king of power

Chapter 965, do you think about it?

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"This ... Mr. Jo Tterson really can't pay the fighter to me?"

Pelvez Hahotk frowned and somewhat unwilling.

If the Americans will be able to take the previous 6.

8.5 billion US dollars retreat to your country, of course, is the best, but the small Pakist is money? No, the small bar really wants the F-16 fighter, now listening to Mr. Fernandez and Mr. Jo Tterson have discussed a way, Pelvez Hatak can't help but want to be .

Jobson and Chen Ming have regarded it, while frowning: this Pelvez Haute is a bit unfounded.

Chen Gei may look at the face of Pelvez Haute on Waiba, but Jo Tterson cares who is Pelvez Hattak? joke!

He didn't give Pelvez Hattak. "Mr. Haute, you think more, f-16? I will tell you this unless the Soviet Union will send troops again, otherwise, your country wants The possibility of get the F-16 fighter is unlimited to zero!


This is a bit embarrassed, Pelvez Haute is a mouth, and I don't know what to say during a time.

Jobson did not let go of Pelvez Haute, and then said: "Even if you want to sell the F-16 fighter to third parties, in exchange for your country's 6.

8.5 billion US dollars, but can you think such a big money? Can you come out? "

"Mr. Hatak, let's talk, even if you want to work this, it is not possible for the time to operate, and there is no more than three or five years."

Jobson said, Chen Geng followed up: "Also, before the beginning, you should first communicate the cost settlement in Jo Tterson.

Pelvez Hatak: "..."

He discovered that he did not underestimate the difficulty of this.

However, he is still careful to ask Chen Ge: "Mr. Fernandes, really needed so long?"

When I just said that I needed it for three or five years, I was scared.

Chen Pill shrugged, did not answer directly, but asked: "You should have a rough understanding of this difficulty.

The meaning of the words: If this is not a tricky, I will take you to Jobson, do you solve this trouble with such a way? Pelvez Hatak doesn't talk.

See Pelvez Hatak does not speak, Chen Geng stands up: "Mr., we all understand that this is a big thing, not a two-time communication can be solved, so we may wish to come today. Here, ok? "


Pelvez Hattak immediately nodded, just gave him a small impact, he did need to organize the idea, and then report the situation to the domestic instructions again to act again.

Jo Tterson, of course, he huh, smiled: "Of course, there is no problem ... Mr. Fernanders, you have to stay in Washington?"

Chen Geng shook his head: "Not saying, but always visit some old friends, you said yes?"

When Jobssendon, he smiled and laughed: Yes, always visit some "old friends"


.................... Don't mention how to report to Domestic reports, how to discuss this matter in China, these temporarily don't have it. For Chen Ming, this time he returns A very important thing in the United States is to hold a feast for the "Terminator 2".

Yes, after two and a half months of release, "Terminator 2" finally referred yet, although "Terminator 2" is in the world, but "Terminator 2" The box office will have no big fluctuations: due to the deadline, "Terminator 2" created North American 3.

200 million US dollars, global 8.

800 million in box office!

According to countries and regions that have not yet been reflected, the final global box office "Terminator 2" has exceeded 900 million US dollars.

The global box office exceeds $ 900 million!

For a movie that has just been more than 100 (although this film is also a former in Hollywood movie), this box office revenue makes "Terminator 2" and Chen Li.


Must be happy!

Adhering to Chen Geng's consistent style, red envelope!

Must send red envelopes!

Seeing Chen Geng, James, Arnold, Linda Hamilton and the main creation of the "Terminator 2" such as Edward Fulong, and looked at Chen Li, he was happy and excited. Hold and say hello to Chen Li ... "BOSS ..."

"Mr. Fernandes Hello.

"Mr. Fernandes, you can always remember to give me a chance when you shoot movies next time ..."

............ Everyone is very enthusiastic.

Everyone understands that these people are the beneficiaries of this "Terminator 2". With this "Terminator 2", it is not only thoroughly consolidated the status of their own industry, but also earn a lot: The box office has earned, BOSS will send you a big red envelope that is almost equivalent to himself on the feast, and everyone has a small piece of field, even a small piece of field, everyone earned, everyone How can I not be happy? Chen Geng and everyone, one by one, etc.

At this moment, the face of Cameron revealed a tired tired: "Too tired, I decided to put a false yourself, take a break.

"It is necessary to take a break.

Chen Li smiled nodded.

He understands how strong James Camelon is confident in "Terminator 2", but this is a super-large production in total investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. Once you lose, how do you explain yourself? It can be said that from the beginning of the project, "Terminator 2", huge pressure is not accompanied by him around Kameron, now, "Terminator 2" handed over a more beautiful answer, Came One of the stresses on the arm is one of them, and he will finally take a good rest, enjoy the glory and money of "Terminator 2".

However, then look at Linda Hamilton, who is obviously relatives with Cameron, Chen Geng sighed, said to Cameron: "Two, when you are ready ... um, external publication?"

I have found it with Hamilton, and Cameron didn't feel unexpected. He shrugged: "After a while.


Chen Geng did not say much, this is the choice of Linda Hamilton and James Cameron, as an outsider, what do you do? He just nodded: "In any case, congratulations.

"Thank you.

"Thank you.

James Cameron and Linda Hamilton have a happy face to thank Chen Geng, although Americans don't like outsiders to interfere with their own private affairs, but in any case, they can get Chen Ming's congratulations, two people are still very happy.

And James Cameron, Linda Hamilton, Chen Li turned to see Schwarzenegger, smiled: "Arno, congratulations, from now on, you are the Hollywood's number one star.

Schwarzenegger is full of red light, but it is a bit embarrassed, but he laughed, but he was still modest: "This is your credit, if there is no BOSS your support, there will be no mine. Nowadays.

"It is not big in relation to my relationship."

Chen Geng smiled: "This is your own business.

" ..."

Modestitude and modest, Swabeng's heart is still very proud: Yes, from today, I, Arnold Schwarzene, is the Hollywood's number one action superstar, "Terminator 2" completely laid my Arnold · Schwarzene's B grid, who is not convinced ... There is a book, you also take a global box office, you are expected to exceed 9 billion!

I thought that the "Terminator 2" of Fernandez Chen and the US media will become a global box office champion of 1991 to 1994 for 4 consecutive years. Schwarzene couldn't help but opened their mouths: He really didn't believe it. In these four years, what movie can get more than 900 million global box office.

And Schwarzene, Chen Geng went to Edward Fulong.

For Edward Fulong, Chen Ming's mood is slightly complicated, on the one hand, he doesn't want to see a future super star, because you can't stand the temptation, but on the other hand, according to these days from the situation, this The kid faces huge temptation, it seems that there is no meaning that you mean at all. This makes Chen Li's disappointment: if you have the will, I can certainly help you, but if you are, I am happy to be a booth The mud of the wall, why do I help you? But ... Chen Tong still wants to give Edward Fulong a chance.

Looking at Edward Fulong, Chen Ming's tone is very moderate: "Edward ..."

"Sir, what do you have?"

Compared to these people in Cameron, Linda Hamilton and Schwarzenegger, the teenage Edward Fulong is more nervous when they face Chen Pang ... Cameron Others and Chen Geong are old friends who have been nearly ten years, cute Dehua Fulong is just a teenage child.

"Don't be so nervous, we are just talking about chatting,"

Chen Wirong Xiao said: "How, how is the celebrity of the whole world, how is the fame and fortune?"

"This is good,"

Although I don't quite understand why Chen Li will ask my own question, I still can't help but reveal a happy smile on my face, but it is a teenage child. "I have never been like this. I feel, but I feel very good, sir.

"Yes, this feeling is very good, everyone likes,"

Chen Geng's head: "But Edward, how long can you still last?"


Edward Fulong stunned, he didn't understand why Chen Li suddenly asked himself, he had a mouthful, he hesitated: "Mr., I ... I don't quite understand what you mean ..."

Linda Hamilton is "Mom" in Edward Fulong in the movie after all, after all.

In these years, the two people have trained some of the feelings between some mother and son. Know that Chen Ming is in carrying with himself "son"

, Linda Hamilton hurriedly said: "Edward, you have to understand everything you have now, money, status, prestige, flowers, photographers, flash ... this is" Terminator 2 "this movie brings your.

If there is no "Terminator 2", you are still the ordinary teenager.

Now "Terminator 2" is a hot spot in global discussion. You will naturally enjoy the most attention, but "Terminator 2" will finally refer, and one day will be replaced by new hotspots in the future, and you, If there is no new work, you can pay attention to the works, the reporters will not pay attention to you now, and there will be so many companies to ask you, please make a endorsement, if it is this day, you What will I do? "


Edward Fulong is a true person. During this time, he immersed him in the flash and flowers, never thought about this problem, but Linda Hamilton "Mom"

A reminder finally let him realize a cruel reality: now yourself, John Cona in "Terminator 2", there are countless money, flowers, flash belong, can be "mother"

As mentioned, after another day, the "Terminator 2" will go, will be replaced by the new blockbuster, and everything around you will gradually disperse, what day, what should I do? If there is no taste of success, he is still the young boy, but now, everything is different. During this time, the flowers and paper drunken fans, let this teenage little teenager realize money And the magic of the name, how can he be willing to lose? "I ... Mr., I will not be all ..."

Idehua Fulong's voice with a crying chamber, if it is not Fernandess Chen asked, if it is not a Linda Hamilton Mom reminded, Edward Fulong suddenly found that it is now, I have always been accompanied by it. These will leave yourself at any time.

Realizing this possibility, I have always thought that these will always be with myself, I am the proud of the sky, I'm confused, confused, I don't know what it is.

"But I heard that your private life is chaotic during this time, not only private life is very chaotic, but I heard that you still suck D,"

Linda Hamilton sighed: "Edward, you can be 14 years old, how can you touch this kind of thing?"

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