King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 129 - Wood Spirit Race 1?

Brahma God Realm, Royal Palace.

"Royal Father," a girl with long blond hair, bowing to the thrown, stated.

"Ying'er... how is the process going? Did we get the Wood Spirit Race?" asked the middle-aged man sitting on the throne.

Even though his face looked that of middle-aged, it did not have any wrinkles. Instead, it was shinning with vigor, as if he was in his prime. Though if one knows this person's age, they would beg to differ. After all, the said person was even older than 10 millennia.

The girl, one of the two Goddesses of God Realm, Qianye Ying'er, raised her head, her gaze landing on her father - Realm King of Brahma God Realm, also the strongest God-Emperor in the Eastern Divine Region.

"We already have the whole race under our 'protection', Royal Father. Soon, we will kill them and extract 'Wood Spirit Orb' from them," her voice was devoid of any emotion; in fact, it felt like she was enjoying it - the slaughtering of the whole race.

"Good! With this, we can increase our realm's strength even more. 'Wood Spirit Orb' is known to increase the potency of any pill. We can raise many more geniuses with this," Qinaye Fantian happily stated.

He was quite happy with his daughter. Not only was she strong, but she was also smart and cunning. Unlike normal experts, who take whatever they like, she liked to play with her prey before completely destroying them. And Fantian won't deny that he didn't like it... since he, himself, did the same.

With a little gleam passing from his eyes, he looked at his daughter as if remembering something, "What about that man? Did you found anything?" question his daughter; Fantian remembered the news some time ago that he received.

{Snow Song Realm King has become the maid of a young dragon.}

Now, if it was only her becoming maid, then he might not pay that much attention to it, but... she has become the maid of a dragon, it intrigued him. Fantian has met Xuanyin before. He was fully aware of her personality and was sure that in by no circumstances would she become someone's lover, in less maid.

And the fact that she has become the maid of a dragon, who was not even in Divine Master Realm - no! he was not even Sovereign Realm, but just a punny Divine Soul Realm. It baffled him.

He was suspected at first, but when Xuanyin announced about her master at Great Assembly, he finally believed it. He wondered if Dragon Realm has some kind of conspiracy in all of this. Since no matter from what angeled he looked, this was suspicious. A Divine Master becoming the maid of Divine Soul. It was unheard of - no! it was absurd to even think about it. But here they were, witnessing it.

Hearing her father's question, Ying'er's eyes also showed interest. Just like her father, she was also quite interested in this person.

"No. No matter how much I dug, I can't find a single clue about his origins. As if he appeared out of nothingness - a complete abnormally."

Brahma God Realm had a massive spy network, even reaching to Dragon God Realm. And yet, even with her all effort, Ying'er could not find a single clue about this man, as if he appeared out of thin air. It rose her interest in this individual to another level. Her heart itched to get every single secret of this person out.

"... but I did found out that he has many wives," with her fingers on her delicate cheery lips, Qianye Ying'er licked her lips as different scenarios passed through her mind. If it was a normal man here, he would have petrified, seeing her, his bones going soft, "but interestingly, I couldn't find information on them either. According to the reports, one of his wives, Miledi Reisen, defeated - no, played with a Divine Tribulation Realm disciple of Ice Phoenix Sect while she was at Divine Origin Realm."

'And even her name sounds different,' with such thoughts, Ying'er's ruby-like eyes narrowed.

There was a deep frown on Fantian's face as he heard his daughter's report. If first, he was suspicious, then now he was sure that Wang Lei and his girls had something that could shake the whole Primal Chaos. May it be an inheritance, or any kind of Profound Art. Something that can make a person jump and defeat someone from several levels above them was unheard of. Beating someone who is one or two-level above you was a feat that many geniuses and prodigies have achieved. But beating someone several Great Realm above you was impossible.

He even thought whether they were hiding their true powers with some kind of artifact.

"I see... for now, keep on searching about them. We will know if the reports are true or not at Profound God Convection. If reports are true, then they will definitely participate in it. We can find out about them then," Fantian knew that if they are really what reports states, then they will definitely fight for Snow Song Realm. He wouldn't mind checking on them at that time since he had other matters to take care of right now, "What about the 'Green Box'? Did Gu Zhu found something about it yet? It already has been years since we found it in 'Realm Absolute Beginning'."

Shaking her head, her golden hair sways right and left, making the world dim with her beauty, "Uncle Gu still has been not able to found out how to open it except the fact that one requires immense and unshakable will to open it."

Even with their best effort, neither Ying'er nor Gu Zhu was accepted by the box. The seal that enclosed it was rejecting them, making them helpless.

Fantian closed his eyes, thinking deeply. He knows that the 'Green Box' was a heaven-defying thing. No matter what it was, he was sure it was something heaven-defying. Since he still remembers that even Divine Master beasts were afraid of approaching it due to the aura it was releasing. But no matter what they did, they could not open it.

Fantian could only sigh at this.

"Forget it. We will know what it is in due time. For now, ready to take Wood Spirit Orb out of the Wood Spirit Race. We can't wait until Eternal Heaven Realm found out about this."

"Yes," nodding her head, Ying'er left the royal palace, towards the place where Wood Spirit Race should be. But she never knew that this day would the day when her interest would completely be shifted on a young dragon.


"E-em... are you sure sister Shea? I heard that sister Qingyue likes this garden a lot. She takes care of it every day... we shouldn't steal fruits from here," Xiaolan timidly tried to stop the bunny girl, who was stealing fruits from the garden.

"Sheesh~! Don't worry, little lanlan. Leave it to the elder sister. As long we do it sneakily, no one would know," while plucking a carrot out of the mud, her ears moving right and left, Shea said, "You know how delicious the fruits are that is grown here? This place is specifically blessed by Wang Lei so that Qingyue could continue her hobby of growing fruits and vegetables. Do you realize the deliciousness of fruits that has Primordial Energy as its nourishment?!"

Xiaolan was speechless at the speech of the bunny girl, that had a drool leaving her mouth. She did not know what to answer her. Since what Shea said was true. This garden was blessed by Wang Lei, who with just one of his sentences made the whole garden filled with Primordial Energy. Every fruit here was rich with the said energy.

If those from God Realm knew about it, they might start a war for it. Since every fruit here had enough energy to increase one's life span up to a thousand years. And let's not talk about the deliciousness of every single fruit and vegetable.

But, sadly, hardly anyone was able to taste it. Since after Qingyue's cooking, even the vegetables filled with so much Primordial Energy changed into something else. Instead of increasing, it went to negative numbers.

Someone once said: Even a flawless diamond can become a worthless stone in the hands of an unskilled craftsman. And Qingyue was the perfect example of that.

(AN: Arigatou for Fellbane-sama for the metaphor. I really had a hard time finding one.)

"B-but even so..." Xiaolan still tried to persuade her. She knew how scary Qingyue can be, especially when it came to something related to Wang Lei. She would definitely not forgive them if she found out that they stole from the garden that Wang Lei gifted her.

Shea ignored her and kept on plucking one carrot after another. She was in her own fantasies about eating carrot soup.

"Done. Now, all we have to is sneak out-" as she completed her 'task' and looked behind, she saw Xiaolan with tears in her eyes as she silently stood beside smiling Qingyue.


The carrots that she still had in her hands fell on the ground as she looked at Qingyue with a stiff body, "Qingyue-san... I can explain..."

Qingyue didn't say anything as she kept looking at her with a smiling face.

"... Big Sister Qingyue... you called me?" the blond loli vampire said as she looked at Qingyue, who was drinking tea while relaxing.


Ignoring the muffled sound of a certain bunny that was hanging upside down with ropes all over her body, Qingyue looks at Yue, "Come, have a tea, Yue. I have called others too; let's wait until they also come."

Yue nodded. Walking to the chairs, she sat on one of them before pouring herself a cup and started to drink, ignoring the pleas of a certain bunny.

Xiaolan was standing beside Qingyue with tears in her eyes. She was really scared right now. It's a good thing that Qingyue did not punish her, but only Shea. She could only look towards Shea with pity in her eyes.

"Yahoo~, did someone call Miledi-sama~?" a cheerful voice resound as Miledi, somehow, came from under the table. But no one was surprised since they were used to her unusual entries.

Smiling, Qingyue also offered her a cup that Miledi happily accepted. Qingyue's tea was delicious after all.

Soon, other girls also arrived - Cang Yue, Tio, Feng Xue'er, Caiyi, and Bingyun. Xuanyin was busy with her sect, with Feixue helping her. Chu sisters and other Seven Fairies were busy cultivating. While Divine Beasts were being Divine Beasts... lazy. Even Xiao Xue - Ice Phoenix - become extra lazy once Wang Lei left for DxD. It was obvious that she was not lazy only in Wang Lei's presence. But, at least, she did not show her lazy side to Wang Lei. Unlike Shaoshang - Golden Crow - and Leiyan - Fire Phoenix; who were lazy even in Wang Lei's presence.

They really did not care about anything unless it was related to Wang Lei or their rivalry.

Once everyone was seated, completely ignoring Shea's muffling sounds as if they could not hear them, they enjoyed their tea.

After some time, Qingyue opened her mouth as her melodious voice filled the surroundings, "I was thinking of saving the race called Wood Spirit Race and take them to <My World>. I heard that due to their essence, they are close to nature than anyone else. And the spirits and anything related to nature becomes more nourish if they are the ones who are taking care of it," seeing everyone looking at her, Qingyue continued, "I want that race for my garden. But I heard from the guild sources that Brahma Realm is taking them under its 'protection'. I want to talk with them, or at least with the patriarch of the Wood Spirit Clan. If they can lend some of their people to us, or more that if their whole race can work for us. Of course, in return, we will take care of their safety."

Completing her part, she waited for everyone's response. Even though the guild has not expanded to other realms, it did not mean that its network did not. Since in business, knowledge was the biggest weapon. Though such things were useless in this world, still profitable.

And about whether they were scared of the 'strongest' realm? They were wives of Primordial, and Primordia themselves. And fear was one thing that Primordial lacked. Even in the face of death, they would just smile. Since only a Primordial can kill another Primordial. Dying by the hand of someone of your caliber was honer for Primordials.

They also had enough weapons to contend with a Divine Master. Though they would only use it during emergencies, that did not erase the fact that they can fight against Divine Masters. And if you include their Physics and buff skills, they were walking cheats.

"... Are you sure you want to talk with Brahma God Realm? Though it may not seem like it, it is the most cunning and dangerous realm out there; especially, Brahma Goddess, Qianye Ying'er. And more, so their greed for strength is known to all. So showing yourself to them might end up in the bad result," Bingyun explained.

Being in God Realm since birth, she might be the only one with the most knowledge of it. So she tried to explain the danger to her. She did not want anything to happen to them. They are her 'sisters', after all.

"Humph! Just a bunch of power fanatics! This Kind is not afraid of them. If they want, they can come and fight with this King all they want," Caiyi was the Demon Empress; arrogance and pride ran in her blood, that amplified after the change in her bloodline to Primordial Golden Crow. And the fact that she likes to copy Wang Lei a lot, who did not give a flying shit about God Realm and would do things as he pleased.

Hearing her, other girls smirked.

"What Caiyi said is true. I am a Primordial Dragon. Why should I be afraid of some power fanatics? And it's not like we are going on a war with them. We are going to talk with Wood Spirit Race, and not Brahma God Realm," Tio, the buxom mȧsȯċhɨst said, surprising everyone as they looked at her with weird eyes.

"W-what?" with a little heavy breath, Tio asked.

"No, it was nothing. We are just surprised that you can talk normally," Cang Yue shook her head.

"How rude?! I talk normally all the time!"

Everyone just rolled their eyes at her. 'As if! You are in your M mode all the time, especially in front of Wang Lei!' They said internally.

"E-em..." weakly raising her hand, Feng Xue'er spoke, "I am quite weak right now, only at Divine Origin Realm. I don't think I can accompany big sisters..."

She was quite sad about it since she wanted to have fun with her big sisters. But due to her power level, she could not. Even if she could rise her power with the buff skills, her body would not be able to take it. So she thought that it was better that she did not go with them.

Gently rubbing her head, Qingyue smiled softly, "Xue'er is not weak at all. None of us is. You do not have to worry. After you gain your bloodline and train your Physique, you can become as strong as the big sisters."

Feng Xue'er smiled happily, feeling her hand above her head. Her sadness vanishing. She likes it when they all treated her and spoiled her.

"Anyways, we are not going on a war but just to ask the Patriarch of Wood Spirit Race. And even if, by any chance, things went south, we can take care of it," Qingyue said while ċȧrėssing the head of happy Feng Xue'er.

"Sigh... if you say so... but I'll not be able to come. There are things that I need to take care of in the sect," Bingyun stated. She was a busy person as she needs to take care of the sect with her sister. She cannot leave her sister to do the whole work.

Qingyue nodded in understanding and look at the other girls, waiting for their response.

"I'll go. I am bored anyway," Tio was the first one to said. Since after Wang Lei went to DxD, all she did was watch anime on TV. She was quite bored.

"Me too. I want to fight strong people," Yue said. Since the time she has started her cultivation in Sky Destroyer Immortal Physique, her thirst for fighting strong opponents has increased quite a lot. She was wondering if there is someone who would entertain her there. Since only girls could fight with her right now.

"I'll also go," this time it was Cang Yue who said that. After Wang Lei took Hajime with him, she was taking care of the guild. She wanted a little break, so she thought it was perfect timing for that.

"I-I'll stay with junior sister Xue'er," Xiaolan said. She was afraid of Qingyue right now. She did not want to go with her. And just like Feng Xue'er, she was not strong enough if something went south.

"Then I'll also stay. I have to attend Senior Shaoshang," Caiyi said. She was also busy, but mostly due to her ancestor, who was too lazy for her own good. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=17747148405674105)/wood-spirit-race-1_%!d(string=51700940834661505)">#%!d(string=17747148405674105)/wood-spirit-race-1_%!d(string=51700940834661505)</a> for visiting.

"Me, me, me~ Miledi-chan will also go~,"

"Then it settles. It would be me, Shea, Yue, Cang Yue, Tio, and Miledi," Qingyue said, concluding the talk, ignoring the helpless bunny who had tears in her eyes by now.

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