King of Stage

Chapter 265: Group carnival

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"Hey! Washington!"

Ronan's roaring voice spread to the audience through the microphone. A short sentence made the audience go crazy, roaring and cheering swept across like a mountain and a tsunami, bursting with incredible energy. Even faintly shaking the sound of the sound, the audience thundered.

This is definitely a picture that cannot be drawn with imagination!

Even though I have witnessed it many times in person, the feeling of standing on the stage as the protagonist and being surrounded by rolling noises is still different. This also makes the king on the stage boil with blood for a day, and his body is exhausted because of the long performance. Recovered again.

The corner of Ronan's mouth was raised with an arc, brilliant and bright, and his confident eyes covered the audience condescendingly:

This is their world!

"Party! Go on! Let us go crazy!"

The passionate voice rolled away, and then Ronan spread his legs apart and stood upright in front of the microphone, with his hands stretched out towards the sky. The audience did not need language guidance to learn how to learn. Raise your hands, and then you can see the other three members of the King’s Band raise their hands together. The unanimous scene of the audience is spectacular, like a dense and vast birch forest spreading out.

Even the members of the Shining band standing in the background are no exception. Wesley raised his hands early and turned his head to greet the staff nearby:

"come together!"

As Ronan said, the party is not over yet, everyone should unload their burdens, forget their worries for the time being, and join the carnival.

In the turbulent crowd, Sophie's eyes lit up with excitement and excitement, turned to look at Kane, and then found a pair of similar eyes in the darkness, reflecting the flames in the depths of her pupils, even the corners of her mouth were rising. The arcs are all so similar, obviously they thought of together--

Bruno Mars concert.

At the beginning, when the Kings Band debuted at Bruno’s Washington concert, due to a small accident, the opening failed to proceed as planned, so Ronan raised his hands high and called on the audience to follow along with high fives. This background witnessed the first appearance of "Chasing the Light".

Now, it's the same again.

Sophie had a hunch that they might experience another unforgettable night-although it has been very unforgettable so far.

"Papa Papa! Papa Papa!"

The dense and brisk eight beats seem simple but not easy, because the beats are very tight, not to mention that the hands need to be beaten quickly and continuously at close distances. It is very difficult to control the rhythm and rhythm alone. After all, not everyone has a beat Naturally understanding, let alone 1,500 people in the audience?

However, Ronan didn't mind, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked at the audience, staring at each other because of the messy beats. His expression was a bit funny and a bit ridiculous. When the scene rioted vaguely, Ronan's voice came over. Don't worry, we all have our own way of carnival."


The audience chuckled because of Ronan's wit to relieve the siege, and their emotions were slightly relaxed.

"Don't worry, follow me!"

There is no explanation of professional terms, just raise your hands again, "Papa Papa! Papa Papa!" and repeated it twice. A simple demonstration is the best sample. The audience once again plucked up their courage and followed along. Beat your hands up.

The scene was still chaotic, and the applause was uneven-this was much more difficult than "chasing the light".

"Don't give up, don't be distracted, follow the drumbeat and continue to beat!"

Accompanied by Ronan's voice, Ollie's drum beats sounded like a conductor, leading the audience into the snare drum collective exercise mode.

"Papa Papa! Papa Papa!"


"Papa Papa! Papa Papa!"


Gradually, gradually, the audience will be able to find the pattern, and the clapping sounds will be full and tidy.

I thought it might be a dull high-five, but after getting through the initial impatience, my blood boiled slowly, and my eyes brightened, as if I could feel the billowing heat wave in the palm of the hit—blood and muscles began. Burning, adrenaline bursts out.

In 1977, Queen’s guitarist Brian-May was inspired by the sound of his concert and created the classic "We-Will-Rock- You, the fundamental purpose is to hope that the band can perform with the audience.

In the song "We Will Shock You", the audience followed and clapped together, using applause as drumming to create a vast audience. This is the most iconic feature of the song. Later, the song was widely used in Among the sports events, it is widely spread and has truly created a generation of legends.

It’s not that Ronan is imitating the Queen, but that when the stage performance band and the live audience are closely linked through the bridge of music, they truly revel together regardless of each other. This is the most beautiful place of the concert, and it is also The most magical place of music.

At this moment, that's it.

"Papa Papa! Papa Papa!"

The tight and dense waves of high-five applause are Sophie has no other thoughts at all, just staring intently at the stage directly in front, with the action of hitting her hands, the hot palm seems to have died thousands. Tens of thousands of cells, and then the muscles began to numb, but the surging excitement and blood slowly climbed to the peak.

Vaguely, Sophie could feel a ray of light bursting from the depths of her heart, and the gurgling heat rushed into her heart, and it was difficult to describe her feeling in words; however, her smile bloomed lightly, and her body seemed to lighten up along with it. , Like being in the clouds, wandering wantonly.

"Papa Papa! Papa Papa!"

On the stage, Ronan was still beating his hands, his body seemed to be dancing lightly, the rhythm was flowing through the blood vessels and muscles, and the movements were all briskly. Then, without accompaniment, Ronan's singing sounded like this. ——Because the audience's high-five is the accompaniment.

The band and the audience joined hands to complete this encore performance!

Such thoughts swelled in the audience's minds, and the burst of adrenaline made the sound of hands hitting brighter and brighter, as if the carnival was approaching.

There are only 1,500 people in the small performance venue. Let alone a top-level venue with 100,000 people. Even a venue with 10,000 people and a venue with 5,000 people can't even compare with it. This is just a small venue; but However, the narrow space keeps all the audience closely connected. The waves of high-five applause surging in the narrow space for a long time, and the waves of reverberation oscillate with layers of air, and it is easy to integrate everyone into one.

Applause, roar!

Faintly, the impact of the roaring sound can be felt on the eardrums, and the heart is stirring, but the audience has no time to notice their own reaction. All their hearts are firmly locked on Ronan, following Ronan’s guidance, and entering a A whole new world.

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