King of Stage

Chapter 230: 1 decision


Daniel took off the headset, placed it on the table, and turned his sore and stiff cervical spine. He noticed the producer's gesture outside the live broadcast room and nodded to confirm his confirmation. The producer quickly pushed the door and walked into the live broadcast room. He squatted down beside him and said in a low voice:

"Confirmed. This is indeed an independent band. The songs they released on major platforms are the versions they recorded in independent studios and uploaded them through the song cast. Because a video on the tubing was unexpected Become a hot spot and gain countless attention."

The follow-up words don’t need to be said, Daniel can’t understand it anymore, and muttered softly, "So their only single that could be found became the focus." After a pause, Daniel asked again. In one sentence, "have they not signed a record company yet?"

   "I haven't found relevant information for the time being, but I didn't dig it seriously, do I need to dig it?" Producer Rose Davis, who has been partnering with Daniel for many years, was able to read the expressions of his partner and asked.

   Daniel shook his head.

   There are countless similar indie bands. The daily work of the radio station is as heavy as a mountain. How can they conduct in-depth investigations for every indie band.

   Since the preliminary investigation found no clues, it means that indie bands are still independent bands. Even if you sign a contract, there will be no splash; otherwise, the smart record company would have seized the opportunity of the YouTube craze to launch publicity and promotion-such a free advertising opportunity, if you miss it, it would be foolish.

Ahmet-Eltecon sneezed inexplicably in New York, but couldn’t stop, and he sneezed three more in a row, almost flying out of his nose, which made Ahmet’s face full of question marks. : Who on earth is talking bad about him behind his back? Is it Ronan?

   Complete the creation, production and recording of the entire album in two months of retreat. Is this too cruel?

   Akhmet took off the internal telephone line and connected to his assistant, "How is the recording work of the Kings in one day going? Any news from Curtis?"

"...I haven't received any news here. Do you need me to ask in the recording studio?" The assistant was also a little embarrassed. Not everyone can easily provoke Curtis, even Ahmet. Don’t buy the account, let alone the little assistant?

   Ahmet pondered for a moment, "No need." Recording work needs to be focused, so they should not bother.

   Back to New Orleans.

   Rose looked at Daniel's thoughtful expression and immediately understood Daniel's struggle and struggle, but in fact, such hesitation has already explained Daniel's thoughts, "Are you going to play it?"

   As mentioned earlier, the playlists of commercial radio programs are contracted, not only involving copyright issues, but also commercial promotion agreements.

   For example, when Bruno Mars releases a new album, Atlantic Records can notify its partner radio station that Bruno’s new album title track must be played at least 50 times a week to ensure the effect of promotion.

   It is precisely because of this that most of the music playlists of commercial radio stations are popular tracks on the charts.

Therefore, in daily life, listeners call the radio to order songs, but rarely can order the songs they request. Often the host plays another song. Just now, Duncan applied for "Chasing the Light", but Daniel It played Adele.

   So, are there exceptions?

of course.

Commercial radio stations cannot play all the top songs on the charts. They must take care of their audiences to ensure that they can meet the preferences of more loyal listeners. In addition to the real-time updates of popular tracks, the radio station has its own song library; however, each Each radio station has its own regulations, which vary according to the station’s style, positioning, business model, etc., and cannot be generalized.

In Daniel’s radio program, he is not known for recommending new songs and digging for treasures, so his authority is relatively not so loose; however, Daniel has the qualifications and capabilities, and the audience base is solid and stable. Within the framework, He also has a certain degree of freedom.

   Now, Daniel is seriously considering playing the song "Chasing the Light", which is obviously not on the radio playlist, but he must take a risk.

  The reason is simple.

Daniel's audience is not a group that likes to follow the trend, and at the same time, they are not a group that likes rock-retro jazz is their orientation. Based on this, soul, rhythm and blues, disco and other retro-style music talents It is their daily choice.

   Although it is said that Daniel has the right to play one or two songs recommended by himself on the radio, this is not a problem, but after the broadcast, the audience does not like it? Moreover, the audience thinks that Daniel is also starting to follow suit and then criticizes the show, what should we do?

   "Daniel, did you hesitate because of so many hotlines requesting to broadcast?" Ross asked. Now the live broadcast is still in progress. Waiting for the song to finish, Daniel will enter the live broadcast. They don't have time to slowly guess what the other party thinks.

Daniel shook his head, "You know I don't have such a personality. Those popular songs on the popular charts, any one, have a lot more listeners; what really touched me was the phone call just now~www. I have some curiosity, aren't you curious?"

   "Curious." Rose nodded, "If I'm not curious, I won't investigate further. But curiosity cannot be a reason to take risks."

  Daniel paused and looked at Rose, "If I say, this is the reason for the risk?"

   "Chasing the light", just like the name of a song, life always requires some attempts. Daniel knows that his reasons are absurd and funny, but sometimes that's the way it is, a sudden idea whizzes by, and then he can no longer control it. It can be said to be impulse or inspiration.

   Ross is speechless.

   Daniel looked at Rose's confused expression and laughed, "I think about it again, you are ready to wait and see my signal. I'm still not sure."

   Then, Daniel patted Rose on the shoulder and said nothing more, because the song was about to finish and they had to return to the live broadcast.

   Rose didn't say much, he believed that Daniel knew what he was doing, and then turned and left.

   As expected.

   After the show came back, Daniel did not mention "chasing the light" at all. He controlled the show with ease, and the live broadcast went on without incident.

"Listen friends in front of the radio, slowly, our show today is coming to an end. Thank you very much for spending this time with me next to the radio today. Before the end of the show, I hope to give it to the audience. A song will accompany you to witness the coming of night."

   "This song is a song that I am personally very curious and very looking forward to. Now, I will listen to you with you, "Chasing the Light", sung by King One Day."

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