King of Stage

Chapter 352: Emotional burst

The Grammy's trophy is like a small golden phonograph. The brilliant lights spilled on the streamlined trophy and rippled with layers of graceful streamers, making people unable to help but imagine the weight and texture that fell in the hands.

Maxim was firmly in his hand. Despite Ollie's curiosity, he controlled his impulse and politely embraced Katie. Then Katie hugged Cliff and Ronan again. Step aside, leave the stage to the king for one day, and deliver his award-winning speech.

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Maxim's footsteps were a little bit cramped. He looked down at the phonograph trophy in his arms, with a touch of gentleness in his eyes, standing there waiting for his teammates, and then Ronan's gaze could be seen——

They said it, and everyone gave some thoughts.

The most incredible and amazing thing happened. One day, the king really won the Grammys, and he was also the newcomer of the year. The most beautiful and happiest moment should belong to the band. They walked side by side through this long journey. Finally stood on the stage tonight.

Each of them deserves their own shining moment.

Maxime gently nodded to Ronan, took a deep breath and walked forward, but before he had time to speak, the surging emotions completely overwhelmed the defenses of reason, and tears collapsed like this without warning. .

Maksim, who pays most attention to personal image, and Maksim, who refuses to expose any flaws in front of the light, stands in place like an aggrieved child, crying in tears. He can't even care about taking care of his perfect image. , Handed the phonograph trophy to Ollie standing next to him in embarrassment, and hurriedly cleaned up his emotions, but... there was no way.

Maxim has completely broken the embankment, but he lowered his head, completely unable to control his tears. That kind of helpless emotional breakdown made people truly feel the sincerity and touch of the heart, unreservedly presented.

Ollie also lost his voice completely. The hot tears broke through his eyes without knowing how, and cried silently. He tried his best to stop the waist and tried to accept the baptism of the audience's gaze upright, but the tears could not be controlled at all. The dim tears made the whole scene blur.

Seeing that Ollie also lost, Cliff took the initiative to take the phonograph trophy, took a step forward, stood in front of the microphone, plucked up the courage to calm down, tried to open his mouth to say something, but the words were spinning on the tip of his tongue, but no matter what. Can't tell, standing silently in place like a fool.

After working hard twice, Cliff still failed to make any sound. Tears rolled in his eyes. In the end, he reluctantly stuffed the phonograph trophy into Ronan’s arms, stepped back sideways, and stood in Austria. Between Li and Maxim, there was silence, and they tried their best to control their emotions.

This is far from the expected situation.

One second, they were still cheering, celebrating, and laughing; the next second, the inexhaustible emotions broke all the defense lines with ease, completely disarmed in embarrassment, even if they tried their best, they still couldn’t control it, just Such a true and candid show of inner fragility.

When offstage, joy and happiness are the only thoughts, but when standing on stage, a thousand words are raging in my heart but cannot be expressed.

Ronan deeply felt the same.

Watching the phonograph trophies move one by one into his hands, Ronan could only take a step forward, and then the audience applauded again.

The leaders are the Huan Entertainment Team and the Shining Band-they understand better than anyone the feeling of the King's distress and collapse at this moment, not because of fragility, but because it has been strong for too long and until this time. Catharsis came out, so it crashed like this.

They, like King One Day, used whistles and cheers to conceal their embarrassment, but the involuntary tears in their eyes still exposed the truth, and then they could be seen standing up, proudly puffing up their chests, and taking the lead. Applause and encouragement for the King for a day.

One after another, you can see another guest standing up.

Ho Ho Ho!


The stage was surrounded by applause and cheers. At this time, Ronan had the opportunity to see the scene of the crowded scene, and then the smile at the corner of his mouth rose lightly.

"Sorry, I swear we don't mean to abandon this trophy."

When he spoke, Ronan joked, and then looked at the three big men who were crying next to him. They formed a sharp contrast, and successfully made the audience laugh again and whistles of teasing.

"It's just... we still can't believe this is happening now. To be honest, we don't have a sense of reality. If this is a dream, I hope we don't wake up, although Maxim should very much hope to do it again. Then show your most perfect image and avoid this embarrassing picture from becoming a dark historical image in the future."


The audience burst into laughter!

But Maxim couldn't laugh at all at this time, tears were still in the bursting bank, and he looked at Ronan's back silently, and then cried even harder.

Heavily, Ronan could feel that the phonograph trophy in his palm was sinking. He didn't even dare to lower his head and look at the golden trophy, lest his surging emotions would collapse and break the bank. His chest was filled with emotion and excitement. Too crazy and too ferocious, there was a roar in his ears.

Ronan took a deep he exhausted all his strength to suppress the emotions in his heart. "Only six months ago, we all thought that our music path had come to an end, our agent People swept away all the cash, and we didn’t see any guests during our ongoing bar tour. The wedding singer seemed to be our only way out. We want to give up. To be honest, we really want to give up."

Ronan's voice was trembling slightly, and the memory of deafness and tinnitus was still so clear. Life seemed to have come to an end. Except for darkness or darkness, there was no hope anymore. He was like this, and so was the king for a day.

"I'm serious. We don't even dare to imagine ourselves standing on this stage to accept a Grammy trophy, even if it's just a fantasy. So, I sincerely hope that if this is a dream, please let this The dream lasts a little longer and gives me the courage to keep going."

Such a light and simple sentence, but because it is too real, it has a powerful force. If you don't even dare to dream, then how deep is it that you are facing?

The entire Staples Stadium fell into silence, dots of brilliant lights dotted the audience, still shining and shining brilliantly, but no one spoke, only a silent concentration, watching the bath quietly Ronan was in the spotlight, concentrating.

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