King of Stage

Chapter 9: 1st king

   He said, "Some people have reached the top, some have failed, and some are born for music."

   He sang, "Sing to the end of the vicissitudes of life in the world, the chapters of life will not stop, the pursuit of dreams will not stop, and never give up until the end."

Exciting and surging singing voices are surging wantonly. The clear keyboard sounds are intertwined with the thick drum beats. Although they are slightly thin due to the lack of string and voice coordination, they have no effect at all. On the contrary, it is because of the pureness. And become more sincere, the clean and translucent voice continuously releases the enthusiasm and excitement deep in the heart, and the strong heat collides with a sonorous sound, buzzing in the ears.

   Involuntarily and uncontrollably, his heart surged, so he lifted his jaw slightly, and stared at the figure on the stage intently.

  Sam Payne fell silent, didn't struggle any more, didn't shout any more, just stood there and listened quietly to the clear singing, but his heart became scorching hot.

   "Don’t give up believing (Don’t-Stop-Believing), stick to the faith! The figure under the lonely lamp, struggling to find emotional resonance!"

   The thoughts in his mind are surging violently. Sam has gradually forgotten his original intention of starting the bar, and gradually forgot his original intention of inviting the band to perform. Those passions and dreams have long been submerged in the long river. He told himself:

   Everything is for subsistence.

   If the bar cannot continue to operate, then all dreams and life are just castles in the air—this is a fact, but over time, Sam becomes more comfortable.

In fact, the bar has long been firmly rooted, and there is no need to worry about livelihoods. A stable source of customers makes life stable. He can finally support those indie bands to realize the dream that he was forced to give up; but he completely forgot this Event, along with the stability of life, all ambitions are also drowned in daily trivial expenses and gains.

Even if he doesn't need to worry about his livelihood, he justly ignores those musical dreams, "because the dream's ending is already doomed-failure is the only result", before he tried hard, he had cut off all possibilities. He...has stopped believing.

   At this moment, Sam's heart is hot again.

It’s not because the memories of the past have been reawakened, and the disturbing thoughts in the chaotic brain are indistinguishable; it’s because he saw in the young man the pure, clear and simple purity, simple and hot purity, in his chest. His heart seemed to be beating again.

   is not just jumping, but also bumping.

  噗通. Puff through.

   hits real and forcefully, it seems to wake up after a long sleep.

  Sam just stood there, hiding his figure in the darkness, watching the performance quietly.

   "Strangers are waiting, wandering along the boulevard; laughing until late at night, searching for each other's figures; the figure under the solitary lamp, struggling to find an emotional settlement, hanging down under the night, waiting for true love to appear."

   Sam’s anomaly, both Cliff and Maxim noticed. No matter the strength of struggling forward disappeared, the attention of the two people also shifted to the stage along the line of Sam’s sight.

Ronan’s mouth was filled with a smile, a sincere smile, completely immersed in the melody, so that the performance became a happy thing again, a stage, a singing voice, this is enough, only himself and the melody , To convey sincere emotions with singing from the heart.

   It’s been a long time since a stage like this.

This is a luxury for the distressed One Day Kings band, because the lack of food and the precarious life of wandering make them face the cruelty of life all the time, their survival has endangered their dreams, irritability and anger, annoyance and loss. The negative emotions completely broke the magnificence of the rose dream, so the performance was mixed with too many complicated emotions, and the music seemed to no longer be simple music.

   However, Ronan in front of him is singing to his heart's content:

   "Don't give up believing, stick to your conviction! The figure under the solitary lamp is struggling to find emotional resonance!"

In a trance, they seem to be back in college again, because of hobbies, enthusiasm, and dreams to gather together to form a band. They can stay up all night to discuss music, they can drive thousands of miles to find musical instruments, and they can argue for disputes. Composing music and blushing...Life is so simple, a passion can light up the world.

   Inadvertently, Maxim looked into Ronan's eyes like this, with a small smile, but it seemed to fill the whole world.

  One day king!

   Even if they can only become kings for a day, they are willing to bloom all the splendor in their lives-that is the original intention of the band, but it is also the original intention of being forgotten in the corner.

Before he was caught off guard, Maxim turned his gaze a little embarrassed, lowered his head, muttered some "sand" in his mouth, rubbed his eyes vigorously, concealing his embarrassment, something in his heart seemed to be touched after the vicissitudes of life. The wound that hasn't healed starts to ache again.

Cliff stubbornly refused to admit his fragility. Although his vision was slightly blurred, he still widened his eyes, staring at Ronan on the stage through the dim light spot, and then softly followed the melody: la, la, la Lala... The flame in my chest is burning.

   "Don't give up believing, stick to your conviction! The figure under the lonely lamp, struggling to find emotional resonance..."

  The melody goes up again, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Ronan easily pushed the singing to a high place, and the mellow and soft high pitch instantly ignited the atmosphere in the entire bar.

The drinkers did not stand up-after all, this is not a concert, but a bar performance. They have no performance etiquette and are unwilling to be fully involved; however, everyone has stopped their actions. , No one continues to talk or have fun, just listen carefully, and the blood is boiling along with the constantly soaring melody.



   The keynotes and drum beats pushed to a whole new level, and his emotions exploded, but he saw Ronan's hands playing passionately on the black and white keys, and the green veins on the neck and the back of his hands protruded:

   "Don't give up believing! Keep your faith!"

The singing went up all the way, spanning three octaves in a row, and the emotion of tearing at the top of Mount Everest made a large piece of goose bumps on the surface of the skin. A trembling rushed from the soles of the feet to the forehead. The turbulent blood made all the muscles tight to the extreme , The whole chest is full of roar.

do not give up.

   stick to the faith.

Such simple lyrics have created turbulent waves with a loud voice, hovering in the entire bar for a long time, and in the blurred vision you can see countless lights blooming, just like lighting a fireworks display, gorgeous and dazzling, Then the excitement in front of me is not enough to describe the shock in the depths of the soul.

   "The figure under the solitary lamp, struggling to find emotional resonance!"

   Once again, the mood raged to the peak, and then the melody roared down like this, as if the Milky Way fell into the sea, the continuous roar made the entire bar shake the mountain, and the tremor could no longer stop.

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