King of Stage

Chapter 231: Inception

   At the noon bar, Sam glanced in Duncan's direction, showing disappointment, because the radio did not play Duncan's on-demand songs.

Originally, Sam thought this could be an opportunity to generate traffic in the bar. The gimmick of "One Day King Band used to perform here" attracted some guests, but there was no splash in the end, which was really disappointing; however, I changed my mind. Thinking, Sam couldn't help being curious again.

"Is it really the band that performed here in the first place?" Sam still feels a little bit magical. The band that pleaded for a chance to return to the show has now appeared on the radio program—even if only as a host There is still an incredible feeling in the way of dialogue.

   Duncan glanced at Sam from the corner of his gaze, not wanting to speak. He has answered Sam twice, and doesn't want to answer it a third time; and he is still full of regrets, ignorantly winning the opportunity to talk directly, but not being able to order songs, which makes him feel a little depressed.



The radio interference sound of the radio was floating in the air. Daniel’s warm magnetic voice was finishing the show. Duncan picked up the draft beer in front of him and drank it with his head up. The show is over, which also means that he should return. Home, dinner time is slowly approaching.


   Duncan put the beer glass back on the table, gestured to the bartender gently, stood up and prepared to leave, just at this moment——

   "This song is a song that I am personally very curious and very looking forward to. Now, I will listen to you with you, "Chasing the Light", sung by King One Day."

Duncan's movements were involuntarily stiff, his eyes were filled with weirdness, and he didn't even know what to think. He just stopped, and Sam's ecstatic voice came in his ear, "Is it them? Is it them? ! God, are they really? Is this all happening?"

The melody, flowing slowly in the noise of the radio waves, with traces of time and years, the bright orange sunset slowly overturning outside the window is burning, the whole world is wrapped in a layer of tulle, and the gorgeous colors are one by one. Intensified, the thrilling scene is like an oil painting.

   Duncan didn't hear Sam's question at all, just listened carefully, and his mind was completely immersed in the melody like this.

   Time seems to be condensed in this second, and a clear song came from my ear, "You know, everyone is chasing the light", drawing the mind and sight toward the outside world——

   The peacock blue night is slowly falling, but the setting sun at the end of the horizon is still burning, and then the line of sight follows the ray of light, chasing the footsteps of the light between the buildings and the trees.

The musical notes follow the nerves of the sense of hearing into the depths of the soul to bury a seed, and then... take root, germinate, and bury a belief in the deepest part of the brain, following the branches of the seed to spread and grow, the reality and the illusion The boundary is so blurred, it is difficult to distinguish whether it is one's own idea or the idea conveyed by the music world. The two ideas are entangled in this way, fleeing into chaos.

In a trance, the stiffness and predicament of the current situation of life dissipated like this, entering the world of music, and the soul rushed in the direction of the light, and in the ignorance, I was placed in a wonderful experience like a dream. It turns out that hope exists, and it turns out that light also exists.

   This is a wonderful experience, Duncan is not the only one——

The other customers in the bar, even though they didn’t care about it, witnessed such a "good show" just now, and more or less cast their eyes on it. As a result, they turned around and actually ordered the music. The unexpected joy made them feel happy. They also listened earnestly, wanting to see what song it was.

Unknowingly, their gazes also projected silently toward the outside of the bar, watching the glimmer of light that was about to be swallowed by darkness but still blooming. After the sun sets, before night falls, and before the street lights are bright, there is still a lot of light. A very short gap, even in the city, you can still feel the breath of nature, and the fleeting gap seems to be able to capture a moment of reality.

   This short, gentle "moment of truth" that seems to be possible across the fingertips at any time, drags their thoughts into a world of their own.

Except for Duncan, everyone has their own life, and everyone has their own confusion and troubles. Similarly, everyone has their own short-term escape from problems. Maybe it's alcohol, cigarettes, or other kinds of things. At that time, the power of the notes had the same effect.

   Then...the thoughts were so deeply immersed in the "moment of reality", I forgot whether I was looking at the nature in the city or in the city surrounded by nature, my sight involuntarily looking for the trace of light.

   At the same time, in the live broadcast room, Daniel showed a helpless smile at Rose outside——

   Rose didn't seem to be surprised by Daniel's choice, and he even took a coffee cup to pay tribute.

Daniel immediately understood what Rose meant. After all, he followed his and took a risk impulsively. Such a move was unusual, but... Daniel did not reject it, although his stomach was slightly hot. , The emotion of regret seems to be eating away at one's mind bit by bit.

   He didn't know why he chose to play this song in the end, as if...just an impulse, and then it happened.

Long, long time later, when Daniel recalled this day again, his memory had become blurred, it was difficult to remember those details and psychology clearly, he could not even be sure how he made the decision, always remembering "I don’t seem to be Too willing", and even suspected that it was Rose's decision to play the song.

   However, Daniel still remembers one very important thing.

   "The next day, I was severely reprimanded. Such an off-track action was obviously very risky. I remember the original saying was, "You dance on a wire rope."

   This is something that Daniel is hard to forget, because in his later radio hosting career, he never faced such a bad treatment again.

"However, shortly after that, letters from the audience justified my name. Many people like'chase the light' very much. Maybe it's because the arrangement of the orchestra unintentionally fits the preferences of jazz enthusiasts, maybe for other reasons. In short, they eased my embarrassment at the time."

   "Then, soon, you will know the rest."

   However, Daniel has no way to predict the future. At this moment, the burning in his stomach is still reminding him that he had to act off track just now.

   Watching Rose pay tribute with coffee, Daniel smiled, with a little bitterness-his approach should be correct... right?

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