King of Stage

Chapter 343: Potential enemy

Rumors and rumors, although they are fictitious and chasing rumors, any rumors must have an origin, even a casual nonsense after drunk at the party, also has an origin.

But the King of One Day is now a rookie who has just risen. Despite the attention, he has little contact with the music industry. Even if the rumors are fabricated, some condiments are needed. From this point of view, Scout is the most likely potential black hand— Moreover, the small rumors turned black and white, without revealing his deeds, to make the king mess around for a day.

If it weren’t for Ronan’s alertness today, turning the situation around with a generous and confident attitude, then, no matter if the king overreacted or messed up, the ending might plunge the band into a quagmire of negative controversy, and then Scout only needs to copy. The same method of pasting can slander the band in an invisible place.

Maybe it won’t hurt your muscles and bones, but for the King of the Day, who has just started his career, he is on the cusp of being on the cusp of Grammy’s emergence, and hatred and jealousy are everywhere, so follow-up may be annoying .

Then, Atlantic Records must pay for these illusory but lingering negative news, which may even affect other artists in the company, because the kid like Scout is best at working among different interest groups. Atlantic Records’s The actions are likely to affect the whole body, and the company also needs to weigh it carefully.

So, the band's current position is also a bit... vague.

"Ronan!" Maxim looked at Cliff, who had tried his best to suppress his anger, and finally looked at Ronan, "Then what should we do?"

Ronan shrugged, "Frank and honest. We have done nothing wrong, there is no need for a guilty conscience, and I have already let out the news in the face of reporters just now. If there are similar situations in the future, you emphasize that we are willing to seize any opportunity. But in the end it was Bruno who pulled the line, and Atlantic Records handed us an olive branch."

These are facts! The band only needs to tell the facts.

This gives the band members a little peace of mind.

Then Ronan turned his head to look at Alice, "You'd better call the company's public relations department now and explain what happened just now. Regardless of whether there is a follow-up, we must avoid continuing to be passive."

Since the tree is backed, there is no need to fight alone.

Although it is impossible to determine whether Atlantic Records is willing to offend Scout, if Atlantic Records takes the initiative and takes the initiative ahead of time, Scout is also a smart man and may not be head-on.

Alice's eyes flashed slightly, and a sly smile appeared, "Ronan, have you forgotten? The truth is in my hands. To be precise, it is in my camera."

Before, Ronan hadn't reacted yet, but immediately, the memory came back. Ronan looked at Alice in surprise, "Do you still save that video?"

At first, Alice used the camera lens to record the ins and outs of the whole story, which is probably the reason why Scout was preemptive.

Alice shrugged of course, "This is my job, how can I easily delete the results of my work. Really, there is no professionalism at all."

The smile at the corner of Ronan's mouth also rose, but then Ronan found Alice's expressionless expression, he asked with his eyes: What?

Alice looked at the other three band members hesitantly. Maxim and Ollie didn't notice it. Only Cliff noticed Alice's eyes, "Is there any problem?"

Alice thought about it. Since it’s a band issue, it’s best to be open and honest. Otherwise, if she discusses everything with Ronan privately, the close relationship between their siblings is likely to become the fuse of mutual suspicion within the band—for example Said they believed that the Cooper brothers and sisters had joined forces to deceive the situation.

What's more, it's just a guess now.

So, Alice said her thoughts, "Is there another possibility, Trastan Kuban?"


Ronan's first reaction was to raise a question mark, but he immediately reacted, Trastan Kuban, their first agent.

It’s really been so long, too long since I heard the name that Ronan completely forgot about the liar who abandoned the band in New Orleans and took away all the band’s income. It was precisely because Ronan had forgotten him at all that he did not have any associations.

But if it is Trastan, it is not impossible.

Although the management contract between Trastan and the band has been cancelled, Max has cleared up the troubles, and the band did not encounter any problems when signing with Atlantic Records; but if Trastan now sees the success of the band and is jealous, in It makes sense to slander the band severely behind.

"No, it's impossible." Cliff reflexively rejected Alice's idea.

Because Cliff was too decisive, Alice could immediately feel the resistance coming from her face—this was also the situation she was worried about.

Trastan and Cliff are friends. UU Reading was already friends before the cooperation between the two parties. The friendship between them cannot be explained clearly in a few words. Therefore, after Trastan disappeared, Cree The husband was also the most hit, and those follow-up reactions also proved this.

But even so, Cliff has not confronted Trastan so far, and things have not been clearly stated. Everything is their own guess, and there is no way to be completely sure of their mood. It is not so much that Cliff still believes in Trastan. Stan, it's better to say that there is still a glimmer of hope deep in my heart-maybe, what is the problem of Trastam? Maybe, is there any special situation they don't know?

Of course, Cliff also knew that his ideas were too naive, so when facing the band, he never mentioned Trastan.

And now, Alice suddenly proposed another possibility, and Cliff subconsciously wanted to deny it, strongly.

So Alice originally wanted to discuss with Ronan in private, but now... "I just proposed a possibility that there is a conflict and disagreement with the band, and there is a Trastan, nothing more."

Cliff also realized that he had overreacted and took a deep breath, "I know, I just..." He was a little embarrassed, "I just think it's impossible."

Neither Ollie nor Maxim didn't speak, there was still some scruples between the eyes and expressions of Cliff.

Ronan took the initiative and said, "I agree with Cliff." Then, everyone looked over, with surprise in their eyes-such small details can be seen, in fact, deep down, they all agree. Alice's idea, at least has the possibility, but did not expect Ronan to stand on Cliff's side.

Even Cliff couldn't hide his astonishment, and obviously didn't understand what happened.

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