King of Stage

Chapter 178: Cross report

   Wyatt, left.

   But even if the interview is over, the band members still cannot be 100% sure what is going on. No matter how they think about it, they still feel that "Rolling Stone" magazine is too far away, not real or close enough.

After calming down, I turned on Twitter and really saw with my own eyes the "Bruno warm guest" tag keyword appeared in the Twitter global trend list, and I saw the name of King of the Day in the words under the tag. The actual feeling is only slightly clearer, but it is still not precise enough.

That kind of feeling...It's like swallowing a piece of cold thing, and you can clearly feel the weight of the object falling heavily on the stomach after passing through the throat. I really feel something, but I can't determine what I swallowed. I started thinking about it.

   Lead block? Or ice cubes?

   Coal? Or sugar cubes?

   is full of mixed tastes and it is difficult to find suitable vocabulary expressions.

   Fortunately, the band’s wait did not last long.

On Monday morning, Bruno sent a special car to **** the band to Philadelphia. It was very convenient to reach the destination in about two and a half hours from Washington. However, in a short drive, Maxim was already in his seat before arriving in Philadelphia. Shouted bluffingly.

   "The report came out. The report came out!"

In fact, since last night, Maxim’s mobile phone has not left his hands, just like an Internet poisoning patient, constantly refreshing the hashtags on Twitter, and then reading one by one, and refreshing every appearance. Of discussion tweets.

At the beginning, Cliff also discussed and shared with Maxim enthusiastically, and cherished this sudden attention, but it didn’t take long before Cliff was defeated because Maxim’s refresh rate was simply too exaggerated. It is refreshed every three minutes and five minutes on average.

The only thing that can stop Maxim and the phone should be bath time. "If the phone is waterproof, he will bring it in too." Ollie vomited mercilessly, but Ronan sitting next to him was silent. , But my heart trembled slightly, because later the phone was really waterproof.

   As a result, Maxim hugged the phone to sleep, and continued to hold the phone during the journey, and then he was the first to notice the dynamics of the social network.


Cliff was the first to lean in. Ronan and Ollie couldn’t help but cast their sights, waiting expectantly for Maxim’s news, but Maxim read it carefully, but his expression changed. It seemed strange, "Uh...what was the name of the reporter from Rolling Stone yesterday?"

   "Wyatt Garcia." Ronan gave the answer immediately.

Last night, Ronan confirmed with Julio that this reporter is indeed the reporter of "Rolling Stone" and the reporter covering Bruno's concert this time. After the confirmation, the band members are relieved, otherwise I am afraid they will be sleepless. Night.

   But at this time, looking at Maxim's expression, the heart hangs again: Is there any accident?

   Maxim showed his mobile phone screen to his teammates, and question marks overflowed like this, "However, this report was written by a reporter named Buster Wayne."

   "Huh?" Cliff's interrogative voice just blurted out, taking advantage of Maxim's mobile phone and quickly browsing.

Ronan thought about it seriously, "Could it be that he reported on Bruno's concert, and then mentioned us? Because we came to the rescue at the last moment, I think Bruno should also send official news, Fitz's Temper Band There must be fans who want to know about the situation, so the reporter might report on us by the way?"

Ollie was a heart-minded, "I thought it was a good thing, even if it wasn't the Rolling Stone report, it would be good to have reporters willing to report on us, even if it was TMZ, I felt happy." I sat back and hugged myself. The potato chips, looking at the scenery outside the window, continued to chew crunchy.

"...Uh, this... doesn't look like..." Cliff had already read the beginning. Although he didn't understand what happened, his words were still very firm, and he glanced at it carefully again. It’s a manuscript dedicated to our band."

   Cliff raised his eyes and looked at his teammates in confusion.

There was a touch of ecstasy in Maxim’s eyes, but at this moment... "Crunchy", the touch was immediately interrupted, Maxim turned his head speechlessly, and looked at you and I shared the potato in a friendly manner. Ronan and Ollie of the film, there was a roar in their ears, "Hey! You two! Are there any mistakes!"


Ronan turned his head and looked over, chewing on potato chips, "Read it, don’t you know? What the **** is going on? If you have time to spit on us, why not take a good look at the article first." He threw another potato chip into his mouth, just like shooting a commercial to show Maxim how crispy the potato chips really are.


   Maxim didn't want to talk to Ronan.

Retracting his gaze, Maxim found that Cliff had begun to ponder carefully, "I'll look at it first, I haven't seen it yet, why do you look like it. Wait, this is my phone... Kerry Huh! Cliff Barron! You are a robber... well, let's watch it together."

   At the same time, Ronan and Ollie exchanged sights beside them.

   "How about... open another pack?"

   "How far is it from Philadelphia?"

   "It should not be far away, but..."

   "My mouth is still a bit idle, then open another bag."

   "Hmm, open another pack."

   Tearing and pulling, crunching.

   Inside the carriage, I suddenly fell into a weird and wonderful The answer was not announced so quickly. Because this manuscript from Buster Wayne is longer than expected, nearly 3,000 words before and after, and the amount of information is bursting, it is not so easy to read, both Maxim and Cliff Fully concentrate on reading.

   But what is certain is that this is indeed a detailed report about the One Day King Band.

If it is said that Buster’s in-depth report is only the first step to arouse attention, one after another, more netizens have seen the information of King One Day; then on Tuesday morning, the official website of "Rolling Stone" published a special plan. The report really set off extensive discussions on social networks.

The keyword tag of "Bruno warm-up guest" once again ushered in a frenzy of discussion, and even burst out with even more powerful energy. Unlike previous concert audiences who have posted exclamations and thoughts, this time it was the crowd who ate melons. Entering, busily asking similar questions——

   Why did two in-depth reports appear for two consecutive days?

  Why does "Rolling Stone" magazine also carry out special reports?

   Why did this band suddenly become popular?

   Why are so many people talking about this band suddenly?

   Where did this band come from?

   There is also the most important key question, "One Day King Band, who on earth is it?"

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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