King of Stage

Chapter 180: Every second counts

From Bruno Mars to Buster Wayne to "Rolling Stone" magazine, a wave of three hits instantly made the Kings Band a little hot, especially the two online media to the paper media. This cross-reporting has attracted countless people, as can be seen from the global trend of Twitter.

   The keyword tag of "Bruno Warm-up Band" not only was not quickly submerged in the Internet torrent like a shooting star, but it also detonated a discussion boom step by step:

   Is all this a coincidence? Or the result of careful manipulation? What kind of backstage is this band, it actually made such a splash in a short period of time? So, is there any big move next? Is it to launch a new album along the way, and then start related activities in one go?

   And... Is One Day Kings really worth watching? Or in other words, why is this band worth paying attention to?

On Twitter’s global hot trend list, "Bruno Warm-up Band" has always remained on the list, and in just three days, the number of discussion items has easily surpassed 30,000, which really made it. After a small wave of craze, ordinary netizens who did not attend Bruno's concert also joined in.

   Really, the band slammed their heads for a while, and then, this also became an opportunity for the Kings to decide to enter the studio immediately in Philadelphia for one day——

   Because the comments on Twitter asking where the band's songs can be listened to are everywhere.

In this wave of discussion, whether it is like it or hating it, whether it is rejection or catering, whether it is a conspiracy theory holder or a heartless eater, they have more or less curiosity and can arouse the audience. What kind of style is the band that double praised with reporters?

  Especially "Chasing the Light", praised by Buster, is also the most popular among the topic tags.

   However, on the entire network platform, there is no song by King of One Day, and curiosity is stuck in the air.

   Some netizens use this to complain about conspiracy theory holders, “This is obviously not a carefully planned propaganda, otherwise, how could it be possible to miss the most important key part”.

   But the conspiracy theory holders still believe that this is part of the propaganda, and now it is just maintaining mysticism-such a contradictory statement will not win more support after all, and gradually become submerged in the sound of twitter discussions.

   In the bustling discussion, only curiosity continued to rise, but there was still no answer.

In the Internet age where the ocean of information is constantly updated, the "freshness" is often very short-lived. One week, three days, or even twenty-four hours, hot topics are fleeting, changing all the time, and staying together. The same is true of the curiosity and attention of the Japanese Kings.

If netizens can’t really listen to One Day King’s song, the curiosity that has just emerged will soon be distracted by other news, and then they may no longer remember who the "Bruno warm-up guest" is. . Opportunity, fleeting, will not stay for too long.

   Faced with such a situation, the band members reached a consensus that the recording work can no longer wait. Perhaps, this is the opportunity they finally appeared after seven years of hard work. If they miss it again, they may miss it forever. No one can guarantee that the same opportunity will appear again.

   They must be desperate.

On the second day after arriving in Philadelphia, that is, Tuesday, after the articles of "Rolling Stone" magazine were published one after another, the discussion boom on Twitter reached a new height. Maxim, who paid close attention to hashtags, was the first to realize the changes in the situation. Then the band members reached a consensus. According to Jeremiah's recommended list, a suitable recording studio was selected and an appointment was made by telephone on the spot.

   For the band, time is very tight.

   First of all, the Internet boom will not stay for too long, and it can even be said that every second counts.

  Secondly, they have to go to the Wells Fargo Bank Center in Philadelphia for rehearsal. The warm-up performance of Bruno's concert is still the focus of the band's work.

From Washington to Philadelphia, everything must be overthrown and re-started. Even if the band has experience in a performance, they still have not escaped the situation of rookies. The rehearsal must be performed wholeheartedly and at the highest level, otherwise the live performance may go wrong again. Very high.

Of course, compared with last week, the situation has improved substantially. The band’s rehearsal repertoire has been determined, the entire performance process has been determined, and it is not rushed to arrive at the performance venue, and there is no need to rehearse and wait for a failure. The interview to determine the result, coupled with the ear return and the adaptation of the venue has already had an experience, all of which means that the band can have some free space.

   one afternoon.

The band can at least spare one afternoon to enter the studio to complete the recording work, but only one afternoon. Bruno’s concert is still their most important figure, which also means that the band must make a choice. They can only record one song. ——It is very possible that a song can't be finished recording, but even if it is not finished, it must be finished, because one afternoon is their time, otherwise they have to wait for the next week.

  The question is, how should the cost of the recording studio be paid?

The band does not have time to think about this for the time being, because the rental period of the recording studio is still so the recording studio is allowed to pay a deposit, wait for the recording to be completed before calculating the total amount, more refunds and less supplements. There is still no problem with the deposit part of the band. As for the final is too late to think about it.

   "Maybe, we can advance to Bruno for performances in Philadelphia and Boston? I think he can understand us." Cliff proposed a direction.

   No one refuted, because Cliff's words did make sense; but no one agreed, because they didn't know how to speak to Bruno.

Then Ollie proposed another direction, “Don’t worry about this for now, and just focus on recording. If we devote ourselves to the work wholeheartedly, maybe we will finish all the work within an hour? Then there is no problem. Existed. This is the top priority."

Although Ollie’s ideas are a bit too naive and ideal, they can’t be refuted, and the feasibility is not small. The band needs to concentrate and do their best to complete the recording work as soon as possible. This is the most important thing. .

   So, there was no rebuttal or agreement, but the discussion of the band was still concentrated on the work of the studio.

   So, whether to choose "chase the light" or record "innate", the band has a disagreement.

   Maxim supported "Chasing the Light", Cliff chose "Inborn", and Ollie...decided to abstain, so the right of choice came to Ronan.

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