King of Stage

Chapter 338: Group interview

"Here, look here."

"Wave to the camera!"

"Four people look at it together."

"Yes, collective."

"Everyone, shout'Grammy'!"

"Smile, brighter."

"Can you take a pose? A bit bigger! A bit bigger."

Bizarre photo requests are coming again, surrounded from all sides, really making people laugh and cry—what is meant by a greater movement range, is this a request for the Dapeng to spread its wings? Or is the golden rooster independent and white crane spreading its wings? Didn't the reporter see that Cliff had already started the splits, and actually asked for more action?

"Cliff!" If it weren't for Maxim's realization that Cliff's posture has nothing to do with beauty and handsomeness, even if you stop it, a disaster will happen.

Cliff didn’t really think too much. He was basically responsive to reporters’ requests. In addition, there were no gaps left by the bustling voices of the audience, so he didn’t have time to think carefully about what the requests were, just Follow instinct/be able to pose in different poses.

It can be seen from this that the King for a day is still inexperienced after all. He stood on the Grammy stage when he attended a large-scale awards ceremony for the first time. There was even no entertainment party such as the National Music Awards or the People’s Choice Awards to pave the way. It is easy to make some inexperienced mistakes.

At this time, Cliff realized that his actions were unsightly, and quickly stood up again, and raised his lower jaw somewhat cautiously. Although there was no special movement, he could feel the turbulence of his heart from the tight curve of the lower jaw. The only thing was worth it. Fortunately, after all the band members gathered together, they seemed to have increased their confidence and became less nervous.


What posture?

"It belongs to the posture of a king for a day!"


"Can you make a sign of a king for a day and take pictures?"

The brief exchange finally figured it out, which left Ronan with question marks all over his head-why didn’t he know that the band still needs to have its own logo to take pictures, and they are not Korean idol groups, how could they have any iconic actions? , Did this reporter go to the wrong award ceremony?

But standing on the red carpet at this time, there is no way to communicate in detail, even if confused, there is no way to start an argument.

So, just ignore it?

Ronan turned his head to look at his teammates and asked with his eyes. As a result, everyone had a dumbfounding expression, but the brows and the lightness in his eyes could still be seen, and they didn't mind.

But do you really want to do it?

Ronan still hesitated.

Then you can see Maxim actively said, "We raised our index finger to indicate one day and also indicate number one. That's it."

Then Maxim added, "The index finger, not the middle finger."


Are they now temporarily negotiating the signature pose of the exclusive band?

"Why not a thumbs up?" Cliff protested.

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Maxime gave Cliff a glance without hesitation, "What a cliche."

Cliff was choked directly, then Ollie laughed, pushed Tyronan, and asked with his eyes, Ronan did not continue to refuse: K-Pop idol boy group then idol boy group once Well, anyway, I will never try this again in the future. What a shame.

Maxim is the first.

Ollie was second.

Ronan and Cliff exchanged their sights, and then both raised their right index fingers and stretched them forward, making the "first" gesture, looking at reporters in different directions, left, middle, and right. On the side, the silver flashing lights roared like a waterfall and continued to vent.

After waiting for the action to be completed, the embarrassment and awkward jerky feeling swept through, fingers and toes curled up, and the feeling of shame was suffocating.

Ronan decided to flee the scene, so he walked away quickly, and then Ollie followed. The two hurried forward, and in a blink of an eye they left Maxim and Cliff behind who were immersed in them, and the two exchanged glances. The fatal embarrassment made them both laugh, and couldn't help regretting—

God, what did they do just now?


Shame and funny, Ronan and Ollie couldn't stop their voices at all.

Cliff was the first to notice that his teammates turned and left, and hurriedly followed. Only Maxim still went his own way and enjoyed his flashlight. It was late and waited for Maxim when he finally met. I have come to the interview area and I am ready to accept the interview.

Alice walked quickly past the comprehensive interview area, standing at the end of the red carpet and waiting, and she was also responsible for seeing how the band's interview was going.

"Late" Maxim thought that he might welcome his teammates to make complaints and jokes, but there was nothing, nothing at all, which made Maxim show a somewhat unexpected look; in fact, Ronan and Ollie deliberately ignored it. , Because they decided to pretend that nothing happened just now.

When Maxim saw this, he naturally wouldn't reveal his shortcomings, quickly retracted his attention, and smiled at the interviewer in front of him.


Click, click, click.

Even when they came to the comprehensive interview area, the photojournalists standing next to the reporters were still pressing the shutter, and they could still hear the shutter sound one after another, but it was much better than the first half of the red carpet, and the line of sight was clear. When I got up, the roar above my ears also calmed down.

"Excuse me, how do you feel about attending the Grammys for the first time?"

After all, it is an awards ceremony. It pays attention to an atmosphere of fun for the whole people. Even if it is a question, it will not be too exciting. The first question at the beginning seems very There is no offensive official general question, and then Leave free space to the interviewee and keep the atmosphere brisk.

The microphone was handed over, one for each person. Originally, Ollie didn’t want to take the microphone. He was not prepared to speak anyway, but the staff prepared four microphones. Ronan still gave the microphones to Ollie; then, the four exchanged He cast a glance to see who was speaking.

Maxim is a little eager to try. He thinks he can perform well. After all, this is not the first time facing the media, but Cliff and Ollie both looked at Ronan, and Maxim also looked at Ronan. It's just that his eyes are slightly different, he is asking Ronan with his eyes.

The look in the eyes is difficult to interpret accurately, but Maxim's meaning is very clear, which probably means: I am also ready, and if it is handed over to me, I will have no problem.

However, in just one eye exchange, it is difficult to truly complete the communication. Although Ronan also received the signal, he faced Cliff and Ollie’s eyes, and the reporters were still waiting, they could not continue to discuss slowly. , So Ronan still picked up the microphone and answered first.

Maxim curled his lips, revealing a look of regret-he really thought he could answer well, anyway, it was not a difficult question.

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