King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 42 - Inner Demon

"Stop! Who are you, human? Identify yourself!" A guard that was standing at the gate said to Wang Lei and co when they approached the gate. The guard looked at Myu as his eyes become wide open, "Myu!"

Myu looked at him and smiled, "Uncle, I am back!" she said, gaining attention from everyone around her.

"What?! Myu is back?"


People started to gather around them as they knew that Myu was back. Wang Lei and Tio were thinking that how Myu was quite popular with the residents of the Erisen.

"Thank you for bringing back Myu." One of the old men came and said, bowing.

Wang Lei shakes his head and smiled, "You don't have to thank me. I just want to see little Myu happy." Tio nodded in agreement and said, "Myu is like a family to us, we can't have her sad because she can't meet her mother."

The old man smiled and said, "Please come with us, I shall take you to her mother." The old man started to walk towards Myu's home. Wang Lei looked around at how other middle-aged men were looking towards him with envy. "Her mother seems to be popular, Master," Tio whispered in his ears at which he nodded.

Soon they reached near Myu's home when they heard the sound of a woman. They looked and saw a woman in mid-twenties with long green hair and green eyes. Unlike humans, her ears were fish-like—a special trait of Dagon. She had one of her legs bandage, probably an injury.

"Let me go! I want to meet my daughter!" she said while struggling to free herself from the woman that was holding her.

"Calm down Remia! You will damage your leg further! They are bringing Myu here." She said with deep worry on her face.

"Mom~!" suddenly they all heard the voice of a child. Remia who heard her voice snapped out and looked towards Myu's direction as teas started to form in her eyes. She opened her arms for Myu who was running towards her and hugs her.

"Myu, mom missed you. You know how worried I was for you. I thought…" Remia said as tears started to fall from her eyes while she tightly hugs her.

"Myu is sorry, Mom. Myu should have listened to mom." Myu in her mother's embrace as she also started to cry out loud.

Wang Lei and Tio were watching from the side while smiling gently. "It's good to have a family…" Tio said as a glimpse of sadness flashed in her eyes. She remembered her childhood watching Myu and Remia. She remembered her time with her mother and father but then she remembered how they were killed and how she wanted to revenge them. Determination filled her eyes as she thought 'I will take my revenge and complete my promise that I have made with you, Mother, Father.' As she was thinking she felt her head being pat, she looked towards Wang Lei who gently smiles at her and said. "Don't worry as you have family here, Tio."

Wang Lei started to rub her head faster, "Don't worry, but to be honest you sounded really creepy there. Being a normal person really doesn't suit you." He said as he stopped his hand since he could see hot breaths being released from her mouth.

"Ha~ha~, To mess with this one head with such intensity, please hit me~!" she said as she jumped at him and Wang Lei didn't disappoint by stepping aside and letting her fall on the ground. Tio who fell to the ground had her breathing intensified even more.

'Well, at least she is back to normal.' Wang Lei though.

Remia who was hugging Myu releases her and asked, "How did you come back?"

"Papa brought Myu back!" Myu said at which everyone around Remia, including her, had their eyes wide open. "Papa?!"

" Um," she said as she runs towards Wang Lei who catches her. "This is Myu's papa!"

Wang Lei happily said, "Hello there~ I am Myu's papa. It is nice to meet you Myu's mama."

Other hearing him looked surprised while Tio was having a hard time controlling her laugh.

Remia still didn't know what was going on. When did she get a new husband? She doesn't remember having one.

Remia was still trying to process what was going on right now. She didn't say anything when Wang Lei picked her and starts to walk towards her house. Though she didn't say anything, it didn't mean others also didn't. Some SIMPS did come to stop him but were stop when Wang Lei released his pressure.

Reaching inside the house, Wang Lei places her on the couch since he didn't know what her room was.

Remia finally came out of her dazed state, "Wait wait wait! What is going on? Why is Myu calling you her father?" she asked, sitting on the couch and hugs Myu who sat on her ŀȧp.

Wang Lei places a hand on his chin, making a thinking expression, "Hm., well, it's a long story. Let's start with how I first met her…" he started to explain how he met Myu and saved her from the slave traders and why she started to call him papa and how they came here.

Remia attentively listens to his story. Her face becomes pale when she heard that Myu was caught by slave traders and if not for him, she would probably have been sold to some noble who might do things to her that she can't imagine. She was happy and grateful when she heard that he saved her.

As Wang Lei was explaining, Tio brought cups of tea and snakes, serving them as the story progressed. Wang Lei thanking her and taking a cup continued his narration of the story.

After 15 minutes, he told her everything that happened between him and Myu. The room descends into silence as Remia digest the knowledge. Myu seeing her mother's worried pale face touches her face, "Mom, are you alright? Papa saved Myu, so mom shouldn't get worried anymore."

Remia hearing her smiles. She kisses her head and said, "Mom is not worried. She is just scared that if Wang Lei-san hasn't saved you then what would happen to Myu. But it's alright. Mom will not think about it since my Myu is back."

Wang Lei looking them smiled while Tio already had imaginary tears in her eyes. Wang Lei couldn't tell whether she was acting or not.

Wang Lei shakes his head, "It's alright." He said. He was almost going to say, {Just give me Myu.}

"No, please. If there is something that I can do, then please tell me." Remia said.

Wang Lei looked towards Myu who has slept in her mother's arms, "Then how about this, little Remia. Why don't you come and live with me?" he asked.

Before Remia could say anything, Tio said. "Nothing less from the master, courting a new woman at a moment notice." Wang Lei has his brow twitched. He didn't court women here and there, right?

"You got it wrong, little Tio. What I meant to say that I wanted to stay with Myu but if Remia chooses not to stay with us then that's pretty much impossible." Tio hearing him nodded in understanding.

Remia hearing him looked at Myu and then Wang Lei, a mischievous smile forms on her face as she said. "It's ok. Since Myu already calls you her Father than if you separate, I don't think Myu would like that. She always wanted a Papa and now that she has considered you one, she will definitely be sad." She did a graceful bow, "Then I am Myu is in your care, darling."

"Darling?" Wang Lei raised a brow.

Remia smiled calmly with one of her fingers on her chin, "Ara~ since you are Myu's papa then that would make you my husband, right?"

'If only it was this easy to get a girl in my previous life. Not that I am complaining since I haven't had much time for that.' Wang Lei though as he smiles, "Then it's settled. For now, give me your leg, I will heal it." He said.

Wang Lei looked and saw that it was an injury caused by something sharp and was infected. Since demi-humans cannot use magic, they can't heal their injuries through magic. Though that was going to change soon, once he becomes the king of this world.

Placing his hand on the injury part, Wang Lei healed it. smiling he said, "You should pack your stuff, little Remia. We will leave for my mansion soon."

"Ara~ this fast. Wouldn't you wait for a day or two?" She said. She hasn't known that the mansion he was talking about was in . He would be going to conquer another labyrinth here and didn't want to leave Myu here. He didn't want Ehit to send his apostles to capture them. Though he could let Tio stay here with them.

Shaking his head, "My mansion is at a special place, so you don't have to worry. Take this space ring and place everything in it."

Remia hearing him didn't say anything this time and just nodded.


At the same time—when Wang Lei was talking with Remia about taking her and Myu back—in Demon Continent Garland. In one of the rooms of the royal castle, an injured man was laying on a bed as a healing mage was healing his injuries. Most of these injuries were related to burn marks.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and a man came in. He had a handsome face with long blond hair. Worry was evident on his face. "Freid-sama! I heard that you were severely injured." He said when he saw how burned Freid's body was.

Freid looked at him and a sigh escapes from his mouth, "It's alright now, Mikhail. Rather than that, I want you to gather out forces. We are launching an all-out ȧssault on the Heiligh Kingdom. We cannot let Heroes grow anymore. We already have way too many unknown variables." Fried said.

Before Freid could say anything, they all heard a woman's voice coming from the window. "You don't have to worry about that. I have brought the decree of God Alva: Go and erase those heretics. My blessings are with you." A woman with wings behind her back said. She looked angelic with appearance.

Freid saw her and hurriedly stood up and bowed, "We are grateful of Apostle-sama for bringing the verdict of our God."

She nodded, "Alva-sama has given you 5000 of his apostles, I, Noint, will be the commander. We shall attack together with demons. The main targets are Hero Nagumo Hajime, Shizuku Yaegashi, and the man known as Fiercest with his party. "All Irregulars must be captured" is what Alva-sama has said," Noint said at which Freid and Mikhail nodded with determination.

"Deus lo Vult, as God wills it!" they said while bowing. (A/N: Of course, they don't know Latin. Just me adding it here for fun. Just watched Youja Senki (Saga of Tanya the Evil), so you understand, right? My weeb cells are awakening!)


Qingyue was looking at her exact copy but the only difference was that it had white hair and eyes. She, just like Qingyue, looked ethereal and out of this world beauty.

Qingyue was in one of the rooms of Frost Caverns of Schnee Labyrinth. She and Yue have come on Wang Lei's request to conquer this Labyrinth but both of them hadn't known that this Labyrinth would be this different than other labyrinths they had captured before.

Since the time they have entered this Labyrinth, an unknown voice kept resounding in their ears. At first, both of them ignored it since they knew that it was not real but now it was not the matter of whether it was real or not but whether they can fight their inner demons or not—negative feelings.

"It's nice meeting you, real me." Said the white Qingyue, grinning.

"Hehehahah! Who I am?! Shouldn't you know that? I am you and you are me!" She said as she laughed as if hearing the stupidest thing in her life.

Qingyue frowned, "What do you mean by "I am you and you are me"? Are you a copy of mine? But that should be impossible." She said.

White Qingyue became amused as she said, "Hehe~ does that matter? What matters is that how you are going to complete this trail?"

"What do you mean?" Qingyue asked.

"Tell me, real me: Why are you jealous of other women that follow brother? You want to kill them, right? Just like when you thought of killing Yue when she spent a night with brother. You think that brother is yours and only you should have him and no one else, right?" White Qingyue said.

Qingyue narrowed her eyes as she said, "I don't know what you are talking about. I admit that I was jealous when other women court brother but that's all, I never thought of killing them, and never did I though brother should belong only to me."

White Qingyue smile was getting bigger, "Oh~ then are you going to deny that when you saw little Myu, you thought of separating them. You didn't want him considering Myu as his child, right? You only wanted him to have your child and no one else! Isn't that why you proposed taking Myu back to her mother!" she said.

"That was not my intention! I just wanted her to meet her mother, that's all!" Qingyue said but one could see that she was sweating.

"Really? heh~, how about this Qingyue; why don't you and I become one? That way we can have enough strength to make brother ours! We can just kill every other woman who approaches him!" White Qingyue said smiling gently as if to tempt her.

"Shut up," Qingyue said as she grits her teeth. She raised her handand a huge fireball was created.

White Qingyue saw it and snorted, "Heh, do you think such a week attach would hurt me?" she said. She raised her hand and points her finger towards the fireballand the whole fireball freezes before disintegrating into snow particles.

"See? You are weak! That's why brother can never be ours!" White Qingyue said as she vanished and appear in front of Qingyue. She punched directly in her stomach, launching her straight backward hitting the wall and producing cracks on it.

"…ugh., cough* cough* If I kill other women than a brother will hate me!" Qingyue said while coughing blood. Standing up she did a gripping motion and appears in her hand. Making a thrusting motion, she releases her sword.

(A Thrusting Motion will create a bullet of sword intent in the form of a shadow, piercing the enemy.)

If one were to see it as a bystander than they would find out that once she did the thrusting motion, she didn't move from here place nor did her sword left her hand. They could only see something black, shadow-like, crossing the distance between them at tremendous speed.

It was another art that Qingyue and Wang Lei created. It was based on . Once this art was used, it would be almost impossible to dodge as long shadow exists. The only way to dodge it was to erase one's shadow or hide in a parallel dimension or change the place of your shadow at a different place/surface than the one who released it is standing.

White Qingyue saw it wide-eyed. Flying, she hurriedly points her finger downwardand a little light flash is created. Projecting her shadow on the roof instead of on the floor, changing the surface of her shadow.

Qingyue thrust misses its targets and vanished.

White Qingyue also does a griping motion and the same sword appears in her hand.

Qingyue wide-eyed looked at the sword, "Impossible! Why do you have that sword?!" she said.

White Qingyue smirked and said, "Didn't I said that we are the same person? What is yours is mine! Now die! I will take your body and make brother mine!"

White Qingyue takes the stance and releases a horizontal slash.

(Create different fake shadows, hiding the real one.)

Hundred to thousand shadows were created as they all go towards Qingyue who takes her sword and stabs it at her shadow.

(If both shadows are on the same surface, directly opposite to each other, then by attacking your shadow, you can attach your enemy.)

A sword came from the shadow of White Qingyue who hurriedly cancel her attach and moves sideways, dodging it.

"Why don't you admit it already, real me?! Admit that you wanted to kill them!" White Qingyue shouted. She vanished and appeared behind Qingyue and stabs her shadow.

(By attaching the shadow of the opponent, one can bind them and stop their moment for a certain period—depends on the user's energy.)

Qingyue whose shadow was stab stopped at her position. She gnashed her teeth, "I never wanted to kill them!" she said.

White Qingyue smirked as she could feel her strength increasing with each passing second.

"Then you can die." White Qingyue said while placing her hand on herand ice energy covers Qingyue, freezing her.

White Qingyue looked at her emotionless as she said, "You even forgot what brother said before you left."

Qingyue who was frozen was bȧrėly keeping her consciousness alive. There were tears in her eyes that were frozen because of the ice energy. She was alive because she, herself, cultivated ice element. If it was someone else, they would have been dead at this point. What White said she heard it. She remembered what her brother said when she was about to leave for the labyrinth.


"Yue'er wait!" Wang Lei said to Qingyue who was about to leave.

Qingyue looked towards him, puzzled. "What happened, brother?"

Wang Lei came and hugs her while softly saying in her ears, "Remember this: Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself, Love possesses not nor would it be possessed: For love is sufficient unto love."

Qingyue was stunned why he suddenly hugged her but then she asked, "What does it mean?"

Wang Lei smiled helplessly, "It means that no matter what happens, whether the world is destroyed or the end comes, I will always love you. I know that I am a selfish hypocrite man. I don't like others to be possessive while I am possessive myself. I want you or other girls to love me only while I, myself, loves more than one girl. But that doesn't mean that I will forget you or any other for that matter. The girl I fell in love for the first time and the girl I love the most, who has a special position in my heart and will always remain special existence, will always be you and no one else." He said.

Qingyue had tears in her eyes but she didn't say anything and just listen quietly while hugging him tighter. "Why to say it now?" she asked.

"Nothing. I just felt like it." Wang Lei said while cleaning tears off her face. Leaning down he kissed her for a minute and then released her. "Go and conquer that labyrinth. I know you can do this."

Qingyue nodded and left the .


Remembering it again, tears started to gather around her eyes. She finally understood what her brother meant and why he said it now. He knew that she would face her inner demons in this labyrinth and he knew what she was thinking and how she was jealous.

Thinking it, a helpless smiled form on her face 'You always know what would happen or what I am thinking. How stupid can I be thinking that other women would steal you from me? You were always there for me and never forgot me. Yet, I couldn't see it.' she thought as the ice—encasing her—started to melt/break.

White Qingyue looked at the breaking ice as she felt strength leaving her body. "This…" she looked as ice breaks into many pieces. A smile form on her face, "You found your answer, huh."

Qingyue looked towards her fake personality or her inner demon and did a bow. "Thank you for making me realize."

White Qingyue shakes her head as her body started to become transparent as if she was there yet not, "Didn't I said: You are me and I am you. Of course, I want myself to know their inner demons and face them."

Qingyue looked at her fake personality silently as she was vanishing, she said. "Don't forget to hog brother for yourself for at least a month, once you go back. He needs a little punishment for looking at other ladies."

Qingyue grins just like her fake personality, "Of course! Don't worry as he will be punished." She said as she saw White her vanishing.

The whole hall went back into silence when Qingyue heard a sound behind her and saw a passage. She looked at it and started to walk towards it, leaving the room.

It was a dark passage leading to somewhere and she followed it quietly. Reaching the end of the passage, she entered another room where she saw Yue standing, absent-mindedly looking at the sealing.

Yue hearing the voice looked in her direction and said, "You have completed the trail, big sist—" before she could complete her sentence, her head was blown away, scattering into different pieces as her body falls on the ground lifelessly.

Qingyue, whose finger was raised in her direction smirked as she saw Yue's body regenerating at a fast pace. Ever since her energy changed to Primordial Energy, her reintegration has also improved tremendously.

After some time—a minute—she was completely healed. She hurriedly jumped back and looked towards grinning Qingyue. Scared she asked, "Why did you do that, big sister?"

Qingyue grinning said, "Nothing~, that's what you get for trying to court hubby. But don't worry as I will not kill you. Since your punishment is done and for others., hehehe~"

Yue who heard her felt shiver back at her spine 'What the hell happened? How did she turn into Yandere mode?!'

"Let's go. We need to clear this labyrinth to make hubby proud of us. Also, tell me about your trial on the way." Qingyue said as she walked towards the open passage on the other side humming happily.

Yue was praying hard and decide not to go against her order 'She is acting scary!!.'


"Fu*k you Lyutillis Haltina! How could you create such a trail!" Miledi shouted as she saw hundreds of thousands of ċȯċkroaches coming towards her.

"Eeek! I don't want it! Save me Wang Lei-san!" Shea shouted as she saw them approaching her. She raised her sword to the maximum power level of —10 tons!

(By utilizing one's fire elemental energy and creating a—crescent moon shape—highly condenses fire energy, destroying everything in its wake.)

A huge energy sword intent was released with the same weight as that of the sword. The space around the energy was being distorted as it destroyed everything, though that everything only included ċȯċkroaches.

"Die! You disgusting creature!" Miledi said. Raising her hand and pouring her energy like a mad lad she said.

A sphere of special energy is created in the center of the ċȯċkroaches and burst into destructive energy, destroying every single ċȯċkroach. It also damaged the labyrinth itself.

Suddenly a magic circle bloomed below them, teleporting them away. Labyrinth must have considered them dangerous so it transferred them as the victors.

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