King of Stage

Chapter 179: 1 small fire

   Wyatt successfully proved his "innocence", "Rolling Stone" magazine successfully released a special report on the Kings Band in One Day-although it was only a web version.

   Wyatt finally failed to convince the editor:

For an unnamed independent band like the One Day Kings, the special report is still too exaggerated. It is absolutely impossible for the magazine to take out eight pages to report on an independent band in depth, even if it is a comprehensive report on independent bands, including Many bands including King One day join hands as the protagonists, which is somewhat reluctant.

But Wyatt succeeded in persuading the editor-in-chief to publish a special report on the official website. It was not so much a persuasion as a threat, "If you didn’t ask me to catch the hot spots, how could I spend an afternoon in the hotel and finally write If you don’t publish something with a sense of accomplishment, then I don’t have the heart to write the big topic next month. You can do it yourself."

Then... Rob Sheffield published this special report on the official website of "Rolling Stone", but Wyatt worked so hard to compose eight pages of photos and text, and the editor cut it in half with a big wave of his hand. What is presented on the official website is a four-page report.

Of course, even if "just four sections of the official website" and not the headline on the front page, it is a rare honorable treatment for independent bands like King One Day. After all, before this, there was no official paper. The quality media reported the king in any form.

   Then, "One Day King Band, who is it?"

   Buster Wayne first appeared.

As a freelance music professional blogger, Buster has a lot of popularity among senior music lovers. He also serves as a freelance writer for many professional music magazines and writes regular articles every week to update My professional blog shows my professional attitude.

Buster is a typical omnivorous music lover. He doesn’t choose music styles and types. He is independent and popular. However, as a professional graduate from the classical music department, he is always able to cut in from a unique perspective and make his own interpretation. Also won a lot of applause among professional fans.

Because of this, Buster will write different feature articles to introduce music every once in a while, such as operas or symphonies that are worth listening to, such as indie bands and underground singers that are worth listening to, such as musical styles or experimental albums that are worth trying, And so on and so on.

This time, Buster specifically introduced the One Day Kings Band-from Buster's point of view, this is a daily operation, there is nothing special, because I heard recommended music at Bruno's concert, so It is recommended.

In the article, Buster did not eloquently explain the life and deeds of the One Day Kings, nor did he mention the current situation of the One Day Kings, but simply mentioned that he had unexpectedly gained a note from Bruno's concert. Indie bands, and then focused on the music of the band.

Buster’s focus is that the expressiveness and appeal of a live performance by the King’s Band in one day is very charming. You can feel the emotional surroundings when you are really in it. It seems that the beating and impact of the heart is completely in line with the melody. To enter the world of music.

At the same time, Buster started from the arrangement and deeply analyzed the style and composition of the King of One Day, including songs such as "Chasing the Light" and "Innate", and truly felt what the creator wanted when writing lyrics and melody. The emotion conveyed, and perfectly integrated with the performance.

According to Buster’s analysis, he believes that “chasing the light” has been reduced to simplicity and ingenuity. It truly shows the talent of the creator and carries a strong and pure emotion. This is a masterpiece with a classic achievement; but , Arrangement is too self-persistent and avoids the mainstream aesthetics of the market. In terms of popularity and popularity, it is not as strong as the "innate" that is more emotional and sharp, and I am afraid it will be difficult to promote.

"How should I describe this song? It's like running wildly in a spacious and empty building, only my heart and footsteps are echoing in my ears, running aimlessly, blood vessels begin to burn, muscles begin to sore, But the feeling of profuse sweat wafted in his chest.

Then... just like this, I rushed out of the building, and suddenly I saw the sky full of stars falling down, shocked to the moment that time and space fell into a stagnant state, just stunned and bathed in the magnificence and majesty coming, I couldn't help but want to open my eyes. Arm, feel the strong wind passing under the arm.

   A kind of purity, running rampantly in the adult world like a child, just running.

   A kind of magnificence, the invigoration of physical and mental transparency blooms in the simplest consumption, returning to simplicity again. "

There is no doubt that Buster has given the highest praise for "Chasing the Light", but he believes that this song is not suitable for the mainstream market, because it does not conform to the popular trend, and the popular presentation is still not skilled enough or sophisticated enough. This is undoubtedly A kind of regret, otherwise it is very hopeful to become another "Iridescent"-from Linkin-Park.

   But Buster still believes that the song "Inborn" can win the audience's love for the One Day King Band.

With eloquent three thousand words, Buster showed his professionalism and once again recommended an indie band worthy of attention to listeners who follow him. This was originally a habitual article, and it must appear every week. There is nothing special at all. However, with the rise of the topic label "Bruno warm-up guest", this article of UU Reading did trigger a wider discussion.

Normally, the number of views of Buster’s long articles is basically controlled at around 10,000 to 30,000, and the ratio of comments and likes is controlled at about 10%; but this time, the King’s article is only 24 hours per day. Within this period, nearly 50,000 pageviews were gained, and the comments and likes were nearly doubled, and the popularity of discussion has risen very significantly.

   Then, "Rolling Stone" appeared.

Unlike Buster’s professional report, Wyatt’s report detailed the life of King One Day, and initially went deep into the band, asking about Bruno’s opportunity to tour and the psychology of gaining attention. It is more like a short biography to readers. We introduce the ins and outs of this band.

From the perspective of a special report, the label of "Bruno warm-up guest" can tell that people’s attention to the One Day King’s band first comes from Bruno, and Wyatt’s report can hardly attract too much attention and curiosity. After all, readers don't know this band at all, and it is difficult to have a sense of substitution for the bitterness and bitterness of indie bands.

However, thanks to the foreshadowing of the Twitter hashtag and Buster’s article, it aroused concern and curiosity in advance. On the contrary, it won some sight for the band. Then the report of "Rolling Stone" was handed over like a sleeper encountering a pillow, and the effect was also great. It broke out.

   In the five days before and after, the discussion of the King’s Band on a day has been soaring step by step, ushering in a small hot attention.

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