King of Stage

Chapter 335: Eternal moment

For the first time, Buster noticed Maxim.

Reflexively, Buster has already pressed the shutter one step ahead. From the sparse shutter sound around, it can be judged that his colleagues are slow to respond. Obviously, reporters still lack understanding of King One Day, but Buster doesn’t care. Attention immediately concentrated--

Even if I have seen Maxim up close, Buster still has to admit that Maxim is indeed the darling of God. The facial features of the sword and the axe only need a little light and shadow to outline a handsome and charming face. Camera Every movement captured can be condensed into eternity.

Amazed, still surging in his chest, the next second, Buster pressed the shutter again and kept the shutter, catching the figures behind Maxime in time, especially the slender, well-proportioned man.

White shirt with smoky gray suit, azure blue polka-dot tie, without any extra decoration or fancy color, but it reveals a generous and elegant temperament in the simplicity, and the fabric of slim tailoring is too much and not enough. Lightly enveloping the well-proportioned slender figure, the perfect figure proportion only needs to stand on the red carpet, and it will easily steal the color of the audience, even the golden orange sunset is overshadowed by the sky.

Ronan Cooper!

Even in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the crowd, even in the hustle and bustle of the crowd, his figure can always take away all sight effortlessly-especially when he is standing on the stage, that kind of inner The unique charm exuding from outside is shining.

At this time, the red carpet is his stage.

Obviously, Ronan is not as handsome as Maxim, but his temperament is unique, non-aggressive but infectious. His eyes always follow his every move involuntarily, and even the camera lens cannot accurately capture him. The charm of her, the language also pales with it.

Ronan and Ronan on the stage are still the same person but they seem to be two people. At this moment, Ronan has a calm and graceful dazzling charm in every move. You can still see Ollie and Ari in the light of his sight. Silk's figure, as well as Maxim and Cliff who are gradually approaching, are all bustling around them, but the focus of her sight can't control and move with Ronan.

Then Buster's camera lens aimed at Ronan, and before he realized it, his finger had been continuously pressing the shutter, recording the moment.

Ronan seemed to be talking to Ollie of comfort, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose lightly, and the golden sunlight fell on his shoulders, but it became a foil. It only outlined Ronan's face, and it seemed that he could still see the surface of the skin. A layer of fluff, Susuna Fanghua was so thrilling, which caused Buster's action of pressing the shutter to flash several times. After waiting to stop, he realized that his fingertips were trembling slightly.

Puff! Puff!

Buster can even feel the sound of his heart hitting. The feeling of excitement and throbbing is really rare. Even as a man, he has to admit that the light and shadow seem to particularly love Ronan, and that is what happened when he caught a glimpse of it. Quietly condensed into eternity, staying deeply in my mind.

Buster couldn't help but think of the moment he captured last time in Washington, a seemingly ordinary but in fact a thrilling moment.

This is just the second time Buster has seen Kings of One Day up close: once on stage and once on the red carpet, but Buster can see a ray of light on them, so this is Superstar light? Or other special light?

Curious, quietly breed again.

In the next second, the reporters at the scene finally recognized the identity of King One Day, and then the shutter sound of the flash strobes smashed into one, and Buster did not have time to continue thinking. He raised the camera again and aimed at Ollie and Kerry The husband pressed the shutter and recorded the moment.

It was not until after the awards ceremony that Buster realized that the focus of his lens always favored Ronan. He obviously thought that the distribution should be evenly distributed. Other band members also need to pay attention, but the subconscious actions are invisibly guided. , The camera still fell on Ronan, he thought it was evenly distributed but the result was not so, which made Buster a little helpless.

But thinking about it carefully, Buster knew that he was not alone.

Click, click, click!

The flashes of the audience were completely diffused, turbulent and stimulating, and soon became a mighty one. The audience was covered strictly under a giant silver screen, and even the bright and bright red carpet lost its luster, which can be clearly felt. To the enthusiasm of the reporters.

As the biggest winner of the nomination stage, King One Day has also caused countless controversies and discussions. Whether it is positive or negative, King One Day is now on the cusp of the storm, and every move on the Grammy tonight will also Being placed under a microscope for observation, a little mistake or deviation may completely change the wind direction.

Reporters, how could it be possible to miss such a grand occasion?

Then, in order to attract the attention of the band members, the reporters in the audience tried their best to break the deadlock. They either called the first name or the last name, or cursed or stimulated. Attract the attention of the target within time, then it is victory.





"Chasing the light, chasing the light!"


All sorts of keywords are lost in this way, and Ronan has undoubtedly become the biggest hit, perhaps because Ronan has won the most attention as the lead singer of the band, perhaps because Ronan’s outstanding performance in the "Jimmy Feather Show" has already been seized. The first opportunity, perhaps because of other reasons.

But obviously reporters in the audience were calling Ronan, and the overwhelming shouts made the entire red carpet gurgling.



Ollie was a little lost and didn't even know where to look. He turned his head in a panic to look for help, "Ronan?"

In fact, Ronan was also a little messy. The hot and dazzling flashes spilled all over the sky, so that his sight was plunged into short-term darkness like snow blindness, and he could only catch the flashing spots of light; shouts emerging from all directions formed even more. Interference, it is difficult to find the direction.

Two lives, such a magnificent scene was also Ronan's first experience. The inexperienced anxiety and tension made the scene more chaotic.

Fortunately, Ronan is mentally prepared to stay calm no matter what the situation is. Otherwise, even his smile will be stiff and the focus will not be aligned. Then all the photos published in the media tomorrow will be cross-eyed or cross-eyed. Squinting and crooked mouth, that's the real joy.

Then, let this storm come more violently.

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