King of Stage

Chapter 266: Top of the world

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"Papa Papa! Papa Papa!"

Applause and roar.

The air wave, billowing.

Standing in the center of the stage, Ronan seemed to be on top of the world. The full burst of adrenaline allowed the body to continuously produce brand new energy, and then, the singing voice was released from the depths of the soul.

"If you like someone, it's best to tell them in time, because they may leave you; you never know when they will get better, and it depends on how much time you have left." (Note 1)

Because there is no instrumental accompaniment, only the applause of the audience hits the rhythm, the magnificent and majestic momentum is back to the original and presents a simple form. Therefore, Ronan’s singing has also faded all the modified skills, only with the purest Voice to express the emotion of lyrics and melody.

Like a child.

Sometimes, children’s singing is immature and simple, requiring more technical modification; but sometimes, children’s singing is sincere and pure, and the cleanliness behind the heart of a child can give the performance a different color.

At this time, it belongs to the latter.

Sincere, sincere, and sincere, it was as if Ronan was talking one-on-one with the audience, and those bright eyes fell on every audience in the audience.

Sophie can feel this simple purity, in a daze. She thought it was Ronan singing it to her alone. After the previous "Chasing the Light" and "My Devil", even Ann But the tracks were sung specifically for her--

She should cherish the present, rather than dwell on the past; she should cherish the person in front of her, because there are so many variables in life, no one can know what will happen next second.

But immediately, Sophie slowly realized the truth. Her mind followed Ronan's singing and rushed forward bravely, ups and downs like a roller coaster, and then her vision opened like this:

"I have climbed the highest mountain, I have reached the deepest river, you can have everything but life continues."

The world is so big.

She shouldn’t be entangled in those bad emotional fetters, nor should she forget those **** negative emotions, she should bravely step forward and look at her own life, the outside world, and even look up at the sky and the universe above. , She can have a lot more.

"Accept now, but don't look down, because...I'm standing on top of the world."

The melody plays!

One day all the members of the Kings Band joined in the performance. The vast star-like notes flowed down three thousand feet like a waterfall, and the roar swept through the audience. The mighty waves of air will be in a blink of an eye. The 1,500 spectators were all overwhelmed.



Thoughts, just plug in wings like this!

Get rid of the shackles of "self", soar towards the top of the world, soar towards the vast universe, truly appreciate the infinite grandeur, stand in a small position to appreciate the infinity, and then Sophie completely forgets her little trivialities. Thoughts, open your mind, and bravely embrace the infinite possibilities of life.

Amidst the roaring melody of the audience, Ronan’s singing bursts with a precipitating force, and the energy from the depths of the dantian is firmly and powerfully displayed through the singing, even in the mighty melody. With a firm grasp of the center of gravity and rhythm, the majestic momentum will rise to the next level.

"I stand on top of the world (On-The-Top-Of-The-World)!"

"I have been waiting for this moment for a while, and I will go all out to work hard; I have been waiting for the time to smile, waiting for this moment for a while, if I can, I will walk with you, I already dreamed of this moment in my childhood, I stand on top of the world! "

at this time.


While standing in the center of the stage singing and singing, embrace the moment when Encore returns to the show; when building a bridge with music to make the audience twist into a rope, use singing to show the ultimate of the carnival party and become the center of the world. It's like standing on top of the world and owning the world.

The smile just bloomed at the corner of Ronan’s mouth, wantonly and gorgeous——

He is waiting for this moment.

From the time when he was deaf, and when he was composing this song for the new album, he was dreaming of going to the top of the world in his mind. Until tonight, he finally ushered in his own and the band. At the blooming moment, music is their language and applause is their reward.

Happiness gurgled in the chest.

Not only Ronan, but Ollie, Cliff, and Maxim are the same. There is no exception for the members of One Day Kings.

Even the Shining Band standing in the background was so happy that the Kings band ushered in their first encore in one day, and they also shed tears because of the excitement and emotion they felt. In Ronan's singing, they heard enthusiasm and sincerity, they heard joy and happiness, and more importantly, they heard the heart of a child that was still beating.

Listen, Ronan is singing loudly.

"I have tried to avoid twists and turns, I have tried to take shortcuts, but I have been missing something in my heart."

"I tried to give up completely, but couldn't find a reason, and set sail to pursue something."

"Now accept it calmly, but don't look down because I am on top of the world."

This is the King of One Day, this is the Shining Band, this is every indie band that pursues musical dreams in the dark, and this is every ordinary person who has dreams and refuses to give up.

They, with silly courage in their arms, continued to push the boulder forward like They tried to reach a peak that could never be touched, and others laughed at them for being too foolish. Stupid, their persistence seems to never be realized, but they still refuse to give up.

Unwillingness, regret, stubbornness, but enthusiasm, passion, and purity.

For the One Day King’s Band, they don’t even need to be successful, they don’t need a concert venue for 100,000 people, they don’t need money or honors, they only need a group of audiences who truly appreciate their performances, just a group of audiences. Audiences who are willing to cheer for their performance only need this group of audiences to enjoy the performance and shout out "Encore", even if there are only 1,500 people.

Wish is that simple.

A word of "encore" can make them stand on top of the world!

For such a simple dream, the Kings had waited for seven years in one day-but they did not complain about themselves, nor were they immersed in sad negative emotions. They just reveled, laughed, danced, and recklessly. Sing, just let yourself join this carnival.

The corners of Jeremiah’s mouth rose up, happiness agitated in his chest, but the tears that flickered under his eyes could not be controlled. In Ronan’s singing, he heard the kind of purity, not for fame, fortune, for success, or even for dreams. , Just it.

Love from the heart.

When life is approaching the end, looking back at your own life, how many people can say that I once truly liked one thing from the heart and put it into action, that is true happiness, that is... the top of the world !

Note 1: On-The-Top-Of-The-World——Imagine-Dragons

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