King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 36 - I am Pregnant!!!

"Is this the place?" Shea asked looking towards a building.

"This seems so. According to the guard, this place serves the best dishes out here; especially, rice related." Wang Lei said.

It has been a week since they have been traveling from Reisen Gorge. They didn't fly here as Miledi wanted to 'explore' the World.

"Let's go in~," Miledi said as she walks toward the door of the restaurant.

Wang Lei and Shea smiles and follow after her. Entering the restaurant, they walked and sat on the table, placed at one of the corners.

Ordering the food, Wang Lei and the co were waiting when the door of the restaurant opens and a noisy couple enters, gaining everyone's attention.

The boy had white hair with bandages roll on one of his arms and an eyepatch. His outfit consist of a black coat with crimson lining as well as a grey blazer and a white shirt underneath it with a cravat tied around his neck. He wears black pants that have gun holsters attached to them as well as black boots similar to Italian gangster-style suits.—a perfect example of emo. While the women had onee-san type aura around her but to those who heard her would think to differ. She was wearing a Japanese kimono that was having a hard time containing her brėȧst in place and had a fan in her hand.

"Master! Are you going to punish me?"

"Can you please be quiet? People are staring at us!"

"It doesn't matter, but if the master was to stare then that's a different matter!" said the girl as she starts to breathe heavily.

The boys and Wang Lei's eyes meet and both could see the surprise in their eyes.

Wang Lei was surprised as the boy and girl were none then Hajime while the girl resembles one of the main heroines, Tio.

'A buŧŧerfly effect?' Wang Lei thought while he waved his hand towards Hajime. "Little Hajime~ long time not seen!"

"Wang Lei? You are also here?" Hajime said coming out of his initial surprise and walks towards him. The Girl also followed after him. She looked towards Wang Lei's group and found out that except the bunny girl, she could feel nothing from him or Miledi. That surprised her a little.

Sitting on the seat Hajime ordered his food while waiting for his answer.

"I like rice. So, I came to get some here." Wang Lei said nodding. (A/N: Stay home and cook rice—Hanate)

"Master, he is?" The Girl asked Hajime who had his brow twitched by her calling him master.

"So you are into that kind of play, huh…" Wang Lei said. "…pervert" Said Miledi as she and Shea come closer to Wang Lei as if protecting themselves from Hajime.

Hajime wanted to retort but knew that it was already too late to, so he simply introduces Wang Lei to her. "He is Wang Lei also someone summoned with me. Don't know about others. While she is Dalinda, a dragonman."

Dalinda surprisingly looks towards Wang Lei. 'So he is also a summoned hero'

"I am, greatest of all, Miledi-chan~" Miledi introduces herself, enthusiastically. Though she was amazed, hearing that Dragonman still lived.

"I am Shea Haulia. Wang Lei-san's woman!" Shea said who got a side glance from Miledi. "I am also his woman!" Miledi said.

Hajime didn't know how to answer to their introduction, "As popular as always, huh."

Wang Lei also was lip tied at their introduction. He has never heard an introduction so… unique. Looking towards Miledi he smirks. Picking her from the arms and placing her on his ŀȧp, Wang Lei gently hugs her petit body as he gently ċȧrėsses her head. "Such an adorable 'wife' I have. I am exhilarated!"

Miledi has her mind gone blank as steam was coming out of her head. In her lifetime, it was the first time she was this much—physically—close to a man. "I… I-I—stop it! Pedophile!" Miledi said as she deftly leaves his hold and jumps toward Shea, "Uwaa~ I can't marry anymore SheaShea~ my innocence has been stolen from me by that molester~!"

Shea smiles wryly as she pats her head. "It's ok Miledi-san. You can just marry him," she said.


"Puff~" Wang Lei chuckles hearing Shea's response as Miledi started to pout, "You take a side! Me or him!"

Hajime and Dalinda also smiled at their shenanigans. They thought it was not bad joining them on the same table; especially Hajime as the only trustworthy person he thought in this world was Wang Lei and his co.

"Nagumo-kun! Is that you!" they all heard a slightly childish voice from their behind—from a table that was enclosed in a curtain, probably a VIP table.

Looking behind, they saw a girl that looked to be in her 15 or 16 because of her height but the air around her gave her a mixture of childish and mȧturė feeling. It was Aiko Hatayama, Hajime's class homeroom teacher. She nervously looks towards Hajime as she asked, "You are Nagumo-kun, right?"

"Sensei?!" Hajime looks at her with surprise, "I think you got the wrong person," and denies her claim.

"You are Nagumo-kun! You just called me Sensei!" Aiko said as she pursued him.

"No, you must have heard wrong. It's a regional thing; it means 'tiny'."

"That's rude, you know!"

"This thing is tasty, Lei Lei! What you call it… curry?" Miledi said while eating a curry-like dish. (A/N: I know you all going to ask. Yes, I have changed the nickname as the last one sounded a little—ok! Maybe too much girlish.)

"It is not but quite close I think" Wang Lei answered.

"What is this thing Wang Lei-san" Shea asked.

"Now that's definitely a rice ball!" Wang Lei said.

"It is not, Wang Lei. It's called rice clot!" Dalinda said while tasting it.

"What the hell? Isn't the same thing?" Wang Lei said.

"You are knowledgeable Dalinda-san," Shea said.

Hajime's smile was twitching when he looked toward them who were having a day of their life eating rice with a blissful expression.

Aiko and other students—Ai-chan Defense Force—looked towards them and had their eyes opened wide when their eyes fell upon Wang Lei, sitting between two women.

"That's… you are!" Aiko said pointing trembling finger towards him.

"Hm? Oh! Little Girl, we met again. How are you and your class doing?" Wang Lei said while keep tasting other dishes that were brought on the table.

"!!Heretic Fiercest!" Before Aiko could reply, David—the leader of the squad escorting Aiko, also a person of the church—shouted. "Stay away from him, Aiko! He is a Heretic!" he said and comes in front of her.

Hearing him calling Wang Lei heretic, Miledi had an ugly expression. She remembered her past that made her bottled up fillings to emerge. She felt Wang Lei patting her head to calm her down.

"Ara~ who gave me such an honorable title? Whoever did that; I will definitely award him." Wang Lei said, smiling.

"Shut up heretic! You are surrounded by soldiers! It's good for you that you surrender!" David shouts as he unsheathes his sword and points it towards Wang Lei.

Aiko and co also came back from their surprise state. Aiko hurriedly stops him, "Stop it David-san!"

"Forgive me Aiko, but this is a direct order from the church to capture the heretic!" David said as he orders the soldiers to block all the entrances of the restaurant as the guests have already left.

Hajime looks toward David with a funny expression. Calmly, he goes and sits on the table with others and started to eat, completely ignoring the soldiers—as if they never existed.

David, seeing them giving no response to his warnings had an ugly face, "I will not repeat myself, Fiercest! Surrender or we will have to retort to some 'forceful' methods!" He said

Wang Lei gently places the spoon back on the table, "Just because you call me with that title, I will give you a chance to live. Take your minions and leave or pay with your life!" Wang Lei said.

David who heard him became furious. He thought Wang Lei was looking down on him. His eyes showed that he didn't even register his existence—just another ant in his way.

Gnashing his teeth, David raises his sword. "Then you will have to die here!"

"Haa~ just don't know what is your brain made up of." Wang Lei looked towards Shea, "Go use them as a practice for your training in <Gravity Sword>"

Shea hearing him nodded happily as she takes a long black katana from her storage ring.

Hajime, curiously look towards the sword; examining it. He has already learned <Gravity Magic> that's why he could feel that this sword was related to <Gravity Magic> somehow.

Aiko wanted to stop them but Yuka Sonobe—leader of the group—stopped her. She could tell that this situation could not be stopped at this point. All they could do now was not to get caught in the crossfire.

David seeing Shea coming towards him, angrily shouted. "What can a filthy beast like you do to me!" Thought Shea ignored him as she was, currently, cultivating <Boulder Heart> that made insults on her completely useless and ineffective.

She raises her sword a little, pointing it towards him, taking her stance. Reducing her gravity as much she could with <Gravity Magic> and zeroing the gravity of the sword while at the same time strengthening herself with <Body Strengthening>, she launches herself towards the group of soldiers. "Hiaa~" shouted as she created a long vertical arc with the sword whose gravity, just before reaching the soldiers, changed to 50x; creating a massive wind pressure above the scared shit soldiers before hitting them. Boom! A loud sound was heard as a long 5-meter trench was created with bits and pieces of previous soldiers! (Normal weight of the sword without any gravity reduction is 10Kg)

"Did I went too far?" Shea asked. She thought as they were soldiers they would be able to take her, at least at 50x gravity, but it seems that they were just way too weak.

Aiko and other students were shivering with terror as they saw the gory scene of dead soldiers while David falls on his buŧŧ—wetting himself.

"Disgusting…" Shea said with a little crinkle on her nose. She turns and walks towards Wang Lei. "How was that, Wang Lei-san?"

Nodding and patting her head, Wang Lie said. "Beautifully done,"

Shea giggles as she enjoys his patting.

Wang Lei already finished his lunch while others have lost their appetite after watching the show, Shea provided. He looked towards Hajime, "Then we shall leave, Little Hajime. If you find something interesting, then don't forget to contact me." He said.

"Where are you going now?" Hajime asked since he knew that Wang Lei wanted to conquer all labyrinths.

"Hmm, maybe Furhen and from there to Grand Gruen Volcano" Wang Lei said while placing his hand on chin, rubbing it.

"Then we are going different ways. I will be going to out of this town for a mission and then to Grand Gruen Volcano. Though are you staying in an inn nearby? Since its already night" Hajime said.

"Something like that but I have my personal space where I can live. Anyway, let's meet tomorrow before living." Wang Lei said as he left the restaurant with others. Just as he was about to leave, he stopped. Looking back, he points his finger towards, David. "Do you think I will forget about you?"

David, who hear him was petrified. When he felt Wang Lei's pressure looked on him, he knew he fuċkėd up really good this time. He wanted to run for his life but knew that he was slower than their group—at least, slower than the rabbit. He looked towards Aiko, "Please stop him, Aiko! He will kill me!" and said, begging her.

Before Aiko could say anything, she was pulled back by Yuka.

"No one going to say you. Now bye-bye. I pray that in your next life you get some extra brain that, actually, works" Wang Lei said.


As the word leaves Wang Lei's mouth, everyone in the room felt terror crawling their spine as all had their hair erect from horror. They all saw as David suddenly fell hearing the declaration of his death from Wang Lei's mouth. It felt like; he was a puppet whose strings were cut off.

"See ya," Wang Lei said as he left with others.

After they were gone, the whole restaurant fell into steep silence as no sound could be heard. Hajime, seeing their terror-filled eyes just shook his head as he also left for the inn. He was tired and thought of taking a bath if the inn had one.


The next morning Wang Lei left <My World> to travel towards Furhen with Qingyue and Yue as Shea was being trained by Miledi who was still too embarrassed to face him after her 'confession' yesterday. He thought she had to forget about it with all shit that happened yesterday but how wrong he was. Just as they entered <My World> Miledi ran off to the mansion and still hasn't faced him—alone.

Wang Lei looked towards Qingyue and Yue who—if not for their different height, body, or hair—they would have looked twins with their, most of the time, stoic expression. Though he has to stay that they both looked absolutely stunning standing beside each other.

Qingyue and Yue looked towards him as they felt his stare while Yue asked, "What is it, Wang Lei?"

"Nothing, I just thought that both of you are absolutely stunning and I am blessed to have you both" Wang Lei said smiling. To which, he got a rare face off, both of them, blushing.

Talking a little, they left for the gate of Ur where they met Aiko with her student, blocking the gate, and Hajime with Dalinda looking towards them, questionably.

"What are you doing, sensei?" Hajime asked.

Real Title: U

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