King of Stage

Chapter 339: Novice immature

"Excuse me, how do you feel about attending the Grammys for the first time?"

It was just a simple official question, but the king failed to answer immediately. The players were still exchanging views and discussing the right to speak. From such small details, it can be seen that the youthfulness of the band and Alice, after all, Still lack the opportunity to face the media publicly——

Atlantic Records also missed such details. In normal times, the company has professional brokers to handle these small and delicate matters; but the situation of the king is special one day, and they have not taken care of such obvious, natural but easily overlooked details.

In the end, after a brief exchange of eyes, Ronan spoke, "Trying to relax, but I think we have exposed our details. I must swear that we are really a band from Los Angeles."

One second. Two seconds.


The reporters laughed collectively-Ronan’s subtext was self-deprecating, as if he had never seen the world as a band from the country, he tried his best to maintain his decency, but the result was still exposed, and then he specifically emphasized that he really is. Band from Los Angeles.

Light but witty, showing great humor.

After clicking to the end, Ronan turned his head to look at Maxim and gestured with his eyes.

Maxim's eyes immediately showed excitement, and he immediately picked up the microphone and said, "It is undoubtedly a great honor for us to be able to attend the Grammys for the first time. We have been looking forward to having such an opportunity to stand. On the Grammy stage, we will show our music to more audiences. So, we are now excited and nervous, but more still happy."

Wei Wei stumbled a bit, but Maxime still finished his thoughts smoothly, polite and polite, which can be regarded as the standard official answer, and he performed well.

Maxim was a little excited and was very satisfied with his remarks, but immediately, he could feel that after the reporters on the scene showed a lightly jaw-headed expression, their eyes were projected toward Ronan like a tide, which made Maxi Mu was slightly stunned, his eyes stopped obviously.

what's happenin? Don't the reporters like it? Isn’t your answer interesting?

This is definitely not the reaction Maxim was expecting.

But when he encountered setbacks, Maxim did not feel frustrated, but turned his head again to look at Ronan, carefully observe, and see what the difference between his and Ronan's answers is.

"So, did the band anticipate the Grammy nomination?"

The reporters’ questions are deepening step by step, slowly revealing the edge behind the problem. So, how did Ronan respond?

"In a dream." Ronan used the most concise way, puns: on the one hand, it is literal, which is indeed their dream; on the other hand, it is an extended meaning, emphasizing that they really did not expect it, only dreaming. Only then did I dare to wishful thinking. Especially the contrast between Ronan's subtle tone and serious expression created a smile easily.

Ha ha.


Chi Chi.

Different laughter surging slightly, and then Ronan continued.

"We look forward to what we hope we are praying for, we cross our index and middle fingers and pray constantly. We have spent more than half a year walking into the church to worship. I think this time, God finally heard our voice, and we are thinking about it. Whether it should be on the agenda every week."

Sincere and sincere, but there is always a little joking between the lines-not a devout believer, but owes the Grammy nomination to the result of earnest prayer to God, not ironic but ridicule, and it can echo the first half of the answer , Inadvertently make serious and boring question and answer easy, and make the corners of the mouth rise.

Maxim seemed to understand, although he didn't know how Ronan did it, he did feel the humor in Ronan's words. Thinking back to his answer, he seemed to understand something, but, How did Ronan do it?

Obviously, dealing with reporters is not an easy task, and it is even more difficult to dominate the pace of interviews.

After speaking, Ronan turned his head again to look at Maxim, and asked with his eyes: Do you want to answer?

Maxim hesitated, "We really did not expect the nomination at all. When the nomination was announced, we were on the road to tour, in a place like Bristol where even the Internet is not smooth, so we used paper When the media heard the news, obviously we did not expect..."

Maxim’s words were still eloquently going on, but beside him, he could feel that Cliff was bumping his left arm gently and continuously interfering. Maxim did not know why, so he stared at Cliff fiercely. At a glance, Cliff kept winking at him.

But after such an interruption, the reporters' questions continued, which made Maxim very depressed, and gave Cliff a look again.

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Cliff was very helpless, so he could only stand on his tiptoe and approach Maxim's ear, "Are you despising Bristol for being remote?"

Maxim was stunned, "Of course not..."

"But what about the reporters?" Cliff said immediately.

Maksim woke up with a sharp spirit, and when he looked at the reporter again, he was able to taste a different look in his eyes.

Although Maxim did not mean to attack or complain about Bristol at all, in the eyes of reporters, it can be interpreted as a dislike for Bristol, and even a further in-depth interpretation. He may dislike the relatively backward and relatively rural central areas. The matter is big.

Even if Maxim had no intention of doing this, how to interpret it is the freedom of others.

As a public figure, in the face of the media and the general public, never take it lightly, because any sentence has countless interpretation possibilities.

Thinking of this Maxim became more irritable, a little annoyed, etc. Just now Ronan seemed to have mentioned that the band is not a countryman, so how did Ronan express it? Because they didn't notice the ambiguity, and the reporters didn't feel the tendency in the words?

The reporters did not catch Maksim’s ill-spoken words and pursued them, but immediately threw up the next topic, “Then what was the mood of the band when they heard about the nomination?”

The answer was still Ronan, "Ecstasy. Nearly irrational joy." As he said, Ronan spread out his free left hand at the same time, "We all hope that no one sees the scene at the time, otherwise it may become entanglement for us The black history of the entire career. Let's not talk about it anymore."


Tact, humorous, self-deprecating, and light.

The audience burst into laughter.

Ronan expresses the band’s reaction in a real and interesting way, not only will not make people offensive, but will also make people feel the band’s cuteness. The reporters on the scene burst into laughter; moreover, invisibly, Ronan I also chased Grammys, and his speech skills were really brilliant.

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