people as a chess, the body is not my own destiny?"

The pupil of the small McConal!

He felt this moment, his heartbeat stopped.

Get rid of the fate of the chess pieces? Does he don't want it? Of course you think!

I can even say that I want to dream!

Can this fate are so good? How much wants to get rid of "chess pieces"

The guy of fate is in the end, is it unique to all kinds of accidents? "you……"

Wom Tangner licks licking lips, his voice is very dry: "What is the guys who eat dry rice?"

"Of course I know,"

Chen Wirong Xiaoti nodded: "Do not listen to the chess pieces will encounter all kinds of accidents, car accidents, shooting, love, crash ... or even heart disease, anyway, as long as you don't listen, you will always meet various tricks. Death, right? "

"As long as you know.

Small toddler is slow.

"Those consort, it seems to be very powerful, but you look at me,"

Chen Wirong said: "What do you think of those consortships?"

Small Mac Donner's eyesight!

Yes, if Chen Po is active, Xiaomi Tangja almost forgot this, that is, Fernandez Chen, so far, it has never been to which to "dedicated his loyalty"

Whether it is AMC car, data research firm is still other industries in his hand, the shares held by Fernandez Chen Hands exceeds 50%, even if numerous experts, financial institutions and account firms persuade him completely, even if he is only Holding 20% ​​of the excessive, still able to control his industry, and his Fernandes Chen Ring can raise more development funds.

But useless!

In this matter, Chen Li is like a scales, and the stubborn is very powerful. Even if these financial institutions, accounting firms have taken out the AB shares of Ford Auto to persuade him, Chen Tong is completely ignored, as if 50.

01% of the shareholding ratio is his bottom line, half a step is not willing to retreat.

For Chen Geng's cautious, Xiaomi Donner is not nothing to laugh at him, joke him conservative, but now, Xiaomi Tangja is shocked by Chen Ming, half-earth, he finally said: "You ... ... Fernandes, you are a devil!

"thank you.

Chen Wiring Xiao said: "This is my pleasure.

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