King of Stage

Chapter 177: Little look forward to


Cliff's eyes were full of eagerness and desire, and he couldn't help but look carefully at Wyatt. Although he only asked a sentence, the sincerity hidden in it still leaked out. There should be behind this short sentence. A thousand "hows" are constantly looping, just chopped off.

Wyatt felt a little funny, showing a look of helplessness, and said half-jokingly, "Don't worry, I'm really a scammer, and today's interview and filming are all in vain? So, you look forward to it. Is it the result of the filming?"

   Cliff’s pupils vibrated violently, and he tried his best to control the rush of emotions, but it was not so easy.

"Even if it is really just a futile effort, the process is enjoyable. Moreover, we have left outstanding works. Although no one may ever see them, Van Gogh didn't know that his works would spread all over the world. He I still didn't put down the paintbrush." ​​It was Ronan who made a sound to relieve him.

Wyatt was a little surprised, because Ronan is not a sharp-edged personality, rarely arguing directly, but thinking about it seriously, it is not that surprised. Refusing to fight against each other does not mean that he does not have the ability to fight back. Moreover, Ronan’s "Fighting back" always makes him more interested.

   "Are you comparing yourself to Van Gogh?" Wyatt's interview instincts/capabilities sprang up again.

Ronan laughed happily, "No, I like to compare myself to an art creator. No matter what happens, we all enjoy the interview and shooting this afternoon. So, how effective is Cliff's shooting? satisfaction?"

   The topic came back again.

   Wyatt looked down at the camera in his hand, and said to Cliff, "Very satisfied. Our work is all over."

   Cliff and Ollie’s filming work is also difficult, stiff body language is still a common problem, but the specific situation is still slightly different.

Cliff is very suitable for "marionettes", that is, the photographer gives an instruction, and he makes an instruction. He clearly knows his physical disadvantage-his height is simply a depression in the King's Band for a day, standing directly in the pit. But his body proportions are very good, so he also has his own set of photography habits, making adjustments according to the instructions, and the final effect is still above expectations.

Ollie is suitable for the faceless male image in "Spirited Away", reducing facial expressions as much as possible, disappearing into the background silently, and unexpectedly able to capture unique moments in a nearly static state, especially After my eyes were in a daze, I actually caught a lot of good works. No expressiveness is the highest expressiveness, which is also a unique way of shooting.

   As for the group photos...

Obviously, the four band members all stood in place and poses obediently, showing the face of the team in a friendly manner. The photographer stood in front and pressed the shutter frantically. This method is not suitable for One Day King's Band; but fortunately, Ellie Silk's suggestion saved Wyatt in distress--

Let the band members "arguing", discuss how to stand, how to line up, discuss the photos taken before, discuss how to pose, this will bring the picture to life, including Ollie who never said a word during the interview. They all regained their usual appearance.

In this way, without the intervention of the photographer, the band presents the most authentic appearance. Wyatt walks around and captures the wonderful moments. In the end, the group photos are the smoothest and most satisfying shooting for Wyatt. In one group, even Maxim showed a different attitude.

However, inexperience means inexperience. The youthfulness and unfamiliarity of indie bands are undoubtedly displayed. Even the work with Wyatt has become cumbersome and complicated. Today, Wyatt is alone, so much so. Wyatt also didn't know whether it was God's test or his own embarrassment.

Despite the rush and simplicity, Wyatt still completed all the work smoothly. The clothes were crumpled and out of shape, soaked and dry, dry and wet. After repeating this two or three times, I finally dragged down the day again and again. All the procrastinated work ended, and the effect was good.

   cannot be said to be perfect. No makeup or styling is a pity that cannot be ignored, but Wyatt is still willing to give the band a positive praise.

   It’s just that Cliff is still a little bit worried about gains and losses——

The band members still have no real sense of the Twitter boom. Naturally, they are hesitant about the interview with "Rolling Stone" magazine. In addition, today's entire interview and filming are very simple, revealing "liars" everywhere. The breath really makes people have to doubt.

   Wyatt just made a joke, but Cliff couldn't laugh.

   At this time, looking at Cliff’s nervous and uneasy expression, Wyatt also realized that his joke was a bit out of place, so he had to pat Cliff on the shoulder again, “Relax, the final effect of the photo is good.”

The photos of the entire band, after Maxim, Cliff was the most successful; and Ronan, who Wyatt personally preferred, the photos still failed to capture Ronan’s unique temperament, which is undoubtedly the most embarrassing for him. The part, maybe, next time I change a professional photographer, the effect should be better.

   "If there is no the report should come out next week, try to get it before Friday, and I will notify you by email after it is confirmed."

   Wyatt is also exhausted now, lacking the energy and strength to comfort Cliff, but he is still in professional ethics and passed a reassurance.

"I know that this interview is a bit simple. We are not aware of the development of the matter, so that we are not prepared. I hope that when we meet again, there will be changes, and the entire situation, team and scale will be changed. I look forward to this day eagerly."

   For Wyatt, such words have consumed all his "personal weight" in the past month.

However, walking between the spotlight and the spotlight every day, occasionally leaving the area shrouded by the brilliant lights, walking into the shadow zone where no one pays attention, and re-feeling the pure passion and sincerity. Wyatt couldn’t help but sigh, shrouded in entertainment. Under the light of death and the supremacy of interests, that simplicity can still give short-term comfort to the old and tired heart.

Therefore, Wyatt is willing to express some expectations for the King’s Band for a day. Today’s itinerary is too hasty. He has not had time to listen to the band’s music seriously. This is undoubtedly incompetent. After finishing his work and returning, he will formally write the manuscript. Before, he had to start listening with music.

   was busy, and finally reached a stage, Wyatt turned and left. An unbelievable afternoon, just like this quietly calmed down.

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