King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 37 - I am a Man!!

"What are you doing, sensei?" Hajime asked glaring at her.

"You are going out of this town for a mission, right? It's dangerous! So we will come with you. We are also looking for Yukitoshi Shimizu-san! If we have more people it will make the search easier." Aiko said.

Hajime didn't know how to respond. He knew that she was a stubborn person who will keep pursuing him until he said yes. "Why don't you take them, master?" Dalinda said to Hajime while hiding her face behind the fan. "You know she is not going to listen anyway."

Hajime thought about it and sighed, "Alright."

"Yo!" Aiko and others were happy when they heard another voice behind Hajime. Seeing Wang Lei their face become pale but they didn't create a scene, instead, determination flashed in their eyes.

Wang Lei seeing them become surprised, 'What the hell happened to them in a night?'

Hajime looked towards him and nodded. "You are leaving?" he asked. 'Why does he have different women every time I meet him?'

"Yeah, that was the plan but it seems that it wouldn't be this early." Wang Lei said looking towards the direction of the forest, outside of the town.

Hajime and others hearing him were confused when they all felt small quakes on the ground.

"Earthquakes? That's rare, as normally, it doesn't happen in this world." Yuka said.

"Are you sure this is an earthquake, Sonobe-san (Yuka)?" Taeko Sugawara asked looking in the direction of the forest from where he could see sand rising as if an army is coming.

"This…" Dalinda looked towards the direction of the forest. 'Onee-san!!'

"This really is bad luck." Said Hajime as he could feel a massive energy signature coming from that direction.

Qingyue and Yue, just like Wang Lei have already guessed the coming stampede of monsters. So, they were not as surprised as others.

"Are you going to fight them?" Hajime asked. He could tell that the number exceeds 60000.

Wang Lei just shrugged his shoulders. He could teleport but that would be no fun.

"We have to evacuate the people of this town!" Aiko finally understanding the situation shouted. She looked towards them, "You should help too, Nagumo-Kun, Wang Lei-san!"

"I don't have any obligation to!" Hajime said completely ignoring her pleas.

"How can you sat that! They are living people, living humans, just like us! How can you abandon them!" Aiko shouted. While others, nervously, were looking towards them.

"There's no point as by the time people will listen to you, stampede would have already left this town in its wake." Wang Lei said shaking his head.

"Then what should we do?" Aiko asked. She couldn't understand what she should do. Others were also the same.

"Who knows? Maybe you can fight them and delay them while others evacuate the resident. Which is likely impossible to happen with your meager power in front of 60000 monsters." Wang Lei said. He was quite straightforward that those listening to him had an ugly face but they couldn't deny him as he was stating the truth.

"But we still have to do something…" Aiko said in a whisper, dejectedly.

Other students also had a gloomy atmosphere around them.

Dalinda went and whispered something in Hajime's ear. Hajime hearing her made a surprise face but then back to normal.

"Sigh~ You evacuate the resistant, sensei. I will stop the monster and if could, annihilate them!" Hajime said taking out his guns from the holsters and started to walk towards the gate.

"You can't Nagumo=kun! It's dangerous to do alone!" Aiko said trying to stop him but was ignored. "You want to save people or not? Just listen to the master, he knows what he is doing." Said Dalinda, following Hajime.

"Then we will also be joining, Little Hajime." Said Wang Lei to others surprise as he also left after Hajime—over the wall of the Town of Ur.

"We should start the evacuation, sensei!" Yuka said, making everyone coming out of their stupor as they hurriedly went towards the house of the mayor to inform him at the same time telling people in their way to leave the town.


"So, what's the plan?" Hajime asked, standing on the wall, looking towards the rush of monsters that were now visible.

"Hm? Plan? Just dive straight and annihilate them. What plan going to work with this many monsters and no time at all?" Wang Lei asked raising a brow.

"That makes sense, "Hajime said, nodding.

"Are we fighting, brother?" Qingyue asked. Yue also looked towards him at the question.

"Yeah, you guys will. But only use <Gravity Magic> this time as to get more proficient with it." Wang Lei said as he also brought Miledi and Shea out of the <My World>.

"Wow~ Is it a party?" Miledi said, looking towards the monsters.

"What is happening Wang Lei-san?!" Shea asked, nervously.

"Shea should fight with these monsters, they will serve perfect training material. As you don't get to fight with this many monsters every day. Just go all out." Wang Lei said to Shea. Miledi didn't need his instructions or any training as she was a veteran herself.

Hearing him Shea nodded as she brought the <Gravity Sword> out of her storage ring and readied herself for the battle. Others did the same while Hajime and Dalinda were looking towards him with a startled expression, as to how he brought two more girls out of nowhere. Shaking their head and getting over it, they also prepared themselves for the battle. At this point, question Wang Lei was useless. Since most of the things he did were questionable.


"Will this work? No! this WILL work! I am the true Hero and I will prove it!" Said a man in a dark hood. He had black hair with black eyes, wearing a long hood that covered his whole body. Dark Elemental Energy was leaking from his body. He stood behind the rock at the opposite side of the Town of Ur with different mutated wolf-like monsters that had six to nine eyes on their head.

The man looked back at his strongest monster—a dragon! It was a mȧturė dragon with a dark shinny scale all over its body, standing proud. The dragon was releasing intense suppression to all that were weaker than him. But if one gazes at its golden eyes, closely, then he would found out that the dragon was resisting something. Something that dragon couldn't resist, even using all its will power.

"Hehehe~ I will become the true Hero and not like that fake Hero. I will have my harem." The man said while laughing creepily. He looked in the direction of the Town of Ur when, suddenly, he saw as the monsters that he was controlling kneeled on the ground—no! they were being squashed on the ground, creating a scene of a massacre. As the pungent smell of blood filled the air, making weak-willed people tremble with terror and disgust.

"What the hell is going on?!" the man shouted with horror.


"Well, let's get started then! It will the first debut of Miledi-chan~" Miledi said as she raises her hand towards the monsters. Her atmosphere changes from a childish girl to a veteran soldier that has been to many battlefields. Hajime and Dalinda were amazed by her change in the atmosphere.

<Heaven's Fall>

Miledi said, initiating her magic. A large magic circle appeared about the monsters, covering 1km. Air stagnant under the circle as tremendous pressure drops on the monsters, killing them.

Miledi's attack announced the start of the battle as Hajime and Shea jumped on the battlefield as both were close combat and started their genocide of monsters.

Qingyue, Yue, and Dalinda were magicians. Though Qingyue could also fight in close combat, it was mostly when her opponent was an individual and not a group of monsters. They all started their barrages of AOE magic toward the monsters taking thousands of them out.

Wang Lei seeing everyone started their fight smiles and vanish. Appearing above the place of the most filled monster, a throne is summoned; having an exquisite design of dragons on it. Wang Lei sits on the thoron, lazily, with his legs crossed over each other while resting his head over his hands. He does the grabbing motion with his other hand and a glass of red wine appears in his hand. Taking a sip, he said. "Now let the genocide begin, mongrels" and hundreds to thousands of golden portal forms behind him; launching different mythical weapons towards the monsters, killing them.

Yukitoshi Shimizu, who was the man in the hood, seeing his monsters dying one by one become vivid as he started to hysterically shout, "What the fu*k is happening?! Who are these people and why are they so strong?! They are even stronger than that 'fake' Hero... Che! I will have to send them!" He said as he ordered the dragon and the mutant wolf-like monsters to attack.

Aiko and other students, who were evacuating the resistant saw them fighting and were amazed by their fighting powers, "Monsters… each one of them is a monster; especially, Wang Lei. Look at those weapons, every one of them is giving the same or even more dangerous felling then Kouki's divine sword and he is throwing them like they are some sort of cabbages!" Atsushi Tamai—part of Ai-chan Defense Force—said with sweat between his brows. Others also had the same thought as his, watching them fight.


A roar shook the battlefield as everyone looked in the direction from where the sound came from. They saw a giant dragon going toward Wang Lei. Hajime saw the dragon and frown but suddenly he felt danger from his behind. Hurriedly dodging to the side, he saw a wolf-like monster glaring at him. "This…"

The same was happening to others, "Onee-san!" Dalinda shouted when she saw the dragon.

"She is your sister, Dalinda?" Yue asked. They have introduced themselves during the battle so she knew that she was a dragon-man. Others also looked towards her. Nodding she said, "She is! But it seems that she is being controlled by someone or something!" She nervously looked towards the Dragon, thinking that Wang Lei doesn't kill her.

"Don't worry. If she is being controlled, then my brother will not kill her. In fact, he might save her." Qingyue ȧssured her. She knew Wang Lei since childhood. She knew that if the other didn't have any hostile emotion towards him or his family then he would not kill them, without giving them a chance at least.

Dalinda hearing her sighed but still had her attention towards her sister while fighting the monsters.

Wang Lei looked in the direction from where the roar came from. 'Hm? Isn't she one of the main heroine? What was her name again? Yeah! Tio. She is still being controlled? I thought because of the 'butterfly effect' things have changed and Dalinda left the dragonman village and not Tio. But it seems I was wrong!'

He saw as Tio opened her maw and energy started to gather in her mouth. She roars as a fire breath was released, coming in his direction. Burning everything in its way.

"Quite a strong breath. Enough to match the full strength of a peak Emperor Realm!" Wang Lei said, quite relaxed.

Just as the breath was 5 meters away from him, a golden shield appears in front of him, blocking it.


Tio saw as her breath was blocked and roared in anger. With a flap of her wing, she appeared above him, releasing another breath that was stronger than the one before.

Wang Lei raises his hand, <Dhoruf Medon> and her attacks stop in the air as if a wall was created between the breath and him.

"You want to play with fire, huh." Wang Lei said as he smiles.

<Har-Har Infigar (Scorching Heat Double Palms)>

A large magic circle appeared above Tio who felt a tremendous threat from it. She wanted to dodge but different chains emerge from the space around her—immobilizing her.

As the magic circle was completely formed, a pillar of fire rose; encasing Tio in it.

"Onee-san!!" Dalinda shouted, seeing Tio engulfing in the pillar of flames.

Others, having already finished their fights', looks toward them.

As the pillar of the fire started to fade, one could see a dragon laying on the ground, heavily breathing. Her scales were burned from many places as blood was gushing out from her wounds.

Dalinda wanted to go to her but was stopped by Miledi and others. They shook their heads and mention her to watch.

Wang Lei stands from his throne and walks toward Tio who was resentfully looking towards him. "Still has not awakened?" he said as he stood before her. Gently placing his hand on her head, rubbing it he said, "Such beautiful scales. <Heal>". Tio started to heal at visible to eyes. She wanted to attack him again but before she could, Wang Lei declared. <Awake>

Listening to it, clarity started to shine in her eyes as she gazes toward Wang Lei who was gently smiling and ċȧrėssing her head. Her whole body started to shone as it turns into a beautiful woman. She had the appearance that of a beautiful, voluptuous woman in her 20's and is over 170 cm tall. She possesses long black hair and golden eyes. She wore Japanese kimono—same as Dalinda—with a Japanese-styled hairpin and piercings on the top of her hair as well as worn oiran's sandals.

The whole place went into silence as to how a 7-meter-long dragon change into a beauty. She gracefully stands and looks around her. "Onee-san!" Her eyes fell upon Dalinda as a surprising glint passes in her eyes. She, then, looked towards Wang Lei as an unnatural blush crept on her face as she said, "To burn this one with such intense flames of passion! Anng~ Ha Ha~ you do have some kinky habit" She hugs her body and started to wiggle while breathing heavily.

This time, again, the whole battlefield fell into a silent but for a different reason.

Wang Lei felt different gazes on him as he looked back towards the girls, "So you are into that kind of stuff, brother…" Qingyue said with a little blush on her face. "If you want, I can do it Wang Lei-san!" Shea added.

"What do you mean by 'That' Yue'er? Where did you hear it?" Wang Lei asked smiling, ignoring Shea's declaration of becoming an M.

"Miledi and Yue told me," Qingyue said.

Wang Lei looked towards them who escaped his gaze while looking sideways. Making a thinking face he nodded, "It's not bad sometimes." Everyone looked at him with wide-eyed as Dalinda and Tio said at the same time, "Pervert!"

Wang Lei's mouth twitched, "I don't want to hear it from you two!"

"Ahem* anyway, we are done here it seems," Hajime said as he looked around the battlefield that had nothing but monster's corpses.

Hearing it, everyone also looked at the battlefield. They all looked in one direction, at the rock, or to be exactly behind the rock. "You can come out now or do I have to help you?" Hajime said.

Listening to him, Yukitoshi Shimizu tremblingly came out from behind the rock. He wanted to run but was sure that he would be killed with these monsters here.

"Please don't kill me! I will do anything you want me to!" Yukitoshi Shimizu shouted, kneeling before them. Before Hajime could say anything, they all heard a voice. "Wait! Don't kill him!" Aiko shouted and reached them with other students. "Don't kill him! he may have a reason or maybe he was also being controlled." She said.

Wang Lei didn't want to be part of the drama so he left with the girls with only Hajime, Dalinda, other students, and Aiko left on the battlefield.

Real Title: Tio Klarus

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