King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 41 - One Hit Kill: Murasame

'It's dark' I thought. The last thing I remember is fighting with monsters in the Labyrinth and was about to get hit to death by a monster when Wang Lei took over my body and defeated them.

He used a technique so exquisite and mystique that it mesmerized me, a swordswoman. I have seen my father who has achieved Grandmaster-level in Yaegashi-style, and I can tell that even he never looked that beautiful when he used his sword techniques. Wang Lei sword, when he used represented absolute speed and nothing else.

Normally, swordsmen or women have to go through different methods to form their sword style. But even if they reach Grandmaster-Level in swordsmanship, their sword would never represent a single word. There will always be different mysteries mix in it. But when he used his sword, it was only speed or nothing.

'I wonder if I would be able to do that' I thought. With a small grunt, I opened my eyes. My body, though completely healed, still feels stiff.

I slowly opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling. "Ugh, where am I?" I said as I look around me, trying to find some clues.

Suddenly, the door of the room opens and from there, my childhood friend, Kaori came. She looked at me as surprise forms on her face. "Shizuku-chan! You have awakened!" she said as she rushes toward me and hugs me.

I weakly smiled, "Thanks for taking care of me, Kaori." And said while rubbing her head.

Kaori looked upturned at me and smiled, "Of course I will take care of you! By the way, how are you feeling?" she asked me, worriedly. Puzzlement showed on my face as I said, "Nothing wrong particularly. Just some stiffness and nothing major. Why? Is something wrong with my body?" I asked.

Kaori looked at me as if contemplating something when she stood up and brought a mirror in front of me. Confused, I look into it and was startled. My black hair now was silver. Not completely, but it was showing little shades of sliver here and there. "What happened?!" I asked.

Kaori shakes her head and said, "I don't know. When you lost your consciousness, your hair started to change and this happens."

'Is it because Wang Lei took over my body?' that was the only reason I could come up with.

"Wait, she is still not awake!"

"She is. I can feel her aura."

"Wait…" as I was looking at my body in the mirror, the door opened and a boy with white hair entered with my classmate. It is my first time seeing him yet he seems familiar.

He nodded towards Kaori and looked towards me. He raises his hand and a black katana appears in his hand. It was in the sheath yet it gave such sharpness that would make on think twice before approaching it. He tosses the sword towards me, stunned by his sudden action; I fluttery caught the sword. "This?"

"Wang Lei gave it to me when I met him. He said to give it to you when I meet you. Though I was suspicious it seems that he predicted that I would save you from that demon." Nagumo-san said a little unsatisfied. I wonder what causes him to be displeased.

"Em, why are making a face like I have stolen your girlfriend?"

"Nothing, just that I had to use my precious potion to heal you. But don't worry, I will have my compensation for him," he said, smiling.

"Master…" I looked towards the woman who came with him. She called him a master! I looked towards Kaori and could see jealously. 'She should seriously confess already. Not that I am in a position to say that.' I sighed and listen as the woman talks with him" Here, take these. Wang Lei-san gave it to me when we separated."

"Then why didn't you gave it to me right away?" he asked confused. I seriously have no idea what they are talking about.

"He said not to until you say something like: I will ask for compensation form him," she said at which Nagumo-san looked surprised.

"So, he even predicted this? Do you think he has a unique skill that lets him see in the future or something?" Nagumo-san said as he looked inside the box. There were some small green beans inside.

"What is this? Beans?" Nagumo-san said as suddenly a wisp of white light came from the pouch and enters his head. After some time, he looked wide-eyed at the beans and smiled. "Damn! He does have some top-notch products!" he said as the pouch in his hands vanishes. I am curious about what is that beans for but it seems that he won't be telling us.

I unsheathe and a blood-red sword comes out. It was giving metallic sheen but because of its color, it felt like red aura was being released from it. I looked at the hilt where some words were written.

'Is this the name?' I was thinking when different knowledge starts to enter my mind. 'This is!'

Taking a deep breath, I used the skill that was I just learned.


[Shizuku Yaegashi]

17 Years Old, Female

Class: Swordmaster

Level: ???

DEF: 6236

AGI: 6220

VIT: 6235

END: 6285

MAG (Primordial Energy): 6800

RES: 6298


< Sword Proficiency— + Improved Slashing Speed + Improved Drawing Speed>, < Supersonic Step/Flash Step— + Burst Supersonic Step + Continual Steps + Steel Legs + No Tempo>, < Foresight>, , < Invisibility— + Illusionary Attacks>,

[Unique Skills]


I look at my status slaw-jacked. What the hell happened here? Its difference between heaven and earth if you compare it to my previous status. "What happened here?" I asked.

"Here, this was meant to live with it but I forgot," Nagumo-san said as he gave me a letter.

'Seriously, how can you forget something this important?' I thought as I open the letter and a message enters my consciousness.

"Hello~ Little Shizu! It has not been so while~ anyway, how did you like my gift? All the things that you have gotten were attached with so when you unsheathe it, it will directly transfer to you. About any change in your body, that's because I change your energy and body structure when my consciousness left your body or to be exact, merged with yours. And yeah, you don't have to worry as, except you, no one will be able to unsheathe it. That's all, now you better not disappoint me and became the strongest hero! I will be taking you with me soon though! Goodbye~" with that the message ended. I don't know what to say. There are lots of things I want to ask. Like, how can he change someone's energy? How can he give skills to others? And from where did he got such an OP sword? But at the same time, because of what he said in the end, my heartbeat started to rise 'He said he will take me with him! Does that mean, a proposal?!'

I smile gently. 'Thank you, Wang Lei. I WILL become the strongest swordswoman!'


'This is a volcano, huh' I thought as I looked at my front, at the Great Guren Labyrinth. I knew it would be but still hearing things and seeing them is two different matters. I sighed and started to walk towards it. Others didn't come with me since I am going to clear it in one scoop with no fighting or anything. I thought they would come with me but those traitors stayed behind so they could play with my cute Myu, unforgivable! I want to play with her too!

As I was thinking about Myu, I reached the entrance of the labyrinth. With one step inside and I was greeted with intense heat. I don't know about others but I don't like hot weather. The best weather has to be mild or winter, not the heavy one where everything is covered in snow that just coming out becomes difficult—though I would still prefer that over hot weather—but the one where it is snowing but not too heavy. In short, I like snow. The moment when steam(?) comes out of your mouth when your breath out in winter looks cool.

Taking a deep breath, I released my senses to maximum, covering the whole labyrinth. It was 50 level labyrinth filled with nothing but lava and lava based monsters. Ignoring the monster that was about to attack me I used my Ice Arts.

And with that, the whole labyrinth with its inhabitation monsters became a freezing hell. Nothing was left. May it be lava or the monsters though it will return to normal after a certain time.

If I had used only the DF—Devil Fruit—then I wouldn't have been able to freeze this labyrinth completely since the lava or everything here was made with mana. But because I merged it with Frozen End Divine Arts and created a new art, at the level of Creation God. It made it possible for me to freeze even the energies which were a great boost to it.

I started to walk towards the end of the now-frozen labyrinth. On my way, I saw a different type of monsters that would make a person run for their lives, frozen. Though I have to say that they looked quite beautiful.

After walking for about 2 hours, I reached the end of the labyrinth—50th floor. Before on this floor, it was sea only filled with lava with an island at the center of it that was circled by six giant pillars around it and a huge straight structure in the center of it.

But now it had become a beautiful white landscape with snow falling; portraying a gorgeous and attractive picture. I wonder if I could skate here.

Reaching the center of the floor, on the island. I walked into the biggest structure or a pillar-like building whose door opened automatically when I closed to it.

Inside was a dark room with only a magic circle at the center of it. Looking at the magic circle and copying it, I walked on it and obtained my third ancient 'God's Magic'.

Listening to the same voice I hear whenever I obtain new magic, I open a gate to and enters it; leaving the labyrinth.


"What do you mean she died? Heroes shouldn't be strong enough to kill her and I have even given her my special monsters!" Freid said to the demon servant who was kneeling in front of him.

"We don't know but when Cattleya-sama ordered to kill the Heroes, one of the heroes suddenly started to act strangely as if she was possessed by a different personality. After that, she killed every single monster that Freid-sama has given her. When she became exhausted, out of nowhere, the boy that defeated and fought with the monsters at the Town of Ur came and killed her." The servant said everything that he received from the last transmission from Cattleya before she died.

Freid who heads his report had an ugly face. He thought that heroes were just pebbles in his way that could be thrown away anytime but it seems that he was too arrogant because he got one of the Ancient Magic. 'I need to make my planes faster! Or I would never know—with how things are going—whether we can win the war. From the description of the battle at the Town of Ur, every person in that group certainly possesses one Ancient Magic, at least. I need to hurry and should get other Ancient Magic's before Heroes acquire it. Every enemy of our God shall be killed!' Fried thought as he formulated his next plan.

"Call her husband, I will give my condolence to him personally. I also vow to kill that filthy human who killed out brethren!" Freid said to the servant who was in awe hearing him. Giving a respectful salute, he leaves the room.

Freid looked out the window, towards the demon city. 'Heroes and a group of Monsters from which only one person is known, Fiercest... I need more information about them.'


"Papa!" Just as Wang Lei entered , he heard Myu calling him. He looked in the direction of the mansion and saw her running towards him with her tinny legs. 'Ho~, you are approaching me?' Wang Lei though when he shook his head. 'What the hell I am thinking?'

He opened his arms when Myu jumped at him. catching her, he kissed on the cheek and asked, "Did Myu missed me?"

Myu who heard him nodded while smiling cheerily, "Um, Myu missed Papa!"

Hearing her Wang Lei smiled and pats her head. He started to walk towards the mansion's garden where he can feel everyone's presence. On his way, he greets the member of Haulia Tribes that—he didn't know when—became maids serving in his mansion.

He asked Qingyue and Yue about it and found out that they wanted to be helpful to him. For that, they trained to become stronger while the women of the tribe also volunteered to become maids.

Wang Lei, when heard them, just shrugged his shoulders. As long as they were not causing any problems then he didn't care what they did.

Reaching the garden, he saw everyone having a tea party. His brow twitched seeing them enjoying while he had to go and clear the labyrinth.

He went a sitting one when of the chairs while greeting everyone. He placed Myu on his ŀȧp when a maid came and served him a tea. Thanking the maid, he started to drink it.

"How was it, Lei Lei?" Miledi asked.

Nodding while feeding Myu some cakes he said, "Hm, cleared. It hasn't taken much time just as I said. I will create a magic circle soon so you guy can get it too."

Other hearing him nodded. Yue and Qingyue were excited as they were a magician and both of them knew how powerful was.

"Where are we going from here?" Yue asked while taking a bite from a cake that she took a special liking too. She has eaten cakes before when she was the princess but they were not this tasty.

Wang Lei smiled and said, "We will be breaking into groups from here as Qingyue and Yue will go to Garland at the Frost Caverns of Schnee to obtain the Ancient Magic from there and also copying the magic circle with the magic device I will give you. While Miledi and Shea with Haulia Tribes will go to Haltina Labyrinth at Sea of Trees. And I, Myu, and Tio will go to Erisen."

Other hearing him nodded. They were not worried about each other as they could easily teleport back to when they needed it.

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