King of Stage

Chapter 10: Make up for the opportunity

   "Some people climbed to the top, some failed, and some were born for music."

In detail, Ronan whispered into the microphone, "Born for music." What a simple but beautiful sentence, just a gentle collision of syllables between the lips and teeth is enough to make the body tremble uncontrollably. stand up.

Bathed in the caramel-colored light, he could clearly feel the hotness of the light falling on the surface of the skin. After singing and singing to his heart's content, the sweat was flowing, a little itchy, but the sudden breathing of the chest made the overheated brain unable to respond , The heart trembled slightly.

   He needs a short rest-the weakness of the high fever that has not gone away is dissolving the excitement of willpower.



   There were sparse applause. They were not bright or tidy, and even a little thin in Nuo Da's bar, so that they looked pitiful and faintly harsh.

   However, Ronan’s ears were erected, and he followed the palm of his hand, and then he could see a bearded guest sitting next to the bar applauding.

The guest didn't seem to care about the eyes of others at all, so he gave Ronan a round of applause. The eyes hidden in the shadows couldn't see the look, but they could feel the praise and praise from the eyes. And unwavering applause is the best practical action.



One after another, a few more guests applauded, and the applause gradually gathered as they looked at each other. In the end, most of the customers who were present did not hesitate to join the applause, and some even whistled and uttered. After ridicule, the ups and downs of the chaotic sound seemed rude and rude, but it was real and sincere enough, and the heartfelt appreciation made the atmosphere of the bar boil.

   Even the bartender is no exception.

  These drinkers lifted their jaws quietly, as if looking up at the stage, listening to their ears, or the clear or muddy eyes showed a touch of concentration—

Everyone has their own story, but different stories find resonance at the same time tonight, just like the song sang, "Just for a smile, you can party through the night, and never stop until dawn." At this moment, They found similar smiles on each other.

   This is enough.

   Just because of this, they also gave their own applause willingly.

Standing in front of the microphone, Ronan’s voice seemed to be stuck in his throat. He liked moments like this, because of the sincere applause, but also because of the touch and resonance revealed in the eyes—at least when the melody sounded. They are all companions standing side by side.

   He has dreamed of such a moment countless times, but the reality is more beautiful and happier than imagined, and the emotion is stirring in his chest.

Obviously there were only twenty-three guests. It was not even a formal performance, and the sparse applause was completely imposing; however, it was so precious to Ronan, his nose could not help but a little sour, and he looked at him greedily. This simple scene is firmly engraved deep in my heart.

   He was able to see it, he was able to stand on the stage and sing to his heart's content, he even won applause for support, everything is so beautiful that there is no sense of reality.

   "Thank you, thank you for listening to me sing."

   Ronan said so. He is sincere.

Ollie, who was hidden in the shadows, raised his jaw slightly and stared at Ronan's generous back. His body was slightly weak and thin due to the high fever, but at this time he stood up strong, revealing a sense of perseverance and determination. , The temperament of the whole person seems to have quietly changed a little.

   That pureness reminded Ollie of the time he and Ronan had just met.

Passing through the crowds, Ollie saw Cliff and Maxim standing in the shadows. Because of the distance, they didn’t see it clearly enough, but Ollie could still faintly feel that the bodies of the two little partners were brightened again. The color, the bottom of his eyes couldn't help but flow with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Ollie saw Sam striding forward. Because of their lack of concentration, Cliff and Maxim could not stop Sam. This action broke the deadlock in an instant, and Ollie’s face turned again. Panicked, stood up quickly, and walked up to meet him quickly.

   Ronan and Cliff, Maxim are the same, they meet Sam from two directions respectively.

   But he didn't expect that Sam had no plans to confront each other at all. He turned to the left-hand passage, which was the corridor leading to the kitchen and the back door.

This action seemed to indicate a bad situation, because Sam had no intention of continuing to talk. The four friends of the band quickly exchanged glances, but they didn’t have time to communicate. They immediately filed into the corridor and quickly caught up with Sam’s. pace.

   Maxim, who fell behind, gently chins his head to Ronan, and whispers "Awesome performance".

   But this is obviously not the best time to communicate. Ronan just expressed his gratitude to Maxim for showing a smile, and then hurried after him.

   Sam pushed open the back door and left the bar, and then the band four followed to the parking lot at the back door.


   Cliff’s footsteps were the fastest, and he shouted to Sam for the first time. He tried to fight for it, but Sam didn’t give him a chance. UU Reading com directly raised his right hand and stopped Cliff.

Seeing that the footsteps have reached the parking lot and left the bar area, the cold moonlight is falling, the boiling blood is cooling down, a chill is coming out, and the unknown premonition is gradually evolving into reality-Ronan The efforts with Ollie also failed to impress Sam.

   "Sam, we promise... we can return tomorrow..." Cliff was still making the last effort, and the hard voice seemed to be filled with lead.

Sam interrupted Cliff again, "I am not interested in these guarantees. You should know that although we have signed the contract, the decision to let you perform on stage is in my hands. I have already paid for it, but I I don’t want to see you on stage. It’s my decision. I don’t have any interest in returning performances. I only care about the interests of customers.

   "But customers like our performance." Ronan said, he always felt that he also needs to fight for the band-because he really likes the feeling of standing on the stage.

Sam paused and observed Ronan carefully. His expression under the moonlight was a bit playful, and finally turned into a smile, "It is true, because the customers like your performance, I mean the last song just now, so , I changed my mind. Tomorrow night at the same time, you will come to perform again, the compensation fee is still the same, but tonight's dinner and drinks must be deducted."


   Return to the show?

   "What do you think?" Sam didn't get a reply, so he asked again.

   "Of course, no problem, of course no problem! That's it!" Cliff immediately replied loudly, the joy in his voice couldn't be hidden at all, it overflowed.

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