King of Stage

Chapter 334: 2-person world




"One day king!"

The shouts and screams exploded, a sudden emergence in the noise of the rustling back of the audience, and it was easy to focus the attention of the audience towards the source of the sound.

Lucy-Eldun didn't care that she became the focus of the audience. Her eyes were fixed on the band members at the beginning of the red carpet. The excitement broke out like this, and she couldn't control it anymore. Then he shouted frantically, from the bottom of his heart.

She knew it.

She knew it!

She knew that the king standing on the red carpet one day was so shining, especially Ronan. The appearance of attending in formal clothes stopped the heart from beating. The charming charm made people reluctant to blink, lest he hesitated a little bit. Miss the most beautiful and moving moments.

she was! on! know! Dao!

Since the close encounter in Las Vegas, Lucy has truly fallen in love with King One Day. If it was only because of curiosity before, then after slowly exploring, she found this more and more. The charm of a band-to be precise, the charm of music.

She was the girl who couldn't cry because of a broken love. In Ronan’s "dancing alone" song, Lucy could feel the power of gentleness-gentleness does not mean weakness, and gentleness can also have toughness, that kind of flexibility. The long power made Lucy feel healed.

After that, the band embarked on a journey of rising all the way, Lucy was watching the whole process, but unfortunately, the king never returned to Las Vegas for one day, which also made Lucy go to watch the band's performance. The dream had to step back again and again until the Grammy nomination list was announced.

For the first time, Lucy decided to go to Los Angeles on the weekend of the awards ceremony. She was eager to see the band up close. She was even more eager to be on the scene to enjoy the band’s performance. She also eager to witness the band’s debut at the Grammys. The City of Angels is a choice without hesitation.

Like a moth to the flames, Lucy completely ignited the enthusiasm in her heart. It was just that such a thought occurred in her brain, she was so excited that she couldn't stop jumping, and her life was renewed with color, and she was full of expectations every day, as if Always have inexhaustible drive and passion.

When Lucy saw Maxim on stage, there was Cliff, Ollie, and... Ronan!

Everything is worth it.

That kind of uncontrollable joy and excitement bursts out like fireworks, continuously blowing out, and the screams involuntarily go out like this, and there is no pain in the throat at all. The gurgling and rolling cells make the body unable to control. Jumped in place.

Screaming is the only way to vent your enthusiasm. Only in this way can the boiling blood calm down, otherwise it may be unbearable to fall into an explosion dilemma.

At this moment, it was only the second time that Lucy had seen King One Day up close, but she seemed to have known them for a long time and spent countless days and nights. That sense of intimacy had all evolved into a passionate passion. , Let the shouting raise a little higher, raise a little higher, and make a full-blown explosion.

Shouting and shouting, the eyes began to warm, and the eyes were blurred by tears.

Lucy didn't know what was going on, and couldn't even tell exactly what kind of emotion it was. Is "tears" too exaggerated? However, she couldn't control the turbulent impact of her emotions at all, so she gave up resistance and just let all emotions freely release energy.

And, enjoy it.


The heart-piercing shout made Lucy completely immersed in her emotions. Even if all the eyes of the audience were projected, she did not care at all. It was as if the whole world was only left with herself and the members of King One Day. , In the ears, in the touch, I can't feel the existence of other people at all.

The one-on-one intimacy made the heart tremble uncontrollably, and then, just like this, she fell into madness, Lucy even forgot that she had friends around her.



Along with Lucy's best friend Ira Freeman (-Freeman), the tall girl standing next to Lucy that night in Las Vegas.

Ella, who accompanies Lucy, although she also likes the One Day Kings, is not crazy enough. At this moment, she can still maintain a sense of reason, but her excitement and excitement still make her unable to help but follow Lucy. Jump up together, then wave the flag and shout loudly.

"Ronan! Ahhhhh! One day king!"

Then, Ella continued to look around, trying to use her shouts to drive the surrounding atmosphere, and then, one after another, the audience finally came to their senses——

It turns out that this is the king of the day who made the limelight during the nomination stage?

But there is no time to react further, at this time!

Click... Click... Click... Click...

The shutter sound of the reporters on the scene has already diffused, from less to more, from slow to fast, and finally swept across in a mighty way, robbing the fans of the scene powerfully, overwhelming silver. The light curtain was laid out to cover the entire field, and then the Staples Field disappeared into a light curtain.

From the trough of the rustling cry to the peak of the vigorous shutter, the noisy waves of the scene went from a wonderful state to another special state. Both states are not normal, but the heat of the flash can still be clearly felt throughout the audience. It seems that seems to have finally felt the heat wave. The scorching hot light rolls on the surface of the skin, and Grammys can finally feel the heat from the red carpet.

Freelance writer Buster Wayne is standing among the crowd, thinking about the focus of tonight’s shooting in his mind. It is still the first half of the red carpet, and few top big names are willing to appear at this time——

Although the red carpet is not a concert, it is definitely not that the later the time on the stage, the bigger the cards, but the order of the red carpet is also very particular, not too far forward or too far behind, the second half of the first half and the first half of the second half. It is the most appropriate; moreover, the order of appearance should be staggered with other big-name artists to ensure that all eyes of the audience are on themselves. This is the most appropriate and safest choice.

At this time, the red carpet has only just begun for twenty minutes. The top big-name singers are still resting in the hotel, waiting for their moments. The red carpet is also a little leisurely, so Buster has time to ponder other things, but his attention Still allocated two-thirds on the red carpet movement.

In fact, Buster is also a little curious about who can trigger the first wave of the red carpet.

Then Buster saw Maxim, an unexpected but reasonable figure.

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