King of Stage

Chapter 344: Divert attention

"I agree with Cliff."

Ronan put forward his own views, including Cliff, very surprised, did not expect Ronan to be willing to cover for Trastan.

But Ronan did not intend to defend Trastan.

"I think if it is Trastam, he will come to us first to see if it is profitable, and to see if he can revert back to good and pretend that nothing has happened. This is in line with Trastam's behavioral trajectory and interests. That is his goal. Unless we refuse and tear our face again, Trastam confirms that there is no chance, and he will stabb a knife in the back."

"As for now? How could he take the initiative to cut off the possibility of reconnecting with us."

Ronan's thinking angle is more objective and rational, analyzing it from the perspective of behavior motivation and so on, which negates the possibility of Trastan.

Maxim lightly chin his head, "Indeed, this is like Trastan." Then there was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, "His face is like a city wall, as long as I see a little hope, I will never give up. Before trying It’s not in his interest to choose to play black hands behind his back."

Cliff glared at Maxim, even if he knew Maxim was correct, emotionally, it would be difficult to accept it for a while.

Maxim didn't care at all, and stared back straight, "Moreover, even if it’s Trastam, we don’t have to be aggrieved. If Trastam says we missed any opportunity, it’s totally absurd. We even Even the bar tour went with him. Is there any chance that we would refuse? He is a vampire. What did he do besides wasting our time and squeezing our value? No, nothing! "

Cliff got stuck in his chest, trying to refute, but couldn’t speak, because he knew Maxim was right. This was the most frustrating thing-Cliff even started to treat himself Being angry, still holding a ray of hope, looks really stupid.

Seeing that the band’s atmosphere was about to lose control, Ronan opened his mouth again to rescue, "I mean, from the behavioral pattern, Scout is more likely, but what exactly is the situation, we are now in the dark. , Cannot easily speculate, this is not a problem that can be solved in a short time, so it is better to put these things behind for the time being and enjoy the party tonight."

"Guys." Ronan looked at Maxim, then at Cliff, finally fell on Ollie, "No matter who is behind the matter, it is certain that they don't want to see. When our development is smooth, it also means that we need to enjoy tonight more."

"What do you say?" Ronan's gaze stared at Ollie quietly.

Ollie raised his hands up and cheered, "Party time! Party time! There is no time to hate the enemy. We should enjoy tonight. Do you remember our slogan? "Don't kneel down, have fun!"

Ollie's joy and excitement made the atmosphere lighter again, and Maxim quickly left the matter behind and cheered together.

And what about Cliff?

Obviously, he still had some concerns, but he also let out a long sigh, then nodded to Ronan, indicating that he already wanted to understand, his expression was a little brighter, and he temporarily retracted his thoughts.

Ronan turned to look at Alice, and then she could see Alice lip-synching and saying "Sorry" silently. She didn't want to cause such trouble.

Ronan smiled at Alice and shook his head lightly. This was not Alice's fault, but he still confessed in a low voice, "When contacting the company, talk about Trastan's situation."

Although Ronan guessed that Scooter is more likely, Trastan is indeed an untimely bomb, a bomb temporarily forgotten, and now needs to be renewed attention, especially after the band won the Grammy nomination. It seemed to become a sweet steamed bun overnight.

Now that the King has a backing like Atlantic Records for one day, he naturally needs to make full use of it; moreover, to inform the company in advance to avoid rushing when accidents really occur-of course, if it can be strangled in the cradle in advance, then it would be great. .

Alice immediately understood, blinked at Ronan, and then raised her voice to everyone and said, "You go in first, and I will talk to the company now to see how to deal with this matter."

Waiting for Alice to turn around, Ronan can feel the sight of his teammates projecting over, and they are obviously still a little worried about the direction of things——

If it was Scout, they had completely forgotten the origin of the incident. Alice accidentally shot Scout with a camera, and was asked to delete the video. This was followed by a follow-up, and then Alice used the camera to record the whole thing. It's not difficult for Atlantic Records to deal with Scout.

If it is Trastam, then Atlantic Records needs to start with the law and collect information in advance, without waiting for Trastam to come back to look for They can take the lead in lawsuits for Trastam to tear up the contract without authorization, hurting one. The interests of the Japanese king then caused Trastan to fall into the entanglement and whirlpool of lawsuits.

To put it simply, soldiers come to stand in the way, water comes to cover, no matter what the situation, they are not afraid, but now Atlantic Records needs to be prepared and cannot continue to be passive.

Otherwise, no one knows what unexpected situation will be created after the dog jumps over the wall.

But now is definitely not the best time to discuss in detail. They stood on the red carpet and discussed for a long time. If it weren't for the red carpet outside, it was really lively and attracted the attention of reporters, I'm afraid they will once again become the focus. Up.

Therefore, Ronan didn't say much, "Go back and discuss it slowly. Now, let us enjoy the awards ceremony. Tonight is full of stars."

Regardless of the nomination and performance stage, King One Day is also full of expectations for tonight’s awards ceremony, because they can see countless popular superstars up close, whether it’s the gossip mentality from the sidelines or the excited fan stance, it is enough to make them Looking forward to the ceremony tonight.

After being interrupted by a series of accidents on the red carpet, now I feel a little unhappy.

Even Maxim had no intention of being handsome.

At this time, the entertainment team that appeared behind the King has already turned in, beaming faces showing their happiness and joy. From afar, they are still talking about the enthusiasm of reporters and the fanaticism of fans. It took a long time for him to realize that the king was standing in front one day, so he waved his hands enthusiastically, and began to say hello from afar.

The jubilation of flowers, this is the correct way to open the awards ceremony, reminding them again that this is the night of the Grammy awards ceremony!

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