King of Stage

Chapter 8: Sing loudly

   "Just a small town girl, wandering in a lonely world, she took the midnight train and embarked on the journey."

The soft and clear piano keys jingled like a bitter spring water, and a clear voice hummed in a low voice, telling the story deep in the heart in detail, and the lyrics from the whispered words revealed a warm smile. The hustle and bustle of the scene did not cause interference, and no visual aid was needed at all. Only hearing can capture the light and upward curvature of the corners of the mouth—

   Even though I am alone, I still face it calmly.

   "Just a city boy who grew up in South Detroit. He took the midnight train and he was on the journey."

There is no fancy, no technique, but ordinary singing can feel the emotions behind the singing in the words and melody, tough and sunny, the unremarkable trickle flows through the entire bar, the hustle and bustle And the noisy calmed down without knowing it—

It's not quiet, but... quiet. It seems that the impetuous surging in the air slowly fades away from the messy disorder, and then settles down. The mind is drawn away unknowingly like this, and it is still possible without listening carefully. Feel the warmth and tenacity in the singing.

The sincerity and purity of emotion have a powerful force, a light, a singing voice, and a quietly listening oneself, this is enough, so simple that the stage without too much modification shows the original and fierce impact force.

   It's not a big deal, maybe that's it.

boom! boom!

Two consecutive drum beats blew like thunder, breaking the gentleness that came slowly, and gathering all the attention scattered in the corner of the bar with an instant cohesive force. In an instant, all the eyes of the audience shifted. At this time, they Just realized what happened:

   The performance began again.

   But what happened?

  It was too late to find the answer, and the thoughts did not win the space to expand. The singing on the stage ignored the emotional surging of the scene, and continued unswervingly again, firmly grasping everyone's ears:

   "A singer in a smoky room, full of alcohol and cheap perfume..."

The keyboard sound of "Humhhhhhhh" gradually increased, and the gentle voice revealed a little bit of perseverance after the vicissitudes of life, emotions slowly permeated, and the words from the heart gently tapped the hearts of every audience present. , The interplay of lyrics and reality drags the thoughts down.

Originally it was just a shift of attention, but now the eyes can't help showing a little trance, and the inexhaustible thoughts are involved in the melody, as if the boundary between reality and illusion, reality and memory is blurring, and follow the melody to sneak into oneself. Deep in his mind, exploring the ancient past that is so long as it is almost forgotten, the intricate emotions are so full.

   Starting from the figure bathed in the stage lights, the golden musical symbols built a bridge and reached the depths of my heart, awakening resonance.

   "...Just for a smile, you can party through the night, never stopping until dawn."

The melody and the singing are intertwined, firmly twisted into a rope, the piano and the drum set are played at the same time, and the peak is climbed little by little. Finally, the drums burst into bursts with stars, and the singing bursts in an instant. As if the sky is lit up by stars, the whole world is brightly lit.

Raising his head suddenly, condensing the focus, at a glance, you can see Ronan standing in the center of the stage opening his eyes. Those deep and clear eyes burst out with brilliant and brilliant light, and the shallow smile bursts with joy and happiness. The firmness of the fusion is conveyed in the singing, thrilling.

   Boom! Boom!

I heard the sound of thunder and violent wind, and I felt as if I was standing in a long empty street in the middle of the night. I was lost and at a loss, looking for the position of the North Star in a daze. Far away, the sound of guidance was in my heart. Sounded from the depths.

   "Strangers are waiting, wandering along the boulevard; laughing until late at night, searching for each other's figures; the figure under the solitary lamp, struggling to find an emotional settlement, hanging down under the night, waiting for true love to appear."

The treble is flying freely, the firepower is on, the emotions are released, the loss and loneliness that linger in the middle of the night, the passions and dreams that have disappeared in life, at this moment are again in the depths of memory, they all think they have forgotten all of them. , But suddenly realized that it was just a deep sleep.

Once, they were also trying to chase unfinished dreams; once, they also sang and danced until dawn; once, they believed that they could move the world with their own hands; once, they also believed that the future belongs to them; Once, they cried and looked for like-minded friends to fight together...

   Everyone has a lost youth.

   However, those are all distant pasts, which have long been buried deep in memory, and the edges and corners of the past can no longer be found.

   And now?

They sit in a smoky bar, smelling of alcohol and ridden with cheap perfumes, soaking themselves in the bitter alcohol, paralyzing themselves, pretending that everything is okay, but can’t breathe in the mediocre life. , I have forgotten the madness and publicity that a smile would be able to party all night long.

"...Waiting for true love to appear", the singing voice slowly climbed to its peak, the light and smart high pitch can capture the excitement and excitement of the trembling vocal cords, UU reading is a little unstable, and there are some flaws, and the distance is perfect. It is far away, but it is precisely this imperfection that makes the figure under the spotlight become real, as if...

   is like everyone present.

The sight recondensed, falling on the figure, the young man enveloped in the caramel halo, the low-hanging shadow blurred the outline of the facial features, but he could clearly see the brightness of the eyes, hidden in the face. Among them is a puffy sun, mixed with the scent of lime and lemon, lingering in inferior cigarettes, cheap perfume and turbid alcohol, the air is so fresh.

  He is singing loudly, his sonorous and powerful voice gives strength to every word of the melody, hitting his eardrums hard, and hitting his eardrums with clank.

   "Work hard and fill yourself; everyone aspires, success and fame. The future and destiny make a bet. If you don't leave a back road, you can gamble again, and you won't regret losing."

the last time.

It’s the last time, breaking the boat, letting go, making a desperate bet, bravely and fanatically, in order not to regret, in order not to regret, in order not to be sad, just like a midsummer flower, blooming proudly, blooming brilliantly, releasing all the energy of the soul, Burn as much as you want, no matter what the result is.

The light in the depths of those eyes, so firm and so bright, is like a cluster of flames in endless darkness, burning coquettishly and hotly, eager to use both hands to control their own life and dominate their own destiny, even if there is only a short day. He was also willing to burn them all up like moths.

  He, if he wants to be his own king, one day is enough.

  Note: All the music that appears in this book can be found in the works related to the catalog.

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