King of Stage

Chapter 11: Dead at night

The moon is sparse, and the evening breeze is fascinating. It can vaguely catch the trivial sound of the gurgling river surging in the dark night, but it is destroyed by the sound of drunkards and women cursing, and foul language penetrates the paper-like walls It was turbulent, and it seemed that the whole building could be heard.

Looking down at the emerald-green swimming pool in the courtyard, it was dry without any drop of water at this time, not to mention swimming. If you accidentally fall in it, you may get bloody, mottled walls, fallen leaves, and cracks. The sandy soil outlines the ruined decadence, and the pale and pale lights cast on the deep swimming pool. The huge shadow is like a giant beast hung on the bottom of the pool, hungry and waiting for passers-by who stumbled.

The hour hand, it is close to midnight, but the motel is still brightly lit. Standing on the corridor railing on the third floor and looking down, you can see the shadows and the suffering of the world like shadow puppets. The small lights in every room are quiet. It tells the hard-to-read scriptures of every household.

   There was a pungent and rotten smell in the air, so that the smell of water from a distance also changed.

   "What are you looking at?"

   There was a voice behind him, and he didn't need to look back to know it was Ollie. The iconic rhythm of words couldn't be more clear.

"It's about to midnight. Are you sure you don't need to rest early? I think you haven't gone back to your fever just now. You have consumed all your energy tonight, and you need a good rest for tomorrow's performance. No one wants today's. Things happen again. Are you really okay?"

   There is no need for Ronan to speak, Ollie's self-talking can fill all the space, and it will never be cold.

"What are you looking at? Isn't there just a mess of reeds in front of you, and now you can't see anything, even the reeds at all. Or do you see some young men and women who can't wait to walk in? Where? Tell me, share, what do you see?"

   As he talked, Ollie stood beside Ronan, bumped Ronan's shoulder with his shoulder, and said enthusiastically that the topic was completely off track.

   "No." Ronan slightly lifted his chin and gestured in a direction.

   Ollie followed Ronan’s gaze, searched hard with wide-eyed eyes, but saw nothing. He couldn’t help but vomit, “...Honestly speaking, did you see a UFO?”

   The smile at the corner of Ronan's mouth rose in one sentence, and a smile appeared in the bottom of his eyes, "No, I'm just enjoying the night scene."

Some excitement and excitement, just like the Chinese New Year in my childhood, I finally got a new set of clothes, and I wish I could put on new clothes and new shoes to show off. The pure and strong joy can't be restrained at all, even when lying on the bed. I couldn't help kicking the quilt.

   Now Ronan is like that.

Even though the skin is still slightly hot, the fever of the body temperature has not completely subsided, the exhaustion of the body is protesting, but the spirit is not tired at all, I can't sleep at all, I just want to open my eyes-no matter what is in the line of sight , He looked carefully and listened carefully. Even the treetops swaying by the breeze are so beautiful and moving. Everything is fresh, everything is beautiful, and everything is moving.

   "Night scene?" Ollie is full of question marks, unclear. So if the night scene in New York is moving, then it is understandable, but the night scene in New Orleans?

   Then, Ronan's voice came in his ears.


"The sky is full of stars dotted on the cloudless sky, and the dark black sky curtain shows a shallow peacock blue. It seems that you can see the light trails of the stars falling slowly, mysterious and deep, but ingeniously related to our world. Link up."

   "The little orange lights on the ground are telling different stories. The carnival belonging to the city and human beings is singing and laughing. The yellow ones penetrate into the night and reflect the stars, noisy and public."

"You said, was Van Gogh's'Starry Sky' created like this? He captured the loneliness of the starry sky and the noise of human beings, but gave the starry sky vitality, reflecting the loneliness of human beings. When we look up at the starry sky, we are What are you watching? Is there someone watching us there?"

   When you calm down, you can see a hint of purple in the place where the peacock blue and orange meet.

   There is no need to travel or adventure. The corners and corners of daily life are full of goodness. Unfortunately, the busy fatigue and heavy pressure cover the eyes, and often overlook the ubiquitous splendor and magnificence.

Following Ronan’s gaze, Ollie’s eyes flickered slightly in the darkness. After waiting for a moment, his voice broke the quiet silence again, "...So, did you really see the UFO, alien It's all out? Why didn't I see it?"

   "Have you heard of NASA's latest research report? Only people with pure hearts can see UFOs and aliens." Ronan answered very seriously.

Ollie looked at Ronan with a black line, which made Ronan laugh happily. He leaned forward and turned back. The hearty laughter was like the sound of wiping glass, and even he laughed with Ollie. , Reverberating in the shabby motel open space, converging with other messy sounds, adding a little noisy and anger.

Maxim, who was in the room, also came out. UU Read looked at Ronan and Ollie who were heartily laughing, and there was a sense of helplessness in their eyes, "You two are really..." I can laugh, and I don't know if it's too hearty, or heartless, and doesn't have a sense of crisis at all.

Shaking his head slightly, Maxim still couldn't spit out the stale air in his chest, and asked worriedly, "What's next? What are we going to do? What should we do after tomorrow night's performance is over? Do we need to continue? ?"

"But, if we don't continue, what can we do?" Ollie's smile disappeared from the corner of his mouth, frowning and expressing his opinion, "We have already signed a contract. If we breach the contract, the penalty will not be mentioned for the time being. What about the mess afterwards? Will there be other tours looking for us in the future?"

   "Do you think there is a future?" Another voice came from behind, and Cliff also appeared, but the low and frustrated tone was another point of view.

   "Cliff, we discussed it last night..." Ollie felt helpless and depressed.

   Maxime was even more direct, glaring at Cliff, "What do you mean? What do you mean by no future? Are you saying that we will disband now?"

   "I haven't said this." Cliff retorted.

   But Maxim did not resist, "Then what do you mean? You are always singing the opposite, and it seems that you don’t want to see our future..."

"That's because we don't have a future!" Cliff's voice also raised, and sneered, "Don't you know our situation? We are dead now, not because I am singing the opposite, but because we have already There is no choice. Ronan, do you think we should keep going?"

   his gaze fell on Ronan's body.

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