king of power

Chapter 964 is not possible, money is to think about it (4000 words)

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Firuck Legali did not deny: "Mr. Chen, you think ..."

"Forget it,"

I have finished speaking, Chen Pi, said: "Faruk, we are friends, I don't say those who are so good to lie to you ... Why is your two batchs of F-16? Will be deducted by Americans, you should be more clear than me, and you know that this involves national strategies, it is not an event.


Firuck Legali didn't talk, as Chen Geng said, the United States decided to sell all the 71 F-16 fighters originally sold to Xiaoba, not shipped, not the United States wants this Fishing some money, but some of the small bar has violated the national interests of the United States. In this thing, the US government is impossible to make steps, don't say to find Chen Tong, even if you find old Bush, you can't do it - he is the United States How is the current president? Without the approval of Congress, this plane is not likely to be delivered to the small bar.

However, although Chen Li said so, Fayo Legali is still refused to die, try to ask: "Mr. Chen, is there a way?"

Also, it is related to Xiaoba, which has been paid to Americans.

8.5 billion US dollars, such a big money, how can it be easily given up because of Chen Pi's words? "I really can't do it,"

See Faruk Legali seems to be refused to die, Chen Geng sighed and said: "This way, look at the friendship between Huaxia and Xiaoba, I can help you introduce some activity in Washington, in Capitol, White House and The five-corner building is very influential social activist, you can ask them to see if they have a way.

The so-called social activist, it is said that it is a singer, this point of Faruk Legali naturally understands, he hesitated, nodded: "Tap you.

Or is there a word, face 6.

The $ 8.5 billion is such a huge amount, and the head of the head is not touched in the South Wall. The small bar is decided to give up.

"Trouble is not trouble,"

Chen Geng did not care: "But some words I want to tell you front, these social activists can meet with it casually, even if you talk about you, you can pay, you can pay, This is the rules.

What item consultation fee? It is what you tell you about this. After you measures you, I feel that this thing can't do, but even if you can't do it, he said a "no!" NO!

But you need this "no!


Firuck Legali nodded and said he knows the rules.

"That is said,"

Chen Gengqi's first: "You can send you some people to the United States, let him meet with me, and what you just mentioned in the Soviet light aircraft carrier ..."

Chen Geng is really curious. The small bus is afraid that it has been exposed to the meaning of the way to develop his aircraft carrier, and it is difficult to develop aircraft carrier. The location of the small bar is quite subtle, from the Hallmuz Strait, just passed Oman Bay is a small sea area of ​​Xiaoba, which is an important sea petroleum channel in the geographical position. In the case of so subtle, the United States What kind of reaction does this response to this move of PB? In fact, the inellers have not had any willingness to develop aircraft carrier until 2015, and it is very subtle in the geographic location of their own league. Chen Li has some curiosity. At this extra sensitive moment, the small bar Will you develop your own sea aviation combat power to further stimulate Americans? Sure enough, there is no expectation of Chen Pang's expectations. In the face of Chen Geng's problem, Faruk Legali smiled, but it is also true: "We think, but our country is more ..."

Since it is special, it will definitely can't think about it.

Chen Geng nodded, did not say anything: At this time, Xiaoba should have already "hooked"

I haven't hesitated, and I am going to prepare for the development of "super -7" and develop "super -7".

Fighter project? Well, that is, we are all familiar with "" in the future.


.................................. The movement of the small bar is very fast, Chen Li is returned to the United States for a few days, and the small bar is connected to Chen Geng.

Chen Geng also had a good time, directly with this small passengers called Pelvez Hatak, I found my own old friend: Jobson Consulting Services of Washington Jo Tterssen.

I heard that Chen Ming came, Jobson is happy to meet downstairs, giving Chen Geng a passionate hug: "Fernandes, my friend, I am very happy to see you.

"Old friends, it seems that your recent business is good,"

Looking at the red light, Joberson, Chen Li said, while laughing on the other side, said: "Is it a big fortune?"

"Oh ... okay,"

Jobson had a happy admitted: "All friends help take care of business ..."

After two people, Jobson looked at Pelvez Hattak.

Chen Geng Ming him mean, nodded: "Joberson, this is Mr. Pelvez Hatak, thinking that there are some things from the Middle East, and some things may need your help.

Import and export businessmen from the Middle East? Jo Tterson's eyes suddenly lit: the big dogs in the Middle East, can all have money!

Fernandez Chen has the inflation of the money, naturally can't see these Middle Eastern dogs, can't do it, you still have to turn your favorite and comfortable, these unfair money dogs are the best customers.

He immediately sent an invitation to Pelvez Hattak: "Mr. Ha Tak is right? Please please, Fernandes' friend is my friend, what I can help you, you Don't be polite.

Looking at the Pelvez Hattak, Joberson always thinks this gather is a bunch of moving dollars.

Pelvez Hatak is a bit of a bit: this Jo Tterson is really very polite.

Pelvez Hattak did not have to do homework. Yesterday, Chen Li told Pelvez Hattak to visit the object today, who knows who is the other party today, Pelvez · Hattak also deliberately, I would like to help with Mr. Jo Tterson, knowing that Joberson's influence is very well-known, because of this, he is still Some are somewhat, worried that this Jo Tterson will not be higher than the top, arrogant, but I didn't expect the other party to talk so much, but very fast, Pelvez Hatak didn't think so ... "Mr. Fernandes, what is going on?"

After the seminated room, Jo Tterson didn't see Pelvez Hattak, but asked Chen Geng.

"Jobson, this Pelvez Hatak is a representative of Xiao Puba,"

Chen Ming's first is to indicate the identity of Pelvez Hauck to Josen, "" You know, the Pakist is purchased from the United States through the 'Peace Gate Plan 2' and 'Peace Gate Plan 3' from the United States. A total of 71 F-16 fighters, now 28 have been completed, but because of some of us know, the US government launched sanctions against Pakistan, and Mr. Hatak is a representative of the Minba government to find a way. Can't deliver this batch of F-16 fighters to them ... "

Joberson did not immediately answer this question, but first concealed Chen Geng.

Yes, Joberson knows all the entanglements and stories before and after this batch of F-16 fighters, naturally understand that the US government will definitely not give this f-16 fighter to the small bar, but it is precisely because of this He is very confined to Chen Geng's move: You don't know what this batch of F-16 fighters is going, how do you still do this useless work? Chen Geng has returned to a helpless expression: I said, people don't believe, I always feel that I can try it. What is the way? Joberson thoughtfully thought that it also understood: Pakistan has paid 6 in the United States.

8.5 billion dollars of purchase models, this 6.

The $ 8.5 billion is in the past year by drought, there is a 32 billion US dollar debt, and the national defense safety is also facing the great threat of India. It is really important.

Just when Jobson wondered, he would not be aunt Pothz Haute - don't overestimate these vocational ethics. These guys are really doing, but if they have encountered it. The fat sheep, they didn't work soft - Chen Geng opened: "Jobson, my relationship with the small bar is good, there are many friends in Xiaoba, so if you think it can help, even if you think Only 10% hope, we are willing to pay 100% efforts, but if you think this is good, then tell me directly.

Pelvez Hatak heard the words, and he was grateful to Chen Geng.

Of course, he is not stupid. After the initial mistake, Pelvez Hattak immediately understood why Chen Li would say so, but he is not good at this moment, I have to express my gratitude to Chen Geng.

It is Joberson, although it is not possible to think of this in the first time, but very fast, he also relieved: If it is not a good relationship, Mr. Fernandes can't accompany this Pelvez Hatak personally Looking for yourself, it is myself, just actually forgot this floor, it's really damn, almost a friend.

Thinking of this layer, Jo Tterson's heart squatted: he is absolutely refused to sin, Chen Geng, "friend"

I would like to have other "friends"

It will never be able to get crimes.

Adjusting the mentality of Jobson, the smile on his face was brilliant, to the Pelvez Hatak: "Mr. Hatak, you are a friend of Fernandes, Mr. Fernands is also a friend. Since everyone is a friend, then I have something to say: at the moment of the Soviet army withdraw from Afghanistan, the biggest strategic significance of the United States disappeared, after this value, after this value, United States It is definitely impossible to give you this f-16 fighter to you, let the United States agreed to give this f-16 fighter to your hopes, don't say 10%, even 1%, no one is one.

Donned, Jobson said: "Tell you with my personal honor, in me, you can get this answer, where you can get this answer - if someone tells You, say he can help you convince the US government, let the US government agreed to deliver this batch of F-16 to you, then he must be in order to lie to your money.

"This is ..."

As Chen Geng's answer, in the face of Joterson's answer, although Pelvez Haute wrinkled two times, showing that his heart is very unchaul, but he actually adjusts his mentality. I asked Jobson: "Mr. Jo Tterson, thank you very much for your honesty, if ... I said, if this batch of F-16 fighters have no hope, then have any way to let the US government Return this money to us? "

"Take this 6.

8.5 billion US dollars back to you? "

Chen Geng and Jobson have a look at it, and the two laughed at the same time: this joke is better, and has been taken in the hands of the Americans, can you return? What is joke?

"It is absolutely inevitable,"

Jobson did not hesitate: "Mr. Hauck, I tell you, the US government is absolutely absolute ... 100% absolute ... It is impossible to return this money to you.

"You can't say this, it is also possible to have a place,"

Chen Geng corrected: "But the premise is that after the US government sells this F-16 fighter to third parties, pay the third party's money to you, it is definitely not possible to make the US government from home for money, put this 6 .

8.5 billion US dollars will refund to you.

"Yes, that's it.

When Josenton suddenly, I was todped up: I ignored this possible.

Simply put, Americans are essentially a business nation. In this matter, since Americans have already got their money, they will try to make this business.

But this batch of F-16 is impossible to deliver to the small bar, and the instinum of the businessman also makes Americans absolutely impossible to give up this business - one but retreat, will not be canceled? You can sell more F-16 in the future, but you can't go down the 6 of the small bus.

$ 8.5 billion - Although Americans think, but can't do this, if this kind of thing happens, let other potential, how to buy F-16 fighters: Your United States can go to Xiaoba today Money, is it tomorrow? Can you go down my money? Don't say "The two is good, I absolutely can't do this."

If you have, before this, you are still very good to the relationship with the small bar.

Be sure to make this business, it is absolutely unable to deliver this F-16 fighter to the small bar, selling this batch of F-16 that is originally sold to the small bar to third parties, and delivers third-party delivery The payment is paid to the small bar in a refund, it has become the most feasible method.

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