King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 128 - End of Training!

After going back with the girls, Wang Lei and others had their breakfast – a peaceful breakfast. Done with it, Wang Lei stood up and left for the date with Lavinia, who was more excited than him.

Waiting outside the Himejima Clan, Wang Lei stood with a black t-shirt and black pants. He had his haori wore on the shirt. His hair was tied in a bun with little strands escaping in front of his face.

Wang Lei wondered if he should cut his hair down, but he shook his head. Though he would not say that he was in love with it, he liked long hair quite a lot. And he thought that he would feel out of place if he cut it down since, in ATG, it was the most iconic hairstyle.

As he was thinking of random things, he heard the sounds of footsteps behind him. Turning around, he saw Lavinia, wearing a one-piece white dress with a jacket and Scarfe on.

With her same innocent expression, she happily ran towards Wang Lei and hugged him, "Let's go, Wang Lei!"

Her voice sounded excited, way too excited as she looked at him with 'not-so-hidden' excitement.

"You seem quite excited about it," gently rubbing her head, Wang Lei said.

"Of course, I am! Hehehe, I read it in the books that date is required to deepen one's relationship. And people only date their loved ones. Doesn't it mean that Wang Lei loves me!"

Wang Lei could not help but chuckle at her childish behavior. But it was not a surprise. Lavinia, after the death of her parents, lived with Wang Lei all the time. Her contact with the outside world was minimum, resulting in her not knowing much about relationships and other stuff.

All she had was what she read in storybooks; that excited her whenever she read one. She loved how a prince would save a princess in every story. Though she was not aware of what feelings she held for Wang Lei – she was not sure. After all, it was the first time she has felt something like this.

But she was sure of one thing, she liked to be with Wang Lei. Her world felt so colorful when she was with him. She wants to taste this feeling more. That's why when she read about the date, she asked Wang Lei to go with her. And she felt happy when Wang Lei agreed to her.

Gently pinching her nose, Wang Lei giggled and asked, "Shall we go then? You bȧrėly seem to hold back from running."

Lavinia pouted cutely before showing a radiant smile, "Um! Let's go!"

But he only shook his head at it. What's the point of worrying about it right now? It's not like his memories going to come back right now (flag!). for now, he would enjoy his times with girls and live his life fully.

After leaving the Himejima Clan, Wang Lei teleported them to Tokyo. Himejima Clan is located in a secluded place, away from the population. It would have taken them hours to reach the population, so teleportation came in handy here.

After arriving in Tokyo, Wang Lei let Lavinia take the lead. The innocent blond was just too excited, dragging Wang Lei here and there like a kid in an amusement park. Everything was new to her, and she wanted to experience it all with Wang Lei.

They went to different places, shops, malls, restaurants, arcade - of course, Wang Lei played the crane game and got pushy for her. It was important to do that on dates, one of the compulsory things.

The most surprising then was that Lavinia had a talent for singing, that Wang Lei came to know when they went to Karaoke. Her voice was beautiful, and Wang Lei loved it.

Though his voice was not bad, just so-so; it was far from what Lavinia sang. Her voice felt sweet, light, and melodious. Attracting and captivating him.

"I love your voice, Lavinia. You should sing more," the young fox could not help but say it. That much he loved it.

Lavinia felt her heart beating faster when she heard him. She felt her body getting hot, not sėxuȧŀly, but something else. Her cheeks taking a little red blush, she smiled, "Um. I'll sing more for Wang Lei."

Wang Lei smiled. He knew that she was a blank paper when it came to relationships, so he did not rush or anything. Just let the flow take its course. He would just follow it.

It was close to noon when they reached the end of their date. Lavinia was disappointed that it ended, but hearing that they can go to another one any time, her face bloomed with happiness again.

Reaching back at Himejima Clan, Lavinia was about to enter it when she heard Wang Lei's voice, "Lavinia."

She looked back at Wang Lei; whose face was inches away from him. Before she could make what was going on, she felt Wang Lei's soft lips pressing against hers. Her eyes widen.

It was a small kiss. With nothing but gentleness. Parting his lips, Wang Lei smiled, "Without a kiss, date feels wrong, no?"

Her heart beating fast, face covered in a red shade, Lavinia does not seem to hear what Wang Lei said. Her mind filled with nothing but remembering what she read in the book 'Kiss is a sign of love.'

She did not say anything and ran back to her room, flustered.

Seeing it, Wang Lei gently smiled but did not pursue her. He thought that he should take it slow with Lavinia.

"You are going to eat me away if you keep on glaring at me, Suzaku-chan," looking towards the roof, Wang Lei said to the young buxom.

"W- we are going on a date tomorrow," Suzaku said with a little tint of pinkish blush on her face before leaving.


It was close to the end of the year training and the time when Rias would go back to Underworld, a day left to be exact.

After the date with Lavinia, Wang Lei went on dates with Suzaku, Shizuku, Kuroka, and, of course, Grayfia. She had to be the most reluctant girl he has ever met, who would reject going on a date, saying stuff like she has her duty and stuff. He had to pursue her with some 'special persuasion'; he was finally able to make her go on a date with him.

And god he did not regret it. The innocent side of Grayfia, who did not know many normal things that a couple would do, was exhilarated. He loved to tease her, breaking her stoic expression into that of a teenage girl.

Except that there was nothing worth mentioning. The normal training days went by, one-by-one. Rias seems to finally able to master <Crush Magic>.

While Akeno was close to master the basics of every element-no, she had mastered the basics of every magic except darkness and water. For some reason, she was having a hard time mastering the basics of these two elements.

Wang Lei, though have given her <All Elemental Affinity>, it did not mean that she could master every element right away. In the end, all she had was affinity that would make it easier to learn it. But, in the end, she had to comprehend the elements herself.

He did not want her to learn the same magic from DxD. Since they only changed one energy into another, following the universal law of energy conversion. But what he wanted her to comprehend the elements themselves.

And she did not disappoint him, comprehending the basics of every element except darkness.

Koneko was sitting on his ŀȧp, silently eating cake. She seems to take his ŀȧp as her personal seat. Well, he could not blame her; his Ten-Tail fox bloodline was a magnet to Youkais, who, in sense, had a part of his essence in them.

"As always, Grayfia-san's tea is delicious," Suzaku, taking a sip of green tea, spoke.

She was sitting in front of Wang Lei, enjoying the gentle wind and rustle of leaves that seems to bring peace to them.

"Indeed. Grayfia-san makes a really great tea," said the blond girl, Lavinia.

"You should also eat Wang Lei's cooking sometime. His cooking is Heavenly!" Shizuku joined in, with a dreamy look on her face.

Wang Lei rolled his eyes at her. She made it sound like cooking would make one resurrect from dead or something. He was not at that level, maybe someday. But right now, his cooking could not blow their clothes off.

'Or is it just peculiar in the "Food Wars" universe?' he wondered.

"…hm, I have tastes master's cooking… it is delicious," the little cat added while enjoying the cake, taking another bite.

Shaking his head, Wang Lei looked at his side and smiled, "Why don't you also join us for a tea, Grayfia?"

"I can't Wang Lei-sama. As your maid, it is my duty to serve you," the young fox could only sigh at his hardcore 'maid'.

Just then, Shuri also came and joined them. Her clothes were messy all over, with dirt on it.

"You seem to make some progress, Shuri-chan," Wang Lei smiled, seeing her.

Since the time he started training her, she was the most dedicated one in her training. As if something fueling her dėsɨrė to become strong and stronger with each passing day. And he knew what it was.

"Hm, it is all thanks to you, Wang Lei-san. If you didn't help me when I was reaching the bottleneck, then it would have taken me a long time to figure it out," with a grateful look on her face, Shuri replied.

She had become quite close to Wang Lei during this one year, not as a man and a woman, but more like a friend. Though sometimes, she would question herself when she felt Wang Lei as a man.

Was it really right to have such feelings? Even though her husband has died, not even a year has passed. She could not pass or move forward until she completed her revenge, and Wang Lei was aware of it. That's why, though he made some advances, it was never too excessive. He knew that she would not be with another man, not until she completed her little quest for revenge.

"Ask me anytime. I am here to teach you, after all," nodding, Wang Lei replied. Taking a sip, and letting the warmth of the tea spread all over his body, Wang Lei sighed.

Shuri smiled gently before going back to her tea and enjoying it.

As they were enjoying their tea, sudden darkness engulfed the whole surrounding, making it pitch dark as if the world was swallowed by a giant monster.

There was no panic on anyone's face as they silently looked in a certain direction – Akeno was standing there with darkness moving around her as if part of her body.

Akeno opened her palm as darkness gathered on it, making a dense ball of darkness. She gripped it, and it changed into a long sword. She again opened her hand as it becomes an arrow. Just like that, she changed the mass of darkness into different shapes before dispersing it.

With her smiling face, she looked towards Wang Lei, "Fufufu~, I did it, brother Wang Lei. Comprehending the basics of every element. You do remember the promise we made, right?"

Wang Lei tilted his head as he remembered what he promised her, "Indeed. I did promise that I would hear a single wish if you mastered them before the one-year deadline," thinking a little, Wang Lei replied.

Akeno's smiled widens. With one of her hands on her face, she looked into Wang Lei's eyes. It would be hard for someone to realize that it was an 11-year-old girl, who was making these expressions. She looked sadist as she looked at Wang Lei with hungry eyes.

Standing in front of him, Akeno opened her small soft lips, "Then I want you to take my vir- ouch!" before she could finish, someone hit her head.

Looking behind, she saw Rias and Kiba standing there, with Rias being the one who hit her.

"What was that for Rias!?" Akeno 'angrily' asked Rias.

"You deserve it! Look at your age and the think you are asking. Y-you are not r-ready for t-t-that kind of thing!" with flustered expression, Rias replied.

"Hmph! Why don't you say the truth Rias? You also want it. But I'll never let you do it before me!"

"H-huh?! W-what are you talking about Akeno?! Shut up!"

"Do you think I didn't hear you mumbling about how you are going to make Brother Wang Lei yours?" Akeno shouted back, with her hands crossed in front of her ċhėst.

"Wh-wha-wha-wha…" Rias couldn't find the reply since she does remember saying that; while she was training close to Akeno. She thought that Akeno was in deep meditation and would not hear her.

Wang Lei was chuckling while other girls were just looking at him with weird expressions. Though Grayfia, Suzaku, and Shuri were straight-out glaring at him. While Lavinia was…well, being Lavinia. She had no idea what they were talking about. It was too vague for her innocent brain to comprehend.

"Master-nya~, I am back!" hearing the voice of the elder Nekomata, Wang Lei and girls looked at her, ignoring the two-fighting duo.

Kuroka came and hugged Wang Lei from behind, before giving a small lick to his cheeks, "Nya~, master's smell, and the taste are the best, after all, ~," gently blowing into his ears, Kuro said, trying to get some kind of expression from him. But she had to be disappointed, as Wang Lei only smiled.

"Welcome back, Kuroka-sama. Would you like a drink?" the hardcore maid asked while presenting a cup to Kuroka, who smiled at Grayfia. Thanking her, she took the tea and sat beside Wang Lei, with her tails dancing left and right.

"How was your trip?" Suzaku asked, curious about why she went to Underworld, even though she was declared stray there.

"It was fun-nya~. I enjoyed it~," Kuro said while enjoying the tea that relaxed her body.

"Well, as long as you enjoyed it," Wang Lei nodded and did not pray much.

He knew that she had quite a playful personality. It would not be a surprise that she ended up making some kind of trouble in Underworld. He was sure that even though he has changed many things, Kuroka will still end up joining Khaos Bridge or Vali team.

She enjoyed messing with things that much. Maybe it was her cat instincts, messing with everything that she sees. He wouldn't be surprised if it was since most cats are known to destroy things. Their curiosity is dangerous sometimes.

"Humph! I am not talking with you, Rias. Let me ask for my wish now," finally, getting tired of the bickering with Rias, Akeno ignored her, making Rias grit her teeth.

Looking back at Wang Lei, Akeno excitedly asked, "I want the brother to kiss me~!" she was aware that she cannot do 'that', but that did not stop her from asking for a kiss.

"Why not? Come here," Wang Lei nodded, without so much thinking about it.

Akeno cheeks become red as she hurried close to Wang Lei, who leaned down and give a gentle peck on her lips before backing away, completely ignoring the looks that he was receiving from his surroundings. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=17747148405674105)/end-of-training!_%!d(string=51604608224652173)">#%!d(string=17747148405674105)/end-of-training!_%!d(string=51604608224652173)</a> for visiting.

"I wonder what sister Qingyue will say when she knows that Wang Lei has kissed an underage girl."

Wang Lei's brow twitched, but he completely ignored the whispering of a certain girl. He was sure that his little sister will be happy.

Akeno was standing in her place stunned as if she was lost in something. Well, she indeed was, the feeling of Wang Lei touching her lips.

Touching her lips with her little fingers, she smirked before running away.

"Humph! Lolicon! Pedo! Pervert!" after saying her part angrily, Rias ran away with tears in her eyes that didn't go unnoticed by anyone.

Wang Lei just shrug before going back to drinking his tea.

"What?" he asked.

"Are you not going to follow after her? She seemed hurt," Shizuku said, worrying about Rias. Everyone was aware of the feelings that Rias had for Wang Lei. It was no surprise that she would be sad when it was only Akeno who received a kiss from him since they knew how hard she worked to impress Wang Lei.

Nodding, Wang Lei said without any shame, "Of course, I'll kiss her too. But not now, it would be no fun."

Others were silent at his answer – something that they completely didn't expect.

"This tea is good~…" Kuro said, releasing a long sigh of relaxation.

"Indeed, it is," nodded Wang Lei.


Standing in front of the Himejima Clan was Wang Lei, Shizuku, Shuri, Suzaku, Lavinia, and Kuroka. They were looking at Grayfia, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba, who was standing at the other side of the gate.

It was time for Rias to go back, and, of course, she was going to take Akeno with her. Wang Lei also didn't stop her. Since she needed to grow up and see the world with her own eyes… now it feels like he is the father of Akeno, who is letting her go… though the prospect of it didn't sound bad, Akeno calling him daddy…

Ahem* anyways, today, they were going back to Underworld. It seems that Grayfia wanted to tell her family about the return of Wang Lei, so she was going back with them.

He was not worried about her. First, she was strong enough to stand as the top fighter of Underworld. Second, even if anything did happen to her, he did not mind erasing another family of the planet, or the devils themselves.

"Snif* I'll miss you, brother Wang Lei… I don't want to go," Akeno cried while hugging him.

Wang Lei gently pats her head, "You can't stay together with me all the time, little Akeno. You need to grow up, or how would I 'eat' you."

Akeno abruptly stopped crying. She understood what Wang Lei meant. Her face changing to red, she ran to her mother and hugged her instead.

"Ara~, are you not going to come and hug your master, Rias? Master will be sad, you know~," teasingly saying to the redhead, who was holding back her tears, though it was obviously doing nothing.

"Who would miss you!?" she said before ignoring him. It seems that she was still angry that Wang Lei kissed Akeno and not her.

Shaking his head, Wang Lei went close to her. Leaning down, he cupped her chin with his thumb and finger before making her face him and rising her face.

Before giving her a chance to retaliate, he went down and give her a gentle peck on her lips before backing off, "Are you happy now, little Rias. Hehehe~, the master will be waiting for you to come back stronger."

Rias had her mind blank out for a second before she blushed, "I-idiot!" she said before walking about to Grayfia, but the smirk was still on her face that her efforts were not able to hide.

"…" Koneko just kept staring at Wang Lei, as if waiting for her turn, but Wang Lei only kissed her on the forehead. No matter how much of a degenerate he was, he would never kiss a girl, who is not even 10, on the lips.

Koneko pouted but did not say anything.

Kuroka went and hugged her sister, with tears falling from her eyes like a waterfall, "Shirone~! Onee-san will miss you! Don't worry, I know Shirone will also miss Onee-san. Onee-san will come and meet Shirone from time to time. She will also bring her favorite 'meatball'. We can 'enjoy' it together!"

Koneko did not say anything and just nodded silently. Sometimes she really can't handle her sister.

"I will miss you. You should come back fast, okay?" tenderly hugging his hardcore maid, Wang Lei whispered.

Grayfia nodded, gently placing her head on his ċhėst.

After some time, everyone said their good-byes. A magic circle bloomed below them, taking them away to the Underworld, leaving Wang Lei and others.

"…Well… I think it is time that I open a café!" Wang Lei enthusiastically shouted, making other girls confused. But who knew that this café would become the strongest force in the world.


AN: Well, well, well, what we have here. A chapter!

Anyway, I would love to take ideas from you guys about what you want to implement in this story.

Ideas are always welcome. Just try no to destroy the story too much.


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